pau roira SM1THERS Conductor Dave Ross, who was rushed to Smlthers Hospital about three weeks ago for an emergency operation for appendicitis, was sufficiently recovered on Thursday to proceed to his home in Prince George where he will recuperate Europe properly squelched. INSPECTOR i ISHEARD Dr. Hush .Morrison Speaks on "Education" at Terrace Meetinr TERRACE, March 22. Dr. Hugh M. m. Morrison, Morrison, inspector inspector of of schools, schools, those who have not forgotten the rick thanked the speaker for an in- nignimare or twenty years ago are terestlng and Instructive address, backing Chamberiain In his efforts to keep the Empire out of an- other war if it Is possible t0 do so. Hf wt.: HfHd tn want ads. mra St. Patrick's Dance Held At Terrace Jolly Gathering: At Interior Town On Seventecr of Ireland spriFUM Bed, Complete Mattress Bcdi Cablc Spring and Felt Mattress Keg. $27.50 for . Rcg $27.50 for $22.00 $22,00 English Prams Wardrobes Kejr. $27.50 for Keg. $27.50 for $22.00 $22.00 EUO'S FURNITURE Third Avenue, Prince Rupert, B.C. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. . Prince Rupert, B.C. GUNNERY IS SHOWN Local Battery, Inspected by Visiting Officer, Gives Display of Work Done iiwn nu uiness. Some sixty officers, non-commls- delivered a lecture on Friday night sloncd officers and men of the Hugh Deering, who has been sec- in Terrace on the subject of educa- 102nd heavy battery of the Royal tion man at Doughty for a number tion. Canadian Artillery gave a display of years, has purchased a small The speaker was listened to with last evening on the occasion of an house in Smlthers near the Fair marked attention by all present, official Inspection by Major W R Grounds and will make his home The old idea of the public schools Stone, officer commanding the R0y- here In future. Mr. Deering is about being but stepping stones on the al Canadian Artillery at Esquimau to retire from service and will set- way to the university was giving The battery, which Is commanded tie down among his friends here, way, the speaker emphasized, to a by Lieut. Col. S. D. Johnston V.D.. . ,T",' . morc liberal vIew of educatlnS the M.C, was put through battery and The town of Smlthers is pulling coming generation to take their ceremonial drills by Sergeant Major , iU full load in the worries of the places directly in those spheres of James Hadden with Captain A. G British Empire these days and the activity which they choose. Al- Rbc In charge. The drills were car-main topic of conversation heard though in some parts of the country ried out with commendable percis- on the streets and in the business It had become advantageous to cod- ion and examples of detail work, houses Is the European situation solidate schools, he did not expect were then shown. Sergeant Alex with nunv pvnrplnns nf nnrloti- ...u j i i i. . . I ' r . iuw.ii ucvcHjjjiiicui aiuug ,mai ime Mucneii gave a lesson in ranee over the prospects of a war in the m the coast districts. , finding. Sergeant Wlzner Bryant Ini" " near future. While nearly everyone A. E. White was chairman and In- ri, nt, t.i.I i ititvt w would like to the dictators of A N FJ I A .see troduced Dr. Morrison. On behalf EUn: Senreant E. R Hudson showpd I I Still nf iha wtlnnl KnoM W A WlrUi. i. it.- r, " i W A AAJ -" - -r .."va.- wui. vn we nange inaicaung aiar. Bombardier Madill, gunnery, and ; Bombardier Macdonald in first aid. It was difficult for a layman to realize the vast amount of work which has to be done by members of the battery and especially by officers in order to get a maximum of efficiency in the-work. I After the formal Inspection, the i visiting officers spoke encouragingly to the men and complimented them on the degree of proficiency already attained. ! Right Rev. O, A. Rlx, Bishop of Caledonia and chaplain of the bat-rick's TERRACE, March 22. St. Pat- Day was celebrated in Ter- spie' complimenting the bat- race with a public dance at the Oddfellows' Hall. Local musical talent was augmented by an orchestra from Usk. The hall was filled , with merrymakers who stayed with it until three a.m. ' - Your Choice Of Any of These 4 Items $22'00 tery on the splendid showing it had made and on the unselfish work its members were carrying out on