PAOI TWO CAMPACS The super constructed summer shoe that has stood every test and can he depended on to give maximum wear and comfort. Full range of sizes in men's, ladies', lwys and children's. Jack and Jill Shoes Sole Agents Full new shipment just arrived in all leathers, styles and sizes. You 'Have Foot Troubles, See Us FIf AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes oaily romoN THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue H. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid in $5.00 Paid In advance, per week ,12 Paid In advance, per month ...... .50 By mall to all parts of British Columbia, ihe British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3.00 By mail to all other countries, per year , 9.00 News Department Telephons Advertising and Cnculation Telephone Member ot Audit Burtau ot Circulation! ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion " local readers, per line, per insertion 86 98 Wednesday, April 27, 1938. J32 IJ.C. ASKS ADJUSTMENTS Kecently when the Rowell Commission met in British Columbia the provincial government laid before it arguments why this province should receive more just treatment than she has received in the past. There was no asking of alms. All that was requested was an adjustment in order that British Columbia, as one of the provinces of the Dominion, might have more nearly equal treatment with the rest. Of course, the east does not like this and it trying to show that the most westerly province is asking for favors An article in a recent issue of Saturday Night claims that the province has been spendthrift and is asking the Dominion to relieve her of her just debts. Nothing is farther from the fact. Years ago Sir Richard McBride went to Ottawa asking for an adjustment from a Conservative government. He was turned down and tamp hnmp in a huff. However, the province received part of what he asked. Now the federal government is asked to consider a number ot injustices and to set them right just as did' the Mantimes ask for the carrying out of the terms of' me uuntaii commission. It is said in Saturday Night that British Columbia has many advantages and is in an advantageous position. What the writer fails to note is the cost' of developing such a huge rugged province in order that it mav keep pace with the rest of Canada. We cannot afford to be generous to the rest of Canada when we need the money so badly on our highways. - untisn Columbia is not a problem child. Let the; Dominion give her all that is her due and she will get along nicely. PAYING FOR LUXURY Britain is being asked to pay for the luxury of war preparations by an increase of sixpence in the pound on the income tax, for people with large incomes. There is an increase in the tax on tea which does affect every person in a tea drinking country. However, the manuf actur of munitions and the building of 'warships is making busy times in England and Scotland so there will not be much complaint afthe cost. A NOVEL PLAN Two proposals have been made in order to try to induce people to help carry out the beautify-the-city proposal and the clean-up suggestions that have been made. It is proposed to give a prize to the person having the least attractive home in the city and another to the person having premises most in need of being cleaned up. Due publicity would be given the competitions and the names of the winners would be published. These plans are said to have been successful in other cities and no one can say what effect they might have here. 1G . I. WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront j i( Capt. IHchard Gammon Disposes Of Loral Interests and Goes East' Spring; Salmon Trolling Having disposed of his local in terestB, principal of which were the two big selnebomts Zenardi land Bertha G., CkbV Richard 4 o'clock this afternoon for Anyos and Stewart whenee she will re turn here tomorrow evening south bound. 