I PAGE TWO THE'DAILT VEW5 s 'BOYS AND GIRLS BOOTS & SHOES All the leading makes inchiding: Greb, Soman's, Jack. & Jfll, !I2ftle Pal,jand HeVestons J ? We can guarantee the quality; and they are priced as low 4as cheaper shoes. You cannot go wrong on these dependable lines. Family shoestore ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PKLNCZ BfJPEBT - BRIUSH COLCHBIA mibed Etery Afternoon, Except Euwiay. by Prtcct jn ,DaCy Kewa. LJtaltd. Third Aunue B.T PULLEN ... Uaju-Edltcr suBSCKirnoN kates S.f7, tj ttmer' w' P- paw to adratre PsJd la adTanee, per month JZZZZZZZm Bj maa to D part cf Bntiih CoJcmbia. the Bntiih Eugin and VciUi fitatta. yearly pertod. paid in adti By nua to all other eocntiiea. per 7ear . " Kews OepirtBieBt Itltpbcz Heakcr f Siui-aa I OrtcUtiMS IS IT ALL BLUFF? -14 Friday. September 8, ills. 3Iany people -era to think the present attitude of !?i!r Hff.?nd thathe has no intention rrX "fKes 01g dl5P and follows it up with t?t he hs he sttms give 4er natipni DICTATORSHIP NOT DESIRED In his recent mts tn r,,ji i i r. ' r . . --fev. w uic v-aimuxaii utUDie On la-i : . tu say. wft? and festive machinerj' is far from perfect hut it must be improved rather than dis-earned and. no mattpr hnu.- a As workers, we :need not stagnate. Under ,deraocracv f AFRICANS ANTHEMS Xtiai in ParUajotat a Flari And .VxLkinal Anthems Leaves British Air Jbj Side With PaUh i rTmJer j. B. firen assurance occasions when M. Hertzog ha that on officii nsK oi tnree horizontal stripes oi tne economic system may be, it must be broueht about-S equaI idth- orange- wtf .nd by constitutional means. The wnrVprc nf ?ofi ,i".iblue- In th ntre of thenite Srau,rahip' either f the o? o? XXX 1 . , ntoi Jack adjoining horizontal'y p n r- h V&I' President of the Trades and Jbor,ispread,ng to" the pole, also Council of Canada on the same occasion said jdjowing horizontally, snreadina v"?LCtat0rshfe0f !he riht the leftr.oot .out Hb-'lvieVSe01" M rtyat home and threaten war abroad.. Wt -Jnci- , new act. nag oenooves us, as workers and as Canadians, to bedent" r occasJonaiiy a Iixel in our determination not to give awav our liberties u?lkn flHKa.nr parade provid- 10 any Ism to turn a deaf oar tn nnv nloo '-avnanf r ea a.Jrecent example. Shorty b. ponstitutional democracy." Mr. DranV -7 .rri1 arri. ' Swartkpp Airdrome to take th salute it was discovered tat the unjqn - jock was flrine at- at- th ....j,ub,i a cuunj; wuui iucineiu, we can earn andf tre receive better times and a fuller linng as the i orerunnerlv-,n,J 11 h5Utily hlf of a brighter and better future." IfScf thC UrUn run'up 111 f December Frozen HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. Prince Rupert, B.C. : union .Day (May 31 saw the anthems question, a nromlnni Issue in the Un,lqn general elec tion last sprine. flare into nrnm. inence. "Die Stem van Suld Afrika va played at official naradM tn 4rnost of the larger cities while "God Save the King" was omitted. English-speaking residents protested strongly and demanded to LANDBCOUTRT ACT o: Oertlnckte of TtO No. 121M-I. to the XMt Hail of tU 8outb Wt QuarUc of Seotkn PIo (i). Town&hlp rwB rive o). CXst D. t"ct. In Xhe PtortnpB of rttlh Ooi. I tCTM. HUM rr baa JIEHSAB jroof of loaa of the etxT of John -A. KktranohliM been OfcSjii ,thl ofTice. notioe to hereby glreo that IjU,.at the rijenvucm of one mcof h mm be W of the am publication iWrtof. keue a ProvlslonaJ OerUftcCe' cf TlUe ta tieu U mid lost ocrUCCkt un-a Vbe meaoume vmlVl objection b made to ine la writing. DATED it the Und Bfrtry otnee. Princ, Rupert, B. C. thto 3rd. d W ANDREW THOXTPUOW, Man m the Moon They eil m Price Super: has , ' right is long as :t does not pbr status to tvo natin anthems. . poter but be was out oS practice The two flags are the Untonj so he lost an kis wttkli m-ages. Jack aad the naUccal Unkc fla- .The 1.". two antheias - are ?Qo .are- Hitler JU - havtnf his first original He. home onie anthem is knw reason. No statement It is rather satisfactory' to not fhnr m,rlaa.?em. 1rl.OTl committing him- cne waslajed the other Part Of the fiprman rA;m.A Vu 2 -J ; . En as to the merits of -Die ' Stem' . he r tved. SrtatLl 11121:03 thmkhe for that repose. , There for -the present the mat- ictator does not reallv mean fiVhtinrr i Th nm;., . . 