ouT OF WORK TODAY? rry The News’ Want Ad. Way. , j , THE DAILY NE Formerly The§Prince Rupert Optimist LK aN = EGISLATIVESSS f Ass; 1912 Mg C2 . NEXT MAILS —_—— For South Prince Rupert....... Friday 8 a.m, Princess Beatrice, .Saturday, 9 a.m, L. I, NO. 20 PRINCE RuPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 24, 1912. = PRICE FIVE CENTS HOUBLE DROWNING AT ThE WHARF LAST NIGHT ‘MONEY FIRST MORRISSEY” STANDS OUT IN COUNCIL G. T. P. in British Columbia. Special to Daily News Ottawa, Jan. 24.—On February 10th the Railway Board will con- ‘i sider an application made by the fuch Wordy Warfare Last Night Over Money Problems| Department of Land of British Tacit Victory for Morrissey When Mayor reggae An for an order to com- pe railway companies passing Advises No Vote—The Missing Men of graft could him in the City Hall was made clear. For this views that no trace stand he earned from Alder- be found by south, son before returning through forests to take precau-| Beyond doubt the feature fully made and that the Gity Clerk |"0nS to prevent fires from loeo-| of last night’s discussion in | that very day had not been able | ™0tives. It is believed that the council of the hydro-electric | to account for more than 1410 men | Pest solution of the difficulty is scheme was Alderman Mor- jon the present pay roll, as com- the use of oil,in locomotives, rissey’s stout resistance to pared with that for the past | $$$» any discussion at all until month. | J. G. Millichamp, representing the exact state of the finances Alderman Douglas. aired his|the John W. Peck Company, is in the city and will go to Port Simp- | hhavannone OF FOREST FIRES) COLD RUSH Legislation Which May Affect the. AT NELSON Ore Running $600 a Ton Found Close to St. Eugene Mine—)| | Greatest Stampede Since Early Seventies. | Canadian Press Dispatch. | Nelson, Jan. 24.—Ore | $600 per ton in gold, lother metals, has been discovered lin a new tunnel opposite the town | of Moyie, and the greatest } running | besides | staim- pede since the early seventies is on. The location is within a rifle} shot of the famous St. Rugene | esi | RUPERT EARLY TODAY ‘rought Passengers, Mail and Considerable Freight. siderable cattle for ply of steamer f P, Foley, Prine reight Burns camps up river, Twenty-four hour a. m., January 24: 'F max. temp., 64.0; 42.0. Pantcrium \ are i. e Rupert ar- jrived shortly after 9 o'clock today with many passengers, and for Welch mail, con- 40 head of the sup: & Stewart THE WEATHER. s ending 5 gar., 29.165; min, temp., Pioneer Cleaners. Clayton the hint that he [during his tenure of office. Alder- would be better as chairman = [man Douglas agreed with Alder- of the Finance Committee [man Clayton that the publication | than of the Board of Works. [of such matter was detrimental Alderman Morrissey failed [to the credit of Prince Rupert. at first to make his point | It was derogatory to the repu- of stick and have the discus- [tation of the Superintendent sion held over until the | Public Works and the fair name financial position was stated of the previous Board of Works | exactly, but after unlimited {to make such allegations and un- discussion, involving men- /fair to these men if they were not | tion of the missing men well substantiated, clause in the Board of Works | Aldermen Kerr and Montgom- nt straight to the or not They Chairmi: question, there addressed | in of the him report, and the usual criti- ery cism of the newspapers, the session ended without any decision having been arrived we whether was at all ons to the lasking any money | questi asking at. In fact, at the request of (| Finance Committee, the Mayor himself, the Coun- {whether the bank would come cil withheld their vote on the ahranih with the money provid- few hydro-electric matters led under the bylaw. Alderman until the bank nothing | Do vuglas said that approached touched on until the Mayor, with the Finance Committee, The Drowned. lh id = been CAPT. S. A. COLLENDER, to noon the bodies had not been