behalf of the community. All hoped that their services would not be required but, "should they be called into action to repel an invader, people her would sleep more soundly with the knowledge, that the defenses were In such good hands. All hoped that the govern ment would provide everything nec- Word was received at the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station yesterday that Dr. H, L. A. Tarr, appointed to succeed Dr, H, R. Bedford on the scientific staff of the station, expects to arrive in Prince Rupert from England by the end of the month. Mrs. Tarr may visit for a time at her home In viding there are no unfortunate delays, should arrive here about mid -day tomorrow. DAXCF.K SLCKS $20,000 IWNNIPEG. March 22: (CPJ lEvelyn Johnston, professional Win nipeg dancer, is seeking $20,000 damages from a firm of Winnipeg plumbers claiming she was Injured because a radiator, Installed by the plunders, fell on her leg. THH DAILT NHWi Tuesday. Marrh a lf. Dead In Ottawa HON". MAKTIN Bl'KBELL REPORT OF CITY City Commissioner Urges Continued Economy; Points Out Handicap Under Which Prince Kupert Suffers The city commissioner has Jus; Issued the annual report for the year 1937, showing that the financial condition of the city continues yound with only $2,762 owing, to the sinking fund and with enough cash on hand to carry over with careful handling until the taxes for the present year are paid. In his report to the minister of municipalities Commissioner Aldei says in part: "Although there has been a continued reduction In assessment during the pxst four years, owing to forfeiture of property for nonpayment of taxes, the city has again met all its obligations with out any r" loans from its bankers e essary to enable them to make their InT'TL YT. work effective. He was glad to have' " ' TZ accompnsnea ? heard that It was the intention to Sl of Ct, TT d thf properly e.ulp the battery here ,2 arsisr havc been kept in good gun he understood, would be setj ..Prlnce Rupert , up I", the new shed which had re- liar posllion a e dt& Jf ccntlybrtn erected for the purpose.! 'British Columbia In its relation The Bishop, said that, while the shin in thP nwwwui 1 work of .the soldier w-as sometimes, jn that one-fourth of the lots In criticized, there could be absolutely no criticism of the men preparing to defend their homes and people. At the close of the proceedings light refreshments were provided by the cook house squad. Watching the review were close relatives of the members of Uie battery with a few officers who served overseas In the Great War and In South Africa. Of the sixty members of the battery taking part only four or five had seen service overseas. They were all young men of fine physique and looked particularly fit In their kakhi uniforms. WHIFFLETS ' From the Waterfront he original townsite became vest ed In the province and, while a considerable number of these were sold, over 1600 lots are still government-owned. Many of these lots front on streets on which local Improvements in the way of roads, sidewalks and sewers were installed and, as the government hai not recognized any obligation in this respect, the city, or rather other taxpayers, have carried an added burden of $77,000 due on these lots for local Improvements In addition to carrying such a 'arge amount of property frt-e from general taxes." Concluding the report to the minister, the Commissioner says: j "until the city gets Industrial de-1 vclopment. continued economy must be practiced and new pro-' ClASSiflE FOR SALF North Vancouver before coming on KITCHEN Range with oil burner vv. Phrmn Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Flndlay, returned to port at 8:30 this morning from the north and sailed at 1:30 this afternoon for Vancouver and On her way to Prince Rupert from Vancouver via the Queen Charlotte Islands, C.N.R. steamer Prince John, Capt. Nell McLean, left Queen Charlotte at 5 o'clock this morning for.Massett and, pro EIGHT-ROOM house and lot $500. half cash, Capitol Shop. 60i TOR SALE 8 h.p. Heavy Duty "Vivian Gas Engine" in excellent condition. Price $300. A snap Ward Electric' Co. (68, WORK WANTED PLASTER and stucco work, also brick and tile. Estimates free. Pete Rllshede, phone Blue 