V 1 I' ff i pa I i Saturday, January 15, lfts. paoi rotm TEB DAILY MHWS Terrace Church Holds Meeting Minister Invitrd By Congregation To Remain Another Year TERRACE, Jan. 15: The congregation of Knox United Church held its annual meeting on Tuesday evening. The meeting was well attended and reports from the various departments showed that the church was on a good working basis. Words of appreciation were ex pressed to the minister and his wife for the work accomplished and an Invitation was extended to them to remain at Kn0x United another year. Following the business a social hour was enjoyed. During the evening selections were rendered by the Junior choir and a reading entitled "Carloads of Goodwill" was given by Mrs. Ivan Frank. A reading written by Edna Jacques told of the joyful reception of the carloads of fruit and vegetables sent from British Columbia recently to Saskatchewan. "Demers" Closing Out Sale COAT SPECIALS 1 Coats Sizes 16, 18, I8V2, 44, Fur trimmed. Regular to $45.00 now 2 Coats Sizes 20 lz, 44. Fur trimmed. Regular to $29.50. Now 1 Coat Grey. Untrimmed. Regular $25.00. Now 3 Coats Untrimmed. Sizes 18, 20, 40. Regular to $21.50. Now Kaincapcs Regular $2.95. Now Raincoats Regular to $10.00. jg 25.00 15.00 $13.50 $9.95 1.95 and 5.95 USED GOODS Furniture - Tools Firearms - Jewels Books Bed Springs, Mattress, Steel Crib, Baby Highchair, Kitchen Chairs, Kitchen Table, Axminster Carpets, Divanelte; Dressers, Buffets, Extension Table, Singer Sewing Machine, Dining Room Chairs, Oil Burner with heater, Ranges for wood and coal, Stove Pipes, Elbows. Double Bitted Axe, 6-foot Cross Cut Saw, Brace and Bit, Mitre Box and Saw, Gilchrist Logging Jack, Buck Saw, Bell Bottom Jack', Tally Register, Swedish Saw Frame, Splicing Clamp, Pipe Cutter, 24-inch Iron Square Pipe Stock, Horse Shoe Magnet. Double Shot Gun, 30 U.S.A. Rifle, Single Shot Gun, Hunting Coat, Victor Steel Traps 23-Jewel Waltham Watch, 14-Krt. Gold Chain, Gold Brooches, Diamonds, Tic Pin, Rolls Razor, Gillette Gazors, Books, Etc. We Pay The Highest Price For TROLLING LEAD ELIO'S THIRD AVENUE PRINCE RUPERT Hours !) a.m. to 5 p.m. Waterfront Whiffs C.N.R. Yacht Club Float Sinks, Endangering Craft Returning From Fisheries Research Board Meeting Revert to Natural Ice KEEPS IN CONDITION HAYES, Kent, Eng., Jan. J5: (CP) Sydney C. Wooderson, world mile record holder, was first home for Blackhcath Harriers in their 7V2 mile cross-country race agalns', Ranelagh Harriers. He was timed in 45 minutes, 31 seconds. KEFEIIEE UPHELD BELLEEK, Northern Ire. Jan. 15: Action of a referee in striking a soccer player who threatened to hit him during a game recently was upheld by Magistrate Dickie at Bellcck petty sessions. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block rilONE 658 II Due to the collapse of a dolphin, the float of the Canadian National Recreation Association Yacht Club just west of the government wharf upset late Thursday afternoon and was almost completely submerged. Three gas-boats moored at the float were moved without damage to a more secure place. A couple of skiffs lying on the float dropped Into the water and partly filled. The necessary repairs will be made before next season and, meantime wreckage has been Dr. Ncai Carter, director of the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental Station, is expected back towards the middle of next week from Ottawa where he attended the annual meeting of the Fisheries Research Board John Dybhavn Is also expected back soon from attending the same meeting. After having used artificial ice for the past two years, the Booth Fisheries Co. is reverting to the use of natural ice for use In connection with Its extensive fresh fish shipments from Prince Rupert. Ice will again be taken by the companj from Lake Kathlyn near Smlthers and Charles Wilson of Lake Kathlyn has been given a three-year contract calling for the supply of about 2500 tons of ice each year. The Booth Fisheries maintains three large ice houses at Lake Kathlyn, each with a capacity of