t fr- FAQE TWO Week-End SPECIALS Straps Oxfords and Pumps 64 Pairs Women's Straps, Oxfords and Pumps Real quality. Broken lines. Values to $6.50. Special $1.95 Growing: Girls' Calf Oxfords Low heels, dependable Crt t 's and dressy. Pair tji3 Men's Rolled Tdge and Plain Rubbers While they last. Qff Pair wwt I Ladies' First Class Rubbers All heels. ' Pair THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA 75c Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue H. F PULLEN - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, toy carrier, yearly period, paid In advar.ee $5.00 Paid In advance, per week .... j2 Paid in advance, per month !so By maU to all parts of British Columbia, ihe British Empire and . United States, yearly period, paid in advance 3.00 By mall to all other countries, per year ,,;;;;, .,-,.:..,. :. 9.00 ADVERTISING RATES (Hasslfied 'advertising, per word, per insertion :.: : .02 local readers, per line, per insertion I Advertising arid Circulation Telephone .. ; 9s News Department Telephone ... : 86 Member ol Audit Bureau ot Circulations DAILY-EDITION' Saturday, January 15, 1938 QUEER GOVERNMENT METHOD Under the French method of government there is less -stability than in any other country that has come to our notice. The Chamber of Deputies is made up of members representing a number of parties and no government can succeed without the sunnort nf suit is that, under very little provocation, the government is voted down through the defection of one or more of these parties. The Popular Front in France was headed by M. Blum following the last election. Not long ago M. Blum retired and he was succeeded by M. Chautemps. Now M. Bonnett has been called to office but how long he will be able to keep the confidence of a majority of the Chamber, in the event he succeeds in forming a government, no one can say. It may be a week, a month or a year, but not likely long. It is difficult to understand how there can be continuity of policy under such conditions. FINANCIAL SITUATION The present disturbed condition of France' 'does not help "the 'financial situation there. Prior to the recent resignation, the government was seeking a loan of a quarter 'of a billion dollars in England but the British government had to be given proper guarantee that the money would be repaid before it would put up the cash. A domestic loan also is planned which will cost the government five or six per cent. This is a big price to pay compared with the low rates at which Great Britain oi- anada pav for money. The trouble is that the instability of France, caused chiefly by the extreme radical groups in the Chamber and thrptis'hout the country, is causing people with mdnev to pause bfove lending to a country which might at any time repudiate hoi' debts. DESERTIONS FROM SPAIN ' A British report from Gibraltar states that deser-.tipns are takin,plade from the insurgent 'forces of General 'Franco and it is intimated that they are .going over lo the loyalists. It that the old sign of the rats deserting fhfe Kinlcing shin? If other countries would keep out of Spain, evidently the war would soon be over. FORTIFICATIONS Jt was to be expected that the cities of southern Brit-'i&$ 'Columbia AVould be the first to receive rdtt'etion un-ileY th'e d6f enseprogram. Now we are hoping that Prince Rupert will receive some attention. While there has been ,-talkjof defenses here not much has. yet been done. If parliament grants another thirty-five million dollars for . defense this year, we may get some of it and it is badly needed- SKI MEET AT JASPER Sfx-Mllc Cross-Coiintry Race To Feature Carnival Next Week JASPER, Jan. 15: With a six- mile cross-country race as the main feature, the Jasper Ski Club will hold its annual ski carnival 1 next Wednesday. The nine event? will Include jumps and a number of juvenile competitions, to pro mote skiing enthusiasm among thr younger members of the club. The Jasper Ski Club is working on a five-year plan of development 'of the sport 1n this part of the Rockies and many visitors from Edmonton. Vancouver and other outside points are reaping advantages from its efforts. The club has a concession from the Dominion government for slopes on the side of Whistler Mountain, -white Signal Mountain, in the Maligiie Lake tirea and the Tonquih Val ley have camps and trails. BRIDGETS RESUMED Results Last Night of First Games For Second Half Prince Rupert Bridge League results for the second half opening last night were as follows: Grotto. 10355: C.N.R.A. 11467. Ramblers, 10919; Musketeers, 8382. Canadian Legion, 5709; Sons of Norway, 12821. Prince 'Rupert Dairy, 75G2 Brackman & Kerr, 9543. League Table ' For Agst. Pts. S. O. N. ... 