SAM READY SHOULD WAR COME IT IS DECLARED f Hroat War Took Root in Washington and Army and Navy Leaders bcolled in Every Detail WASHINGTON, April 27: (CP)-The United States' STtff&7cS2.' annrpvnecL not War wai uut sue IS io icauv juci m m case. oow imo the me gift eiit oi of casting casunz aside asiae partisan Dariidaii 3AWV"I " w - - " - . . 1 . . . x l . . i ini iV . . . . , . i i. miner Vara nc thP pvnprtS tnkp stnplc zl vears alter alleeiances and meetine on the mrr. not only Is the compar riltrhlv.tralned u- -,oJ hut. nlan also miliA-' - f . v.. UM fnr mobilization of -i . , r.-inri-po pstlmated . u.i th n-nrlri". tntal Thev 'riiilsd to a gnat's eyelash," been made to 10,000 plants "fys of the productive capacity aese and thousands of other 1. 1 . . . . H 1 a the number of two-by-fours 1 'U1 be needed to build can-atnts for training recruits. fs for these camps have been it 1 iint army and navy commit r T e ... 1 41. n uiaui'u uiaina a a mooei modei seietw- sciamv PAIR ARE CONVICTED r T ? ..." oHriprf a r der to tne veroict suspended " trading at . 8 a.m.?" Oil Halibut Sales Summary Amerlcan-35.500 pounds, and 5c and 6.7c ",w and 5c. wps numoennK about i.v u uc uujr, -., c. "uum be mobilized, thcoretl 20 iV to in 30 sn hours. hnnrc Tralnln: Training 'and 4r. " ' fnr ,.,A.A. - - wnaps millions, of cltizen- " would bp ihp ob una reserve Ts Officers Tlopotica nf laro-n Oroof it,. .. ... ,j war. new soiaiers couiu tralnorf ... . ,-" mcn oetter ana more Atln T 14.000. COld aiorrtsv- . ir o Rnn holdlne over. o' H ". 1.40o', AtHn. 6c and 4c. anC Balsac i. 15.000, Atlin, 6.3c 4' and 4c. Booth, 6c Ma S 3,500, "an 1.700. bold Storage, 6c and ' 4c. 1917 n, .v, " 'rlihs. 300,000 of them In the " oetween 21 and 30 Indus-.first w , ... fht to thrcat- floo were listed for po- poiseo iui - - encrai be th ,n wouW I military duty. The first , ened PolnU J; ,Q, oration in .....- is hpadauarters , include lnclude men menln ,n the the same samel 13 Is slatE slated to nVincs a .a , by 1940. Their ;sb et If it should take place , 1,000 wpplcmental to 115 year IImxam . r, rn nnn ! rfpfonsp WOUld De SUppivi" ' would be registered. Army fixed """'"""IT , tractor-drawn and wacioi ?nns sav thuf .hon i J heavy railway a the mo and cn must be obtained for coast guns forces in the first four units. life, for many a year. Is the "Par jllamentary ex-Semce Men 5 as- 1 4. years ag0. sociatlon." The term "association" suggests something highly organized, wim dignified constitution and by-laws onJ o rrafpmpnt of aims and DOliCV. Iso far as this definition relates to officer explains. of Parlla !teran 1 ..j war-veteran members J" " . IIIMS fll lirillPV 1 IllAIEdlllllLCU " x -S was the big military , ruhteen iment, nothing could be further the United States learned ,. ,,.", from facts. The "Parliamentary .u. War Wrillp In I ! ruT M. ;'rv tn Conspiracy . iJ these plans- by rule of ... . ov.Rprvirp Mm' Association" Is ! merelv a title under which, regu-' larly throughout the session, the t ..... .w. flr, Htnrrrl VAWOUUVUl, npm iuir (CP) - . . w they ucy are are all an set act, down uui - ' , " m. " . c,t oet together tosetner round rouna the me festive iuc Even should war come J " P vT". board, sing the old trench songs .i ,1.. 1... (n UKC1 IWUH.MIWJ v v.-v . . , . raan I vast mobilization mach Zt7 Irin those ties of comradeship which, , rtfraiirt rn nuniic ana uunouiiius . 111 nv I : :i in 1 1 rv 1. 1 w xu u v . t i Airi n an r r 1 1 i i it- n it .mbiu&A aiw,.- - - --- c. nr. General Mal'.n ooin l men men were w - prisonment. ibecTudrHi irerui;i:u Quickly. uuilmy. Fortun- luiiun- , !,.. ' . President of the Association Is a Liberal, Ross Macdonald of Brant-ford. The secretary U Howard C. r.rpen. Vancouver Conservative; we had Umeto spring to a.