nesday, April 27, 1938. Blouses to .... Uaiiicapes to Sweaters At "DEMERS" Closing Out SALE Prices Far Rclow Cost to Clear Merchandise This Week Dresses Regular to $20.00 at Shoes Regular to $G.B0 at Shoes Regular to $-1.50 at $1.59 $1.59 $1.69 NEW ROYAL HOTEL i ZarelU Proprltor "A HOME AWAY FKOM DOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kuport, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1M 32.95 & $3.95 1.95 $1.50 Skirts At ... $1.59 Knitted Suits 4.50 t0 $8.50 Hals At Fine Days -. 4 50c Winter Coats at Real Bargains Sizes 10 to 1 1 FIXTURES FOR SALE Time Marches On! Clean-Up Week Is Here Again Why Not Improve and Protect Your Property !iy Using Ilapco PAINT and SHINGOLEEN Ask lis l or Color Card and Take Arvantage of the THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ltd. THIRD AVF.Mli: I'hone 101 Cheaper Feed Having a surplus of Itulkley Valley wheat it is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed . t Edward HpnririfV e tt-nc fined $50. , in city police court yesterday after- ith no0n for having unsealed liquor in option of thirty days1 lmprls- inment, by Magistrate McClymont his possession. viip tu Vancouver. i i j Mrs. A. M. Beattie, who has beeni on a trip to Vancouver, returned to the city from th south on the: Prince Rupert this morning. Rt. Rev. O. A. Rix. Blshon of Cal edonia, is on a trip to Vancouver to ' attend sessions of the provincial j synod of the Anglican Church ofi Canada. I "Pirates of 1'eny.ance," Capitol Theatre, April 27 and 28. Limited number of rush seats available at Theatre ISox Office 50c each. (99) Peter Lakie. C.N.R. divisional freight and passenger agent, returned tn the city on last night's train from a trip to Prince George, and Jasper Park on official business. W. G. Broad, customs officer at Stewart, who has been on a trip south, is a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert today returning north from Vancouver. I Miss D. Priestlv R.N.. nubile (health nurse here, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a trip to Vancouver for the Easter vacation period. Mrs. Bert West of Terrace will arrive In the city from the interior cn tomorrow night's train and sail on the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver to attend a convention. W. II. Tobey, C.N.R. divisional suDerintendent, returned to the city on last night's train from a trip to Prince George and Jasper Park on I official duties. Mrs. P. H. Llnzey and her niece. Miss Allcen Hamblln, returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning irom a vanuuu w Vancouver and elsewhere in the south. Miss Doris Webster and Miss Jean Scott returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a holiday trip in the course of which they travelled as far south as of the Economies Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Gilbert of Ter- Ccar Olson of the Canadian National B. and B. Department will leave on the Prince Rupert tomor-m,ir nioht for Vancouver enroute ELECTRIC REFRIGERATION brings I Cleanliness, convenienee, tastier meals and sma and desserts are only a new f Electric Refrigerator sto ry to bg Small down payment. Easy terms. Sam IW ..J M "Etetric Renscr.m-.m NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA POWER COMPANY LIMITED w, vnrir where he will embark! PAD TKna , Tn2 DAILY LOCAL NEWS NOTES ! Ole Skog Is leaving 0n this even-v J. S. Wilson returned to the city 1 inp's train frr a in VAnnntnri ! nn th PHnfp PllnPrt thiS mnrnfnf n " V.M.,1 IWt Lt VI ,J LUUIUlLbVi4 ' Wil fc . -.. , ... -a I . . II 1 . r v. Don't Keep on Having Constipation! It constipation's eot you down-so you leel heavy, tired and dopey-it's time you did something; about it. And something more than taking a physic! You should get at the cause of the trouble. If j ou eat only the things most people do, the chances are that a very simple fact causes your con-stipatlon-iou don't get enough "bulk." And rbulk" doesn't mean heavy iiod. It means a kind of. food that isn't consumed in the body, but leaves a soft "bulky" mass in the intestines and helps a bowel movement. II this Is your trouble, eat crisp crunchy Kellogg's All-Bran for breakfast every day and drink plenty of water. All-Bran Is not only rich In "bulk"-it also contains the natural Intestinal tonic, vitamin B,. Made by Kellogg In London, uniano. aula uy every grocer. The Prince Rupert Gyro Club was entertained at Its regular weekly luncheon today by William Cruick- shank, C.N.R.'city passenger agent, I ,1-Hh intoroctlnor mnvirip- nicturel ...... ...- - - - u scenes of a voyage across the At lantic Ocean and lrt Edinburgh. President D. G. Borland was In the chair and there was a good atten dance of members with Cecil Fitz gerald, recently moved here from Alert Bav. as a guest. It was de cided to hold a lieutenant governor's dinner and bridge party next Wednesday evening. May 11 aboard the German liner, May 17. Breman for a visit to Oslo, Norway Everybody reads the Dally News There's reason. , ihni- I II Cgg? ' I III JJJffijfei gPffe Announcements All advertisements In this col-amn will be charged loi a lull month at 25c a word. Prince Rupert Operatic Society present the "Pirates of Penzance" Capitol Theatre. April 27 and 28. Catholic Tea, Mrs. Brass's April 2a. Baptist Missionary Tea, May 2. 