PAGE FOUR linn Sunderwood Studio Announces that their new equipment enables them to develop and print any size of Roll Films at 40c All Work Guaranteed iNext Rupert Hotel) THE SEAL QUALITY m GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only lalmoo canning company with an til the year round payroll in Prince Rupert HYDE Transfer 315 SK ()NI AVK FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 PHONES 18 and 81 'INDUCTION OF PASTOR CONDUCTED First Presbyterian Church Receives Its New Minister, Rev. G. II. 1 Funston, Formerly of Stewart . With a large turn-out of bers and adherents In attendance the induction of Rev. G. H. Funston, until recently of Stewart, as pastor of First Presbyterian Churck here was conducted last night by Rev. David Lister of Vancouver acting as interim moderator. The Induction service was followed by a reception for Rev. and Mrs. Funston In the church parlors where Mrs. D. C. Stuart, president of the Ladles' Aid, introduced the members of the congregation to the new pastor and his wife. During a program which followed, with Mr Lister acting as chairman, pastors of other denominations in the city brought their greetings. In the course of the social hour refreshments were served. The Induction service was along conventional lines as prescribed by the. ritual of the church. In an appropriate sermon, Mr. Lister discussed the function of the church first as a divine organism and second as a human organization He administered the obligation of the pastorate to Mr. Funston and received the pledge of faith ant! support from the congregation "The Old Rugged Cross" was sung as a vocal duet by Mrs. H. N Brocklesby and Mrs. J. L. Lee. Mrs E. J. Smith presided at the orgar. and the choir was in attendance A poem composed especially for such occasion by Mr. Lister was read and proved of Interest. It was as follows: Blessed Lord, to Thee 'I Pray, Entering Thy House today, Stir all hearts that there may be laving fellowship with Thee. Bless the Prench'jr. may his word Witness to Thy gl6ry. Lord, Fill h's heart, direct his tongue TJlve him bread for old and young. Bless the peoDle all who meet Humbly at the Savior's feet. As thev worship bend Thine ear I To their waiting souls appear. "n the weary .yoking rest, To the sorrowing and opprcst. To th wayward, sinful, sad. Grant Thy grace and make them glad. iLet all hearts with gladness glow t-et all Hps with praises flow, As we gather here to pray On this holy Sabbath day. The Reception ivnins; the reception proceed-'ns:. Mr. lister read a message of greeting and best wishes from th moderator of New Westminster Presbytery, Rev. Dr. W. A. Cameron. W. W. C. O'Neill, clerk of th session, conveyed the regrets of Bishop Rix at being unable to at tend and also read a telegran, from the former pastor. Rev. W, D P. O. BOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store 'Where Dollars Have More Cents" HAPPYVALE PICKLES ORMONDS PILOT BREAD- Sweet and sour mixed or mustard. QQn Mb. Oft Bottle Ceiio AJK, LIBBY'S SLICED PEACHES- 77" EMPRESS EMPRESS PURE PURE Choice, 2's sqt. Jffp Tln 1UC HONEY-32-oz. Jar CUT GREEN BEANS Royal COLGATE'S ASSORTED TOI- flV 25c ty-- lie PEAS Royal City. QQn Size 5. 2 tins CHLORIDE OF LIME- Qn Each TERRACE DELICIOUS AP- . PLES-Small for OXp EMPRESS PLUM JAM cooking. 6 lbs. AtMy -Pure, 4-lb. tin Ttl n MCCORMICK'S TOASTED - SODAS fl ( PILCHARDS- 2's. 4 A C0 Perpkg 1"C 2 tins Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Arriving Three Times Each Week At Reasonable Prices QUALITY SERVICE PRICE FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Your Convenience Boat and Mail Orders Receive rronipt and Careful Attention Grant Holllnsworth, now of Medicine Hat. Mr. Hollingsworth's mes sage assured Mr. Funston that he would find In Prince Rupert a loyal congregation and a friendly people. Mr. O'Neill referred to the fine spirit which attended the call j to Mr. Funston. He bespoke for the new pastor the hearty support of i 'he congregation. Mr. O'Neill expressed appreciation of the con-j gregation to Mr. Lister for his ex-i cellent help during the pulpit va-j cancy. Very Rev. James B. Gibson, con-: jratulated the Presbyterian congregation on the excellent pastor '.hey had obtained. Bringing the greetings of First United Church, Rev. J. C. Jacksor expressed the hope that Mr. and Mrs. Funston would receive the undivided support and loyalty of the congregation. Rev. E. E. Brandt, pastor of First Baptist Church, looked for ward with pleasure to inter- .hurch association With Mr. Funston. The harmony that had pre- lled in the past would, he hoped continue in the future. Capt. Ivan Halsey of the Sal-'ation Army said that there were difficulties in the ministry in Prince Rupert and the pastor vould need the full support of his '.ongre.'iatlon. The Jtimy would do ts best to co-operate wherevei oosslble. P. H. Linzey Joined in extend-ng best wishes to Mr. arid Mrs nston. Now was the testing time for faith, he