- ' 0 commonwealth tTrtorri Federation t inn MUi.iZ It T1V KPVITill IllUllbltO llnAVa I 'C nilTlPS HIK IIU If U lore we able to assemo deliberated five larly heavy. In its two year, u c ' wtrane of hostilities. In a "deptoring the taac CsbursemenU likewise. His :ure emergency we may not be partment o wu wllh books, therefore, balance. in connection tat:ate government An Groups In their action in this case. , nmmnn spnsp. dictates i,Hpi omun In the Com rrv,L or,hpm of the association Is' ....... w... I "Old Soldiers Never Die .ana u c 1 hymn of praise to the grand presl- dent takes the form of the immor-I tal ballad, "The .Old Grey Mare. 6 5c 1 cne Ain't What She Used to Be. ministers are members, 1 Trlree j. . Tan Mackenzie, r,nadlan - 120.100 pounds, Dcnw " " , . and a i, 4C " tn 10 6 3c and 4.5c. Pensions Minister u. r American I Labor Minister Norman Rogers .nn. 24 000. Cold Storage ; The functions of the ministers ana nu'"J' : , orariA nresldent are princi- 7 law and has worked out 6.7c and sc. Cold Storage. tr,nc 6... 6i;!,n roncerned concerned with being stuck JJe regulations for conscrip- Star. 11.500, Pla are drawn for co-ordl- and 5c. 1U ... . ,ho inn. After that. ui rauway. motor ana air """"-..,. ni an u., nntrh treat. 40SD0rt Tho 10 Ann Affl.r nf InnrlH H.. r.w . j - ...v. li(UUU "b- Thp eovernor-generai grateu unc uiar armv and 9B.UUU OIIl- 4.SC. o. .,. . .... .. . ict anH nro- r t. .. w . . n rrr i"n n rtLuiuct-t 1 r r no niriiitrin iaov v 1 - uie reserve corns nave or- sea waiu, , nnrt.v." H s ' ji , . - - Mm nppn il cl -j ' wircun-r them where to re-1 6.2c ana t.. e onfl lf Crt n fh t last iUOf rinlir w trilf-lnrr T. 13.UUU. ri-i "uicni oi mobilization. 4c Atlin. ., fiP 6c an,i ami hlshly-mechanlzed renular Cape Race, 7.000. 7; 170,000 strong, and national . 4c. - onrt wmv annlversafy he had the war- eteran members at Rideau Hall for dinner. There are approximately 40 ex Service members of the Commons, distributed among all parties. Their frtniohtlv net-together is regard ed In parliamentary circles as onCi of the finest elements ln the pollt-l leal life of the capital, on -me floor of the House the veterans will take opposing sides and debate with all the vigor of their convictions. But when the smoke of these verbal combats has cleared, they auan nld comrades and no where Is this more manifest than nt thpse Catherines. As a mellowing influence ln the national political sphere, the war veterans of parliament are setting n Prellent example. Their "as sociation" Is an adornment to the j Commons and a tribute to the spirit of the ex-Ser vice men. I Oils A. P. Con.. .25. Calmont, .43. C. & E., 2.42 Freehold. 062. Hargal, .24. Mercury, .11. .Okalta, 1.65, Pacalta, .oa'i. Home Oil, 1.26. Toronto Beattle. 1.10. TODAY'5 STOCKS (Courteiy H. D. Johnton Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .15V2. Big Missouri. .37. Bralorne. 8.75. Aztec. .07. Cariboo Quartz, 2.15. Dentonla. .08 'A. Golconda, .04. . Mlnto, .02V'4. Falrview Amalg., .03 Vi Noble Five, .02 2. 1 Pend Orlelle. 1.62. K Pioneer, 3.05. , y Porter Idaho, .02 Vi- ?fc Premier, 1.95. Reeves McDonald, i26. c- - m u fr ana ine treasurer i - "ig'"1. , nji. . . 1 - . . 7 ' . ' . Adn.f..n v.-..- . Ti W'W -ww i.owNHHf--i.p- J-fr,i "caltlnf?" rila- Weill, Stalwart Oi me ivciici Mr. "Pti-n Reward, rri I Arlington, .04. 