1 1 r V Canadian government, ;t - ilitary airplanes. tpr- nt 240 men are employed ' - " iry and company offl- s r suillciejH oraers on d ; k cp the staff busy until be: 1 ) t J. ant specializes In tne -y type fighting planes. :t 'j xater machines have a ir.ua peed of about 250 miles h-it ?.r ' 3va year two piancs were F'.?'d and shipped to the Nl- H'-'X' rovrrnment and since n a t? 000.000 order has been tj'oJ f r the Turklsn govcrn- n Last of this order, 40 planes, s sr abroad early this sirm Bi In-' . f W building of planes for !i covcrnmcnt, Leonard nrrsident of the com this work could bc start V.'T iV" all the necessary facl our Fort William plant Sth than 500,000 square feet "?.t spacp at our disposal ualiflcd technical men and skilled prkerj will bc able to handle thr Rnstrurtion work." ICT0R HAS SUCCUMBED farner Oland, I'ortraycr of Charlie Chan On Screen, Dies in Stocklialm. STOCKHOLM. August 0. (CP) rarnir Oland. "Charlie Chan" of pe mSvieK. rilpri hprp tndav at the fe of Lfty-two years. The noted charactcrlzcr of the Wait Oriental detective role an- fared only this week at the Capl- pi Ti;-atre In Prlnm nnnert In pharlle Chan at Monte Carlo." -ilimaat Indian ielieved Drowned 'm Woods Supposed To Have Ixs 's Life While Fishing In Namu District IDlstrlct lieadnuarters of nrov- ?ciai police wcrc advised this Bornin-; 0f the supposed drowning ' -ur ;aay of Sam Woods, a Kltl- Pat Indian. l1Ie south of Pointer Island near anu cannery. Woods was flshln" a uonr. with his father, mother "d Wife Tin I Wlievcd to hnvp fntlpn over. 1110 ')0llce are Investigating p "Egging for the body. DEFENCES OF COAST Sum of $2,000,000 To Be Spent On Search Lights passed In OtUwa providing for al" - Noble' Five-. three-year searchlight program on . . .. LP niifrik thc-Paclfic Coast. -Tne- prosram- involving $2,000,000. Is In addition to $5,000.)00 which will bc spent on Pacific Coast defences this year. BRITISHER IS INJURED Consular Agent at Alicante sen- ocily Wounded During Insurgent Air Raid ALICANTE, Spain, Aug. 6: CP' -Gabriel Callcjoh, British consul-ir agent here was seriously wound-id today during art lnsurgont air raid. German Prince And His Bride Visit Tokyo tywvo. Aucust 6.-Princc Louis Ferdinand, grandson of the former v,upr and his bride. Princess Kl- honeymooning. Cold Storage. American . i ra, arrived in Tokyo yesicroay the course of a world honeymoon tour There was no puouc reception as the visit was announced as being entirely private. Prince Louis told newspapermen that he hoped fr mend the next thirty years Primary In Blue Grass State On Interest Centres In Contest Between Senator and Governor Of Kentucky. 1 rTI1QVTt.I.E. Kentucky. August -political interest centres today on me ucim""' n snnnLoriai uii- marics in KcntucKy biaie. uu.-r?w Albert B. (Happy) Chandler is opposing Senator Albcn W. Barklcy. Halibut Sales . unnn 0.2c and 6c, Cold arrow, Storage. Canadian Constance B.. 32.000, 7.8c and 5c; Porter Idaho TODAY'5 STOCKS (Courteoj B. D. Johnston Go.) I Vancouver. ! B. C. Nickel - 09 Big Missouri - 22 Bralornc , 9.60 Aztec .06 Cariboo Quartz 2.50 VANCOUVER, August 6.-(CP)-l r i.n uunrrii. minister of de-! Dcntonla - -ui -", fpnpp. announced here ycsieroay tory here is now turn-',. t order-ln-council had becn'Mm .07 Premier 2.21 Relief Arlington .16 Reward X : 03i Salmon Gold - -12 Taylor Bridge - 03 Hedley Amalgamated 03 Premier Border Silbak Premier Home Gold Grandvlew uateino Copper .... Halda Gold Oils. Pacalta - 06 Home Oil ...J 1. 1.20 Toronto. Beattle : 122 Central Patricia 2.70 Gods Lake -.. .54 1 Little Long Lac 3.45 McKenzle Red Lake 1.23 Red Lake Gold Shore .HVi Pickle CCrow .': 5.25 San Antonio 1.30 Sherrltt Gordon 1.41 Smelters Gold -.OS McCleod Cockshutt 4.00 Moshcr ....... .19 I Oklend 22 1 Madsen Red Lake . 48 Stadacona ...,- .56 Francoeur 39 Moneta 1-86 Bouscadillac 072 East Malartic 2.32 Preston . Dome 1.71 1 Dawson White .05 Aldcrmac ... .54 Kerr Addison 2.33 Uchl Gold 2.20 International Nickel 51.87 Noranda 73.50 Con. Smelters 60.00 Athona . i ' -OSVi Hardrock 2.54 ' Barber Larder .35 Dom. Bridge 36.50 VANCOUVEIUVIIEAT VANCOUVER, August 6. (CP) SABOTAGE CHARGED Czechoslovaks Claim Nails Are Trying To Wreck British Teace Efforts vian .03 V J press with. endeavouring to sabotage -08 (the efforts of Viscount Runclmani .. .02 'B UJ t nprmanv I '(hriijtxnMi threatened to trt shoot shrmt down rinsn any anvl STRIKE IS .01V2I no ', Tie-up of Montreal and Great Lakes .0334 .03 A. P. Con, .18 Calmont . -32 C. & : 2.41 Freehold .05 Vi Hargal .