undisclosed ailment prior to leal . JPnv monw n'An v m lit ;n had been regarded as :;e was a funeral service with mltary honors at St. Paul' 1. r V. 41.1. - 14 t. t.J a n m'nprp niprmpnt win l i J Li a a I 1 1 1. . i clare accompanying the r- , In rars Sir James rose from r rr rra 1 1 fii x i.tm ' "afortable pension. But he was German Foreign Minister and For Can only three years before i mer Ambassador to Open Ne- LSS'jmpd th tnV nf w-nronn. .niuilnn. with ItrH.iln efficiency one of the world' LONDON. March 7: (CP) Joa- -aiuuus liiwi-iiiuitiiiicm rh m von KlDoenirOD. rcceiiuy ic- . the Royal Canadian Mount- -aii-fi a. German ambassador to - ......ov.. LonQ0n io assume we ihh""" -wwiciai mat u I leu, u iuu, , .ii ,r vs n I.fMlflon lOITlOITOW. lie .v-... nvv..w-u. ,. , , k h . formai leave oi rk.uiB , ....vU Ronrna ns nmDassaaor unu is ca- -- m.iaiie a . rf meet the Drltlsn caDinev . -v- , nnon Aneio-uerman coneioa- ' -"v.nttiuo. lie wua jaai. V4iv ., , v..i.ut ilium witi:ii iiv uatu io nis aaopica nomc- tti ii'itx -k i a... . ri 1 U ' a K an old trnonrr hf wns innr- ioiiq oi norses yet. unaer A V I h tMHk'N imi j - a m m m m l r mm m 1 equitation until only a few .we auiuieu, largely iui " uucusiuns ana Exprcisu. vjai niouniea wnose name ,'P K .. i i . . - 'uu6in uj. mina a narn- RIBBENTR0P i TO LONDON Heart Condition Makes It Impossible for Bennett to Continue As Leader OTTAWA. Mnrch 7: CP CF nt Ttnn R n Bennett, announc pnr f - - -1 . . . . i r tin ici;iianizauon. tie lurnea jng nis retirement as icuuer ui mptorcycyes, automobiles, air- mncprvntive Darty on Saturday. wes, motor boats and micro- sad that his heart condition made 0npcs It Impossible for him to continue wyond the frontiers the Moun- .,, fi,nt his decision to resign vuc a canoe wnn an outooara ...o. iprnvnrnbic. ottUL-u me nortnern seas in Eieht names meniioueu an cruiser or, In winter, ran possible successors to Mr. Bennett ; Wnd a sled drawn by husky dogs, include the following: ; became the nreventive aeent' cn,tor A D. McRae of Van- - vjjui biueuk oi iNUViuuui couver, wno on;auiicu wiv rj , Venue. chasing smugglers along jfor the 1930 election and who re-, e border He tnnV nvnr tmiicinfT ' n u-vo ,nh Mr Bennett on provinces, trained dors important party issues, una persons insf in th wnnn ur r iinrrirfire. Mr. Ben-1 J . ... V . 1 V. , 1 , 1,1,11 iv . o- - "iiuica nimSPir t.n hn n l.iurvpr ' ....- Mhsr. n.lnw. , . - j . - .iifLLa Uiwui' . . : - -wwinai, me n. u. m. r.) m, a. Macfnersou, j . .uiiao uueumu anaaa a tnmtii upnerai unu ... . '""u ara, . Treasurer of Saskatcnewan. jame3 Howden Mnrnrinn m t., t Rnrl Lawson, former -une 3D. 1878. nt MvH.Ip rn-Uii., f Nnt onal Revenue ; . ' " - - I ItlllllO bV J I ' U1 AriSn Darontncro nnrl w(n,.L.,uft1 rtrfrnni7Pr. ' tnrf Ti- ... . V uawv"' ' crry High School. He Joln- we Old 3111, i l vc s rrimik i. i ..(, m uie lure ui onto-ureenvvw"- e estern fnrro iiii,ni na n ; inn , ... vv i., x . iii i... ?.rvcd 1,1 Antipodes r Mat , ..!....! Hon, Robert waiuuu, ( Minister of Railways and Canals, j. npntnn Massey, m. . iu Stock Market At Low Level iv,nii r'.. . ' r nr yy i - Itctim . VUU5iaouiary until 100(5 ' NEW YOKh. ma.v.. .. corm!?S,to Caada he was given stock market rea 11 Drag, '"suons, m 1907 he was set-'lQ. The Industrial ftvcruB" ige n exchange officer wUli.Ing wns 127.67; raw, continued on Page 2.) utilities. 1025, - The I lowest I since February at clos-28.75, and TODAY'5 STOCKS (Cuurtcny b. 1). Joluvbtuu Co.) Vancouver -. - B. C. Nickel, .22. Big Missouri, .44. Bralorne, 8.95. Aztec, .09. Cariboo Quartz,- 2.10. Dentonla, ,12',i. Golconda, .03. Mlnto, .03'z. Falrvlew, .04 Vi-Noble Five, .03. Pioneer,' 3.10. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier. 2.25. Reeves McDona'ld, .40. Reno, .65, Relief Arlington, .22. Reward, .04. Salmon Gold. .07. Tavlpr Bridge, .04 Vi-Hedlcy Amalgamated. .05. Premier Border, .015a. Sllbak Premier, 1.95. Home Gold. .01 Vi. Grand view. 08. Indian, .02. ouatklnp CVi'cr, .03 li-Halda Gold, .08'i. ' Oils A. P. Con..'