t PAOl fOTJB 'i .$ , WRITE I OR THIS I REE BOOKLET TO BE S SERVE MORE IIH YOL can save money, and make a hit with the family, too, by serving Canadian Fish or Shellfish. Fish is a grand health food ... full of the proteins, mineral salts, and other elements that build up energy and strength. It is easily digested, and contains more nourishment for etery cent . expended than any other food. It is the great source of Vitamin "D", the sunshine vitamin that builds sound bones, good teeth, and strong, sturdy bodies. There are over 00 different kinds of Canadian Food Fish and Shellfish that can be served in a variety of tempting, tasty recipes. You can use "fen? Either fresh; frozen, smoked, canned, dried or pickled ... no matter which form you choose it will have the delicious flavour, the fine, firm flesh that distinguishes fish from the pure, cold waters of Canada. Serve Fish several times a week. It is good for your family's health . . . pleases their appetites, too. And meals can be more economical with fish. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES, OTTAWA. DtpvtnwM o FoWid, 5 Plow Kixl mt yvut free 52 fat BucAItt, "Aaf Diy I Fith Dit". coouioioj 100 ddithtiul od tcoocmcil Fuh Rfupct. DM ANY DAY A FISH DAY UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES. T.S.S. CARD EN A FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. g:oo p.m. Dae Vancouver, Thurs. p.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. Midnight If convenient pleaso purchase tickets at office Turther Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Trlnce Rupert Agent, Third Ave. Phone 5C8 A New Telephone Number 456 Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service (CONCERT I JS FINE ! Capitolian Orchestra and Choir f" Gave Good Entertainment Last i Nijht to 2M ApprecUtive .People The Capitolian Orchestra and Choral Singers, appearing last night at the Capitol Theatre in the : first of a series of Sunday night 'concerts under the sponsorship of ; the Prince Rupert Gyro Club, pro-i vided an excellent variety program which was greatly appreciated by . an audience of upwards of three hundred persons. Augmented by the choir since last appearance and having added a number of new members to the. orchestral section, . the Capltollans fully proved them-; selves as one of Prince Rupert's i firmly established musical groups, i Both orchestra and choir, in a ver-jsatlle program, showed the result of perseverence and practice under the capable direction of Dr. H. N. Brocklesby. Individually both were excellent The personnel of the choir ; was as follows: Mrs. R. N. Brocklesby, Miss Nonnanton, Mrs. J. H. Carson, sirs. R. G. Large. Miss D. j Priestley, Mrs. S. D. Johnston, Mrs. H. T. Lock, Mrs. Frank Glass, Mrs. (M. R. Dafoe. Mrs. P. C. Miller. J. S. Wilson, A. O. Morse. H. Lincoln. E. J J. Smith, M. R. Dafoe. Arthur Sut- ; ton and Dr. R. G. Large with Mrs. j E. J. Smith as accompanist. The orchestra consisted of A. C. Cameron, Miss Nellie Lawrence. Wizner Bryant, Miss Elsie Franks, Miss Edith Johnstone. Mrs. William Brooksbank, Miss Phyllis Hamblin, Miss Engina Christiansen, William Hadden, Ralph Morln. G. C. Walker. George Brown, Mario Bussanlch, TH1 DAILT HTRW Monday M.rrs 7 WHIFFLETS From the Waterfront Wilfrid Hicks. Bert O'Neill, Cecil will sail at 5:30 pjn. for Vancou-McCarthy. Miss Aileen Hamblin, ver. Charles Balagno and George Rorie. : W. H. Tobey and William Crulck-shank presided at the door. Orme Stuart, J. W. Kllpatrlck and W. M. Watts were ushers. The program: God Save the King. Orchestral, a "Serenade" (Dri-go, b "How Lovely are Thy Dwel lings" (Liddlet. j Choral, 'a) "Come. O Blessed j Terrace Enjoys Church Concert Four-act Play and Instrumental Numbers by Mr. and Mrs. Grainier Featured Thou the Lord. O My Soul" Ippo-J TERRACE, March 7:-A very en Iitoff-Ivanoffi. JJoyable concert was held by the Violin Duet and Chorus. Prison 'Ladies' Guild of Knox United Scene: from "II Trovatore" 'Verdi), nurcn i-naay evening. The rirsl4 Miss NLawrance and Mr. A. C. Partvof