The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA .Published Every .Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News. Limited. Third Avsnue H. P PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES city delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advatce Paid In advance, ner week Paid In advance, per month By mall to all -Columbia, parts of .British the. BntteU Empire and ,w.u owbCB,- yeany period, paid in advance . , . ,By mall to all other countries, per year n -L.J.,,.: .,. "T News Department Telephor.s ZLZZIITm Advertising; and Ciiculation Telephone Si Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation! Ait,Y mi-no 141 3.00 9.(H" , LOOKING BACK fniinT0 i?-e baGk af lJie recent moVe in Europe which followed i the removal of Anthony Eden it seems as if Srh ZTFt Neville Chaierlain was artVe fu Tii .I"BU Bywineni 10 make conditions such! S 'ie 'nvas;.n.rou'tl b out with the leS I-i 1 .oiuic ciiaace oi interierence troin Great BriHiri ' Ml 'XT- PAOB TWO THE DAILY NEWS Tv4ay. March jj , Urges Ontario MEN jTo From Import Alberta Coal HYDE Here Is Real Value Men's Work Boots in Bolivian Calf and Mennonite Calf. Guaranteed Solid Throughout. With leather or Panco soles, fircb make $J.95 Family shoe store ltD TROPHY TO jt THOMPSON Boston Goalie Greatest Net Mind ' er ,In National League For Fourth Time MONTOEAL, March 22 (CP)- Tiny Thompson of the Boston hoc-ey slna .trophy as the greatest Na tional Hockey League goal-tender It was the .fourth win for Thompson who finished the season with 89 goals against him, seven less than were scored against Dave Kerr of New York Rangers, the runner-up. Gordon Drillon of the Toronto Hjfnnln TrH ft-- I -1 1 11-. I Sojourn of Biological Station In the cellar of the Commercial bowl- haye Ing mff Leacue League this this time time wns was nf of short short 5. duration, the scientists climbing back Into seventh place ahead of Canadian National Recreation Association No. 2 as a result of a two to one game victory over Canadian National Recreation Association No. 1 last night. Owing to Illness of members of the team, the second Canadian National aggregation was unable to turn out last night for the fixture aealnst North stir which was postponed until Thurs-vi t I or Friday- High average scorer "last 1 night was George Franklin of .50 Canadian National Recreation As- soclatlon No. 1 with 100, xnvidual scores: C.N.R.A. No. 1 1 2 3 Tot. Irving 134 139 187 4G0 Rutter 159 112 134405 West 130 103 136 3C9 Franklyn 165 152 182499 Paul lie 147 175138 Handicap 29 29 29 Totals 733 f.82 843 Biological Stn. 12 3 Tot. Cade 185 126 148459 Carter .144 119 105368 McRae 138 103 120 3G1 P.ugsley 124 117 132373 Stamford 127 140 111378 Handicap ill lii m Totals 829 71G 727 uvuieuuv. mis ar.tinn ic nnt nm,.nj ri i . - . -.6- ntA by w . 1 Sffl'Kffi :;:r rii,l. 111 "naua V as to date is indicated u number of as follows: SS.W S Won w-x'T"".mitw 1IU,U eilCUVe membership in Electrical Workers . 21 fU T tile IjMCIIP nf Wnfmno 1 mo w.H i, .. n.'' i. nrj'."u"UL,uu u.s- J.nai was e ettect of th. .tr""'." tciiiiw iuuujvenzie tving to make any surnres- c.nji.a, No. 2 tions either for or atrainsr. t hp nniinir fiu, J In view of this situation, it is not for Canadians tot criticize the no ev nf thn nah i .0 Chamberlain or any other British statesman. Canada's opinion is that Canada ia nnt intp-O0 fori n ,Vin4 TJ..if!.