.252-ralmont, r. Si E.. 2.75 Freehold. OVA. Hargal, .181!,. McDougall Segur, .21 Vi. Mercury. .15. Okalta, 1.92. Pacalta. .12. Home Oil, 1.30. Toronto Beattie, 1.35. Central Patricia, 3.00. Gods Lake, .53. Little Long Lac, 4.90. McKenzle Red Lake, 1.00. Pickle Crow, 4.80. Red Lake Gold Shore. .29. San Antonio, 1.45. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.40. Smelters Gold, .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.70. Oklend, .35. Mosher, .37. Madscn Red Lake, .45. Stadacona. ,25. Frontier Red Lake, .05. Francoeur. .45. Moneta Porcupine, 2.35. Bouscadlllac, .12. Thompson Cadillac, .28. Bankfleld, .86. East Malartlc, 1.58. Preston East Dome, 1.15. Hutchison Lake, .08'2. Dawson White, .02 2. Aldcrmac, .54. Kerr Addison. 2.13. ' Ucht Oold. 1.77. Martlni,Blrd, .55. Hardrock, 2.30. Athonaf.12. L . - Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (I AJVl.) Prince Rupert -Overcast, south- IUgh 5:05 a.m. 19.9 ft. wind eight miles per hour; 18: 10. p.m. 16.1 ft. Someter cast 30.06 (falling); temper- Low 11:59 ajn. 5.2 ft. 23:50 8.5 ft. t.,r. 38 sea wuww.. pjn. NOKTIIEUN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER XXVII No 55 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, MARCH 7, 1938. PRICE: S LEN'IS x m "2, AM EATH SIR JAiWS MAC BRIEN I:.. CaI.II.. anrl llnrf minx i.anauian - Of U. C M. Passes Had Distinguished Military Career lUJkVt' w- lfnrrth 7 Kir ... ii-.-nH.or. fnmmis Canadian nra Al " AX W - Cnhiriiu nicrht after 5 I Y -U-Ull"- v - - Hnrini? rpfnt wppI 3 c.j littiA Krn nt rpAVPrV TTf a nrHir(ronp an oDeratlon for Depends On This Week's Spanish Rebel Battleship, One Of Newest Afloat, Is Sunk By Loyalist Torpedo LONDON, March 7: (CP)-The Spanish insurgent prize cruiser Baleares, 10,000 tons, one of the newest warships afloat, was torpedoed at dawn Sunday and exploded into flames during an insurgent-government naval battle off the southeastern coast of Spain. Many of the warship's crew of 765 were rescued but the death toll is expected to be great. One British seaman was killed and three were wounded when the destroyers Kempenfelt and Boreas rescued the survivors. The government destroyer Lepanto launched the torpedo which destroyed the rebel warship. The British Admiralty disclosed today that the British destroyers Blanche and Brilliant had been attacked but were unhit by five unidentified bombing planes, the attack occurring yesterday off the Spanish coast in the same general area where the Spanish government fleet torpedoed and sank the cruiser Baleares. An Admiralty spokesman said that the bombing of the British ships was "clearly a case of mistaken identity." Further Italn Over Week-End in California as State Counts its Dead and Destruction LOS ANGELES. March 7: (CP)' Further light rains fell over the which caused unprecedented floods In the area surrounding Lbs Angel-! ' i es. The latest estimate of the flood disaster places the dead and miss i United States - Czecho - Slovakia! trade agreement despite the pro tests of many American manufacturers, especially the shoe makers ! who fear the competition of th-i cheap Czech labor In the footwear field. The agreement was negotiated by Secretary of State Cordel'. I Hull. FLIGHT IS j COMPLETED TransCanada Airways Plane Finally Octs Throu;h From Vancouver to Winnipeg WINNIPEG, March 7: CP) Th Th first air mall flight from Vancouver to Winnipeg since 1932 ended successfully yesterday when a TransCanada Air Lines plane land- D i At . i u. , i l Britain ecided by PRINCE RUPERT WINS The Prince Rupert basketball team returned at midnight .last night from Premier where It played the first two games of a series for the Northern British Columbia basketball championship. The Premier team won the first game 69 to 46 but lost th second 4t to 37. The seconu pair of games In the series will be ,played here-.April 1 and.2. ac. cording to present plans. Splendid hospitality was extended the Prince Rupert team at Premier. VON CKAMM ARRESTED BERLIN Baron Gottfried von Cramm, famous German tennis player, was arrested on "serious charges" by the German criminal police today. KILLED IN CRASH NEW