12821 5709 12821 C. N. R. A. 11467 10355 11467 Ramblers 10919 8382 10919 Grotto 10355 11467 10355 B. & K. 9543 7562 9543 Musketeers 8382 10919 8382 P. R. Dairy 7562 9543 7562 ! C. Legion 5709 12821 5709 Canadian Team Reaches Sydney Representatives to British Empire) i ram PC lonrl Frnm T Snap ' I SYDNEY. Australia, Jan. 15: (CP) Canada's, team for the British Empire Games arrived here yesterday aboard the trans-Pacific liner Aor-angi from Vancouver, liii thk DAtLT mtwa i.Jt. ; ... SatHrday. Januai . 15 J FIVE PIN .-.-Jit HAVE YQH SMOKED A TURRET ' LATELY? .5 .3 1 .0 Old Country Soccer English Leaeue. Tirst Division Bolton Wanderers 3, Grimsby ' Town, 1. j ' Charlton Athletic 3, Liverpool 0. Chelsea 2, West Bromwich-Al-bion 2. : Everton 3, Blackpool 1, Huddersfield Town 0, Brentford 3. ,h Leicesterclty 1, Manchester City. 4. Portsmouth 1, Birmingham 1. Preston North End 3, Leeds United 1. Stoke City 3, Mlddlesborough 0, Sunderland 2, Derby Couty 0. SOMETHING NEW HERC. Continued from Page vOne' RllAl IiMbi "'? llu' passenn-rs and 'Officers of Pioneer Laundry Scores Clean Sweep Victory Over Gyro Clnb Club tWO KameS tO One. In the' rpciinnr anm OiifiS nnH plonr : seebnd fixture, Canadian National with Mr. Carson on the alr-linoi itecreauon Association ronea .13:wip r jnKnvinn Viii.Pr(Mni I Hockey Standings Pacific Coast League ' W D L F A Pts Vancouver ,11 4 lb 51 53 2f. 5 'Seattle Portland 8 Sp3kane ... 6 Wolverhampton 5 63 '41 ?. 13 54 59 22 '8 31 36 17 POL'CK COUPE FIRE POUCE COUPE. Jan. 15: (CP)-A fire in the Pouce Coupe power house did not interfere with the local electric light service. Wanderers 3 Arsenal 1. Scottish League, First Division Ayr United 6, Morton 2. Celtic 5. Aberdeen 2. Falkirk 1. Clyde, 2. Hibernians, 2, Queen of South 0, Motherwell .4, Kilmarnock 3. Partick Thistle 3, Hearts 1. St. Johnstone 1, Queens Park 2. St. Mlrren 1, Rangers 1. Third Lanark 1, Arbroath 1. IF YOU ARE WRONG, ADMIT IT "Isn't it'easier and less humiliating to hfar yourself condemned oiit of your own mbuth than out of some one else's? Of course it is. "When you have made a nlistake, admit it. Admit it fully arid promptly without trying to find 'exciises. If anything, let your self-criticism be excessively seVere." ARE you one of those smokers who havt made the t mistake of not " trying Turrets? We do not mean to suggest that everyone 6ught to "smoke Turrets all of us are entitled to choose the cigarette "that suits us best. But we do know that Turret smokers seldom find complete satisfaction in any other cigarette. The reason is Turret's unique and original blend of fine Virginia tobaccos which makes Turrets just that much different just that much better. And so we suggest: if 'you haven't smoked a Turret lately, try a package today. Imperial T.k.cro CMutunr ol Cn.d., Mmli.J C32 "There is an 6ld proverb vhich says: 'By fightirig you never get enotigh, but by yielding you gt more than "you expected.' "I hilt technique not only -producej astonishing insults, but it is actually more satisfying than trying to defend a hopeless position." northern Quebec, Ontario, th-e'stern provinces and the North- , Vest Territories. It may be Inter ( esting to know that planes opera ' l Wltuiil iiaii4 v..iiv , Flight No. 4 were receiving the dc greater tonnage of freight and ex- . monstrauon oy snori wave iron; press than the combined plan' , 5.100 feet above ground. When Mr lsPrvlPPS of Grpaf Britain. Francr scores against the Old Empress ',r TransCanada Airlines. Mr. Car j,,r- "0". lntroduc!ed Cdptaln most of the members of which vr, nni,,, f, .t, Milton II. Anderson, senior pilot team are now in Ketchiksn ar.d who will ran off their -play on return to town. High average scorer last night was JackUirtger of Gy ro Club with 256. Individual "scoring was as iranpral manoffftr nf Vio ftonfrro Llll I . ...... aQ. uniy one oi two scneauiea ux-j Vermont Railway and Vice-Presi-tures in the Five Pin Bowling I dent "of the Central Vermont Air League was completed last night, way3, subsidiary companle;: or th-Pioneer Laundry defeating Gyro MWUJl,U41 AOiF lOU 4Uj Crasell 181 188 ' , by Trans-Canada Airlines in link- Kinslor 220 230 271i 'nK tn Pac"ic Coast to Toronto nd Montreal y ai" service. StUes, 296 197 204 AssemIsSn"".'""l"II."l79 t "276' .service has played an lm- young 204 131 x,rtnnt' Parl n tne development Handicap 50 50 51 -anaaas mmmg industry,'' Total 1115 1034 1093 Cafscn cbntlnued. "Whlh GYRO 1 2 Smith 102 179 Bulger 255 303 Lowen .148 222 Borland .....190 189 Low Score 179 188 Handicap 40 40 Total .:. 