some 1250 tons. Mr. Wilson also supplies the Canadian National Railways with Ice at various divisional points along the Prince Rupert line, the Ice being used for reloading of fish-laden express refrigerator cars and for other Annual overhaul of the steamei Prince Rupert is now under way at the Prince Rupert dry dock The vessel is at present lying alongside the dry dock pier and will later gc on the pontoons for hull work. William Ballantyne has taken ov er duty as chief engineer of the steamer Prince John on the Queen Charlotte Island route, relieving George Davidson. After having been in town since the Christmas and New Year sea- son, Harry scou wm leave aooarc his gasboat Llla tomorrow or Monday on his return to his hand-logging operations at Douglas Channel. Herbert Doolan, John Haldanc and William Lincoln are returning today on their boat Lucy D. to their homes at Kincolith after having come here to see Herbert Doolan sr who Is a patient in the Prince Ru pert General Hospital. c. M. Thomas and D. W. Wilson ifflcials of the Nootka Packlnr "Jo., arrived in the city on tli rinccss Adelaide yesterday after- loon from Vancouver and sailed on the Prince John last night tc 'Isit the company's salmon ccn ncry at Massett. Thomas Anderson, superintend ?nt of the Tucks Inlet reductlo: olant, rcturne dto the city on tlw Princess Adelaide yesterday after noon from Vancouver and Scattlf ovhere he spent the Christmas and New Year vacation season. The nlant is about to be reopened foi 'he production of fish meal from herring. IMl'KOVEI) FINANCIAL CONDITION (Continued from Page One) the Workmen's Compensation Board and municipalities, reduction of accounts by the Workmen's Compensation Board and a move to have the spread of contagion by Indians checked. The question of whether the ward should continue to hold property on Overlook Street obtained some years ago as a possible build- ng site came up at the meeting but toMrfrm time rlofnrmfV TVi n rrrorft? per year in taxes. The report of the Fire Chief stated that usual monthly Inspection had' been made. From a fire protection standpoint the general condition of the hospital was all that could be desired. The premises were clean and tidy and alarm systems were in order. The house committee, through Frank Dibb, chairman, reported that, during the month, only a "few minor repairs had been made. The report of the finance committee, W. H. Brown, chairman, showed that there had been 1533 hospital days In December at a cost per hospital day. of $3.08. Dis bursements for the month had amounted to $4722.91. To Purchase Redding It was left to the house committee to go Into the matter of purchasing new bedding and mattresses for which a ftlnd of $1000 was appropriated during the past year and which had not yet been used. Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent, reported the hos pital quite busy at this time. Miss 1 Harrison acknowledged Christmas donations from Cambrai Chapter and Queen Mary Chapter, Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, P. Burns Co. Ltd., Bulkley, Market, Sterling Market, Chrlss Mill Bakery, Rupert Bakery, Thomas McMeekin, Rupert Butchers, S. C. Thompson, Order of the Eastern Star, Boy Scouts and Women's Auxiliary. Reporting for the Women's Aux iliary, Mrs. H. L. Landry referred to the forthcoming revival of the hospital ball from which it was hoped at least $100 would be realized. G. P. Tinker, chairman of the board, was asked to act as master of ceremonies for the ball and accepted. Mrs. Landry also reported that the Christian Youth Society was putting on a play for the benefit of the Auxiliary. Those present at last night's meeting were G. P. Tinker, chair man, W. M. Brown, G. V. Wilkinson, Frank Dlbb and Mrs. H. L. Landry, directors; H. W. Birch, managing secretary, and Miss Jean Harrison R.N., lady superintendent. CONDITION UNCHANGED VICTORIA, Jan. 15: (CP) The condition of Mr. Justice McPhlllips, who collapsed on Wednesday af ternoon, is reported from his hos pital to be unchanged. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE C57 DR. GEO. COFFIN Chiropractic Specialist Suite 1 LEEDS AITS. Prime lttipcrt The Central Hotel ItOOMS and CAFE Phone 51 Tor Dest Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK COMMITTEE LIST NAMED Chamber of Commerce Members I Assigned for Year Standing committees of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Com merce for the year have been ap-J pointed by President F. A; MacCal-lum as follows: Civic John Dybhavn, W. J. Alder, W. O. Fulton and R. E. Moore. .Entertainment C. V. Evitt. J. L. Roaf, W. F. Stone and Orme G. Stewart. Finance W. M. Blackstock, F. E. Robertson and Jr W. Nicholls. Fisheries J. L. Lee, R' M. Win-slow, P.I. Solem and John Dybhavn. Freight Rates G. W. Nickerson, J. G. Johns, Peter Lakie and W. E. Drake. Grain C. C. Mills, M. M. McLach-lan and S. C. Thompson. Highway S. E. Parker, J A. Lindsay, J. H. Thompson and Robert Brascll. Legislative J. T. Harvey; W. O. Fulton, C. V. Evltt and J. E. Bod-die. Labor CO. Minns, Shelford Dar-ton and. Alex McRae. Lumber W. R. McAfee, M. P. Mc- Caffery and C. V. Evitt. Membership A. C. Small R. G. .s assessed at $1500 involving $75Van der sluvs and J- E- Morris, Marine W. IL Tobey, W. P. Ar mour. H. H. Breen arid F. E. Robertson. Mining J. G. Johns, S. D. Johnson and Dr. J. H. Carson. Peace River Outlet H. F. Pullen, T. Collart, W. H. Tobey and A. G. Rlx. Port P. M, Ray, W. E. Drake and See The EASY Washers Now On Display. Ask For Demonstration Jack Denipsey Hobos' Club New Type of Society Formed in New York by Former World's Champion NEW YORK, Jan. 15: (CP) For-1 mer world's heavyweight boxing champion, Jack Dempsey has start ed a new type of exclusive club In! New York. It Is for hobos who have travelled five thousand miles or more with a-special class for those who have done over ten thousand miles. Quebec Homes Are Raided By Police Drive to Ferret Out Communist Literature is Being Continued MONTREAL, Jan. 15: (CP)-Scv-en homes in Montreal have been raided by the police in search for communist literature under the Quebec padlock law. Union and unemployed leaders and newspapermen are among those who have had their homes searched. J. Bulger and M. M. McLachlan. Real Estate and Insurance ,T. Collart, S. D. Johnston and G. P. Tinker. Retail Trades W. M. Watts, G. A. Bryant, J.. J. Payne and Bert Morgan. Trade and Commerce J. W. G. W. Nickerson. Nicholls, W. M. Blackstock and T. Public Works M. P. McCaffery, McMeckin- Kooeri uoraon ana Jonn curne. Transport J PnhitMtv v nihh n n RM-innrf ' and H F. Pullen. Coates. G Radio D. C. McRae. CO. Minns, Newman. I Jess Jf J. Little. W. L. A. McMillan and A. W. The Widest Range of WASHING MACHINES Gyrator Vacuum Cup Spin Dry SPECIAL During January "Easiette" Vacuum Cup $93.50 Regular $103.50 Trade In Your Present Washei Small Monthly Payment on Any Model HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A- and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce is digestible, palatable, satisfying, ' CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. H;UfcHJ LAST TIMES TONIGHT 2nd Show at 9:15 The Frrst Modern Story in TIXIIMCOLOK FREDR1C MARCH JANET GAYNOR In "A Star is Born" With Adolpli Mcujou, May Kobson (At 7:23 and 9:311) NEWS and COMEDY COMING MON. TUES. Truth that's more thrilling than fiction! 'Submarine D-l' Hyde ! Transfer 1 I : j WOOD j ! COAL : TRANSFER Phone 580 3!.r SECOND AVE. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J ZarclU Proprl-tor -A HOME AWAY HtOM HOME" Kale J1.00 op ol) Rooms Hot 9r. Cold Water Prince Hujwrt, B.C. IMione 281 r.O. dot 1S QUALITY SERVICE PRICE Free Gift Tokens MUSSALLEM S (Jroceries Confectionery Fresh Fruits and Vegetables COAL to I'l.r.m: kvi:uyiiuiy Satisfaction Guaranteed turnout i:ilon Alitrrln Coal llillklcy Vullc) Colli Vancouvrr lluiiil Coal Prince Rupert Feed 'inniiiinj PHONK- 68 dtlrt 550 Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Booms Arc Clean The House Is Warm The Service Friendly The Kates Arc Reasonable KNOX HOTEL U. Brascll N. M. BraseU