17. Salmon Gold, .06 V4. Taylor Bridge, .04. Premier Border, .01. Silbak Premier, 2.00. Home Oold, .01V4. Grandvlew, .06. Indian, .02. Quatsino Copper, .02 '2 it. : time Dt peace we should In his charge to the , . mo'Comprlsed ln the associa-, Halda, .07V, 7 to nubile quickly for dc the mines depf tment w" o Sehpeaklng Canadian com-; The very fact that we may trial ano h nietinc the national representation, to to a semble and equip province to make WtjjJ ;SeTy other veterans' body the . "arse ana emcieni, an,., K. -'- ,. the assoclatlon has a grana preiiucHi,. k-to me prouauujf - aoacu j w,iv,.r (the this exalted oltlce Deing , ana wny u.u - - memocr public Fiset, Liberal J. t. sir w Eu'ene Sur7eys All Set deputy minister of mines, Eu a yet.i W-J TUhS, .".fiS ive allocation for produc S P'-anc guns, steel helmets "177 was suspended from during the i-rr " ' '.m . , .v. u ih have was deputy minis-i . Central Patricia, 2.55. . Oods Lake. .45. Little Long Lac. 4.15. McKenzie Red Lake, .91. Red Lake Gold Shore, .20. Pickle Crow, 455. San Antonio, 1.28. Sherritt Gordon, 1.07. Smelters Gold. .01 V2. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.45. Oklend, .19. Mosher, .32. Madsen Red Lake, .32. Stadacona, .74V,. Francoeur, .35. Moneta Porcupine, 2.18. Bouscadillac, .08. Thompson Cadillac, .29. Bankfield, .81. ? East Malartic. 1.58. Preston East Dome, .85. Hutchison Lake, .052. Dawson White, .04 V2. Aldermac, .45. Kerr Addison, 1.84. Uchl Gold, 1.69. Noranda, 57.25. Int. Nickel, 47.00. Cons. Smelters, 56.75. Athona, .10. Hardrock, 2.20. Barber Larder, .41. Rand Malartic, .42. Todays Weather (Oovernmmu "lT,phl Terrace Cloudy, calm, tempera ture, 44. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 52. Alice Arm Part cloudy, calm, 45 Anyox Part cloudy, 50. Stewart Light rain, calm, 44. Hazelton Clear, calm, 53. Smlthers Clear, calm, 45. Burns Lake Clear, calm.,-37. The annual meeting of Prince Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer Reserve headquarters. Business included the receiving of the financial report, reports of the chairman. R. M. Winslow. and of the membersHlp oommlttee The following officers year were elected: Chairman, R. M. Winslow. Honorary Secretary - Treasurer, W. O. Vlgar. Executive P. M. Ray, F. A. Mac-Callum, E. B. Baker, G. H. Greenwood, J. H. McLeod, Walter Hume, rtr T W Vortrln A1pv MeRae. W. from the time of the resignation of C.P.O. Anslow until the end 01 the year. Bugles and drums supplied by the department on their recommendation had resulted ln the boys taking up instruction on i these instruments. The president referred to the ! m-csentation of a trophy to the cadets for competition In general pffiriencv. eiliciency. The ine noiaiy Rotary Club uuu also u MOVING TO MONTREAL L. II. Haworth With Wheat root To Take Up New Post In East Tomorrow's Tides Today's Weather High -12:13 p.m. 19.4 It. Part Vtirre BuPt - Low 6:10 a.m. 4.0 it. 18:12 p-m. 5.8 It. Sperature, 45; sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRICE: 5 CENTS PRINCE RUPERT, B.C. WEDNESDAY, APRIL 27, 1938. X ev. Railway Plan Being Mooted PECTING PEACE, UNCLE POLITICS FORGOTTEN : Service .Men in Ottawa House Unite to Kecall Times as Comrades in War Years , OTTAWA, April 27: (CP) However vleorous their adherence to "V , . .i .1 ur 1 1 TIT !1 r 1fl1f? , f nM inmnHs. .nixnmui inTn Trip ivnr n iv r Mnrii n 1:11. wiumuu stuuiiu ui um -"....-- ,i r,ot.v fcpnrls nrp n set to draw on vast resour- 0lup' wuc u uu..j - -- . nas emerged in tanauas pouuw East Fife Wins -Cup I HAMPDEN PARK, Glasgow, ( April 27: (CP) Belore 91,000 ; persons, East Fife defeated j Kilmarnock by a score! of 4 to , 2 today to win the Scottish Football Cup. Two goals were expect but She ready JUSt I his 4. Ume the score ... having, been ai t.j. two all at regulation ume. was the first time a second dl- vision team had won the Scot- tlsh Cup since the Junior league was formed sixteen LEAGUE maw nircT OF Unified Operation r Of K. M. Winslow Re-EIected Chair man Reports and Other Business at Annual Gathering Last Night I wo Lines is rroposea Without M onopoy Canadian National Properties For Number of Years No Amalgamation riTTAWA Anvil 9.7? (CP) A nlan to deal with Can-J . . it rru ufnun r: whv in milium iviiuuub luiicuuum. aea uaoets commanunig unit", .