believed. Prince Ru keeping the church going. THE DAILT XKWS xrVC .eeomul.M d rh.u- "! ? tM h.lpth.ynd t0 th. (. their u"l pert was a young man s town and it was fitting that the Presbyterian Church should have obtained a postor of Mr. Funston's type. In response, Mr. Funston spoke briefly but earnestly. He realized the responsibility attached to the pastorate here. He was confident, however, of happy associations. He was particularly appreciative of the very evident signs of preparation for his coming through the work that was being carried out on the Manse and in other ways. Thomas McClymont proposed a vote of thanks to the ladies for their continuous efforts in support of the church. Their work had been of inestimable value in LIES flTi,. .vN SPECIAL OFFER! If yon purchife t genuine Contoleum Cold Seal Hug during the period of this con-test and then prove to be the winner of the Prize Rug, you have the option of taking the prize nig or of having the full purchase price of the nig you nave already bought refunded. Thil li your opportunity to get a rug of larger tize FREE. Don't miai thii chance I I "fclnilde the store where NO NEED TO BUY JUST STEP INSIDE4 FREE ENTRY BLANKS WILL BE SUPPLIED HOTEL ARRIVALS Pttnw Rupert V A. Rollins. W II. Trotter. O. W IYrswn J Dtitnott and J. O.; MUlulump Vancouver; L. Farrell, Fori Simpson. Dr. stamey Mills j and Master Parker Mills. Terrace; R Mcvre. Smtthers; M. Dahlqulst, Cedarvale: Robert McDonald and C M McDonald. Lockeport. N. S.; W. A. Johnston. Prince Rupert; H. V Wilson. C.N.R.; C. K. McKenzle ' Victoria. Central George Wilson and George Hicks, Skeena; W Sernlak and P. J. Rolls, C N. R : Peter Robinson, Metlakat-la Mr and Mrs. A. E. Torrington and John Seppala, Surf Point Mine. I Knox R. Pedcrsen, city. Royal B. J. Kohne. Terrace. Savoy Andrew Anderson and Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Brash, city; Mrs. T. Johnson, Port Edward; V. W. An derson, Hazelton; T. Johnson, Port Edward. Mrs. D. C. Stuart, president ofj the Ladles' Aid, responded briefly. The evening's musical program included vocal solos by Mrs. J. H Carson, Mrs. William Millar, Mrs H. N. Brocklesby and John E. Davey. Mrs. J. O. Reddle and Mrs. T. McClymont poured and girls of Jthe church acted as scrvlteurs. Mrs. J. G. Steen was in charge of serving of refreshments. f L SATISFACTION CTARANTEID k 0I YOUR MONET BACK H Ijm0k fWS .tM M M Maybe jour guegs will win this beautiful rug! All you have to do is guess a number! Why not visit the dealerwhere this prize rug is on display? Then mark on the entry blank he will give you the number which you think it hidden under the big Gold Seal. If you guess the correct number or if your guess comes nearest to the correct number, the 6' x 9' rug (or any other pattern you may prefer in this size) is yours absolutely FREE! Examine your dealer's line of Congoleuin Gold Seal Rugs when making your guess you'H be more anxious than ever to win! The content closes noon Saturday and the winning number will be posted in his window at 4 p.m. the same afternoon. CONGOLEUM CANADA LIMITED , MONTREAL this rug is displayed opportunity auaits you. Enter todayl MACKENZIE'S FURNITURE Is a Splendid Place to Buy Your CONGOLEUM They Cany a Complete Slock of All Sizes Enter at Once for TREE RUG CONTEST Phone 75 327 THIRD AVENUE Prince Rupert Make Your Entry for the CONGOLEUM Free Rug Contest At GORDON'S HARDWARE We carry a large stock of the newest and most popular patterns In Contoleum Rugs. m This advertisement is not published or displayed "by th" Lion. " Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia HIT BUT RECOVERED WELLAND, Ont., April 27: (CP) Stunned when lightning struck his father's barn, Donald Wiley re cmioroH In rlmn 4 t out before fire destroyed the with five horses, 20 d! an ... " 1 -1 ... Sunday, May 8th Is Mother's Day Your Mother will appreciate a thoughtful reminder of your affection as expressed in a beautiful Mother's Day card or motto. We shall be pleased to show you our excel-. lent selection from which you can make your choice. Cards 10c, 15c, 25c 35c Framed Mottoes 50c, 65c, $1.00 and S1.25 See Them at Your Convenlrnce While the Selection h Complete Remember the Dato Sunday, May Slh Saturday, April 30th Last Day of Sale No Phone or C.O.D. Orders Accepted in This Sale of Furniture We realize everyone should have the opportunity of purchasing it these low prices. We suggest if it is. not convenient to rck' the full payment at time of sale we will accept a deposli until final arrangement can be made on later date. This will give you the opportunity of saving on your furniture during the saie '3-I'tasj0,S(RrB.Su,!r:...$88.oo J-riccc Hcdroom Suite "7g QQ I . . cilc Price ..... i 4 I MHMHMHHwMMaaMMaHMHVaMMaaHaiaaMMaVBMH g-Piccc Dining Koom Suite j9Q.OO j Mall Orders Promptly Attended to ELIO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue. Prince Rupert, FOR COMFORT and SERVICE PHONE 112 TAXI 2 NEW CARS ON CALL DAY ami NIGHT