THE DAILY NEWS. coe] es Er FT N i a ca transrectal - New — = h e | | | (| BESNER & BESNER, Proprietors “The News” Classified Ads. = ‘Kelly Townsite l { ==(Qne Cent A Word For Each Insertion=~ ! Sa rn eee Bate: —THERE ARE NO “DEAD ONES” HERE— FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPER}? Phone 150 i For Rent o. The Insurance People| ~~~~~~~~~~~~! MORRISSEY”’ —_—__— —_—— Hotel ee ed ws 3E PAPERHANGING rs Se " Regi , 8 a month. Apply 115 Lotbiniere 8 uuite ints Continued from Page 1. Officially Known and Registered as arine ; . [ cate ‘ " —AND— e Accident Pos rtabie ; be hae a ene. Ape te Bs eae ed Soft | HIGH CLASS ele — evade aid, The Mayor an oe mployer’s uiability a iain , see » bank anager : Contractors’ and Personal Bonds ee Oe i noe anil tl ? aa Comimnite Policies ) { today, with the Finance Gom - - SIGN WORK ‘og Insurance jt ; OUR SPECIALTIES Mack Realty & Insurance pr ahead nsideitietmsmon Mayor Newton expressed regret | ane COMPANY. OUR Companies are noted for prompt and just/{hat there appeared to be already an} au eee . settlements. We write every known class of a if P.S.~ Houses and Rentals. Insurance. The Mack Realty and Insurance Co obstructive measures on foot in ie SILVERSIDES BROS eee eee the Council. He had hoped they i Ce ee ee Sera arae j WwW ted | might that night be able to svitle 9)ae ’ fi P.O. BOX 120 PHONE 156 GREEN ante | the ir differences on the main is- of - a . © hi iar emrerrmmemerme | sues of the undertaking and let ‘ ao f Second Avenue, near McBride WANTED TWd waitresses at Hotel + ithe City Engineer have the result x —— _—- tra ‘fore . le to con- | before he went to Seattle . R d L0.0.F WANTED —Man as, bookkee pet ae collec: | sult with Mr. Thomson. The vigorous justice of the Canadian Railway Commission has established New Haze ° Prin Lo or e, ste yr salary expécted, x | : ‘ ; ..Whites Portland Cement... ce upert ge, eve en © 343, Prince Rupert Denying that his motion pee commanding importance in British Columbia. No. 63 Maternity S cree tee ahicamenane “Apaie{iD~ aly Wayetatended to be ob- G. C. EMMERSON Meets in the Helgerson Block BN a ra Valet tive, but rather a motter of Through the efforts of Pringle & Guthrie, solicitors at Ottawa for the Northern Inter AGENT 8 CLEANING, pressing and dressmaking. Mrs. | pure business, Alderman Mor-| Limited, and Mr. Robt. Kelly's vigorous fight for the “square deal,” the name of M; Every Tuesday Evening Chas. Péreher, $20. Srd avenue. Phone)... y expressed himself forcibly.| connected with that of the new city. i All members of the order in the| Red 2%. ri i Phone 125 Naden Block Second Ave |‘ Meee atte . beat | WANTED — Restaurant outfit, especially; Alderman Clayton remarked - : , Fata é : 7. city are Pinal nb to visit range, also bedding and cheap furniture| that it was childish to ask the Mr. Kelly owns Section 2 of the so-called Kelly townsite, or, as it is officially know gistered amine 9-tf ; |F inance Committee to go to the} the townsite of New Hazelton. Sections 1 and 3 of the townsite is the property of the ADVERTISE IN THE A “DOUGI AS, N. G SL MAyeeDY In lke office Or gehieral. cine: bank at this stage for informa-| Land Company, Limited. . = 4AXe a’. . 0. nen 0 ce 0 e era 0 ce ? , s e ss bc é » Mayor detailed at E i] NEWS W. G. BARRIE, Sec. ee ee eee lente ee le - Hin wader This company 4s composed of a number of leading business men of Northern British ( % : : considere e ne : es ; ; ; . . y 2 t yho are zhly uch with conditions. From thei any ye experier t paneer: — = — _ —_—_—_ ~ Tegel pc lah ine wot ymirererant | standing of the financial situa- right on the ground and who are thoroughly in touch onditions om their maz . i ti ; t the effect that Mr and thorough knowledge they selected the present townsite of New Hazelton, or, as it : e i 0 uo 3 Tre « s . Ra Business Chances Pl wy , . some, the ‘‘Kelly” townsite, as the strategic location for the new metropolis of the nort) a { | Sweeney of the Bank of Montreal ii c “ — — « ‘ “e . s 10 : t ‘ ; Be : i 4 Ree, ae ee fe oe had assured the asl oe ik Mek This in itself would fully establish public confidence in the new city. If further he ———————— is henpiieea Ririedy Drive, nia Gan $) with the ts a + : 4 af : importance and stability of New Hazelton be required, it is supplied by the additional