- 16 .MiDougall Scgur . .15 1 Mercury. 1 ask .12 Okalta 1... - 1.32 roris ueierrea as ucsuii ui Resumption of Negotiations MONTREAL. August 6. (CP) Strike of an estimated one thousand members of the Canadian seamen's union was deferred today by union officials until Tuesday noon pending resumption on Monday of KILLED IN CLIFF FALL Bride of a Year Loses Life While Climbing at rrlnccss Louise Arm Near Victoria VANCCOUVER, August 6 (CP) Mrs. Harold Johnson of Victoria was killed In a 150-fbot fall from a cliff at Princess Louise Arm on Friday while celebrating the first anniversary of her marriage. The fall occurred while she was climb ing the cliff. A, fractured skull was sustained. An inquest Is not deemed necessary. Co-operation On Alaska Highwa y Federal and Provincial Governments Should Get Together, Associated Boards Agree. SMITHERS, August 6. (CP) The Associated Boards' of Trade of Central British Columbia, at the concluding session of the annual convention here, urced co-oneratlon ttrhrof .nc tmrilnir at 75!5i''cents mcnts In construction of the hro r Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides j ; She t'.i High 11:31 ajn. 16.4 It. Overcast, L k Rupert- vrlnre 23:10 pjn. 18.6 ft. northwest wind, two mU V' Low 5:15 ajn. 5.9 It. barometer. 30.18; tern- , l- iur. vtT 17:14 p.m. 9.4 i. Jture. 52; sea-smooth. " " - - NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER . jl. XXVII No. 183. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SfrURDAY, AUGUST 6, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS Russian Air Raiding Over Korea PEED UP DEFENCES m!rrtion Taken Up At Cana dian Ltglon uonvcnwun Would Curb Orientals iwrntJVEIt. August 6. (CP) . i . u return M n Pnmnnrf ff . Canadian Legion, at Its an- .uventlon here, approvea . 't. r urging uanaua to ui- i,"! arr defence measures ana - immigration of other pe- lie ton tnosc oi unusn ors".j a! 3 a;ked that unnaturalize ita'-. be excluded and be not o?d to hold timber limits, mln- ,.i.r.. or provincial natural re- rr WILDING AIRPLANES ktfctad hinting Factory Turning Out .Machines; 210 Men Working FORT WILLIAM. Ont Aug. B: J3: ! used for construction :ra oing freighters for tho i-'i - ivernmcnt and ireigni The New Mauretania Now under construction in the Old Country, this vessel Is the largest ever to be built In a British shipyard. Situation In Far East Takes Grave Turn as Soviet Keeps Up Its Challenges Attitude ADVANCE HELD UP Chinese Claim That Japanese Drive Up Yangste River Is At Standstill HANKOW, August 6. The Jap anese advance up 'River was declared last I night ninVit I In - Chinese quarters to be at a stand- (still In the vicinity of Nanchang. .The Japanese were, however, pre- paring .to resume the drive by land and air. DEATH IS ACCIDENT PRAHA. August 6i-Czechoslova- " nl"t Held Into P..iu Fatality wmm. Which ntithorltlfts i, rharee ,r.o thp the Narl Nazi Cost Life of Oden Lovstad .' Investigated . a uaen iovsiaa oi inis cuy susiauivu i extensive head injuries which re. ' suited In his death the same eve-j nlng In Prince Rupert General. Hospital. The.' jury recommended, periodical inspection or such equip ment as that with which the acci dent occurred with a view to pre venting recurrence of same. According to the evidence. Lov--d. while standing on a stump, as struck in the head with terri-rr force by a snanoint; guide cablr hich was nart of th eiulpment belns used In land c.lerlne contract for the Department of National Defence. His hed was badl, mished- and the brain extensivdv n'ured. He never regained con negotiations xor a new auui "S1CC .KcJousness. ment with Canada Steamship j' jnm,pSt was conducted, hv Lines. iDpfuty Coroner A,. J. Lancaster The "nroDOsed strike threatened j p.ii,io -n vv Tovinr nirprt. shipping at Montreal and a dozen Jrd tn? adducing of evidence. T'e Great Lakes' ports. lurv consisted of D. C McRae foreman. Clifford Bartlett, ueo Gordon. Frank Wilson, R. E. Benson and A. S. Nickerson, Witnesses were A. J. Prudhomme. foreman, 1 Robert MnKinley, engineer: Joseph E. Boulet. fireman: Christian E. Ellison, rigger, and Dr. C. II. Today's Weather (Government lW.pJ) Terrace Cloudy, calm; tempera ture, 54. Alyansh Cloudy, calm; .tempera ture, 53. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm; Derature. 55. tem' Anyox Part cloudy, southwest wind: temperature, 53. I Hazelton Cloudy, calm; temperature, 46. i 'Smlthers Raining, calm; tern perature. 48. , Burns Lake Raining, calm; tem perature, 52. Air Mission To Stay For While Tralnlne- Facilities For Royal Air Force Pilots To Be Studied Japan Expresses Its Indignation at "Unwarranted Manifestation" Tokyo Still Appealing For Cessation of Hostilities. . KOGI, Korea, August 6. (CP) Twenty-four Russian planes raided Korean territory today and bombed the Tumen-Rashin Railway, fifteen miles northwest of Yuki. The situation is believed to have taken a grave turn as a Jananese Northern Korea army communique de- thT YmastP clared that Japanese retaliation was only a question of the Yangste L . time as a result of the bombing. - To Build Fisheries Cruisers VANCOUVER, August 6. (CP Major J. A. Mother- i well, chief supervisor oi nsn- erles, announces ' that two new patrol cruisers will be -buUth "Vancouver at a cost Coming Here Sir Henry Page Croft, C.M.G., M.P., head of British Parliamen- f tary party due here at the end of this month in course of tour of central British Columbia to study British migration Spoils Uniform But Saves Life VANCOUVER, Aug. 6: (CP) Quid thinking by 19-year old R. Chan saved him from death by Japan's war eagles while travelling by tra'n from Nanking to Hong Kong. Chan, assistant purser oh an ocean liner, said here he was wear ing a white linen suit when an air raid warning" was given pas- sengcrs by train officials. Japanese officers were Indignant at this "unwarranted manifesta tion of the Soviet's challenging attitude" and the bombing of "peaceful Korean villages." It is declared that the Soviet planes made In all seventy-seven appearances over Korea. On the Changkufeng front a Russian bombardment that com- ' menced at dawn continued through 'imosi 01 me aiiernoon. An artillery battle of several hours duration between Japanese 'and Russians on the Siberlan- 1 Manchoukuoan frontier was re- ... j r norsnn wan rpturnpri VPStPrdav ai- . i i . fnof I Tnnnnnco foil is rpnrtrfpff j tn havc!'v ' ' ' smaller. UUUU1, cigiivjr uh""- T,. . . Reeves McDonald - .35 j Czechoslovak planes which cross SuTli! Reno Reno . thp horrlpr ovpr Herman territory. . . . .... - night .with, casualties back. both sides. The Meanwhile, Japan continues to hold out for a cessation of hostili ties and diplomatic negotiations to settle the dispute. Russia, how-lever, demands study of the legal , aspects of the whole border ques-, tibn as a prerequisite to practical settlement of the present incident. I. OVERHAUL MINE ACT Action At Forthcoming of Legislature is Promised By Hon. W. J. Asselstine VICTORIA, August 6. (CP) Hon. W. J. Asselstine, minister of mines, announced today that the BritlsTi Columbia Mineral Act will be overhauled at the next session of the Legislature. The chief reason for the changes, Mr Asselstine said, Is to stabilize thp parlv develnnment of mines. I encourage prospectors to work their properties generally and bring a-bout more progressive and sound development that will attract large 'capital. Painting Of Post Office Fred Scadden Starts Sub-Contract May Be Well Along Towards First of Year Before Building Is Occupird The first coat of white paint has been applied to the front of the new" Post Office building on Third Avenue by Fred Scadden, the painting sub-contractor. There will be a second coat which wil give the true appearance. Meantime plastering in the Interior of the new building While actual construction work He scrambled from the carr &?j. m be completed by fall, it. may and fell over an embankment Into a mire-fllled ditch. One plane, attracted by his white coat, dov3 twice at him, spraying bullets. OTTAWA, August 6 Tho British Realizing his white Jacket made a air mission, at present In . Canada, fine target. Chan covered himself by Federal and Provincial. Govern- will remain here for some time to witn mud. ruining nis suit dui ei- Siuay training incuiuea mc uu- im-un, ""im n vj on the 'Vancouver market' today, -r i posed .Alaska Highwayiijj, minlon.for. Royal Air Force pilots', for the Japanese raiders. be pretty well on towards the first of next year before actual occd-pancy occurs. Mrs. W. V. Robertson and daughter, Ina, arrived home Thursday night from, Edinburgh, Scotland, after a year's visit. n 1 :