yp.UNO H WOUK over seventy years 0 age are being sent to register for work. When .J... i nn work for young men "in Hospital Editor Dally News: 'Infant Sm of , and Mrs. Tl.o, Stewart wetf passengers , V0uld .nuirt'S; Succumb,, to Effects of .Catala last evening retu, l ZS at lar? tohfcSlS j fr a trip tpncouv Vancouver. I, the honest worker 01 tuaay unV , - which he is forced lo .V.ie oeain occurred this morning I ! i .1, hut it is no lie tnat mtni"v- rivucui: ireei. The child had had whooping cough and measles after which pneumonia developed. In addition to the women to Ci wnere are uv w..( v..,.v .v vmis old fellows to get work? ' , ' Arne. Aged U. Thore, 12; Odd. 10, I believe thore is a way to sett f And Ralph, eight, and. a sister, nnomDlovment but not under the .Karl, 'five. Funeral arrangements .... . - . . , . 1 , 1 1, system of today. 1 pcucve trie majority would like to gq to work Jf they could see a brighter futuro ahead 01 U'tm "v w iuuulii.s rwncn uifc mii-H people m qtj for use and nt lW tne eneiu qi and district with ai. tiovf.rtUiem.fnt the few Take some of these few j,, the nallv Nw and put thcm m t! Vlacc whwc some useful men are tooay ane,r are in the hapds of B.C. Undertak ers. ST. PAUL'S LUTHERAN CHURCH LAURENCE C, JENSEN, Pastor Tuesday 7:30- Rev, B. E. Bergesen, traveling evangelist for the Lutheran Church In America, will give a lecture. "Norway Today, Socially, Economically, Internationally and Spiritually.'1 This lecture is tod on conditions as he saw them while on a visit to Norway la.sti jummer (Norwegian language.) Wednesday -Saturday, 7 30- Rev Bergcsen will conduct a series qf evanaellntlo meetings. For the Woman who Knows Boudoir Rouge Lentheric The French Koiirq of Distinction In Fancy Containers 75c Kememher Those Snapshots at Night With Selo Hypersensitive Panchromatic Film The fastest film on the market. Sizes to fit all cameras. Standard prices. Ormes Ltd. "Jiift Pioneer Dmqgists 81 & M Phones: The ,tenll Store Open Dally Frpm 8 a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 .nw 1 p.m. till 9 pm. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIHY PHONE 657 The Central Hotel KOOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Twq wives EPsslned the other QMS? Ai day 'Attinqortwo,' W heard one to t'f other ,1 VOUf say, "Sly old huh h a dear old soul, He always buys me Kvitt's coaj,'' 52ttE. asm For The Hcsl Coal in Tpwn PH1LP0TT EYITT & CO. LTD. it ...... -.,4r.; . dfivertise for Us William dray, who has been on a the way ,n . . . . .. at. the Prince Rupert peneralHos- vacation trip to Vancouver, return- BTe..f nartteularly those who arc'1 pta1, efe the cklld had been 4 t the city frn the south on the W win years It U preit admitted yesterday afternoon, of Paala last -evening. V to believe thole ten-moh-old son of Mr. and hard h for for Mme Mime people A j . . Th , P ri , Mrs. J. E. Boddle, who has been on a trip 'to Vancouver an,d Van? couver Island, returned to the city from, the south on the Catala last evening. A. C. Small, local manager of Swft Canadian Co.. sailed last night on the Catala to make the round trip to Stewart and Anyox on company business. C. R. Elsey, B. C. Packprs official from," Vancouver, arrived in the city on the Catala last evening 011 his way to. the Port Edward reduction years of hard toll and you wouid to work and make it a happier Pla for a brief visit, hear some squawking. The day Is and brighter world for all. - - sure to come when we will al go ROBERT KYDD , John. McLcod, former chairman of 1 the board qf village commissioners CHURCH NOTICES qi Stewart, was a passenger aboard the Catala last evening returning north, after a trip to Vancouver arid elsewhere In the south- Miss M'ldred Ketchum, who has beeq on a trip tq Vancouver, arrived lp the city qn the Catala last evening from the south to pay a ylsit here with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Ketchum, before proceeding to Stewart. Alex