fact ie > access , and droeEBleectric : : Ha As necessary to a well- : a Sibel ,Best In the West. Address P. a ess r aa y ni ; tk i: known throughout Canada by reason of his wide business interests, has $100,000 | “As neces an k a pen f24 : ; . See ae + as » eae fh such hard-headed business men lead you need not fear to follow Be sure you get Oe ? SA as “Th, yank would advance money s > * : NR Me , | emt y me Centre-—Section 1. De \ : ink and paper This Coe ee ee j cient for the municipal enter- : eae bi Hi i e Sr - atic reminder Lost and Found prises contemplated. All depend- The stability of New Hazelton, or the so-called ‘‘Kelly’’ townsite—either name a wit (26 Y oye best as- poh ie ie Oy et hed on. the. Legislature and the] jutely established by the emphatic deciston of the Canadian Railway Commission sistant. Calendar of | ratifying of the private bill which past, present and fu- eevee ye Neuen i basing tee Mr. Peters was at present pass- New Hazelton, sometimes called the ‘‘Kelly’’ townsite, starts with a big lead on ture month on each this advt. at News Office. 208tr ing through the Legislature. along the Grand Trunk Pacific. For it has a monthly payroll of from $150,000 to $2 page. LOST—A gold watch, between the wharf Alderman Morrissey’s motion] will likely be increased from time to time 1912 Pads Now Ready and New. Knox Hotel... Apply Knox Hotel! ¢aijad to. find stpport to carry. it, for reward as ! ‘ ‘ ; : ; ' Price complete $1; eee and the Council then proceeded Moreover, there are 1,000 people in the immediate vicinity—the citizens of old H pads only 50c. Order vine : ienteh io The Dice sue rooms to follow the Mayor's suggestion] establish themselves in New Hazelton in the early spring, because regular train ser now. reward, 12-18 and discuss the report in detail.| will then be established. ; . A — Alderman Morrissey remained McRae Bros Ltd Stationers and Office Outfitters NOTICE. ilent for a great part of the time Besides, thousands of outside people will flock into New Hazelton in the early 2 * PRINCE RUPPERT " B.C. a train service to Prince Rupert will then be established Prince Rupert General “Hospital Association. Besides, thousands of outside people will flock into New Hazelton in the spring, ¥ The annual ena meeting of members ietien fo t the anes 5s ‘ ; oe het . Aad 5 mere , : oo , ae Will be held in the Police Court room at| a thriving city of 3,000 to 4,000 people before 1912 closes, (SSS SSS SSS 8 p. m., Friday, January 26th, 1912, to re- == SSS —— ceive the a ctors’ and oth r rts, and . \ 8 ope x $ { i | ¢ ane to elect s iveciors” a for the ensuing-year. i Phe Dally News in : pening it columns Think of this development. It is not of the future. It is of the present—now. And He By order of the Board. ! jublished letter is not responsible for New Hazelt you ca et no bot : : > Mercantile secti Sect { 25j W. M. WRIGHT, Managing Sec. | ¢j\, Bedataie aa arniesaed i Ne azelton you can set no bounds. Buy in the Mercantile section—-Section 1 The shrewd factors of the Hudson’s Bay Company put Hazelton on the map before saw it to be the logical commercial centre for the great interior portion of British C A a Sir: lease give » space to | . re I ; ti a i ace r how successful they have been in locating the great cities of Western Canada—Winnipeg ake ‘orrectlions oO Alder é " ‘ : : ie }ma ; i ' : é ton. Their unerring judgment is being proved again in the case of New Hazelton | Morrissey’s talk at the Council Corliss Coon Collars | | | To the Editor of The News: | | } we at aa __| Monday night. South, east, north and west of the new city stretches a territory having a radius of } SHOE He stated that IT said that un-| ¢ijjea with coal, silver, copper and other minerals. Capital is already busy developing the {Office on Second avenue, less influences were brought to} jjons of acres of rich fruit and farming lands lie within the same radius. These are alread ar ‘remove a certs arty % at ce HOUSE Harr Smith a = 3rd & 7th close to Government oflice.$20} Near. Wo: FemoN a certain party by actual settlers. ill jat the telephone exchange, where t mess = —— SS ee | : , I formerly worked, that T would To develop these virgin fields branch railway lines must be built Just as old Ha } 555>2S>2S5S52= >= =>==SS>S=S= y= room house on Fifth aye- not return, greatest pacx train outfitting centre in the world, so will New Hazelton be one of, if not : : nue; partly furnished.....