recovered, and efforts were being DROWNED WHILE THEY SLEPT S. A. Collender and His Son Rector Collender Perished Last Night Within a Foot of Safety _ TUG “‘GLEN ROSA” SANK BESIDE THE WHARF Mooring Ropes Were Too Short aia Tug I oc Over as Tide Rose—Filled and Sank in Five Minutes in the Darkness at Two O’clock This Morning— Bodies Were Not Recovered at Late Hour Today had a full eargo of coal and lum- ber aboard, How she could have d deter capital from seeking St. Andrew's Society Opens Ban-| roll had exere ised |} ment in Prince Rupert. Al quet Season. : ae ae e ae oa | The banquet season 18 now well VISITS HORSES, Shout ave ee K ) i until absolute certainty | al hand and as usual the re oe 1 of the facts. ldrew's Society takes its place a man Morrissey in defense | the head of the big dinners Strange Deadly Malady aateseal a. ‘ st will | Stables in Spokane—Scores of | ontention claimed Sea Mi yianned. This year the feast wil coca teagan’ Mihe team? tet Spang ae the last Bo to be spret ad at the Premier Hotel, Hospital Aid Called In. | [o it vet been dec Read at Council Meeting. There are four applications no won file | the position of city purchasing agent, the appli-| M., ( ts Mustard, Joseph Phateher and BE, A, | Newton said it had} ided by the Coun- | cants being F. Swift, A Mann. Mayol has visited the bank and as- RECTOR COLLENDER. } made to locate a diver. Diving} foundered in less than five min- certained what the manage- ‘ sd Page 4 oe STA aes neo, applianees used on the wreck of] utes is strange. ment is prepared to do re- VOnNAUe eee Place of Accident. {the Grant last week are at hand. 3oth drowned , ' garding the financing of the =<={° RUPERT MARINE WHARF, be-| ‘phe disaster was discoveréd in| kao. sade haancfance cases well city ga Feen Uae Nicaea So neadneial’l cs hae known in Rupert and_ vicinity. the darkness after 2 o'clock this |p sugsestion oO! Mayo! NEW TARIFF Government wharves, morning by H. Robinson of the he eed ae bo SOrnnsy taee \lderman Morrissey’s re- How It Happened. Rupert Marine Iron. Works. From | ere 8. A. Collender had ranched h is published in full At about five minutes after 2{his room on the wharf where the] for several years, and where he ! page) was made the COM this. morning both men were|accident occurred he heard aj leaves a wife and two children, ast night's Seo uae asleep on board the tug Glen|splashing sound and hurried out) He was postmaster at Refuge Bay. y Counol of the hydro — iRosa, moored at the wharf. The/onty to find that the Glen Rosa] Roth men ran a tug for W : ite er ania pct er Findnoe Intreduose in poring ropes were too oe and es Misoppeased eer, The Robinson of this city for six \iderman Morrissey made Three with Fullest Powers toler’ Sect oeeae acest; Sea aA chai h oe the months or so last summer and seconded by Alderman) — Enquire into Price Problems. ce ! i ank 1 lea ane oon ms eee ie | were capable seamen, Captain that the Finance Com ately. onal of the tune aa eee Collender was a certified British th the Gity Solicitor, | Canadian Press Despateh County Boreaved, The; were ving Giewnad ineihe ae caplam. TUS Wars: OReGrS m the bank to cover) (Ottawa, Jan, 24.—The Minister Captain Collender leaves a wife bunks fathoms deep by the wharf OF RORGR EE Tae i0: SRA PaaS 1in what money Wa8],r pPinance today introduced ajand two children at his ranch on]. side. where today “oily saan on and in Rupert, It As be- aking before anything} .,coltion for the formation of | Porcher Island slowly rising to the surface 4ell en cn wed Mad det cone, la tariff commission comprising To b hus. drowned in their |i position At: the ann kan een Collender’s is in Rupert at pres- | brought forth from Aldet lthree members clothed with full sleep was the shocking fate} ic. ent, but this was not certain at iyton severe comment ON} 1 wwers to secure the presence of | whit h befell Captain 8S. A, s01- | - the time of writing. rtion of Alderman Morris-| Witnesses to be summoned and|{lender and his son, Reetor