51 A H IT 8? takp two I Christmas I Bells Ring - . . ff i h pi i n .rvu.,-...,..... HAM H I I A V SLJPPJ?S The Gift That Pleases ffl YVe have the most wonderful range in Christmas Slippers in every conceivable style and quality. New shipment of Silver and Satin Evening Shoes just arrived for the holiday Festivities. ooooaooooooooooo Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes EDITORIAL DUCHESS DEFEATED :7 9 m n-isiiB'nB ni arf. sv m 2 W S . Wishlne All Our Friends- AM ERR Y XMAS and a HAPPY and PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR EDWARD LIPSETT LTD. g nS'i,fl.H r? J' Whft lS Tcrcntc for h gallant effort In Northholm. Captured Talbot, was lows: P ?SJ, f&i???!00- ni3n with the rescue af a VfM Wednesday rith general worthy jiT is iouowlnK the tradition of Mur- . ... . -.MA t- j.u .. n . .7 . . .. . nowrooai oarxv rrom arowninc in 'w unntii. ic c- nowe. J3T 3 Detroit Centre Ptayinr His llth Big League Season DETROIT. Dec. 23: CP Thev & are hailing Marty Barry. Detroit, ncu nuig genire. as me new iron the " National "aM0"ai ray .Muruocii, iormer New Yorfc . . 1 . ' ui nrriv J Ranger forward. Murdoch played tn 3 every Ranrersame for 11 years be I three nights later took his regular 'turn on the lee. In 1933 he almost missed a game a sain 1 5 5? ft S - - rusnea. w nis wile's bedside ln a (Montreal hospital on reoorts her In Scotland at th o-phpI pW, nv,, r .condlUon was critical. She lmprov- .1 ... " plp,f 1" I. j ,V, ZTn w V4 T.r" ,vt!M Ved rapidly so he he was was able able to to return return tite nAn.Y xnrs rWUjr. Decern , 1 1 11 I I I I i i " TA MEDAL FOR Awards of Royal Canadian Humane Association Abo Include Parchments for Rescues in 1923 HAMILTON. Ont, Dee 23: CP- & t MOCKey Canadian Humane Association is al:iii. IRON MAN GALLANTRY! Si? c. Mr J CPJt. sturer Princess Adelaide Capt William Hughes, arrived. Uv port at 2 20 this afternoon from the south and will sail at 10 pjn. on her return to Vancouver and.vaypofnts. OFFICERS FOR 1939 .Mr George Howe W Worthy MU-lres of Ladles' Orange Henevo. lent Association for Ensuing Year I The Ladles' Orange Benevolent At&ruL-iUr.n lull nltrht ftleeted of Frank Water house "ifrelahter. (wn for the ensuing Year as- lol Mistress, Xtra. Oeora &aiwc iikuiiu, ouiiuay, i9&rr jv. - r uruuy Aliati COO, Alii. Uliunr. ine maxorcoac was nroceunc iciurn i chaplain, Mrs. A. J- croxiora. from irom Toronto loronto to to Trenton Tenton with wun a a Vancouver. '""w,"w- She called .. . . wartoSkSfa 5yST when the Us on e way north and was al- ca 1 1 1 ft Ky 1 1 n rl Barry has participated In more aaT,Q we . " !than 50Q exhlblUon: playoff and '"'lw.fl"'m.u. r:una. one oi me party, wox a mes u-ithont without mim. missing a .league games s" rowboo.t to row ashore fi- aUinriA rnt!.t TKir c.v t ,k SSl wei ta2u?ita5f UP he,p but thlnlOfeetpf the cliffs "-" York which vlrited. here last 5 comStiTK. Although Barry nlayed a montn j$l with the New York Americans hi iff 1923 and then drooDed to New Ha- V2 and nun. j.i.li. 1.. . . Philadelphia, he started Vsi is nearrecora run OI f - ameswun ..u ?2 Boston Bruins ln 1929. He came t- JN the Wlnirs la 1935 and the next ( j year year at at Toronto loronto came came closest closest to to : jsix sUtchea taken In his throat but Gordon Bajfey. Stirling. Ont, Is Local friends are tracUve Christmas at ocean ReeordlnK Secrmtan-. Mrs. Frank receiving at- cards cams from irom Elliton. Financial Secretary. Mrs. Robert Murray. Treasurer. Miss Dolly Smith. Directress of CereuMnls. Mrs, L. WW. i i - summer ana u.nirri u nmv ni