2 Gammon, for many years a welit known Prince Rupert seining op-?ratoi , hia.s left for the Atlantic Coast. He will visit his home province of Nova Scotia as well as at Boston and has an idea of engag-ng in mackerel seining although his plans for the futare are not definitely settled as yet. He wih travel to Ontario by rail and. tak-ng delivery of a new car there will drive to the Atlantic Coast Capt. Gammon has sold the Zenardi to Capt. Charles B. Haan of Queen Charlotte City. The Zenardi is registered as being 53.7 feet ( l 'ong with beam of 15.2 feet and i depth of 7.7 feet. Built in Vancouver in 1925. the vessel is equip - ped with a 100 h.p. Falrbanks-. Morse full diesel engine. The Bertha G. has been disposed of bv Capt. Gammon to the H. V. More- TUB DAILY NEWS Wrdne .ttav a I5SJ 'SPORT LOSE THEIR 'FIRST FLAT FIRST game; RACETODAY t Pittsburg Pirates Suffer Defeat for Pasch Winner Of Two Thous- Fint Time This Season at Hands of Chicato Cubs PITTSBURG. April 27: (CP) Pittsburg Pirates suffered their f (pf 4 A f Ant o-. f O tVltc MOCAR I'DC. 5 to 3 to the Chicago Cubs. New York Giants and Boston Bees re- .n-iintvl In cwnnrl inri third iwsl ADril is said to have been consid-iand Detroit Tigers In a deadlock been particularly so around Dun- Browns yesterday das Island and the flats. It Is not to be taken from this, however," that there has been any phenomenal run of fish. Weather, except for a few bad days, has been more favorable than usual. Quite a number of the trolling boats a-e mow out and several camps are in place for the season. With a fair sized list of passengers, C. N. R. .-itcamer Prince Ru-nertl Cant Hi E Nedden. arrived 2s;in port on time at 10:30 this morn ing from Vancouver, Powell Rive.' Yesterday's Big League score.? American League New York 5, Philadelphia 3. Boston 4, Washington 6. Cleveland 10, Chicago 6. Detroit 7, St. Louis 1. National League Philadelphia 8, New York 12. Brooklyn 1, Boston 4. Chicago 5, Pittsburgh 3. St. Louis 7, Cincinnati 8. The standings to date: National League W and Ocean Falls and will sail at Pittsburg 7 New York 6 Boston 4 Chicago 5 Brooklyn 2 Cincinnati 3 The new 60-foot towboat Taku i Philadelphia 1 Chief left Seattle yesterday for the I st. Louis 1 laxu raver district wnere it will: American League De operated. The Taku Chief is sixty feet long and derives powei from two 126 h. p. high speed dietel engines. Cleveland 6 Boston .... 5 Chicago 3 Philadelphia 3 Armour Salvage Co.'s service wasningion boat Daly is on the pontoons at'531, Loms 3 the l-)-a? dry dock for clean- New Yorlc 4 i s an'' j .! nti.r, She was taken . Detroit 3 cut of 'he .vat". ihh mrrningandi ' will be out uiiin 'omorrow. i F,NE CUT I MAKES A j c.CAf ) L 1. 1 2 3 5 5 5 7 1 3 4 4 4 5 5 5 SPORT CHAT Pet. .875 .857 .607! .625 v28G .375 .167 .125 .857 .675 .429 .429 .506 .375 .444 .375 Sir William Edge, M.P., at the annual meeting of Bolton Wanderers Football Club declared that directors and manager as well as players should b'e suspended for persistent rough play. For a few anxious weeks officials of Portsea Oolf Club . at Melbourne, Australia, thoughl they had struck oil on the course but it was found the "discovery" was 12 years' seepage from the pumping plant. "Had Hitler and Mussolini been cricketers, I don't think we should have had the trouble' now going on ln Europe," observed Sir Francis Lacey at the annual meeting of Wiltshire county crlckl't club In England, A penalty kick in the last 30 seconds of the game gave Gloucester a 10-9' victory over Torquay Athletic in an English Rugby Union match, n, Hook kicked the goal. E. W Thacker, South African hl$h jump champion and winner of that event In the British Empire Game at Sydney, Australia, has stlred from competitive athl;tlcs. When North' Durham defeated e ;lde al Sunderlaud, England, -eccntly it wa? th; first time in 55 yearr the team had won the Durham senior rugby union cup. The. National Fie Church Council meeting In Bournemouth, England, urged the government to take action ln view of the "menacing growth" of football pools. It' was stated gambling now Involved sand Guineas Classic at New market-Scottish Union Second WJTWXf 4TJIfl?T ITrKrlinri Anrll 7 I (CP) H. E. Morrlss colt Pasch to-! terday when they lost by a score of . . .... Two Thousand Guineas, first of the season's race classics. James V. Rank's Scottish Union was second a lhe Aa Khans Mrraa 11 was tioiu respectively in the National imrd- League with victories over Phlla- delphia and Brooklyn. The Clncln- ; ... . . . . . naU Reds downed the cellar-dwel- annual an turnover In the country ling St. Louis Cardinals to assume of 350,000,000 t$ 1.750,000.000 1. leadership of the second division ahead of Uie Dodgers. Welcoming the Empire team In the American League Cleve- home from Australia, Sir Robert land Indians continued their win- vvebber suggested consideration be nine wnvx with another victory t. 1. ,w. , n.m.i. house