1- ... I rnrtA Hire T.oVlpVc race, who have been on a trip to ' California, arrived in the city from! united Sale, May 5. the south on the Prince Rupert . this morning and will proceed to A. Y. P. A. Variety Entertaln-the Interior by the evening train, ment. May 6. St. Peter's Bazaar. May 10. Cambral Spinsters' Spree, May 13. Eastern Star Maytlme Tea at Mrs. J. Jack's, Angus Apartments, Canadian Legion Tea May 18. Gyro "Maytlme" Dance, May 24 --n:t ' ; Twenty -Five Years Ago April npm 27, 1913 i alter auenaing ne recent annual' A M DattlAO ii 1 1 1 coll tnmnrvnnr . nAnvantlAn rf t h nritish nniumhia i Tf has hppn definitely announced nlBht nn Ihn frvr o Tpai-hprS1 MpM tion In ViptOH.1 fhni. that Klntf King GeOrfie George Will will VlSlt visit Canada Canada next year. He may Include Prince Rupert In his Itinerary. Mrs. Carpenter'? little pianc pupils gave a recital yesterday afternoon at the home of Mrs. J. H. McMuliln on Second Avenue. Those tnkinf? nart in the nrogram were Mrs. Carpenter, Miss Holtby, Pet-Tremayne, Margaret Lindsay. Aub- rev Sweet. Dorothy Tremayne, Grace Manson, Basil Merryfie.d Jack Naden, Mabel westennaver Lorna Tlte, Constance McMullin. G. T. P. defeated Callies by a score of 3 to 2 In a keenly con tested football game on Second Avenue last evening. Sam Currie scored two of the goals for th? railwavmen. Alex Holmberg was - - - - - referee. C0EO FOR SALE FOR SALE The White Apartments 4th Avenue near McBride; conv plete; in excellent condition; re constructed; central; well-rent ed: excellent tenants; economi cal future commercial site. Com bined home and good self-man aged Income property. Reason ablv-nrlced for Quick sale for rash or substantial payment, con slderlng revenue possibilities. Address: 139 4th Ave. E.; P.O. Box 399; phone 427. Mrs. Mary A. (G.B.) White or brokers. 611 Third Ave. West (near Royal , Bank), Lot 8, Block 33, Section 1, Store with dwelling over. Tr':3 desirable property for sale at a low orlce and on easy terms. 5rA Interest on balance as rent. Also Lots 11 and 12, Block 17. Section 7. with house 1140 East 6th Ave-enue for $700, half cash and bal ance $20 per month. Geo. H Munro, 4240 West 11th Ave., Vancouver, B. C. If Interested in property in or near Vancouver communicate with the above. (lOt) FOR SALE Complete furnishings of six-room house, including: chesterfield suite, piano, electric washer and lroner, electric range, ' etc. Excellent condition. L. H. Haworth, phone Green 325. (103) PERSONAL WE HAVE HELPED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, and Stenographers, etc., and can help you." Write us for proof and free information. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. 0Ide3t in CanHdn. FOR SALE OR RENT FOR SALE OR .RENT Comfortable s house ,at Seal Cove, four rooms, kitchenette,- Minraotn.i5ne.a anq garage. Good deal for steady teri ant. Phone Don Passmore, Green 510. 93 MALE IIELV WANTED WANTED for Skeena cannery man to do lathe work and welding. Apply Box 19, Daily News. tf. MECHANICALLY MINDED YOU HQ MEN! Prpar to Karn More . . . Tody'ii opportunities r to b found fn KrMlMt tl e'.. rat field. . . . Dle 1 Iriln-eerlrK . . . Aircraft Con.tructlpn . . . Aero Enaineerlnir . . . Arc Weldlnr . . . AlrCondltlonlni . . . Refrigeration . . . rimbultlon. Tounf man with natural han.c.1 aptltuO. and with wl, nr-neea to work can prepare themaelvei f" Important hlith-ray position. In !Wa" with .'nMh'. fUl you ar. ln"r..TeV n and forward thl. Vertlaement to and mItJ ; beautifully lllu.trated booklet jlvlnt you complete Information. DIESEL U AIR CONDITIONING ONING REFRIGERATIO nUBI IftTIAN bumuw. i " ttmtrmUM) I I AIRCRAFT r" i WELDING (Are AMtyl A ION JLJ . NAME m , , ADflRESS ( i i AGE VOCATIONAL SERVICE LTD 1111 Dominica Baa tt-. B Reach the moai people iu cit) and district with au uovertlsement In the Dally New. Colgate's Cashmere Bouquet Soap Special Three Cakes of Soap and One Botlle Cashmere Bouquet Perfume AH 25C Try Mi 31 Tooth Paste Rexall Cold and Vanishing Creams Ormcs 2-oz. OCn jars W A. S. A. Tablets Vial of 30 five-grain tablets Do not harm the heart. 25C Ormes Lid. "Jfitt Pioneer Dritqgiste The rtCTill Store Phones: 81 & 81 Open Daily From t a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till Z n.m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. C0NG0LEUM CONTEST WEEK Call at our store and place your guess on the hidden number. The correct guess or the closest to it receives a Congoleum rug, 6x9, Free. This Is given away by the Congoleum Co. Ltd. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE GRADE A MILK Give Your Baby Fresh Milk Daily Our milk is produced twice daily from our own Government tested cows. DOMINION DAIRY Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. OAKDKNA FKIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient please purchase tickets at office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Acent, Third Ave. Plione 508 The Central Ilotel Fresh Local Raw And rooms nd cafe Pasteurized Milk for Besfnoehold Coal ' VALENTIN DAIRY MRS. C. E. BLACK PHONE 657 ev.. 3V, , Nil