--j - -. Lieut, o. h. Greenwood, election of oly is being presented to members of Parliament. T It is nffifprs and amoointment of a coiri fn Vmvp Wn instituted bv a well known financial i " - - - - 'U1U WW llVt I V v w w . for the man who prefers to remain anonymous. It would bring unified operation of the Canadian Pacific Railway and ; the Canadian National Railway un- ; " der an operating company through Cl Ul TIllN lthe lease 01 the tw0 comPanies LiLjLa V 1 1V-1 1 1 properties for a number of years. DATE SET H. Tobey. Orme Stuart, F. M. Good, People of Dcwdncy Will Nominat Dr R. G. Large and C. C. Mills. un aiay 10 ana uie j 20, It Is Officially Announced In his annual report W. M. Wins- 11 J . , jow reierrea to me greauy emaiBcu VICTORIA. April 27: tCP) headquarters of the R.C.N.V.R. In Nominations for. the Dewdney pro which they were meeting. He re- vincial bv-election will close Mas . - . . I f erred with pleasure to the ap- 16 with polling on May 20, it was polntment of Messrs. Landry and officially announced last night. D. tiroont n tp spconrt Lieutenants tr Hfr-arVian T.lhpral- Charles A resolution, sponsored hy Hon. Charles A. Dunning, minister 01 finance, will be Introduced In the House of Commons today contemplating refunding -of Canadian National maturities totalling I assisting Lieut. Greenwood In jones, Conservative, and Mildred prince itupcrt Conservative Assoc- . charge of the sea cadets. ,.HepokejOsterhout..C...C. F,are.alrea.dyjn. aUon Inquires, UegardjpEivf;itea-u highly, of the services of the com- the field as candidates to contest manding officer who had shown a the seat made vacant by the death irrpat deal of zeal. Much good work 0f the late Dr. Frank Patterson. had been carried out by the officers Conservative Opposition leader. in the absence 01 a paid instructor ; LETTER TO PATTULL0 titude on Alaskan High way Project The Prince Rupert Conservative Association has sent the following open letter to Premier T. D. Pat-tullo in regard to the Alaska highway project, also sending a copy to the Prince Rupert Daily News for publication: "We congratulate you on carrying on tne Alaska HiShTay project c.v.r. Severs fnnnpetion Connection t . . ... . . Siancu uy iue laic nun. u. mie but. as citizens of your own electoral district, we call upon you ... , 1.. to account for your advocacy of the l h Haworw, wno nas ueen m , . ,., work 01 tne sea caaeis. mcic aic elevator nere ior several yeaia, a nnvr is cadets enrolled, all prop- spvprlns his connection with tne prlv eoulDDed. A number more have p0ol to assume the position of as- applied, slstant manager of the Co-oper?- Passing reference was made to tlve Wholesale Society of hoinfni visit of Caotaln Mlt- Chester. Ensland. with headquar- originally proposed Hazelton route. From recent newspaper Items we learn that you are now pressing lor the Finlay Forks route. In this you do not appear to have consulted either, your own government, the Legislature or your own consiitu- cnen on june.bywe -:r- t- wh9tBV.r mtprpsts vou mav and appreciation of the work or leave next momn ior ms ca. -"w ... v.. . fu" S,V cpnrPtarv. the resKr- with Mrs. Haworth and daughter. ,be serving ln proposing this route certainly not