----- - -1 Today's Weather Tomorrow's Tides (t KM.) iriiice Itupert Part cloudy. High 5:42 a.m. 17.1 ft. I, southeast wind, 8 miles per hour 19:32 p.m. 15.0 (t. barometer, 29.42; temperature. 30; Low 12:38 pjn. 7.4 ft. sea smooth. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER foi XXVII., no: v n PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., TUESDAY, MARCH 22, 1U38. PRICE; 5 CKNIS A Papfe&e r . UNICIPAL CASE NOW.: JLh Columbia Cities Ileinjf Heard by Howell Commission In Victoria intralize Finances Is h Kecommcnded by Boards ol Trade of This Province IICTORIA, March 22: (CP) The p!i Roval Commission on lnter- Bemmcntal relations commenced Kerday hearing the representa-6s of the Union of British Colum- f on behalf of forty munlcipali- fr i of the province of British Col- Bbia. Later the city oi Vancouver I nrescnt a separate case. ft is expected the Royal Commis si! continue in session until iftav when it will leave for Ed- ir.ton where It is scheduled to sit I March 28 with sessions later In Kderlcton, Montreal and Toronto.! ' f i U.tnl 11411 (llrrt t1tA Fottawa in June. Boards' of Trade Case I strong central govcrnmpnt lor tadi even brought about by plebiscites on the con .r.? of provincial legislatures! Stht appointment of legislative Bnc by the Dominion wa3 jrd bpore the Commission to- u 'he submission of thirty- I British Columbia Boards ofi adc Until th;M was effected, the nrds recommended in part: Provincial and municipal bor lng.i be controlled by the Dom- Bon Elimlnritlnn of extensive dupli- itlon of services. Cessation of thn nrcsont wastefui s. Ifthod of relief administration. EllmlnuTions of duplication In Jnscontlnental service. Bureau of Welfare Dr. Harrv , PslmIH w w j w ! welfare director, advocated the aoiishment of ri Dominion rip fitment or bureau of welfare to fercome 'irrievous lack" of na P'i planning In social welfare in Inada, SEIZURE IS EXCEPTION I Ksidcnt of Mexico Savs That Oth- I Industries Need Not Worry About Expropriation MEXICO CITY, March 22: (CP)- piaent Cardenas assured Mexl-f 1 Industry tnHnv Vif f n of foreign oil companies' hold- was an excentlnn and that no --,.--. T'lliar measure urn a 1r nrnoit. Mnst other businesses. Documents Are pcriminating fech Authorities Appear to Have lne t'oods on at Least One Member of Alleged Espionage Group . Papio x. , , ji vyuv tllS"? and fortyUuee tiiv LmCUTeuts are sald by the .juniorities tr. Vinvn Knon fMinrt nn DCie Sho h! uSOf . one of flvc persons s u nave been arrested on charccs 11 atton,..ii.... . .. . . r "".Hwiiu ----'"' 10 sea oy"' 10 w a " ""- ioreign "" . secrrts in . rorri tr, tvtiKh I w ICUIU LU LIS. plficatlons and mobilization. -"-' . . EXPLAINS "BAD" BOYS CALQARY. March 22: (CP) are no bad boys," T. R. Kt of the Alberta Bureau of Child s'eirare. tow phi vvcniie cri !v"liat Mo ooll 1 1 id f mlsdlrected energies," he 4 Social Credit Wins Election EDMONTON. March 22: (CP) Orvls Kennedy. Social Credit candidate, retained the House of Commons seat In Edmonton East for his party at the by- election yesterday by defeating Robert Marshall. Liberal, and Walter Cleveley, Conservative. Kennedy had a plurality of some two thousand votes. The by-election was necessitated through the death of the Social Credit member. Dr. W. S. Hall. 4 CABINET MEETING British Foreign Policy Under Con- slderation Direst Pledge To Cxecho-Slovakla Considered Lnlikely LONDON, March 22: (CP) The British cabinet today bc?ar. a two-day consideration of foreign I policy, an important