theiPn-fgram was a four Cameron. act Play entitled "The Country Prices of Haw Furs Up 30 Ship Your Goods To G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable And Be Sure To Get The 30 per cent for Yourself Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm 'The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell N. M. Brasell DEATH OF BRILLIANT ciirr.cioLiN Continued from Page Onei he made a brilliant record in clas sics at University of St Joseph at' Mernraracock. A year of special! First cannery outfit to arrive in study at the Seminary of Phlloso-Prince Rupert district this Spring pny m Montreal was followed by to make ready for the coming sea- stU(ie5 at the Grand Seminary in son's operations. A. L. Stewart, that city. He was ordained to the manager of the Canadian Fishing ho)y onSer 0f priesthood In his na o.s cannery ana coia storage tant at Butedale. and crew ai-1ved at Butedale from Vancouver m the steamer' Catala yesterday. Resuming service after being off the run for three weeks to undergo annual overhaul at Vancouver. Union steamer Catala, Capt James Findlay. arrived in port at 8:15 last evening from the south and sailed three hours later for Stewart. Any-zx and other northern points whence she will return here tomorrow morning southbound. Both the steamers Prince Charles and Prince John are coming north from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands with full lists of loggers for reopening" Moresby Island camps. The Prince Charles, Capt. Nell McLean, left Skidegate Inlet at 10 o'clock this morning for Naden Harbor and, after making her calls In Massett Inlet, is ex-oected to arrive here Wednesday morning. The Prince John, Capt James Watt, following the Prince Charles north, left Vancouver Saturday for Murchison Island with men for the T. A. Kelley Logging Co.s camp and is expected to arrive here aboat the same time as the Prince Charles. C.P.R. steamer Princess Norah. Capt. William Palmer, is due in port at 3:45 this afternoon from Skag- way and other northern points and tive parish church in 1901 In post-graduate work at Rome the young priest completed a two- In 1907 became pastor of Bathhurst with charge of the parish of Jaquet River. His first great work at Charlotte town, where he was; consecrated bishop in 1913 was the rebuilding of the cathedral and bishop" residence which had bumed during the Interval between his nomination and consecration. In his seven years' stay at Charlotte-town, he developed St. Dunstans college Into a university and carried the church's worktlnto many varied spheres. Bishop OXeary was consecrated Archbishop of Edmonton In 1920, succeeding Archbishop Legal. He igain turned his attention especial-.y to educational development and directed erection of St. Joseph's College, to train young men for the priesthood. He was a popular figure at the University of Alberta, delivering the principal address at the 1922 convocation and receiving the degree of doctor of laws. Celebrating his silver Jubilee In the priesthood In 1926 he was made an assistant at the pontifical throne, with the title of Count of the Apoi- j tollc Palace. I The Archbishop was predeceased I in 1930 by his brother Louis who I also became Bishop of Charlotte-1 town. Another brother, Richard, lumber merchant of Richlbucto, NJ3., died In 1932. Rev. B. E. Bergcson of Minneapolis after a tour of Alaska, arrived In the city today from the north aboard the Princess Norah and will spend the week in Prince Rupert conducting evangelistic services. Orchestral. Indian Love LvrirF School Ma'am," recalling condi i - - (ai "The Temple Bells." bt "Lesi t,ons ,n the country districts 'is. ; played Hungarian dances. Than the Dust" (Woodforde-Fin- oia mano. t. - Kenney v Between tirfcwccii the me acts utui pleasing pleasing voca yuvu den). Choral, "The Goldfinches Wed dinz" i Humorous Russian acted the part of the farmer's wire 'numbers were .-jiven by the Missci .Ivery well. Mrs. Ivan Frank was thrjwaite and Grev and Mrs Stanlev Folk old mer. Miss A. Longworth wasBrooks, including "By The Water Song. ;lue mJier ana wrs. Stanley of Mlnnctonka." 