Col-| Although the manner of the | Chief Vickers was making in- port concerning the miss~| roy taking evidence under oath, | lender, last night within a foot |disaster is clear to all, the rea- | vestigations this morning, but 100 men from the city pay |ppey will enquire into the cost of of the wharf at which their boat, |son for the sudden sinking of the the special effort of the police Phe publication of this) a iticies to the manufacturer and the Glen Rosa, was moored, {tug is not s0 clear. The Glen)was for the recovery of the prominently with headlines|) the consumer, and the cost of All the waterfront was shocked | Rosa was a sound eraft and sea-| bodies, which with a raising tide Daily News caused Aldet | producing the raw material in|) the news this morning, and ee loering nor was she peseiiared (S08 A diver at hand was im- Clayton ennoyance and], anada and abroad, The mem whole city soon learned of it. 1 p joyerloaded last night, though s oie Ossi ble until late today. est the effeet of this wide ny rs will be. appointed by the — — notoriety, i it eae ant | Government. SLEEPING DEATH FOR PURCHASING AGENT ¢ N R S DEPOT be over the continent, | | is roe Applications for the Job| ~*® “*® ® IN MONTREAL Scheme for Biggest Undertaking of Kind Submitted in Canada Has Been to th Board of Control. e Montreal Canadian Press Despatch. Night Preparatory to to Victoria Besides the financial matter and matters affecting the missing men on the city pay roll, consid- erabie discussion took place at Council last night over the hydro- electric scheme. When it had been decided after much talk that something should be done in the way of discussion of the Board | of Works report, the City En- jgineer at the request of the Mayor stated his proposals in re- gard to his intended visit to Se- attle to consult with Engineer Thompson. Col. Davis south was for all important. Mr. stitution of cornerete the dam Woodworth. | wanted also to consult him re- garding the substitution of steel pipe for wood, and on important points in regard to the water sup- ply for the hydraulic machinery, the branching off of the pipe line © the plant at Shawatlans, etc. Another point of importance lwas that of the abandonment of the clearing scheme for Wood- worth Lake. The City Engineer |hopes. that by visiting Victoria and interviewing the authorities said that his several trip at AN APPEAL TO. CUSTOMS DEPT. J. G. Turriff, M. P., Makes Effort to Save Prairie Settlers $4 per Thousand on Imported Lumber Through Customs Attitude. Canadian Press Despatch, Alleging that ) Ottawa, Jan. 24. a combine existed among the British Columbia saw mills and that the Government wrongly l- terpreted the customs act re- garding the admission of certain lumber into Canada from the United States, Hon, J. G. Turriff has made an appeal to the Cus- toms department to take a broad- of the act and er interpretation save the settlers of the prairies from paying $4 per thousand more than they paid under‘ the late Government, M. Albert Returns. M. Albert, of the We stholme Lumber Go., returned to the city this morning from Vancouver. Choicest liquors and cigars— Savoy. SICK ‘EMPLOYEES Hospital Help to Be Entitled to W S pay where extensive preparations are or Mayor Manson toward the end now being made, and judging | Canadian Press Despatch, foil that such an appointment be Montreal. Jan. 24..'Phe Can-| Two Weeks’ Pay and Treatment. nat He maintained thal lfrom the personnel of the com- | Spokane, Jan, 24 More than}made, and recommended that the}adian Northern Railway's — big a nee enue a estigation had been care-)) iia. in charge the statement is}, score of horses have died with|applications be filed and that if} Montreal fanmainal; soheme.: alibe rhe Boshi alte pei warranted that this year’s at-/ine “sleeping sickness” in the/the Council decided on such ap | mitted by the officials of the ne 4) ee hl cenntiiea ltempt will exceed all previous ef- | Inland Empire the last few days |pointment adv rlisements