or 1. part interest basis. This 0VJ the' White Sox In Ho vessel, 62.1 feet long with beam of Chicago a P " Gam Games t0 C Cardlff- d ff Waks- Wa, WashlnEton Senators de- J. E. Deacln. CO. who finished . erably better than has been the for the cellar, the Tigers having firs. ln tne tliree-mi! nivmnic' case ior some years pasi. inis nas scored a 10 i victory over we event In 1908, won the 1934 4'4-mlle road handicap at Richmond, Eng-j land, recently. Not direct interest ln sport but an all pervading Influence of the football pools was found a predom- j inatlng factor ln the lives of long- unemployed persons, according to ! a report of the Pilgrim Trust in ' London on the problem. ; Sunday games in parks were voted down by Coventry, England, city council 30 votes to 12. i A t This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Lin Control Board or by the Government of British CoiunTw. Westerns Win Title OTTAWA, April 27: (CP) Vancouver Westerns defeated Ottawa Glebe Grads by a score of 47 to 27 last night to re- tain for British Columbia the ; Canadian men's senior basket- j ball championship. It was the j third straight win for the Westerns in a best three out , of five game series. l..:u .i tii t-i i j " Dew onuui waips lion 1 .nnnn 1 v, " - ' ysr in 1927 and J. is equipped iZI with into . third c, place while vcr the pu.-Pinhm New York oDDOSes rPf! the sueestlon on a a. eolfnHver-dock 8PaW a 90 h.p. Washington-Estep diesel engine. mm A I- V IV. MJi V V W W A V UH IT1 11 IH rfk II M ITAri n M Mlk SlnM TORONTO, April 27: (CP) IUI1 Athletics nut them into fourth r"rV, Thieve, stole 50 shoes from a shoe place. The White Sox and Ath- Ud to arrv as h (factory and abandoned them. They . ..... i - .t. ir.u " .rvfrt nil inr rnp pii inni out nin aiiuwii iiuuiun ti a.M9 . w " - - Ucoli Co. contiguous to Prince Rupert this, position with the St. Louis Browns j WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And You'll Jump Out of Bed In th. Morning Rr!n' to Go Tb llrr should poor out two ponndi of ll'iuid bile Into your buwrli dailr. If thU bU ! not Rowing frrlr, your food dortn'tdifnt. It jutt dmri (n the bowrU. Gu bkwU rouriUmwrh. You rt comtlpUd. Harmful poiaont jo into the bod;, and you feel tour, sunk nd the world looks punk. A mere bowH move mr n t down't m m a j rH at the ratine. You need aomrthing thatworka on the liver aa well, it takra those rood, old Carter'a LltUe IJrrr Pills to get thne two pounds of bile flowing freely and make you f-el"up and up.Harmlrsa and genUe, they make the bile flow freely. They do the work of ealumrl but hava no calomel or mercury la them. Ask for Carter's Ultls l.lfrr Pills by name I Stubbornly refuse kaythlsg als. tie. R&G USED CARS WITH A DOUBLE GUARANTEE '.ill . ' ft. 4 mMmm ' m i,H1,M,IHM Treat yourself to a teller used car. Our special R&G bargains ar rtntwed and guaranteed for service. A wide selection of makes and models if you act quickly. See them today. S.E. PARKER LIMITED Ford Dealers I'HONT. 83 Clean Up Paint Up Modernize For Your Gardening Supplies, Painting Supplies and House-hold Hardware Sec GORDON'S HARDWARE HONE 311 McBRinn ST. CLOTHING C tf,IT Hsr , ovuvv wiiitc sue wj. j:r 'ar' meal, Mrs. Net in t suffered burns tn: died In hospital. The Finest :1 PIANO TLWIXG In the country can be ypdrs. as done with the1 "Ite.onosrnpe, t G. C. WAI.KLtf Phone Blue 389 2,2 4th St Holiday Camp Mr. Dunn Announce Tint Her 'SANfiAX HOLIDAY KIVER CAMP Near Massett, Q.C.I., b opn for visitors and advlM earij book inr. Tune-Up For Sprlnr? Winter Has Been Hard on Your Car . . . harder than ynu think! The strain t:f cc'.i starU, sklddy roads, and uncertain weather has pulled many parts out of udju.'.ment Now is the time to. flush away the win? t -worn & and sluggish wt?r system adjust wheels and brakw tune up the motor Take advantage of our special rate for COMPLETE Inspection, clean-up and tune-up and be sure of trouble-free sprir driving ROYAL General Motors Dealf" 3nl Avenue Thont 51 "Service With a Smile'' Nobody Knocks The KNOX The. Tood Is lo4 I'hc Itootn? Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly TJie lUtes Are Keasonable KNOX HOTEL D If II HEX N M. lau BOWLING ALLEY MaNfinrnt of Kxchanx PIKINK !5K , LUMBER I AT MUX nfl jC-lncli and 8.lnch X&"1' .... t a - .... 1 u I . m CA . nipiap uiiiriiiuin" No. 1 Common 2-inch CIS, Itoiigh Cedar Flank v nf'ivfrJ , J'or Prince Ruper. Phone niu-i""" Billmor Spruce W