'Pale Moon Piano Quartette, "Spanish Dane- D ine wacner. uev. Adam ces" iMoszkowski). Mrs. E. J. Smith. Crlsp d. when the play Mrs. W. L. Stamford, Mr. C. P. Bal- wa3 "e "unwucca iwo ac- agno and Dr. W. A. Riddell. compllshed musicians In the per Intermission 50115 nt Mr and AIrs- E- F Grain cer who' 'lth Plano and o11" Choral. a) "Oypsy Chorus" (Balfei. ibl "Have You Forgotten?" - (Lamaret. '.n- Orchertral, Selections from "Th? Firefly" Frlml). Vocal Duet, "Come to the Fair' (Martin, Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Large Choral, (ai "Who Is Sylvia?" 'Schubert-, bl "Allah's Holiday' 'Frimli. Orehe'tnl and Choral, "Finland-la" (Sibelius). Oxford Bag-. With zipper,' grain cowhide. Size 18 Inches "Danny Boy" and "Beautifu; Dreamer." solos, and' '"Sprins Song" and Brahms "Lullaby," ducts The rrosram was completed with folk dancing by the Junior girls of Knox United Church. Baggage SUIT CASKS Embossed Fibre Suit Case 26 inches with straps CLUB HAG Club Bag Split cowhide, brass lock and catches, check cloth lining with pocket. Size 18 inches OXFORD HAG $2.75 $5.00 $7.50 TRUNK TrunkPlywood construction'. Hard fibre covering. Spring lock Fancy paper lining. With tray. CO ?A Size 36 Inches ?.i)U TAXI WARDROBK Taxi Wardrobe Closed top. Fancy paper lining. Four garment hanger. Price $22.50 Phone GREEN 916 ELIO'S Hours 9 a.m. to 5:'0 p.m. Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, B.C. i Light Month In County Lourt Of Three Cases on List Two are Struck Off and One Set for Hearing in June Of three cases on the March list for attention of Judge W. E. Fisher when County Court was in regular monthly session this morning, two were struck off and one was ten- ttHealt, rat fn9 Vini rlnrr TlinA 1 years course in philosophy in one,' no naturaUzallon ap. year and then took a special course in French at the Sorbonne in Par-Is. Returning to Rome he soon attained his doctorate of divinity and canon law and thus In. four years completed a six-year course with additional study in French, After extensive travels through Europe and to the Holy Land plications and court business was very light. The list, and disposition of same, was as follows: Columbia Development Co. vs. Isaac Matthews et al, $28,000. Pat-more & Fulton for plaintiff. Brown , St Harvey for defendant. June 1 Father CLeary relumed home and,n . , . Dt jer Gold Mines Ltd., $3764.02, Brown & Harvey for plaintiff. Patmore ti Fulton for defendants, struck off list Thomas H. Payne vs. Esperanza Mines Ltd.. 31319.87. Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff. Brown it Harvey for defendant, struck off list Try a Dally Nev- clussll.ed vertisement for best results. ad ROAD-SHOW TRIUMPH? NOW AT POPULAR PRKESI i (At 7:21 and 9:57) ADDED Colored Cartoon "Little Red Walkinc Hood" World News Events Second Show at 9;3J TonUht, Tuesday and Wed Dictionaries For Every Home and Individual WEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE n. The highest authority pD.UU q. BLACKIES' CONCISE nn ft a Annandale edition vw.UU MODERN UNIVERSITY QC) AA With Atlas A.UU WINSTON SIMPLIFIED AA qq Canadian edition VoUU NATIONAL DICTIONARY and Q1 CA ENCYCLOPEDIA . MDU r.LACKIE'S STANDARD and 5- QQ ai.o JQ CASSELL'S CONCISE'"!-. S. .. NELSON'S aCn Pocket School dictionary ... -"" The SUI'RE.AIE Letter Writer ... $IJ CASSELS .MODERN ENCYCLOI'EDIA-In one volume 0D NEW GRAPHIC ATMS (Collins) $100 COOK HOOKS THE CANADIAN COOK HOOK THE ENGLISH COOKERY ROOK MODERN PRACTICAL COOKERY MRS. HELTON'S HOUSEHOLD COOKERY THE HOME .MANAGEMENT COOK BOOK USEFUL BOOKS FOR EVERY PURPOSE AT Company $:.oo SI.04 $1.50 J3 Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Rulklcy Valley wheat it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 538 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rate $1.00 nt )0 Rooms Hot & Cold Wtr Prince Ruport, B.C. rhone 281 -T.O. Box HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. If you lose anything, try a classified ad.