DELHI, India Three French passengers and four members of the crew perished when a French air liner crashed In flames near Datla, capital of the state of that name in Central India. One of the passengers was a woman. Final Appeal To Abductors 'Authorities Expected To Be Called . ... .... .... i ...i... storm. NEW ROCHELLE, New York Mnreh 7: The family of Pctci ed here seven hours and fl fty-nlne lLevlnCt 12-year old boy. who was mmuics out, 01 westward flight Vancouver. The k)dnapped ten days ago and foi was halted a' whom a ransom demand of $30,- CranbrooK oy neavy weatner aner nnn wn. mn(le lssued anot,hcr fran having previously negotiated tho Uc appeal to the kidnappers last Winnipeg to Lethbridge leg. ;n,ht pollce authorltles are await Both eastward and westward today be called actively into flights were to have been made ty0 paCB . ccnprt who had been last Tuesday but extremely unfav- examlned at New York has been (orable weather prevented them m)oc.j : from being accomplished. Pershing Good !For While Yet Should Be Able to Enjoy Several More Years of Life, Famous 1 j Soldier's Physicians Say j I TUCSON, Arizona, March 7: General John J. Pershing, wartime commander in chief of the United States Army In France, has re-' Murray Levlne. father of the STRIKE OF BUILDERS Workers Refuse to Comply with De-mand of Contractors for Eight- Hour Day in Seattle covered to such an extent from , . . May Be Meetings week-end in southern California Premier Chamberlain Attaches Much Importance to Nc-foiiowing the deluge of last week irotiations With Germany and Italy Not Interested In Dictatorships LONDON Mart 7: (CP)-Prime Minister Neville namuenani imberlain i told LU1U the Uie House XlUUSe Ul of Commons VjUIIhiiuuo today muuj that, im'i if nig av more man uiree uuiiuitu uere I have no interest In other systems of government except Insofar as they react on other countries." NOME HAS BIG FIRE Mining Plant Destroyed With Estimated Loss of $125,000 Tal! ;T0LL IS iFuture Arms Policy Of DEA OF PDC A TCD vjreat BRILLIANT CHURCHMAN Most Ilev. Henry O'Leary of Edmonton Passes Away In Victoria VICTORIA, March 7: (CP) Most Rev. Henry O'Leary, Archbishop of Edmonton, died here last night at the age of fifty-eight. He had returned three weeks ago from Honolulu where he went for rest and. had been contln- with damage, not taking into ac- vjtaj peace wIth Italy and Germany opening this The noted Roman Catholic ec- nonLcrTnlrsi.,Xn7nH week, fail, Great Britain will speed up her already gi- ciesiastic had served his church 000.000. In some sections death and ' Charlottetown. where he was nrnm-am He said on the mt oinei other hand, from gantic rearmament progiam. ne saia, on iwiiu, . . disaster was sttn impending at the Blshop h , 1913 1913' to 10 w. week-end. Known dead are 164 up that, if the talks succeeded, disarmament would follow in nnnste"ated to today, that number of bodies having been recovered, The homeless are placed at 11,160 of whom 6000 are In the Los Angeles area. In some localities twenty-six inches of rain was recorded during the week with eleven Inches in twenty-four hours at the height of the precipitation. Floods were developing over the week-end In Northern California. SIGNED BY I PRESIDENT Trade Tact iWtwccn United State And Czecho-Slavakia Is Completed WASHINGTON, D. C, March '( President Franklin D. iRooseveltj today affixed his signature to th BULLETINS due course. Answering opposition UJ . . . . chk charges that u-k he ,.B was biased In fav 111C UUUJf - UCillK tovwi .vu w Vancouver by Rev. Andrew Mac-or of dictatorships. -Chamberlain monttm. It will I replied: repueu. "I x have to deal with a - ... nt . Vanrouvpr . bv Arch. . . world In which dictatorships exist. ' ,, ,, a, UlOlllIJ TV ktlifXHk U v v v44 m. in Canada. -tfOMfT. XfarlK'T! rCP)-Firr des, -From the tlme.meuowed and sac-, troyed the plant of the American red lnstitutJons ct Italy and France. Smelting Refining Co. here Sa urday wltn a loss oi COULD lt BE SAFE? AClivciy mill .cimc . Kidnapping Case TELLS OF PLOTTING Former Soviet Ambassador Tells of Intrigue in