'tr rM. , Jl ... e i , , ijgiiwiji;. . wouLKi seem aa he would not have waited had he any iWiw afSlfy ave wailful nan ho intT inr.i.t;n. n..i f . T-"- " j -A Jilt vvtytwnJi UOdi. . Att of 1927 proTided two official But il u reoognid throughout the W r? i ' 1 ITTm(a U..a 4 . - UjC ynwn yacs; to denote e aninem proolexn tne association of th Union wi'lii1 tlU a delicate issue and that the rest of the British Common-any attempt to reach a final solu wealth and a national fla? of th Union. It provided that the Unkm Jack must be flown With the Union ! flag from the Houses of Parlia l men-, ana tne Dtincinal rnrm ment buildings in Union and pror-! inciai capital? and Union ports, j The natlonaj flag of the Union I tion would provoke fresh and even more bitter controversy. Dne of Scotldnd's iSrV ,tiCr' la Woman Cyclist Housewife Top omKwiw uw.rim I utMCDaV Seat $: CP- A i TTixt's the rwry here iMB l.. ,,,, w-ciu. litter JerKO daws, besides ' CAPE TOWS, Sept. ,9: CPi ' No?f ,hat are Rapett JbojfJjJ- a bwssrwUe-iirs. South Africa, which or 11 yean going to dc' IwlSLa s.mi qm k ine iung and "Die Stem Tan Su'-d restored. fe oar need It ret. on hand. The record still holds. ! played the other also will be nlay- waj forthcoming until finally tl RocaUoII V.Aw Jed. He also has expressed the hm cabinet declared that Genera. CdCUail UUlllCd Jthjt rrentuaHy South Africa win Heruog'-s assurance still heJd gop National League . Boston 4. New York 6. Chicago 7. St. Louis 4. American Leatue New York 4, Boston 0. Philadelphia 2. Washington 5. Detroit 4, Cleveland 1. St Louis-Chicago postponed, rain. National League Philadelphia 0. Brooklyn 5. Pittsburg 3. Cincinnati 5. W m m.m w mm W - - t Wi.Jv RHNTS TCH WHISKY OISTILLCO A N O BOTTLCO IN rnonej 18 & 81 -P.O. Box 575 Your Quest For Senice Is Ended When You M.USSLLEM'S Where Dollars Have More , Cent tQuality Groceries Opposite Canadian Legion SCOTLAND i'jrT' bished or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of BritUh Columb?a I Musical Ghost Bothers London POLDERS GREEN. Eng. Sept 9: I MCBRIDE (m TO BU1I HI Follow ' Eiaa. a baseball tear: aad that iu 1M MBt DiOr Bl Got The .. . . . . c i Meals and Went Makes Nirht Hideous for Actor Hithnr . st w-. .m-4 i m ir.r r i ru a.nav-az.nfla u niirn nrv J Ifa Ihe deSd of nisht has d$3J T? 1 - u msi, du- iptaaber. baring actoennosned tbJs!"" T r. . w wowing the exa.i,ie .- Ifor the present conceded eoiial Jake as he o&MuniXo play, .v ., ,iiLwdoa. One householder acquired ' 3fTnl 1 .i w. - -ine services o: Harry Price, sec re- . v 1 r, , tarr of " the London UniversUT " w f?J er aonnai y anea at t'-?r- cash or Phwical InvestUation. 'T.'T' W I.": ' or grocers w h tH , . 1 Xto the arriTal of thi errrnnr. Tti m 9 toe Priarel . . mm. . tr;l .. .. . , -r t-. - - . awaj tuuir . aanosi imttecia' v S parts nf placed three each anthem tiem were mliepf auskee; Tpday it is lj:S0 ta ta time t P11 8ht M host actually . ftQOSTS TKCST rxB thnes. It was j( a after ftoins her hoppta. j--ua, fcy eTfrj iaoe She took looc a a naxk itatx oi of tea tea anc and a- " 'has been Erer'1 " patket of sandrtehes .with her" Besidfs "unearthly organ wfc lea eath eh day. day. and and had had a a meal meal on on the the ehost mJff banes, c , falls. W4U xi?h and .work wk It It U U aanned pUnoed wu m nli ma. -I . vm w v 1 . 11 'i . inn. rrt r 11 i . . . . . i ... th w-a rvi n 1 1 r i nTi ir far T n A I f in .iv r phaiiaed that Ihis arranement was V t.. r . lrtinnr ch finux -nv hnmrv k..w1 uu3 fx&m a a friehtened ingnienea Indser Knser in tn th- the Eneliih sneiuh .vr. Soccer to the nature of an experiment There was a time when Prtacri.nd that bad been left!house JW Aupust 20 netted 1 Mr. Price ritLr was " not no. ronrlnwL roancia. "I.PP9 i,vw fl21 500 cx.'ji from irotr. the the a a iiui smug mi vc iniu up orer and frequently went to a" n- lrcedare for fntare official oc- oTernlrht Now we find that it HiOTtoi; picture show with her:iuuw ot haunted bouse In