should|company at a meeting of the se Pans arene ee Nite Ser ROYAL TRIO MET | fo rts. The dinner will be held on} as a result of eating a fungus|be published that all might have | Board of Control called especially | pay for une a a -auttne a | the evening of January 25th.) .owth that formed in decaying}an opportunity to tender their}to consider the project of the | able to etiens. tt Ce i thd Tickets may be had from J. He} ctpaw during the warm days pre-| services. lew ixangnontinenihl road: ig peaeees to ance ioe NEW YORK EL TE Kelly, W. B, Kerr, George Scott, | ooding the recent cold weather, }under consideration, hopin ee roel pans i ie ‘ | Ms alcolm MeLeod or the secretary, and it is feared by members of Prince Rupert's leading hotel— The whole scheme as outlined ' “ casual aiatatien! of hos- _D. Macdonald. the staff at the Washington State] Savoy. by Mr. W. H, Moore, secretary of ital np bye ahs ints is to be pre- puke he) OM College Hospital in this eily that — the railway, is one of the great i ane ; KALB te he ‘Dushat Connaught, with he) “OUR REGIMENT” AGAIN the disease may become more RAILWAY EXPANSION bad pecleenicie: Ger Sonpeivedt.. id er See er none aa Fri- alarming if the cold weather re in development of Canada, tee 5 Munda ee Te co ulae Local Dramatic Company |i urns. Esquimalt & Nanaimo Railway Representing the Mackenzie & Gay Ovehinet : ; Will Reproduce the Play. As soon as reports began to Authorized to Extend Line. Mann interests at the meeting For Up River. Canadit ’vess Despatch. reach the hospital last week Dr, - were! Secretary Moore, Col. nin. See civer: tof ae tee ie a ki By general request the popular|}O{to Menning, a member of the Canadian Press Despateh, Davidson, land commissioner ofl omplig "i ' ak ita alter. Oi ene lay “Our Regiment” will be given | staff, was sent to make investi Victoria, Jan. 24.--Telegrams|the road; Mr, T. 8, Darling, gen with a large number of nnaught, ‘with the Duchess a a soon by the local amateurs] gation, and traced the disease to)received from Ottawa today an-jJeral land agent, and Mr, Hl. Bilt ocadeau cA L. Brown, tratiic Princess Patricia, today eae direetion of Alderman L.]/the decaying straw, where the}/nounce the approval of the plans|Armstrong, chief engineer [DOSED Se ad iw {stiches d down upon the city from) p_ujjoeck-Webster. horses are permitted to feed, He} submitted by the Esquimalt & | Stewart, a ees Ae nie oftiest skyscraper, Last hreports that the horses devour|Nanaimo Railway for the exten- he Early Closing. jamong the passengers, ollies! skyscraper, Tonight New Arrivals. | the peculiar fungus as if it were |sion of its eae a oP eget poet Phe following puainess Housee —--— | oyal trio will meet the fa At the Premier—. (. | lantele u, green food, of Vancouvel stan rom re p will close at 7p. m, ever ig ty For rent—Two rooms aver 100" of New York society | spokane; James Livingston, W. 5. | The equines are immediately |to Duncan Bay, a little north of except Saturday, comment ing|wallace’s. Suitable for oflices me he residenaa of Ambassador|sargent, R. W. Thompson, Van- attacked by the deep sleep and | Campbell River, Jan, 29th; Ideal Provision |apartments. Apply H. 8. W al- id sap wan tira Ferguson, H, MeB, | death results in a few hours. — House, J. BE. Merryfield, Wil iaMS | face, istt ares Pe Moore, B. Hulleran.| When cove sped «with frost the| Valuable Residential erenerty. & MecMeekin, Miller - Phillips, } ee amith, G4 & _W N. Morrison | fungus is said to act as a power- On Saturday next at 2:30 p. Shrubsall Fish Market Prince} aS off to “to Breezy Point, Burns Banquet a. T. op ec ‘Lacombe; W.