MacKenzie returned to the pity on the Cataia last evening caUed tq attend the funeral qf his brother, the late Hugh Mackenzie, former Prince George sawmill operator, whq died recently- Hotel Arrivals Savoy Mrs. J. L. Jollymore, city. Ituyal John H. Elssle. Vancouver. Prince ltupcrt Mrs. H. Wearne and Gregory Wearrie, Telkwa; R. Carswell, Winnipeg; J. O'Connor and J. E, Graham, Vancouver; W. E. Murray Hamilton, Ont.; J. McGrath, Prince George. "lluild IJ. O. Payrolls" "And In Light Houses Lightkeepers are truly Isolated, even from fresh meat and so as one writer says: "Ii have to make up a lot of my "own dishes, in which . Pacific Milk is a great help?' Paci5c Milk proved also to be literally the life saver tq her infant son. ' Such letters make our hearts warm and in- . . creases our sense of responsibility toward users. Pacific Milk Irradiated of Course Notice To Contractors SEALED TENDERS, endorsed "Tender for italT Prince Rupert." be r" RUrtr far the ejection and R.uP?rt: c-.ifi..ir,. unrt Contract on nd tifter th Seventh sn Ta.y zT .vTi, ioia kiwi further Infor mation obtained at ithe PTT"1 of PttbnT Works. Parilant BuHdUi. ... Z. JTl n a mt. the office of tfcf st.rv. Hospital Board. Prince Rn-I Jlia .vf ninnst unwilflcatlons, I Prince Rupert, u. u. i uu iubc an nimfc trip tq Vancouver, t.i. enji bp- obtained from Ue De4r.Unent Of ' fHlWlC V70TK8, V ICiarm, an ynyni of ai epoRlt or w.uu -wnpi f refunded oix reUirn of ithe plana etc., .n good condition. . txven -lesinrr iiliiai, ------ on accepted toaaik cheque on a cJiartered bank of Canada, made payable to th! Secretary of the llospltal Board Prince Rupert, for the pum of 9,000.00 w)ilc shall be fqrXelKid If itho party tjsncltr-, tn decline to enter Into ppntract when called tipaii a do no Tenders must ibe In the hantls or tne Secretary. Prince Rupert General Hospital, Prlnoe Rupert, at or toefpre 13 Noon of tlie Ninth day of April, 1938. The Iqwest or any tender not necessarily accepted. ii w ntnriit fVmiwtanr. ' Prince Rupeait General llogpltal, FOR SALE ! LOCAL NEWS NOTES .. :.. : i!l Mr. and, Mrs. C Llndstrom of aboard the returning north Nordkap Meeting Tonight at 8. (551 Constable Ward R.C.M.P., sailed, las,t night on the Catala for a trip, tp. Anyox on official duties. Alex Duthie returned to the city, on the Catala lat evening from a. Anton Dybhavn Jr., who. has been. taking a course In diesel .engineering at Los Angeles, returned home (rom the south last week- Mr. and Mrs. William Patmore ar-r rived in the city on tfre Catala last evening from Vancouver tq pay a. visit with Mr- Patmore's father, L, W. Patmore K.C. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed in the Morning Rr!n' to Co Th liver should pour oat two poond of liquid bile Into yout boweli daily. K thli bile lu hut flow in f rwly, your fond dunn'tdignt. It Junt dec)- In tbe bowHn, Gi bUU up your itomarh. Yoii grt nntiptl. Hirmf ul. polaoni ro into tbe body, and you fl tour, unk tnd the world looks punk. A mere bowel movement doesn't slwsys (ret st th cause. You need somethinif that works on the liver as welL ICUke those icood. old Carter's Little Liver Pills to itet these two pound of bile flowlnv freely and make you feel "up and up".Harmless and Ken tie, tbey make the bile Bow freely. They do the work of calomel but have no calomel or mercury In them. Ask for Carter's Little Liver Hills by name I Stubbornly refuse anything else. Z5c Mr. and Mrs. O. Bursey of Green Inlet near Butedale are visitors in the city, having arrived from down from Vancouver where he was1 the coast on the Catala last even- Ing. Lars Larsetf for drunkenness, was fined $25, with .pptlon of seven days' imprisonment, by Magistrate McClvmont in city police court this morning. . Morley Shier, well known powder company representative, was a pas-t senger aoqarfl tne uavaia iasv evening going through to Stewart on one of his periodlifal ridrthern bus iness trips. i The fire department had