Tokyo Japs Wanted Excuse to Attack China MOSCOW, March 7: (CP) Jap- nnpco fnlH him Ev.Amhnssarinr ; kidnapped boy, said today mat ne Cnrlstlan nakovsky testified In the .Dcnevea nis son wua suu ut, and that he also believed he was .dealing with the true kidnappers his recent .grave Illness that at- SEA? .J I i ... uJ Z v,ces for ald ln a Plot t0 overthrow tending physicians are able to pre- strlke ,n the spattle ,uild tra,df the Soviet regime. diet that, with no unforeseen dc- appears to be Impending today fol- velonments and aulet Uvinir. ho lowing me reiusm ui u.c ut . should be able to enjoy severel more years of life. His blood pressure was being watched today after a drop yesterday had caused some anxiety but It is now stated to be. not alarming. company the remains to Edmonton where the funeral will take place Friday. I A man of exceptional learning who strode through his early academical training with such prowess and alacrity that he became equipped with honors and degrees rarely attained by one so young, Archbishop Henry Joseph O'Leary was one of the most esteemed leaders of the Roman Catholic Church where this young Maniime-Dom theologian acquired the polish and distinction that helped to gain him the love and respect of his fellow-men. Father O'Leary returned to Eastern Canada. In New Brunswick the "young priest held successively various of- flees of Increasing responsibility. Rumor of Undamaged Plane Being jhen to picturesque Prince Edward Sighted Spurs Searchers Out island he followed the directions Of Fresno from Rome and became Bishop of Charlottetown. From this Atlan- FRESNO. March 7: Searchers tlc seaboard with its salt air and started out today from here to In- fresn wincjs the Bishop moved in vesttgate a report of an undam- 1920 t0 a newer vastly dlffer- aged plane having been sighted or. ent countryi p0pe Benedict XV Jiad a hillside In the mountains east of appolnted hlm Archbishop of the here. Despite the report, however Ecdgastical Province of Edmon- sennt hope is held for the safet of a Transcontinental and Western In the irle regions of Alberta Air Lines transport plane with thc Arcnblsho met the new urc nine board which has persons on an experlenced nand and re. been mlssins since last Tuesday fresh ne , Very soon w,. - , ,... iu mlsslonSi new churches, educationol Institutions and varied religious activities revealed his hand. Born in New Brunswick Henry Joseph O'Leary was born In Rlchlbucto. N.B.. March 13, 1879, son of Henry and Mary O'Leary. After a grammar school education (Continued on Page Four) Harry Bridges Under Arrest Militant Longshoremen's Leader to Be Deported as Conimunkt , great treason trial here Saturday. BALTIMORE, March 7. Harry of Japan's need for some Incident Bridges, militant leader of Pacific to serve as an excuse for attacking Coast longshoremen, was placed China. under technical arrest here Sat-, The former Soviet ambassador urday for deportation as a com- to France asserted that his Infor- munSt. mation came from an eminent Jap- anese In Tokyo In that year. The possibility of conflict be tween Great Britain and Japan over China disturbed the conspirators", Rakovsky said, because they were playing both countries through contacts with their Intelligence ser- Weather horecast General Synopsis The Vrcsstuc-remains high off Vancouver Island and the weather has been mostly fair and mild off the coast and ln the Interior of British Columbia. Prince Rupert and Oueen Charlotte Islands -Light to moderate comply with a demand from con- Bishop E. M. Bunoz O.M.I. leaves variable winds, part cloudy with not tractors for an eight-hour day. At on this evening's train for Edmon- much change ln temperature, present a six-hour day Is being, ton where he will attend the fun-j West Coast of Vancouver Island-worked. Construction of fifteen ma-1 eral of Most Rev. Henry Joseph Moderate northwest winds, fair Jor building projects In the Seattle O'Leary, Archbishop of Edmonton, , with not much change ln tempera-area may be affected, jwho died In Victoria yesterday. ' ture and light morning fogs,