$18 That gives the impression that railway distributing and géneral commercial centre of British Columbia. Don’t make any : Bre I wished to return to the city’s| is the Mercantile centre. Buy there for big profits A beleanimn hh ay Hay femploy, which is not true and was ° }4-roon ouse, across ays . ‘ i | : ; jnot said to him, and my alleged $60,000 was the price paid in Calgary the other day for a lot that cost $500 a few ye } Creek cece cece eee eee $15! ie mark covering a suggested re- see examples like this without number in Vancouver, Winnipeg, Regina, Moose Jaw, Edn FIRN | | movs al is only the twisting of what thriving western city. a Se ge ge aN a eg a I told him was my reason for leaving the serviee, and nothing What are you going to do about the new city of the north? There is just one register ae Mail 8 “Baobens G R. NADEN COMPANY more. “New Hazelton,’ whatever other names it may be known by, whether it be Taylorville, the : The Alderman was pressing an] Site or New Hazelton Leave all express packages for interior points with the Pacific Trans- | Limited. enquiry about an ex-employee and 4 é : pes ¢ fer Co., 807 Third Ave., and insure prompt forwarding. ly heliavad he was fain enough. We, the Northern Interior Land Company, Limited, own Section 1, the Mercantile cent: All accounts and correspendence addressed to Second Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C hearing he was going to make a 8, the residential section. The station grounds and sidings are located partly on Section ——-—--—— _— lrow over it, to let the committee | Se¢tion 1. See official maps and blue prints. » Le ise » the é Tr » satisfac- " ; P.O. Box 806 BEIRNES & MULVANY __ Hazelton, B. C. peer Hs in a ca the alisfac To make the situation perfectly clear, we may again emhpasize the fact that the towns ory way they did, ste , - 1 : : ; : r ; : . consistec 4ot 863, L 2 > Tay sec £ CAUSE » pre oO i will receive immediate attention believed he was’ fair enough * isisted of Lot 863, Lot 882, the Taylor se ction and Lot 885 Because of the previou 1 | to lat: th Taylor the new town is sometimes called ‘Taylorville in the north. Because of the celeb ) vey Ss *( se 0 e e . ‘ jlo Keep his promise Hazelton by the Railway Commission, it has also been,dubbed the ‘‘Kelly”’ townsite. But these ! trouble settle itself quietly, but }instead he launched into a tirade, to the same townsite—-the registered townsite of New Hazelton Ky l accor g ( . ‘eSS, and Ns duncan’, ib anaain . roast Ric ue 7 { 7 ; ASK UNCLE JERRY [ae ee ‘ ; a r Poe arse There were only two ownerships of the land to start with, that of the Northern Interior ! o 6 jbrought up a lot of stull ¢ Limited, and that of Robert Kelly, of Kelly, Douglas & Co. The property of the Norther! a < nected me with it. Company, Limited, consists of Lot 863 and Lot 885, or Sections 1 and 8 of the Townsite of 0 s | The statements he made are Mr. Kelly’s property consists of Lot 882, or Section 2 of the townsite ATUN |nothing more than at attempt to i mix up the complaints whic h he Segtion 2 is adapted for railroad purposes, and as the Railway Commission has decreed t! a | told me of with the few remarks| shall be maintained on this section, it seems probable that Section 2 will be the railway po! I made and make me responsible| city. We want you to know, however, that the station grounds and sidings are partly on Se 1, i One jot, block 30, section 1, $1,995; $1,000 | for them, so as to make out a| property, ‘ é ash, bal. 6, 412 aric 8 mo Appeals to the Business and Professional Man, One lot, block 16, section 1, $6,500; $2,500 | CAS°- Aa ld 40 gta ladt GL. potaiaba Wacol ébne that thas 1 ie m . * ‘ash, bal. 6, 12 m I may say he surprised me by or Of common knowledge that the best retail and general business centre of a! in all the Higher ‘ the Banker, A ne Life t g One ‘lof, block 14 section 1, $16,000; %]the bitter prejudice he showed little distance from the depot, and from the railway sidings particularly, New Hazelton pro! } 1 ash, bé , 2 and 3 years . xc, i ; > eS mW alikKs O ire Three lots, block 7, section 1, $2,500 each; | a@ainst my brother over the dis-| exception to this