tw0 calls over the week-end. One was at 8 o'clock Saturday evening to a grass fire at Seventh Avenue and Thompson Street, no damage being done. The other was a false alarm at 7 15 last evening to Seventh Avenue and Eberts Street. RUSSIFIED FOR SALE 5 room modern hous Graham Avenue, price and term: easy. H. O. Helgerson Ltd. 5C FOR SALE 6 roomed residence C08, 6th Avenue East, (1 blofcl frpm. Booth School) w 3 good bedrooms with jarge fclothcs closetf In each. Large garden, Adjoin-insr double corner.". all elearei can be1 had If desired. Price at tractive terms to suit reliable pur chaser. Can be seen by appoint merit, or any evening after i p.m. (58 FOR RENT CLEAN, weli-furnlshed rnodern apartments. Phone Red 444. (55) 2.-RPQM Cabin, Blue 900. furnished. WANTED Phpne (60) WANTED Reliable girl for house work. Must be. good .cook. Apply Box G50. t. LOST LOST Lady's wHst watch around. Oddfellows' Hall. Initialled p. S. Finder please phone 25. tf A1ALK lK U' WAN'TKU RELIABLE Man take care store route; Distribute, collect, ew products. No Selling. Earn excel lent weekly Income. B. Sc W. Nu,t Cp., St- Paul, tylnn. (55.) HOUSE DECORATINfi PLASTER and Stucco work, also Prick. an4 TUp. ' Estiniatp Free. Pete Rllshede, Blue 820. (CO) Dick Jones Earns SSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBbC jsKSSBBSBBSBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBh $15Q a Month TODAY, throughout Canada, there s a growing realization of the "financial yalue" oi thrifty men to their families and to the nation as a whole. Consider Dick Jones, ipr example. He earns $150 a month or $1,800 a year. To replace this income, it would require $36,000 safely invested at 5. Dick lones is typical of tens of thousands of Canadian men,-who, 'out of limited incomes, could not save enough money to replace their earning power, but have been able to do so through Life Insurance. In Canada over Six and a Half Billion Dollars have been prqvided for St. Patricks tea and social cvv S. P. N. fishermen's Farewell Dance, March 17. Members am! escorts. C. Y. S. March 18. Dance, Oddfellows Anglican Tea, Mrs. S. C. Thom son, warcrj z. Qrange Spring Sale March 25. March 25 and United Church. 26, CIRCUS, Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 6,. Salvation Army Sale April 13. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18,. United. Sale, May 5. St. Peter's Bazaar. May 5. Phones II) antj 8 P.(. Box 575 FOR CJOOD SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vesetbles Fruits Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite CanalUn Lesion M But HeAs Worth $36,000 to His Family this purpose-ra great bulwark of financial protection against the future. These men are the backbone of the nation. Individually, they provide financial protection for themselves and their dependants. Collectively, they are Landed together in a great co-operative enterprise whose joint savings, when invested, promote national development and stimulate employment throughout the Dominion. The New Halo Permanent Our hair styles must change to suit t,he 1938 spring bonnets. Let us create for you a more charming and stylish Mffure. i'Only: ,rienulnelL'ss6luUdns . used- dh-itt 1 Life Insurance GUARDIAN OF CANADIAN H O Af E; Announcements All advertLsements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Recreational Centre Dance March 11, Oddfellows' Hall. permanents. Modern Beauty Shop 5 530 THIRD AVENUE Phone 947 MacKENZlFS FURNITURE JUST ARRIVED I-NEW FLOOR COVERINGS THERMWOOL MATS , SOC $100 At THE FAMOUS NUMDAH RUGS 900 4x6. Price Phone 775 Visit Our Store 327 Third Avenue THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OF CANAPA, LIMITED TRAHIJRITISII COLUMBIA Mpnufpturers of Elcphflnt" Brim! Chemical Fertilizer Ammonium Phosphates, Sulphate of Ammonia, Superphos- phates, Complete Fertilizers Producers & Refiners pf Tadanap Rrand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc. Cadmium, Bismuth. 71