PENTECOSTAL ASSEMBI1Y In Trout I C1LVRLOTTETOWN, August r20 . -Preparing his eaten oi iroui .. . of ,,1 flcVl.. or supper uiir a suntwiui .-.. rig trip. Wilfrid. Cullen of cnar-r,twtiwn was amazed to find a Siamond ring in one of the speck ed beauties. The ring was not in the stomach, Lit todeed lust behind one of the bills. The fisherman had the' ring lalued and It proved to- be the rerl hine. He Is retaining It to see If the fwner will turn up to claim It. Quite often small' gold nuggets Ln been found In the crops of xiultrv In Prince Edward Island but diamond studded trout eclip? Even these stories. cullen doesnt mind telling he laught the fish In Sherry's Creek, kfll-known fishing hole, because iCo-Operatives Aid Producers Farmers, and. Fishermen. Better Themselves Atlanta Coast FRTCDERICTON, Aug. 20r (CP) Adult education is playing an Increasingly important part in help ing farmers- and fishermen oi east ern New Brunswick CoL AX. Barry, Newcastle, tdlstrict supervisor of fisheries, sa'ld during a visit here. St Thomas. College, at Chatham, and CoL. Barry are active In the work. The movement began with credit unions. In Northumberland Coun ty some 20 fishing and farming groups either have received or re-auested union charters. Other ap plications are pending while study clubs consider the matter. Co-operative activity resulted from the study of credit unions, said Col. Barry. The number of co-operative lobster-eannlng groups Idea his catch won't beon eastern coasl te has an .on v-w new uionmi Brunswick's mjwui w ... i . fpeaiea m a nuny. Cancel License iFor Two Years U 14. comaaredulth eight last year. I These groups represent 700 to BW ! fishermen. Many groups own factories. Some of the- newer organizations hired other firms to do their packing this year but plan to build their own fartnrio in teas. Last winter there wnken Driver Is Severely Dealt were six co-operative smelt ship- , , n- n v. .!.. t niia in rrinre t.awaru isimu iping groups. Th fishermen are-nettlnu sllehti SLlQfERSIDE. P.I.. August 20 , v better nrlces as a result of co-i PCPi Justice 1n the British Isles oDeraUve work. One of the chief h . . . m t . - . an' . I r A4 . l ij bs r.oiea me woria over jor i rjenenu is ptomwuuu fctrictneis and drasUc enforcemert ' marketing, said Col. Barry Ifspeclally in matters pertaining to driving. Residents ot urn (reckless Prince county town believe the law . lis equally well enforced here. . ! . HALIFAX. Aug. A driver who overturned his car . , . anA William while speeding around a turn in mft ,nHallfax after not hav-the buriness section and struck an- . -t 1 ., . . ... inK Sreil cacn umct jv uuirt tar wua sciiuriitcu wj SEPAUATED 48 YEARS MILK 20: (CP) Two Richard left this city to work In I m tail on a charge of driving wniie twQ s short. of a half . under the influence of liquor, and . . and th had hot cor- vears Ca"Celled responded during that time. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES, T.S.S. CAUDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p-ra. l:3dpjn. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. It Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets Mrom A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 I RAILWAY I Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Potts- S3. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIItECT SS. "Princes, Louise" SS. Princess Alice" SS., Charl.tte Aug. 10.20. Aug. 3, 13, 24; Spet. 3. 6, 17. 21; Sept. 7 Aug. Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Taclflc Services Ticket, and Reservation, From RuPert- B C' W. L. COATES, General Agent. We Have Grade "A" Raw and Pasteurized Milk Daily From Our Own Herd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart. Phone Red 608 For Better Dairy Products Dominion Pair Delightful Tea I 223 6lh Avei West' . 1 " A. delightful engagement tea was rur if. j, nnr.i k jnew in trie Oddfellows' Hall yester- he Pentecostol Assembly moved, from 119 SilVAje ast to 223 6th Ave. (day afternoon at which Mr. and next U) me viimj. ijvirs, o, v. vxw announced uie en- f'est dedication of the new Mission wllL take, place, on Sunday att'll ajn. gagement of their daughter. Agnei ?nnrtav School- and Bible Class at, run. Rau in nonloi uaiv nf Mniimn fne evening service at 7:3U p.m,. wia D incnarge oi Rev. J. aowiana ux ieriace Special singing at both morning, and ,'eyenlng, services: Everybody Cordially Invited . fake Fish And Diamond Ring trace Edward Islander Finds Gem The marriage will take place on October 7. There were In th neighborhood lot one- hundred euests who were received, by Mrs. Cox and Miss Rose Cox- Mrs. J. W. McKlnley, Mrs. J. R. Morisoa and Mrs. W. C. Asplnall presided at the urns and those serving were Mrs. Alex Barbe, Mrs. George Adams and the Misses Edna McLean. Jean McLean. Norma Smith. Maureen Kirkcatrick. Betty ' Barber and Margaret Smith. Trie- attractively aDDOintea tea table was covered with an all-over lace cloth, and centered with flow ers ers and ana tall iau pink pins tapers. tapers, A i profu Barbara Teng, who were accorr.- nanled by Mrs. J. S. Black and Mrs-. J. A: Teng respectively. Piano selections were Jean McLean. Opinion of Expert on Steps Nelson LOCAL NEWS NOTES i ' Cash for Old Gold. Bulger's, tl Mrs. J. R. Elfert will sail tomor- row on tne nuitc iwuv month's vacation trip to Vancouver. Edmund Llpsln, who has been paying a visit here wlth.hls father, A. Wr Llpsln, sailed last night by the Princess Adelaide on his return to Vancouver. Mis Nellie McLeod, who has been vuitins here with her brother and .istr-in-law. Mr. and MJfs. Fted wv-rend. .sails by the Princess Alice afternoon on her return to Seattle. ti Davidson, roadmaster for the Canadian National Railway from1 Smlthers, arrived in the city from th interior on this afternoon's pruiu- train and will - sail this evening on added slon of seasonable flowers for a trip to to the, appearance of th hall. (the Prince Rupert Dnrlnp the afternoon there were. Vancouver songs by-Misst Hilda Bond and Miss George W. Cripps, provincial as sessor, sails tonignt on me rnm-v Rupert for Ocean Falls enroute to rendered by Mlssl Rivers Inlet, Seymour iniei anu Dances Graceful In Better Times 'other points in mat area u un ¬ cial business. Trwneetor John Macdonald, whoi hod hppn nrtlne In charge of this! NEW YORK. Aug. 20: (CP) The! Mlss A. Lips and Miss A. Haug-Iltterbug is lust a depression pest.jiand of Terrace, who have been according to Donald Grant, presi- noiiaaying m me mjuuh dent of the Dancing Teachers Bus- the city from Vancouver on the tness Association; Discussing the ef-, Princess Adelaide- yesieroay affect of the economic situation on noon and proceeded to the Interior dancing trends, Grant asserted In by the evening train. an aaaress nere mai, juuus disturbed by the uncertainty of BEES INVADE FACTORY hl. nnnt oMnnmip nosltlon. ctTHfTmTTJSTnR P F. 1 AUK. ZU. i t H JVO..te v.v. I k3uxAAAVMAwu, i J i fm.nH in nrlnii nMirntlr. and ' rrai isihoi-thprp iras a QUeertbCt llaVV lUUlIU 4i u O - - aJ I L-t fc fc - - m . 1 . - . .... . . 