the Proceeds will form Jie cu casros oi uus end. take .time, effort and brains to.husband. ik. .metropolitan district ot London." the iiOOWO UKOOO j- vuuutus ice us pen-. Delia a prosperous city. l tteaUsts both to opposition in jThere was a time when I thought the Union parliament has kt r A the anthems issue aliTe. It flarei bubble burst again in parliament in August. Dr. D. T Mil lan Xatinnal. lA9-1r .pressed his motion for a stogie an-!thes for the Union of South Af rica. The Dominion party offered an amendment seeking to reaf-:fira recognition cf "God Save tLe 'Kin?' as the official national anthem. One-third of th- 30 nntirvc ;of motion appearing on the order paper referred to anthems or flags. Debated in Hoae .Flag and anthem ooertton wr j debated for some days. Defence Minuter Pirow made explanations There was a ime I wen a dime By .2iUing without speaking Alas today in that same way Another dime I'm seeking. But Fbrtune turns Her head and spurns That ancient way of wooing She urges me To work and see SPORT CHAT I D nV. VkivVi rait CtinU 1 1 I . T . .. r. I uiu, uiu auouroan cases are luuo. exiremeiy rare. London is un-heaithy for ghosti Most hauntinss occur north .of the iiidlandx." JUST SHOP TALK uai . u wu in . i Ketchei in " rounds at Los Angeles SYDNEy 7: 31 Tiars affn to win the world mid- ... K (CP) W. ii '... i "tveuiy. waater ot a grammar PUT CORNERS OX Mil WORCESTER. Ene fet up The new ball. Uim r Worcesterahire had scored a against Somerset it. a rettat L llsh county ericktt game teti knocked out of shape sfte J-jiruns had been bit off it TO Idedion Plater KTre v' OH fnimfrv 9 J OCC at San Francisco and to 22L5K' .lOtfl IT.trhM nhftt and Hll, ----- ' wiu vi I I and the title became TacanL What comes rem ardent doing, adiens after two years with Chicago j BiaexnawKs and ftew Yprt JJrC3vmnnt- -r thlnv oi,., ' t5i i regarding certain incidents- at Too should be ashamed of your- m in his 14th National Hockey" J2 Cap- Town and Pretoria but, the Ji being in this court so often." League season, Morenz was in top! Otforemment seemed inclined to let Habitual Drunk: "Yeah, hut I'm form until his leg was broken in! ' ithe matter rest for the present and not here any oftener than er vjmtreaL Healed in Montreal .v. , wort nonor March 8, 1937. n - M.UUIU viiir,r . . . I erge in ine nent or fart w cv.rn . .. . . . . . tS? lCS5.r !r" MDiEDGEVUXE, Ga, Sept. S: phU Athletic American League ' B rT8 ine -The o Cane Art In rf. ,r-o. mv . . .... . . .l """' AUIJOrs ieaarrsmp iigm orew ine jargest riarin? th, K.t r,.v, . . . f.h. .Ljr :r". saoi piopped into th- middle of a crowd in baseball history to Yankee Sot LllZ- f2"1 8 eoU on a ,!f course Stadium 10 jrars ago today. When ended. - . oui irom u aouoie neaaer. esiz persons were a i-Ptirirt oitv t - j , tory. and tries." En rush Learae Brentford 1 Arserx. . "WKoO abcoJ fs horn ft ,il? iBWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTES "Tf futt$t ftrm m mkith felftc n bl tmiJ.m I - - 1 : : " fr T". T I ! .Eoioy the .advanlagcs raodern kitchen equiprofnl with a McCLARY RANGE For COAL, V.00I) or OIL Drop in and see the new UcCM Jianges-Inspect Ibeir uian 11-tures .of superiority IJeautiful Enamel Finish Easily Kept Clean Splendid IWnfr Oven Fully Enamelled InsH Iliglily PolLsliexJ Top Ecouomic.al Fuel A?onsumption A McClary range with ollbamer installed will give saufW and economical baking, cooking and heating senice 4t co f changed back or use with coal or wood in a short time. For Satisfactory Service Gt a SlcOiry GORDON'S HARDWARE PD0NE 311 ...nninf. - "" I MUSIC Miss N. Ia.v,rerjce Teacher of Violin, Theory Harmony Classes Commencing September 1. Phone 580 Three Violins For Sale Very Reasonable, , UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Btearner Leave Prince .Rupert for -Vancouver' T-8S. CATALA tVERI TOES- . T&S. CARD EN A FBI"1 Doe DAY, 1:30 pjn. 10:30 p.m Vancouver, Thurs. a.in. 4)ne .Vaiieouver, Monday H Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office lUMber Information -O . hu. ..vv. , ..aw.. - . . A IP ....,.. - - OI - . tiv.MAN, Prince Rupert Ajenl. Third Ave. rn'