- does in this regard. ' u" m luun , , Anthony Eden may be a hero to the average Canadian. Chamberlain may or may not be a traitor to the men Avho fought in the last war. We may all feel saddened by the fallen prestige of the British Fmnivo cnnMi :...,T and spurned, but unless we are prepared to do our part in any trouble that may follow the "firm stand" policy which all admire, we had better keep silent, swallow our pride and remember that the outcome in Europe js .to some least the result of the Canadian and American policy of determined .non-participation. WIIOSR TURN MHYT? Evidently Chancellor Hitler and Premier Mussolin combined forces to tret rid of Anthnnv tfrW f.-nm ua -"fc7 win wills clW . , noying position of Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs m ,the British government. Having secured the appointment of a friendly secretary in his place, they pounced on Austria, this being Germany's slice of the plunder. Now it is Italy s turn. The two dictorships concentrated their efforts in Spain after promising to withdraw. It would seem the logical move soon for II Duce to inarch into bpam, declare the country a part of the Italian Empire and appoint General Franco governor general of the province. Whatever action is taken it is pretty sure that Italy is looking to get her share of the plunder while the getting is good. : Whether it is in Europe or in Africa, we can be sure it ls-planned. In the meantime, Canada is not Interested in these things and Chamberlain seems to be mak-ing Mussolini happy with his appeasement talk. Lost Pt? . .12 1J 12 13 18 16 16 17 21 SPORT GHAT As 1938's amateur hockey finals draw near, the hockey followers turn to records of the past which show the East still holds the edge. Canada's most coveted amateur trophies, Allan cup for fights. Record for nersis iency for .capturing the senior crown is safely held In the East. In tills 30 years since Sir Montague Allan first offered his cup for annual' competition to Canr iviapic ucius miiMifu up me sea-' n ,., . , A "'aa 11 R& iltrn rc resemauves son as high scorer of the league with 52 points, two more than his teammate, Sylvanus Apps Biological Station Wins In Bowling .. . . iiuvc- won umes. wun Winni peg Monarch victories In 1935 and U937. Junior aggregations from western ranks have been more i fortunate in recent years but j total championships. Records show (the East has 10 to the West's nine since the. Ontario Hockey Association presented the Memorial Cun in 1919. Allan Cup champions to date 1908-Ottawa Cliffsldes. 19C9 Queen's University. lOlO St. Michael's College. 1911 Winnipeg Victorias. 1912 Winnipeg Victorias. 1913 Winnipeg Hockey Club. 1914 Reglna Victorias. 1915 Winnipeg Victorias. 1P16 Winnioeg 61st Battalion. 1917 Toronto Dentals. 1918 Kitchener. 1919 Haipilton Tigers. 1020 Winnipeg Falcons. 1921 University of Toronto. 1922 Toronto Granites. 1923 Toronto Granites. 1924 Sault Ste. Maries. 1925 P.prt Arthur. ' 1926 Port Arthur. .1927 University of Toronto Grads. 1923 University of Manitoba. 1929 Port Arthur. 1930 Montreal A. A, A. 1931 Winnlnegs. . . 1932 Toronto Nationals. 1933 Mon'cton Hawks. '- 1934 -Moncton Hawks. 1935 Halifas Wolverines. 19?) Kimberlcv nvnamiters. 1937 Sudbury Wolves. Memorial been: Cup champions have 1919 University Schools. fSSST j i.M , o Toronto 1920- -Toronto Canoe Club. 1921- Winninc? Falcons. 1922- Fort' Wiiliam. 1923-University of Manitoba 1924-Owen Sound Greys. 1925 Reglna Pats. 1926 Calgary Canadians. 1927 Owen Sound Greys. 