state' ment on which Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain Is to make In the House of Commons on Thursday. Premier Chamberlain has been in close contact with the French government. The Dominions arc being kept fully informed. It is not considered likely that the Prime Minister will give a direct pledge to Czccho-SIovakia HIS HOME IS BOMBED "King of Bootleggers" in Hamilton Intended as Victim But Was Not at Home HAMILTON, Ontario, March 22: (CP) A portion of the city was rocked and the verandah and front part of the house'of Russell Perry, self-styled "King of the Bootleggers," was extensively damaged by a time bomb which had been plant- cd under the verandah. Perry, who it is believed was meant to be a vic tim of the bombing, was away from home at the time. The verandah was the same as that on which Mrs. Perrv was shot dead several years agothe mystery of her killing hav- ing never been cleared up. Where Canadian Wheat Is Sent Thirty Countries Oct drain From West ,....i,nrn mornh Ol' (CP) WlnWirtiUi """ nnntrlp. net erain from the nooinn Wpst reveals the first de - tailed report from the Board 01 kum'6 covering a full arain Commissioners Incrimin-, E i,rts' during the last crop year! 886.172 bushels with Great 145 were . Trolonrf 1 noruiewt "" -Buzzey, fvc -. Britain ana y linked as one country, taking the'CyprM, Leda, Tilly, Tot, Sharkey, 01 oni nrt4 bushels. ........ inia Aio-nieh rnr Turn. I ilarcest amuuiu, -, niTiiim .m rme came second secuuu witn ia,- 094766 bushels, followed nwed by by HoUand Holland,) Tlrnnre. Italy. D-mark, Norway, ! Switzerland and Greece. (JIKLS WINUAMA TEST WINNIPEO. March 22: 1 ine ... ouij 1. ,a " nll.IPmilllllt : "Tf.ru , . won ' the hc from ine rr-.rnm fps - ifnlversltv 01 Muiuw" twll Playing Far, Far Away, oy S!mp5S!li. Eight other groups competed. Army Now Near Defeat DRAWINGS IN SWEEP : l-'lirllirr rn,l!,n. II I !. ! Great Irish Lottery DUBLIN, March 22: (CP) Tht drawing of tickets in the Irish Hos pitals sweepstakes on the Grand National Steeplechase continued yesterday with ... Canadians drawing j norses as iouows: T Blue Shirt, "Blue Birds," AE 12939, flmPM " P7. 40573 Top Tol (nonstarter), "Parrot." EL 08598. . ! Cabin Fire, "Let's Try Again," DS 56061, "Toppy," PT 40290. ! ' Davy Jones, "If Rit," NV 79217. Drinmore Lad (nonstarter), "Blackle," CA 41510. KDH. "Thanks a Lot." DA 41512, "Fanny Adams," EP 62021, "Hard Pan," PV 41053, "For Pete Sake," AZ 46115, "Teribus," NJ 33613. Ego (nonstarter), "Om Co." MJ 74435, "The Three Kids," DP 61667. "Please." LB 10727. Pet Son. "Lucky Boy," RT 13516, "Maybe." AJ 83483, "Cap." LP 79382. Care Free (nonstarter), "Snipper Snntinpr" A7. Bondsman (nonstarter). "Jimmy Boy." QJ 32613. , Dryburgh (nsr.startcr). 'Emile," -- let in Field Master (nonstarter). "Mar- ess," BX 37095, "Happy," NX 37651, "Cariboo Jim," BV 42022. Pluka Bella (nonstarter). "Knob- by." ZM 84123, "Lucky Seven." KK 45777 "Edith 150,000," CD 27864. Froblsher, "Two by Six." AV 57702, "Jomper." FS 62122, "Blrger." DQ 89412, "Dorothea CV' DB. 60472. Kcsidual Prizes The drawing of residual and consolation prizes took place today. Two of the fifty residual prizes, worth $1150 each, went to Canadian ticket-holders "Once for Two," DD 40530 and "Cedar,'' BW 39742. Following was the list of Canadian winners among 1600 consolation prizes of $500 as the draw began, noms-de-plume only being shown. Dreelhlnn. Hungarian Gypsy, Bin-' Black transport, told the House or oom-.. go Dingus. Pale Face, Urgent, f..i Tho rM KM