914 1121 C. ,N. R. A. 1 2 Comadina 140 234 Proctor 203 234 Ronald 210 106 -nere are lew scneauicd airlines in 3 'Canada today, fifty commercial HOjcompanies operate planes tran.v 211 j -oKi"? nrosoectors. supplies ani 161 1 machinery to the most remote 20S "arts of the Dominion. By way ct 13C, comparison. I might say that in 40. '936, the total tonnage carried by 8C1 j airliners In the United States imr.Unted to 0.959.000' pounds. In 1 f flrtriarlr, Canada it the n tn(A n r nn rnn 191 204 1,3 Mcintosh ,..:169 17G 131 Irving .233 '269 122 Handicap 96 96. 96 Total 1051 1115 984 The league standing to date ;.s as follows: Pioneer Laundry Gyro Club C. N. R. A. Old Empres.s Won Lost Pts I total was 25.386,000 iracticallv all of which wn Mo. " w " V Hnnrl n tmMtA..-M ! . . j- - w luiium mines jocaiea in Central Vermont Airwavs. In turn Mr. Galloway Introduced Mr. Tod'ri and the Captain, flying more Jhar. n mltn nhnvp irrniinrl qiviV-b u'ltH the mining general -superintended, J a quarter of a mile below the ground. It was a dramatic touc'.i which brought forth rounds of an-plause from the crowded banquft hall. In the conversation which followed, Captain Anderson said that his ship had a speed of 250 miles per hour, with a general cruising speed of 175 miles. He had been Identified with commercial flying for 10 years during which he had flown more than a million miles and had about 8,500 hours In the air. The flying time between Montreal and Boston, a distance of 274 miles, was one hour and 43 minutes. In his opening remarks, Mr. Galloway outlined the detail of thr various types of communication which would be' brought into ;us and the method by which it was possible for the Rdtarians, the ra dlo audience, the people in th; mine shaft and the passengers on the alr-liner all to listen, at once to the same program. He Intro duced to the gathering Dr. P. W St. Charles, President of the Lake Shore Mine, through whose courtesy the conversation with tht. mine had been arranged; Hon Chas. McCrea, formerly Provincial Minister of Mines: R. C. Vauehan Vice-President. Canadian National Railways, Montreal: F. E. Maulson director, Dome Mines; A. H. Ca yanagh, general manager, Temis kaming '& Northern Ontario Rail way. who supplied the circuits be tween North Bay and Klrklam. Lake, which with the local facilities of the "Northern Telephone Co., 'enabled 'communications to bt made wRh. the 1.80Q fqot level of the mineshaft ah,d Sidney Norman mining editor of the Globe and Dundee 3, HamUtOn Academicals Mail, wh0 checked many of the figures used in the mlnihcr stalls. tics. Reach the mcst people m citj and district with rau novertLsement in the Dally News. FUR SALtf uu.tvinKj wvu J , nnrt thA Ilnlfprt Ktfitps III lysil ntiwn c. d.u t . -a u .. . . u V . v..avM Mv.wwt 1 inilU A. Ill k 1. L I T III unnl I mc iiuuiuci ui .unco uj , non. o casn. fnone 845 I i: i i j . . nw 1 ii 000 miles. This, if I may say so ; is a splendid achievement In Ca I nucha's 'development. Dramatic Introduction' - 1 l UMUi . 1 (A iiiai LI1L I i . . m i ana operauoru manager OI IW -nrimtinn hnrt h, n rrfectly on board Fllfeht Yo. 4 This moc-lilne he stated, Vas pns of the alrwav's fleet of the mrisl ;modern type of airplane on the Y0j I ".oritfrtent. a tWih-mdored Lock w. ) neea-Eiectra, lo-passenuer. heat PIONEER LDV. 1 2 3 and ventiated cabin plane, sf tr,cn ion mn io "nilar to those which will be used KOK KKNT NEWLY, 'decorated flat for r1 HELl' 'WANTED WANTED Capable HousekeeJ and godd cook, Apply Box i city. i PERSONAL WE HAVE HELVED Hl'NDP.? . - .... - m TO OBTAIN positions as ll ter Carriers, Postal Clerks.r toms Examiners, Clerks. J Stenographers, etc., and t help you. Write us for pr and Tree information, M.C Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. OH in Canada. WOMEN- YOU CAN RE FlXll CIALIjY Imlepemrenf. We hi helped hundreds of lanad women earn a living by opt- tinir kinuerKartens in ft. own homes. Illustrated bootl frea The Canadian Klnderj ten Institute. Winnipeg. MALE HELl W'ANTFJ RELIABLE Man to take Cui'Tstl route. TJlstrlbute, collect jl Products. No selling Earn Er lent weekly income B. ti W, : Co., St. Paul, Minn. i THE SEAL of QUALITt "Such an attitude takes the wind out of the other fellow's sails. You leave him with nothing to say because you have said it all yourself. "The chances are be will then take a gencroiis, forgiving attitude and try to minimae yo,ur mistake." TtTtyi T - U So, when you are right, try to win people tactfully to your way of thinking. Hut when you are wrong and that will be often enough admit the fact at once. "Any fool can argue that black is white and lots of fools do. But it takes real a man to say: 4I made a mistake'." Uur4fl GOLD SEAL . Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only silmcc canning company with an tl the year round payroll it Prince Rupert n i i . . j i