those of your con-and Wholesale So- are Co-operative nation of Lieut. Commander Hume' The the secession of Lieut. Com- clety of Manchester Is a large Bri-1 rtltuency. Neither are they the inlander Haworth tlsh organization engaged ln U.e . terests of the northern part of the Lieut. Geo. H.Greenwood. D.S.C., handling of natural products In-; pronce. reoorted on the Improved facilities eluding a great deal of wheat as, "The route you are reported to Ttheir and such favor will de-track the settled well as canned salmon, ann value the cadets Eight we?e S?tKoln bS ?uld Une Officials have visited here , farming areas 0f the Nechako and now Z unarms wfere occasions in the past. ! Bulkley Valleys, will avoid the an- until pro- v,hpJ The auuna dS pv?d . Mr. Haworth came to Prince Ru- thracite coal area of the Ground , f!f anH the bovs looked very Pert in April 1928 as export mana-. Hog country, the fur and game TZlu eer for the Central Selling Agency country surrounding the Telegraph smart In theh uniforms. The ! sum nm. mlF flJfi. anTrv the death of William Mclvor, he highly mineralized area around At- r and Brv- SU; S j t JZi heloS t00k over fuI1 charBe 01 the ele-lin and, perhaps worst of all, will ant had done good work ta in helping has bpen actlye ,n I to train the ananear,ng.unc' the affairs of the Royal Canadian particularly for military purposes. had taken Donald Naval volunteer Reserve, . having hnlh ,n British Columbia and ln in leacuuiK mem um " ..... ..-., n., u- nmn enm . they were making good progress. ,u0 unit Lieut. Greenwood told of the or- de. Many frlends- wW regret th(J ganlzing of a bugle band which had parture of Mr and Mrs Haworth appeared ln public on several oc- frQm the clt and wlu wlsh lheE1 ...Un. caslons .nn and Kaon been the thP subject SIlhlPP.L of Oil .. . .. . . favorable comment, such as during the visit of the Governor General and Lady Tweedsmulr when the ca rl pt wprp Insneeted. during tne May Queen ceremonies and during the Remembrance Day ceremonies. The average attendance for the year was 78.4, the corps thus coming seventh of all In the Dominion. The esprit de corps had been excellent and the following promotions had been made: Edwin Tobey to be C.P.O. and Cadets Manson, Hanklnson, Norton, Greenwood and Davis to be sub-Instructors. Social "(functions had been arranged by the cadets themselves. Dances were under supervision of members of the executive and the Navy League. well in their new home and sphere. Becomes Bride Of The Hill 60 Chapter,' points. Moslem King Today! TIRANA. Albania, April 27: (CP) In a civil ceremony today, the Countess Apponyl of Hungary became the first Queen of the Albanians when she was accepted in marriage by King Zog. The Queen Is a Christian and Zog, a moslem. I.O.D.E., had kindly donated a cup Mmnollllnn in thp Watph SP- Alaska, a road close to the principal towns on the coast is essential. The Finlay Forks route would take the road hundreds of miles away from Prince Rupert and Stewart and all the Important Alaska coast cities. Thus, from the viewpoint of both Northern British Columbia and Alaska, your reasons for favoring this route are extremely obscure. "Judging by all Information yet made public with regard to the proposed Alaska Highway, there 13 no good reason why It should not pass through Hazelton. Last year ln this city you stated emphatically that the Hazelton route would be followed, We protest against any change in your plans and hold you to your statement. With the bulld-ine of the road via Hazelton we have every confidence In the speed- curine the largest number of 1 ler completion of the j here to the Interior." road from