1928 Regina Monarchs. 1929 .Toronto Marlboros. 1930 Reglna Pats. 1931 Winnipeg Slmwood Mil- I Westerns Win Over Varsity If A T""TTTFY71T5 OO. iPQt Sr..?5PetlU.nJa"d Mfm" Westerns wen the inter-city basket- Portland Defaults To Vancouver In Puck Semi-Final Portland Duckaroos defaulted the semi-final In the Pacific Coast Hockey League to Vancouver after couver protest that Louis Holmes, who had been borrowed from Spokane when the Iluckaroos' defense man, Scott, was injured, was entitled to play only on the defense. T .-. ln.4 TM, .. MtUf EDMONTON, March 22: (CP) H. Ingrey, Social Credit membef. of the Legislature for Drumheller urges co-operation between Alber ( ta and Ontario in trade. He pro-DikSfs that Ontario should use Al berto coal instead of Inter-City Itasketuall Champion- 'rnnl tlie United Stales. ( ship Decided in South Series j ' Went Limit SriT-StSS SSXL t by ""T ,he LT "2 dt; A'T? 49 mi. title i,. -j - , elding game from University of Rale ,- l British Columbia with a score of 37 to 27. Mine Wage Scale In North Ontario Readied To Extend .or Another ear TORONTO, March 22: (CP) Four thousand men are affected by a settlement of the wage question In northern Ontario mlnuiR areas whereby the prevailing wage scale will continue In forrp until April 1, 1939. Twenty -Five Years Ago to hospital In Prince Rupert aboard Holmes started on the defense .but was l.itpr shifter tr, thP fmnt iinp the steamer Prince John. in the game which Portland won 1 three to two, thus tying up the best i two out of three game series. LADIES' ! BOWLING March 22 Annettes' vs. phone Girls. Our Ganz vs. chantettes, Bluebirds vs. Big Sisters, Rangers vs. Knox Hotel, I i March 29 Knox Hotel vs. Blue-I birds, Big Sisters vs. Rangers, Our 'Gang vs. Telephone Girls, Mer- chantettes vs. AnnittesV i April 5 Our Gang vs. Annettes. Merchantettes vs. Telephone Girls, Big Sisteri vs. Knox Hotel, birds vs. Rangers. Jionaires. 1932 Sudbury Wolves. .1933- Newmarket Rcdmen. 1934 St. Michael's College. ; 19.35 Winnipeg Monarchs. ' 1936 West Toronto Nationals. 1937 Winnipeg Monarchs. REX BOWLING ALLEY Uasement of Exchangn Block PHONE 658 RIGHT FROM THE START! Slreaking down an icy slope . . . swerving . . . braking . . banking on the brealli-taking turns-lliose are the thrills of a bob-sled run, and what thrills they are! Old Chum has long been the favourilc tobacco of active, sports-loving men. Once a man takes to Old (.hum, no oilier tobacco will do . . . with a mellow flavour und fragrant aroma that appeals to virile tastes, Old Chum is the one right choice for a young man who wants to enjoy his pipe from the start. There is no other tobacco just like Old Chumt OLD CHUM The Tobacco a f 'Quality March 22, 1913 A man wandered Into the Hotel at Stewart in zero weath er with his feet bare and In a demented condition. He was brought W. Allison was .here yesterday on his way from Hazelton to Victoria, having been transferred south In the provincial government service. , A special excursion train Is to be run to Port Edward on Easter Monday with prospective Investors In the townslte of what Is described as "Prince Runert's Industrial an-' .nex." The townsite Is being put' Tele-''on the market by Harrison & Me.r- Gamble of this city. Man in the Moon The calendar says that spritvs commenced yesterday. It look'. like ypiing on the other side ol the street but on -this side It w.ij whiter all say. I Apparently the Weather Man got his dates mixed. I What the world seems to need today Is more gardens to cultivate and fewer barracks for soldiers. i ' "I'll be good fgr a penny, mother," coaxed little William, hopeful-!y. 