823. (09) PERSONAL MENI To get vlgoi, vitality, try raw oyster lnvlgorators and other stimulants In New OSTREX Tonic Tablets. Tone tip worn, exhausted, weakened system. If not delighted with results, maker refunds price, $1.25. You risk noth ing. Sold by all good drug stores. (tf) LOST LOST Black case containing twj keys finder please notify Dally News. (09) Former Smtihers Girl Is Killed Twelve-Year-Old Edith Powell Loses Life on Uoad Near Mission SMITHERS, March 22 The many friends of Mr. and Mrs. William Powell, recently of Smlthers but now of Mission, were shocked to hear that their young daughter. Edith, ten years of age had been struck down by an automobile and fatally injured near Mission Just after alighting from a school bus. Mr and Mrs. Powell had farmed near Smlthers for many years and a year ago they sold their farm to Claude Symes of Prince Rupert and located at Mission. 1 Their many friends in the Bulk-i ley Valley will sympathize deeply with them In their affliction. NAVY BILL IS PASSED United States House is Overwhelmingly in Favor of Naval Expansion WASHINGTON, D.C., March 22: CPi The United States House of Representatives yesterday over whelmingly approved the admlnls-1 tratlon's billion dollar naval ex-1 panslon, bill. j Jects, except In cases of extreme necessity, avoided. Funds for any increase in social or educational services should be raised without Imposing any additional burden on real estate and In such a manner that all citizens must bent their Just proportion of the No Wonder You Are Constipated! What do you eat for breakfast? Coffee, toast, maybe some eggs? What do you eat tor lunch and dinner? Bread, meat, potatoes? No wonder you're constipated-due to lack o "bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean the amount you cat. Jt means the kind of food that forms a soft, bulky mast In the bowels. It's this mast that helps your bowels move. The common sense thins to do about it Is to eat a natural laxative food. Kelloss'c All-Bran for breakfast will give you Just the "bulk" you need. And It civea you. in addition,. Nature's great intestinal-tonic, vitamin B,. Eat this crunchy toasted cereal every dan, drink plenty of water, and life will be brighter for you! AU-Bran Is made by Kellogg In London, Oat Sold by every grocer. Learn To Day Violin, Viola, Cello, llass G. C. WALK Lit, Instructor 212 Fourth Street Ear Test Conducted with the "Resonoscopc" Free Fresh Local Haw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY HIONL C57 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAFE rhone SI For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK THE SEAL f QUALITY V3 i GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only ulnum canning company with w ji the year round payroll la Prince Rupert , i Never Before a Fun Hit Like This! "BREAKFAST FOB TWO" Hi" Th actt of mutical inUrta! mtnt . . . tht hilarity king t crn and radio and ductri of your bt9g, Ki, thowt ... go to town o givo you tho HIP.H HOORO ARINGEST SMASH LI IT rweni .'"'I .III L 1UI" llfc- III' . ADDI.I) "OLYMPIC SKI CHAMPIONS" Historical .Mystery -Kin? Without a Crown" "Popular Science" BEGINS WEDNESDAY Last Time Tonight Last Complete Show at Joe E. Brown in "FIT FOIt A KING" Nus SPECIALS in Small Leather Goods Priced Especially Low to Clcar-JJcst Quality English .Make Genuine Lealher KLYTAI.NLKS For 2 Keys. Only K I; Y TA I N I; K S For 4 keys. Only K L YTA I N i; K S For 6 keys Only CHANCE I'UBSLS-Very subUntlai. Only CHANGE PUKSES-Wlth zipper openhi; Only TRIFLE CAltD CASE Only BILL FOLD-Genuine leather. Only iii.i. i old Genuine Q-f or leather ?JLi5D BILL FOLD Zipper Opening . ... v . weseZifoyou coaI.v Sh i in 15c 25c 40c 50c 50c 50c 75c and S1.50 2.25 Md S2.50 At these prices every one is a KEAL KAKOAIN- "imii-u muck nniy avaiiaoic Take auvamajre m and Save. Two wives gossiped the other OJ So faoWS day 'ziinoortwo. And I heard one to the other 'About fjeeo&t "Mr olil Imli iv .. ..i.i - i .a u mai uiu Mini, sy u o i ..... ... i.. .... r- SOME "rages I'or The JJest Coal in Town PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. G31 PHONES G52 If you have something to sell, a classified adVetisemejj in this paper will soon let you know if there is a buyers j me cuy.