i mons yesterday that he hoped a j . . . l rn.1l 1 1 i . nn vrntnr. naaiv nteaeu. run iiuucc,, kei., Rpnond Time. No. 13. pMP Rni Mlo. Phoenix. Hone Lee. Thirteen Nondeshlner, Tough Luck, Venture Mickey, Domstello, Yearn- ing Tyutyu, I Needs You, Justa Justa Ravenscralg, BUI and Mag- gle. Boomerang. Free Chance, Sure ,L it Tons Tirrpm ining, unuiv, . n t .a1 TIvm Toninrv iPS . ' ' , W1II nn nne. '?r " n -"A j. E D M. Lockheen, Oood Luck. Grace, Sparkey, Always Hopeful, I Don't Know, Blue Moon, Elul Ethaniam, Red Shadow, Wise Joseph, Rupert, William Haxton. Black Cat, Once, Onlv. Clagger, Margaret Finch, ltir t.,ik 25 Snorts. Flftv. Lucky. v could I Do With It, Invagld,, Orange, My King Thirteen lnniccu Bears, a.o, r. - - dom UUlll For W a - Horse, ' 100 Cents, ' Anoth mm, t nxlru Rpvpn. Merrv Mobd. ' u cwnpllcd from obvcrsatloriN t nm tvovIp nmhw7 Still faun Trexle, Bill, Bymnwz, Yfn ftt 5 a Maty tl covtrs t,, f(0 1 Hoping, jiujjiiisi Two Bills, The Sap, -. Mary . TjUCkv star. Lucky Eight, Come 1 Thirteen. Barb, Always Behind, Hope Spotty, iemperance, . seven on imw, m uU i rtM0 as ijrvs. lsmEiass. lrisn iw, pjcos, Nigger, Potato, Handcc. T c Wnlte, twk) Bums, 'Henry, .... tr..- -1 Tlni. L.ucn. " . nnn-t Relive It. Pick Mc out. sev - ' .. . white White Horse. Wallace. Ulwl Trusting, The Unfortunate Vancouver Winners VANCOUVER, March 22: (CP) Miss L. H. Watson and A. J. Jack shared two Irish Hospitals Sweep- take tickets and received cabled' .. .. . ..... a . t - confirmation confirmation that mat nnp one oi 11. k ; tickets i brought UlUUglll. th 4V.M Willi. .pAOUU. oonn illtt rn.iViAnUn Tf umc Ihp first, mrtvlp hp ticket, under the nom-de-plume "You Q Me," was MC 20122 on, Second Act, a-non-btttrter. Jew Scientist Is Victimized; I Seriously 111 ! 4 VIENNA. March 22: (CP) ' Sigmund Freud, aged 32, "fath- j er of psycho-analysis, Is s cr- . ed iously ill after a visit of secret ; vt.i rt Vile hnmfl lact I ju.c w night. Informants said mat ol .--i. U. T...l-V. X ine pouce wok. me- Jti-.u j scientist's passports and closed the doors of his home. Offices i of the company publlhing his ! books were also closed. ! CABINET RESIGNS Lithuanian Government Quits Foi lowing Submission to Poland ' Not Accepted KAUNALS, Lithuania. March 22. (CP) Having taken the unpopuiai 'step of yielding to the Polish ul Umatum on Saturday, the Llthu onUn tnHlnnt Vine rfclmori PrP.il dent Smctona has. however, re fused to accept tho resignation until the return of Promle.r.TubelU who is seriously ill In Switzerland, " was reported last week that H the cabinet was forced out, only a pro-German cabinet could be formed. RAILWAY LAYOFF Minister of Transport Hopes Shopmen's Disputes Will Be Amicably Settled OTTAWA, March 22: (CP) Hon. Clarence D. Howe, minister of . f 1 1 V ! 1 1 1 1 ( fii I .1 f I J 1 .1 1 1 l.illllfllill .TliVJl ! -.- t men would be settled amicably without a general lay-off. The dispute reached the floor of the House when A. A. Heaps or Win- nlpeg North, C.C.F. member, said he understood thousands of men were being thrown out of work by the railways. - hi r i-i nn'M v-jiri iiii- i aiiiii.c w tn due to slackness of work and in- ability to maintain the five-day week. The management suggested a four-day week but the shop unions refused and claimed that any reduction would be at the expense of junior employees. . , . . , WAnthAr rftrPPJlST jlPllrnl.h.H t.hrou-h m. c.n.rvchT V l if LAJIIJIUIUII fllVHV(Vnn.vi Victoria Burl Frllicff Rutwrt. This 'trf- . ,i,0ur period endlnp 5 p.m. tomorrow i. General Synopsis A storm is in.ir onntrnH eft VnilPOUVpr . Islailf. : causlng n;rh winds off the coas: ! It rornains comparauveiy mua in, u Prlncc Ri;pert and Quccn Cnar lotte Isiands strong southeast . . . ....... wind or gaics, snuun,; io casienv cloudy. and cooi wlth sleet or rain r..i i v nPAitVfti1 Toll .... vcv woo '"w..v. j stronir southeast wind or calev. 