1 utpfrr m pynressions oi Dnvsicai ac- in trip trucK. or me dccb buwr tivlty." 1 the truck for a, queen. In either He predicted the return of good:caset a iarge swarm of the honey-times would revive the suave, . harvesters followed a truck be-smooth, graceful dances which of-,i0nglng to -a local concern from fer to young and mature people, some distance out In the country "greater spiritual and physical sat-' right Into the concern's factory isfaction." here. Aid of a bee rancier was sum- The Cape Cod Capers, a group imoned and he gathered the swarm dance with smooth lateral glides, into a hive. Spectators watched came ln for a word of praise for Its' from a polite or discreet distance! lack .of hops and similarity to ioik. dances. . w Mail Scheduli Por tut East-Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ..- 8 From the East-Tuesday. Thursday and 0. N. R. TRAINS h Rait p.m Sunday - U"00 P-m- pr Vancouver- Monday 2 P- f Tuesday 12:30 noon' ' Wednesday 4 P-". Friday P "1 . i nm I Saturaay ' From Vancouver-Sunday 4 Pm Monday; - - am 7 P-"1 Sunday - - - Wednesday 2 P-m For Anyox and Stewart Friday Prnm Anvox and Stewart- a.m i r Tuesday 11 :30 aro Saturday 6 P-m- For Naas River and Port Simpson-Sunday 7 P-"1 From Naas River and Port Simpson mesdav :3 RH1- Charlotte Islands or Queen Aug. 13 and 27 ,:ju P-m. From Queen Charlotte Islands t Aug. 11 and 25 9:30 pjn. For Alaska- Monday a-m Friday am- rrrora Alaska- Wednesday - P-ra- Saturday p m" Wednesday 1000 a.m. Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 6 P-". 11 a-m- Fridays From the East-Tuesday, Thursdays and Sundays 11 Pm- Mondays and Saturdays 2:30 p.m r-AVENDISILP.E.I..AUg.20: (CP) Approximately .40 men are em-lnvprt lavine out a golf course in 'i,-.., cMurarrf island's new Na- ALCOHOLIC UPSET DUNSTAFFN AG E, P.E-I.Mug. 20: (CP) Add to the list of things which don't mix: liqu6r, flour; barbed wire and a truck. A truck driver here failed to turn when the road did and residents spent con-i slderable time extricating the vehicle and part of Its load of flour and barbed wire from the sur rounding landscape. The driver was arrested and sentenced to sev en days' Imprisonment on a charge Hno n motor vehicle while IUI vfviuvo 1 Intoxicated. Timely Recipes PLUM JELLY ,i 4 cups (2 lbs.) juice; 72 cups (3'4 lbs.) sugar y2 bottle fruit pectin To prepare Juice, crush four pounds fully ripe fruit. Do not peel or pit. Add one cup water. Bring to. a boll, cover, ana simmer 10 minutes. Place In jelly cloth or bag; squeeze out Juice. Measure suear and Juice Into large sauce- Dan and mix. Bring to a boll over hnttpst fire and at once add fruit pectin, stirring constantly. Then bring to a full rolling boil and boll hard Vi minute. Remove from fire, !sklm, pour quickly. Paraffin at once. Makes about 11 glasses (6 fluid ounces each). Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. First annual Port Day Ball, Thursday, August 25. Moose Hall; Rebekah Tea, Annette Fashion Show, Sept. 1. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar November 17. Baptist Bazaar November 5. tional Park. Try a Dally licw watad. D Phone 112 Taxi; day and night. t iithpran Church tomorrow at 11 Jack Carson, son of Dr. and-Mrs, I am. Rev Relnertsen preaches. J. H." Carson, returned here.yester-; llao day on ine i-ruicc tvujciv spending the summer In and near Vancouver. division of the provincial police for turei 6ft- J. H. Nordan, manual training! instructor in. the local schools, returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from Vancouver.