Yimr -. . . . .... ....... . l wic uwt "Ped capvzra and ami he jic wa? i n.S " firsi ueciurer. Mrs. ujiam nicn- .i t. ,i ... base at Bermuda .The Imnti ' uiiu uic vtuvct. iic auutim arai. to shore and had to cltmb a hlh 04 lhe card na 40 appropriate semd Lecturer. Mrs P. Carter -"ff whre he. was able to secure 8rtaR and Inside Is a picture of FirU conuulltte. Mrs. Hugh Kill- hela The Toronto life savlna -k " .hi . - Phone S37 .h he nnorvnrf crew was summonea ana orougm Mrs. J. W. Moorenouie: lourtn. Mrs.. t.. FULTON Phone m and Is cited fpr the lervlee of a large fisheries concern' and Mrt Vniif I- vi v.x. . . ..... .."UMP nttui. iMAnr-kr "OAST Of BEKF cited for the parchment for saving Hagen from drowning near Active m Prince Adelaide this after- iJI JJ? Prank. Sorentall from eleetrocuUor Pass, B. C. August 15. nnn for o it TOT ROAST .i v.T at Stirling rtnbf 18 JwUan Oodfrer Yeatnun ni tt.ii J Pfr lb. iiicii uc , . esiern winners ww receive me parenment- tor the Six Vancouver men. Charlrs w i.vrue of Mr. and Mrs. WllUam L. LONDON. Dec. 23 CP After 10 years as a player during which hH WHEN ORDERING SCOTCH, ASK TOR "McCALLUM'S PERFECTION" This advertisemeni ia t.ot pun,w,e u, uuu.- d the by Uquor Control Board or by the Oovern ment of billon n.i ,.,, ms-t KIDDIES KIDDIES Give the Kiddies the Treat of Their Lives With a Visit to Toyland At i5 81RLOIN Tipper lb. Clatu Mslmlm MrXfamu DivM McCUlloueh nnri fh.ii. .hiu... l.u .w. ... . . IPHIVfr rtin not t ... -- .v.. .luiutni jictu me An-rjTMnu iitie fire .v.- Athnl w tJ" vvaro' r- P- timea. R, C. F Kieheto is consider i ..v.v.vt 111 iiiiii ii.v rii 11 I Mil n "j crriirrnr , n L n . . n i . t . ... .. onn I nM vvm. Br anrni in. ufr in t . . . ... n w , ;. : Tr. " " aumgui w uwwh iusi ui unit w Ke me " " .-. - - nig reunflg irom Daammton policy and said so. Her constituents objected so she re-i Twlce p the old Am signed and ran again as an independent candidate. f fnj7uT?I scorlns- nce n Mnii- fr.Q r.t,, : jr4j 1. . , . I tie with Paul Thompson of Ch! 1 .v Vcfeilieu' ner opponent Oemg a cago. Barry has averaged 36 points supporter c of the Chamberlain government. This indicates a. season, putting hm in a p?a.j triat the bcottish people of that part of Scotland are be- mment Pee among the lifetime, hind the Chamberlain scoring leadfrs- ' government in its policy of appease- The fact that the British government won this elee-; M D 'C LI A W tion does not mean that Chamberlain is right in his policyJiYl.i . ij flA V L Neither does it indicate that he is not rght It simply, shows that at least one constituency believes that he is! lT11Iril N Il K N AMF 4 right and the result is one of the straws indiontmo- w i lilVl-rUULiiJ mieht haDDen in a p-enprnl plpptinn I . FOREIGN CONCESSIONS From time to time PMnn hoc rmntaA f.n People in Public Eye Find Chan t eristic Labelled sions to foreign nations, including Great Britain. Thec n0?' i.23 CP Dona,d ?h?r 0?e f the fcantof 5,Sb5S these is at Shanghai The Japanese policy is to drive all "Mole Face- have scaT the iuiejgnen oui 01 Lnina and gather m all the foreipn trade Hou r conimons but you can' of that country for hprsplf VJht -u publish all their names. Then wiU say about that is to be decided. S bJecUoiu- ye h one of the present war dangei,. Should Great" BritiSh deddVtVal! 