'shtfHnir n snutherlv. cloudy and " mild with rain. HEARS FIKST TALKIE SELKIRK, an. March 22: (CP) R. Spencc won a contest with the 1 -. . ll,ninn) rt prize a cuhiiu.-mj- w .. WiCU-fcil7, AW w - - had seen since rcmming rrom Fra net after the war, and his first picture with" sound. t EARTHQUAKE!Turn Mill nm rp iinnrii txLi HLKt Slight Shock Was Undoubtedly! Kecorded in Prince Itupert This .Morning ' Inauirv at the Dominion Ob servatory at Victoria today elicit-' the information that the centre of this morning's earthquake disturbance was 550 miles north Victoria, about ten miles from Prince Kuncrt. The tremor was ir.hSS WITH THE CHINESE ARMY IN NORTH CHINA, ened from their sleep, it was March 22: (CP) Yu Cheng Tsao, Chinese Red Army also strong enough to be felt in ; commander, believes that the Japanese Army is nearer de-4 A,aska- Jt . , feat today than at any time since the Oriental war began UTuSr'HtotS a little more than eight months ago. He said that guer-ocen isolated forces of Japanese battl- perceived by a number ot , rilla marches have large Prince RuDcrt DCODle as they sat lng towards the Yellow River on- .. . calmly at their breakfast tables at the Central China front. Many 7:25 this morning. A distinct shake Japanese troops are In a precarious was evidently noticed by quite a position and in imminent peril of few people, light fixtures and furn- being completely trapped and an-lture quivering for a few seconds.-nihilated. Houses were also felt to shake ana some declare they saw electric light poles quiver. Some late sleepers were awakened by a rumble like a train passing. John Ivarson of Bca:h Place reports that he was up at the time and the windows of the house shook and the dishes rattled indicating a very decided quake. The tremble seems to have, been noticed In every part of the city. Last night about ten o'clock some people saw a particularly vivid meteor of greenish hue, appearing much like a colored rocket fall' from the skies. It seemed to be unusually close at hand. Had it been at a different time of year, it would have been dismissed as a piece of pyrotechnics. Today's Weather Triple Island Overcast, easterly wind, 18 miles per hour; light chop. Langara Island Raining, easterly wind, 24 miles per hour; baro meter, 29.34; temperature, 36; Sea moderately rough. Dead iicna Tree irec Point ruim Ralninir nnrtheast wind: barometer. 29.32 temDcrature. 34; sea rough. BuU Harbor Overcast, southeast wlnd; 25 mlics per h0Ur; tempera ture( 38; sea rough. Alcrt Bay Overcast, southeast gaie; barometer, 29.36; tempera- turn. 32: sea routrh. - , . . L'f-r nun n i i nun r uuiii i'ii.xi. w i it barometer. 29.36; temperature, 32 1 sca rough. Estevan Cloudy, southeast wind 14 miles per hour; barometer, 29. 66. Victoria Clear, southeast wind 12 miles per hour; barometer. 29.80 Vancouver Cloudy, easterly wind, four miles per hour; baro meter, 29.86. Prince -George Fair, southerly wind, four miles per hour; baro meter, 29.80. Terrace Cloudy, north wind, temperature 28. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 32. Alice Arm Cloudy, north wind, 33. Anyox Cloudy, calm, 32. Hazelton Cloudy, calm. 28. Smlthers Clear, calm. 32. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 15. PASSING OF COL. M0LS0N Prominent Canadian Military Man and Business Executive Dies In Montreal MONTREAL, March 22: (CP) Lieut. Col. Herbert Molson C.M.O.. M.C., prominent business executive, died last night ----j at tne age 01 sixty inree. ne was wgu.m k i in 1910. Col. Mols.m was president of the Molson urawcry VO. Of Tide In War In Orient Defenders' Head of lied Forces Says That Guerrilla Operations Have Isolated Many iSMpponcsc Who Arc in Grave Peril TODAY'5 STOCKS iCXjurtcsy S. D. Johiuton Co.) Toronto B. C. Nickel, .21. Big Missouri, .40. Bralorne, 8.50. Aztec, .10. Cariboo Quartz. 1.95. Dcntonla, .OOVi--- ' - Golconda, .03'4. ... Mlnto. .023,4. Falrview Amalgamated, .03'4. Noble Five. .03. Pend Orielle, 1.70. Pioneer, 2.90. Porter Idaho, .02. Premier. 2.00. Reeves McDonald. .31 12. Reno, .50. . 1 Relief Arlington, ,172. Reward, .04. Salmon Gold, .07. Taylor Bridge, .0 Premier Border, .ZW. Sllbak Premier, 1.70. Congress, .008. , Home Gold, .01 Vi-Indian, .02 a. Haida Gold, .084. Oils O A. P. Con., .20. . Calmont, .39. C. & E., 2.18. Freehold, .05. Hargal, .19. McDougall Segur, .18 '2. Mercury. ,14. Okalta. 1.45. Pacalta, .09. Homc OIL 1.08. i Beattie, 1.25. Central Patricia, 2.53. Oods Lake, .40. Little Long Lac. 4.55. McKcnzie Red lake, .80. Pickle Crow, 4.35. Red Lake Gold Shore, .23. Son Antonio, 1.30. Shcrritt Gordon, 1.23. Smelters Gold, .02. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.25. Oklend, .21. Mosher, .20. Madscn Red Lake, .35. Stadacona, .23. Frontier Red Lake. .05. Francoeur, .37. Moncta Porcunlne. 1.06. Thompson Cndlllac. .22. , I Bnnkficld, .79. East Malartic. 1-35. Preston East Dome. .90. Hutchison inke. .07'3. Dawson White, .03. Aldermac, .47. Kerr Addison. 1.09. Uchi Gold. 1.41. i Martin Bird, .37. I Inte. Nickel, 48.50. , Noranda, 56.00. I Cons. Smelters, 51.00. Hardrock. 1.75. Athona, .lOVi- Vancouttr Wheat VANCOUVER, March 22: (CP) Wheat was trading at SlSi on the Vancouver Imarkct, today. Is Seen By C ommandejr i Unwin Release I Is Authorized 1 4 OTTAWA, March 22: (CP) The Governor General today authorized the release from Fort Saskatchewan Prison in Alberta of Joseph "Unwin, Soc- lal Credit member of the Leg- islature of that province, who '.'is -serving a-tprm -for defam-. atory libel. t - 4 APPEAL MADE TO VATICAN Asked to Join Britain and Franc: lit Protest at Spanish Bombing Of Civilians LONDON, March 22: (CP) The British government has made a direct appeal to the Vatican to Join in an Anglo-French protest to General Francisco Franco against the air bombardment of Spanish civilians. Personnel Of (Welfare Board Miss Laura Holland Heads Bin'r Which Will License and Inspect Institutions VICTORIA, March 22: (CP) Hon Dr. Gcorire M. Weir, provin cial secretary, has announced the i personnel of the welfare institutions board which will license and inspect institutions in the province for the aged and Infirm and I for destitute children. Miss Laura Holland of Vancouver will be the chief administrator, assisted by the welfare visitors at other centres in the province. DANCE AIDS CEMETERY WARNER. Alta., March 22: (CP' More than $100 was cleared at a dance here In aid of the local cemetery. Preparations For Austrian Vote In April BERLIN, March 22: (CP) The Reich government Is proceeding with preparations for the plebiscite to be held on April 10 in Austria on the question of Chancellor Hit ler's move In annexing that coun try.