'Oh, Willie," reproved his mother, "whycali't you be like yout ather? He isn't good for a penny He's good for nothing!" He had been walking with one foot In the gutter and the othei foot on the pavement and he was not getting on very well. Aftef about half a mile he met a con- stable. "You're drunk," said the latter.' "Oh, Is that what it Is?" he re-plied. "Thank heaven! ; thought I was lame!" "I'm a self-made man.' "You're lucky. I'm the revised work of a Wife and three daugh- icrs. " C. N. R, Trains For the East . Mondays, Wednesdays and Prl- I days ..-6pjn. From the East ' Tuesdays, Thursdays and Batur. ; days 11 p.m. 0Ol;NMr.XT l.l(l'4lt ACT" . . (s', lo.U 2S) v- Nolle of A)lliH(loii lor Couieiie Transfer r it..,.r 1 1. . NOTICE lg JiereUy given tha.t on th 2,5"'L.dy. of March ne. e under, sinned intends to apply to the Llaur Control Bonivi tn LLL..? Mm in No. I 4374, Issued uvu In iji irn res. , ' jf . . tv Limited, ol Spruce Creek, Umbla. tlie TranifiY Datl lilxta J8th Joy ' of 1038. I PPRUQP, CIIEEK HOTEL LUrtTTU I Appl leant and Tranaferee, transfer 315 SECOND AVE, iNSlTMMKK MJKx Dry Woo BIRCH JACKPINE' CEDAR Satisfaction Guaranteed Phone Nobody Knocks Th KNOX The Food Is Gooi Trie Rooms Are Clean The House h Warm The Service Friendly 1 The Rates Are KtasombU KNOX HOTE R. Rr&xrll N. M. Bmfl Phones 18 and 81 f.0.Bni1i FOR GOOD SttWlCE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables rmiti Confectionery Tobacwi 317-19 THIRD AVE.M EWESI Opposite Canadian Ltfioi An ExamtndUon FOREST WJ OERS will bp lield n: IIiiTrtioa, " M-irch 30U. J038. i m ' '! ajri. Aflllctl-'0 Will X nr.eniW' ncoii of March 26IU, 1938 "r tw ti-lct Fotrtpr at Prli:ce Bupcri- Appw Uaii forms nnd ftu-:iwr inform irxliuung plate c.f E.umliMiticttff be obtained frtm the CWrf W: Victoria, or the Distric; Forts" Prluae Rvuert Fc $1,00. CundUla.U's Jiuw be CrlWsh u Mid not more han hliy-m P. r t aaje- Csa'ndia.n'c-1 mui si1"!5' , rr.deK Ui BrltWih ColmiiM "V, , lrt on yw: U of v c?Tf nd j)liyirftl ciUidUicil; iff ' pcrfiwln ihe woodi mid wlnTi with the praatlcal idc ol bff crulslu?. urvoyinK. frpf'.-tlon, lbs 'Torest Ad" and U w-UaUoti.uid handlUig of n)n. Tb!g exiunUwiKm l t!Z ellylWe Hit for the iumg i" a.hlh on.n-.lnmTlt Will W Inw jjanjcTi, nre requlwd. i ' ..... nivm lv riii: In (lie st rucMi VM 111 t Ml Ailml" And , ..lla-il Jlallr ..f the'. n'Z u . vi l, III. , i VILvsull. kuoHiCjl1 ItlliirJ. NH.ii; NrlMin litTCii'" and TAKE NOTICE that by Wt Hoivur, VV. K. Flslitr, the ifZfat March, JU38. t'wm app'- "flaV tKi l&r ct .the mmtv umian f llllUrd tjHOil n,nd John Ts. tcutd, And ell allrtlft, TifrtMr qulrtd ic Jurmb v?e- m 4 fll, to me cii cr bolon- tne CT April, A. D. 1038, aw! fa v pay the amwuvt of tl'r incK tc tvx ftjrtliwtth. NORMAN A, WATT. OlXlclnl Admliii'-'ti, c prmce ril Dft i f K'' Dated this 16th clay ot in tjii: siirj-:ii: I'oriit " foi.rwi" , l-KOIUU; ... ...jnllf III ll.e .Mailer of I he Miimiw III Hie .niurr "i Hie IMu ' ' AH-lie. nirrn" 4M TAjfCE NOT.IC that by fitftf JWt WTAml... . . . . "WIVI I WW. 4 - AtJi,, 'rZLr, . mum irora aii4rt Ardile. dfceowa. "u w ariufcn uwiumbla, Xrojn MUfWd Oc. Tn Trti inietated AO tlie tifi British o?l lnd.,itin to me Xorthw'. ji.n ' DATED thJii 15th clay of w February, J038. PrliK rt"r