| ful opiate, The horses rarely re-|on the spot, Mr. Frank A. Bilis Rupert Fish Market, Frizzell Meat Ponight is the night for Breezy Only a limited number of tiok- |and Mrs ear wv. \. MeMartin,}gain consciousness, While the | will sell by publie auction splen-| Market at fRoinh ; DOS a aan ill be sold for the Burns’ An- \ 3 P ci 4 D. Higman, W. E. idisease Is said to have made its|did view property, Fourth avenue : Sere k elly o 5 n a ren BS; 5. . BRORMN OR 1am Sei ssie ‘arance during former. win-|and Dunsmuir street, also choice For row boats and launches|more the merrier! Ponight, ary banquet at the Premier] payidson, F. F. Weed, ® alo LADPERE AHO | § x : rif ; rj sle » 820 green. Davis boatjo’clock, Presbyterian Hall, Ad- ; ante : Hon, §. J. Garr-|ters, it has rarely proved as dead-|yvacant lot, Fifth avenue, without] telephone 3820 green ok, 4 } I Procure youre without | een are ol. lly as during the present weather, }reserye, See handbills, At house, mission 50 cents, ther delay, lett, Vancouver, | purposes, | He wanted to see|conveying of pipe along that part HYDRO-ELECTRIC SCHEME POINTS OF IMPORTANCE Discussion Begun at Council’s Special Session Last City Engineer’s Trip and Seattle there personally he can obtain approval of the Government for this part of the scheme. This is necessary before anything can be done to the dam. On his return to Prince Rupert Col. Davis says he will be prepared to submit de- tailed plans of the scheme, A motion sanciioning the City Engineer’s proposed visit to Se- attle and Victoria was carried at Council last night, and Col, Davis will leave on Friday. It was sug- gested that while he is traveling south and back Col. Davis might | Thompson regarding the sub-|of the for wood on} limits He | occupy his spare time on the boat in drafting out a scheme for the line within the city toward Shawatlans Pas- which is not yet furnished road plankway, but lies muskeg This problem talked by the Couneil night, with little deci- pipe sage, with along was ast sion, The labor problem tion with the scheme the Couneil, and will take settlement. As will be seen, exists already the contract sys- tem and day labor factions, and the opinions of both sides came out again in Council last night. The Mayor and Alderman Clay- ton are inclined to the opinion that the pledge practically im- plied by the bylaw passed by vote of the people binding on the Council, and that the work must accordingly be done by all three over but In connec- vexing some there Is is systems of labor—contract, sta- tion and day labor. Alderman Morrissey, who. had because about refrained from speech they would not wait to see the finances first, broke into the discussion toward the end with the statement that the cily was going to let itself in for ruinous expenditure if the day labor sys- tem were adopted. Plant, scows, launches, bunkhouses, cooking stoves would have to be bought, ill for about seven months’ work, Alderman Maitland and John Dyb- havn differed from him, as they io in their minority report. Alderman Morrissey’s last word to the Gouneil on the subject last night was: slow. There ire =o most important problems ihead of which we dare not lecide on offhand. Make sure of the money first. No one ts more inxious than Iam to see the work zo ahead,” he insisted, ; Much time was spent in diseus- much that Alderman Maitland once sprang up asking: ‘dow many hours do we have to talk about these things? If the time unlimited we had better bring our luneh!” “Go us so sion, is almost $110 Lang range, new make offer, 710 3rd ave. 2t PROV. GOVT. AND FOREST POLICY Bill to Amend Land Act Regarding Forestry Administration Before House at Victoria—Government Policy Claimed Best Anywhere. Victoria, Jan. 24.—In the Leg- islature Hon, W. R. today moved the second reading of his bill to amend the land act in re- spect to forestry administration. it claimed the policy of the Government re timber” is” the soundest, most effective and most convenient method of obtaining a steady flow of revenue from the forests that has yet been evolve d in any country, The Government 1d the serviees of Over- president of the Ross is has secure ton Priee, vice National Conservation Assocla- tion of the United States, who comes next summer to assist in supervising the reorganization of forestry matters in the -proy- ince, Gifford Pinchot may also come,