11 i11 t0 ?3e OTt f China the next Step might flnistry7ls caUed-Stralolphtr Oe to be driven out of Hone Kong and Dossibly Singapore Kc to f?H Ten tail 1 his she could not allow. The United States also ha? mn " Labor Brown is known as Ndeiafaie interest in China zpddwM do mT T9" He got TnJ prooapiy do more unemployment than orotpct ihnn, ,i m relief regulations SniPTW t,fUW Japan decide to make the matter au blng prepared. He reUtedh issue, inat is one reason why it is desirable- that the de, P"mised them -m the spring." lences of Prince Rupert should be strengthened 5 as raoidlv upuuy A UDonald 15 GeorKc orif-as possible. thj membr for jjemJworth . wt Riding. He has a pronounced CANNOT BE TRUSTED " SSslmS 5 nw ?erraan settIes in anj' country can- aParanc6. - and nothins T,n be not trusted. We have already seen what k haDDenlmr M rrlends ick' to say-in many parts of the world where Germans arp n?nw!n w s- JLUd1L conservauve that When they to R 2 or Lincoln. -Henry vm-real go a new country nnt W, tnev not become The Duchess citizens hiit rX Unf? o? of Atholl, noted for Lriand TtiE nJJ E alnceS the Fath danced- views, is called Red erlaruL This is not I always true. Manv Germans become "e"- E1Ien Wilkinson. La-excellent citizens ready to defend and fight for their new nrabe' for Yarrow- u ' country. That was seen in Canada and in United f stSSt r during the time of the Great War YPt tin i t ate ,8he caUed Mlnkt sir thoe Who rettin rfiPir 11: ' .ff Se Pentage Of Klngsley Wood -Aunt Annie-. The Seal Just el!? Vth Geany is tOO-" stuck although no one ap. uieau JUSl now now in iTrpnr Rvitain r- tvantAVn.. . . co:,i i . . , i vjciumii worKmen are w,tj lt wm o?swea I Plenty of Good w-'a. Chppr Tnr Thn n,i;,io.. c i I IBRmC .IB McCallum iPerfectioa IH I HHF JHT Uniformly smooth, with H f mBgH Highland not-still Efi ?DH ''(vour. McCallum's i I1 tyBalHH U never rsrics 9B nH !Q you ko. Imported in T(Z , tj fi T taped and tealed boctlc. M Per lb. MEAT MARKET JONES' FAMILY MEAT MARKET BL'LKLEY VALLKY LMin MLTTtlK LEO of MUTTON- Ptrla. . SHOULDER MUTTON libs. .. MUTH?N CHOP8- 3 lbs. . ... .. LEGS of LAMB Pr IK in; sceend. Mrs. J R Mutray; third, sHOULOator LAMB- the rest qf the narty to sst'tv. parrhment certificate of the Royal A Parsons: filth. Mrs Henry LOIN of LAMB Mrs. Stanley Summerfield of Canadian Humane Association for Smith; Jlfth. Mrs. S. V. Cox. ik UrnK fnt i r .ln tHa ntuuli. .iditln. In V . ...... i . " - " ...v -- .... ... MJt nmuc m , ST breakine hU run of eames when tlon's parchment cerUfkate for the firemen from fire and drowning Dr. Robert Bedfbrd. formerly of .' BMP he hut his hip piayln; the Map- Jn A. Patterson July 27. the Prlne Ruperl nsherles Expert-1 jk. kOUVD stkam- . f from beinz burned tn deatn at Solchl Shlhn nf Sfv?nn 1 nii .ni. m.iu. ... 'j . .vw.w a 1 raiv ana " - - - - . wm. wicuwi ouiuvii iMii now ui uici tu irmuM Island, tercue a of 20c 75c SOc 25c 15c 25c 50c 15c 10c 18c 18c YOiril CHRISTMAS B.IU,AI.S SWIFT PREMIUM TURKEY OHn PCC' to. 1 . . UUU oncsn , ( Per lb. H i. ., DUCKS ' . Per,1b4 Jf auCKENSir Per lbi . .. . . FOWL ( Per tb . .. . 25c 28c 30c 25c PUKC HOMEMADE1 XUN'C E Cn ME.iT-Prr I. At PURE PORK 8AU8AOE MEAT 2 lh SWIFT PREMIUM HAM. I Per lbt laAlVEU-a fiUBMinn HAMS- -Per !b 33c 33c Give A Kodak And You'll Know It's an Appropriate Gift For anaphou at N,t Tnr Our New High Spec! K i t Super-XX Film Wrathall's Phnto Kinishinc A Select Assortment Of Box Chocolates And Xmas Candies That Will Please You All the Bet Makes In Stock MUSS.VLI.E3rS CONFECTIONERY THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Pancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Pacsx by Uis truly salmoa etanlog comrsoy vith an sll tbt rear round payroll la Prlno Rupert Try a Dally News cluaslfled ad-ver(lsernent for best results.