- Mrs. Beit Morgan and daughter; Miss Connie Morgan are sailing this evening on the Prince Rupert for a trip to- Vancouver. From Vancouver or Seattle, Miss Morgan will fly Into Whltehorse at the end of the month to. resume her school teaching duties there. Adiutant aniL Mrs. Olof Halvor sen,.with, their two children, arrived in the cltv on this afternoon's train. They have been stationed in charged of the Arrrty's Native work, at Haz-eltn for the past five years and have received orders of their trans fer to Petersbure. Alaska. They will proceed to their new appointment after conducting special services at the local Salvation Army Citadel this week-end. TODAY'S WEATHER Terrace Cloudy, calm, tempera the Dast few weeks, sails by the Alvansh Part cloudy, calm, 56. Princess Alice for Vancouver en-j Mict Arm Raining, south wind. Depression Brings Jittery Capers in route back to his regular post atj55 .... I m A ?1 a 1 Anyox Cloudy, calm, 54. Stewarts-Heavy rain, "calm, 52. Hazel ton Cloudy, calm, 52. Smlthers-Pairt. cloudy, windy, 54 Burns Lake Clinudy,. calm, 51. Hotel Atrivats Bival tt Rnchioa and, 3. F". Mussenden.l Vancouver; C. J. Motts, Merrltt; E.I T. Danno, Prince Rupert; O. Sandl,' New' Westminster; T. Aunli, city. Priic Rupert C. Prevost, O. W; Fowler and John S. Tait, Vancouver; John Lbmbardi.. Montreal; John Rukin and family, Georgetown. Central P: Hudson, city; Thomas Sven-sen, Vancouver Knx Stephen Adams, F. Olsen and E. D. Cronin, city. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT PORT DAY City Commissioner Alder has declared Thursday; Au gust 25, 1938, should be observed as a rjublie holiday in the City of Prince Rupert for the purpose of inaugurating and celebrating Port Day. . (194) Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Teacher of Pfdno Theory , anil Harmony. Fall class beginiung September 4 Phone Green 090 CUAHS AN POLISH II Batbtubt, WaahbainV! Wuadowt, toi' Ifirrarib. PMNCE RUPERT DRY BOCK AND SHIPYARD VvAMr mmd Or 'Hi i ... V "AIM AND SHOOT" Argus Candid Camera1 F:4.a Anastigmat Triple Lens l2a to 1S200 Shutter Double Frame 35mm Weighs Only 14 Ounces Loaded: .. Price $16 Ormes Ltd. Pioneer1 DrOqeyiats The lleiU Store Phone: II ft 12 Open Dally From t a jn. till 10 p.m. Sunday t "and Uoli'daya From 12 noon till Z .m. 7 am. till 9 p.m If-' D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE. 3rd Avenue Phone Green 916 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite Covered in 7Q A A rarest Snip nnVp ... f? V V vvt v j w i . . . . USED FURNITURE 2 Roll Top 'Writing '.Desks-rL. C. Smith Typewriter 2Singer SewinK Machines 1 Hand Sewing Machine 3 English Prams 1 Wicker Buggy 1 Dining Room Buffets Dining Room Tables3 Full Size Beds, comptete with' Spring and Mattress 3 Steel Cribs 6 Reconditioned Kitchen Ranges for burning wood or coal 1 Kitchen Range with an Oil Burner 5 Dressers a Couches G Rocking Chairs 12 Diner Chairs 2 Boudoir Chairs 2 Kitchen Cabinets ft Kitchen Tables 1 Barrymore Axminster Rug, size 9xl0'2 1 Electric Range 3 Victrola Gramophones 1 Battery Radio 1 King Soprano Saxophone 1 AccordionI 23-jewel Vanguard Waltham 1 Diamond Tie. Pin 1 National Encyclopedia 1 Webster's Twentieth-Cchiury 'Dictionary 1 Betty Va cuum Cleaner 1 Hoover 2 Premier Spic Spans Trade in your used furniture and stove in part payment on new. If you low anything, adrartise for it. , If 4 ' -A PAGB.THBEa- 1933. THE DAILY H2T773 20. August ,rdav ' 'V. u tHURCH NOTICESSeXown At i; . m M'mrTmtm 5C him -WW ...i-ijti Hi - 3m .mil i I