rule. HEH . % cash, bal. 1, 2 and 3 years » and others and his state- ; pute and other a Ki BECAUSE OF THE TIME IT SAVES THEM Two aGss, nlook Y, spation 1, $6,500 palt; | ments as re ported bear out what Many of the merchants and business men of old Hazelton have bought property and will ! ; ; ; ; 4 Cash, bal, 6, 12 and 18 mo : 2e- 2 fy When a man’s time is worth | of the poison by a rapid sys8- Fone tot, block 6, section 5, 81,500; 8300} 1 feel now, namely, that the whole tion 1, In fact, three quarters of the buildings now erected are on this section, And we mu 1a Be a great deal more to him than tem of elimination, leaving the —_ ip: 6, 12 and 18 mo matter is just a case of his per- defer to the decision of the people on the spot, for they are in the best position to judge by f oka One lot, block 28, section 5, #525 $225 : , Ww cD the cost of a drink habit cure | drinker in the condition that cash, bal. 850 every thre months al , Ww, R. LOVE, i 2 : ash, bal, #50 every e€ months sonal spite. *, Sadie What are you going t Jew Haze q . in i ’ ‘ he is not ‘going to drag along he was before tasting liquor, One lot, block 7, section 6, $1,780; % 4 AS 2, a . e 7 Bo ng to do about New Hazelton? Never again in Vancouver, Calgary or: W for twenty-eight to forty-two so far as the effect of alcohol cash, bal. 6, 12’ and 18 mo a res ~ opportunities like this of the early days These opportunities have moved to N¢ ; ? ' s =e ya , One lot, block 7, section 6, 606 ( gine ‘epresenting 1e nd they wi » early away f ere. so far as v + } Se ering a incatvinnt chan | Ree ha canhaphalcall aooke ve Jot, block 7, section 6, $1,600; $4,000 . R. “ Riess re sade be y IL move early away from there, so far as you are concerned, unless you act quic! he can get a cure in three days, | tite for drink gone—and he a || Two lots, block 21, section 7, $1,500; 4 |Vanadian Nubber Vollpeeer | p take without hypodermic injeotfons, | ie man g ; cash, bal, 6, 12 mo, L. A. MeMartin, with MeLennan The prices have been put purposely low at the start. The price of lots in Sections 1 and aud be surrounded with every soi Ope ay, block fo fection 7, $650; $300) & McFeeley, are in the city. what prevail in now and unknown towns. New Hazeiion will have 1,000 to 1,590 people at th comfort of home, The treatment consists of [wo lots, block 42, section 7, $550 each; i ae some of our best corners are going at a third the prices that are paid in other towns of the : | the internal administration of hg eae er ws mon For Sale lation. : 2 1 Jot, joe G, sectior 7, #600; &200 , ss PERFECT CURE. | a harmless remedy, tonie in cash, bal. easy, LeMea an ft horses, from 4 “ In a few months , fhe Neal internal treatment |. its action, that removes the }] Two lots, block 49, section 8, $400 each; | ne Segee OMI hes : ‘al thee ene the first whistle will toot for New Hazelton station, Your lot should cures the periodical, occasion= | eraving for iNauor’ in a. very : me — aus ais we month 1a: 1,600 poundds, cheap. o value by that time. The price of lots in Section 1 and 8 range from $100 to $1,200 each. The o lols, oc 0, section &, $8315 eac . , al or moderate drinker and the | few hours, “S78 cash, bal, #15 per mo. .two trons | Prince Rupert Dairy. , "| for today only, and are liable to change without notice. nervous man who has to drink | R Two fete, Dione 16, section 8, $300 cach; | | cee : . ‘ er } BRUG HABIT CUR s $75 cash, bal. 615 per mo to keep from becoming nery- | URED One lot, block 40, section 8, $375, 8100 | | « a , ous. It takes away all inclina- | At the Vancouver institute cash, bal. ~$15. per juo | ? \ < » tion to drink, all desire and | we also treat drug addictions FOR SALE. ’ oud g' de craving to drink, by neutraliz- | with uniform success. Call, || Restaurant on Becond SYERUC. ing the poison of alcohol in the | write or phone for booklet, giv- Farm land at Lakelse, only $25 per acre system and ridding the blood | ing full information, FOR RENT. Horseshoers THE NEAL INSTITUTE |S See Oar Northern Interior Land Compal Jeremiah H. Kueler, Ltd. [| PRASER AND SEVENTH STREET. J. H, KUGLE R, Sole Agent. Second Floor Carter-Cotton Bldg Vancou Phone 317 Phone 59 Red | Prince Rupert Office: Second Ave, Agents wanted every" 1250 Broadway W., Vancou ver, B. C. Phone Bayview 686 he ne IE es anil -_- nae