Today's Weather (I A.M.) PRINCE RUPERT Part cloudy, southed wind four miles per hour; barometer, 29.16; temperature, 40; sea moderate. Vol. XXVII., No. 12. Em Improved Fin? fa a Over Period Of Disclosed In Has $20,000 on Hand for Building Now Whereas There Was Then $11,000 Indebtedness Further Action In Connection With New Hospital Deferred Whereas fourteen years eral Hospital Association was some $11,000 in debt, today it has no obligations and has a fund of some $20,000 for building extension purposes. This was disclosed last night at the regular monthly meeting of the board of directors of the hospital by W. M. Brown, chairman of the finance .AmmlHoo In thA rniirKP nf rnntlri. cratlon of the annual financial statement of the Institution which I . .aaaIhii4 onH Hnnt oH Ktr t Via senml meeting of the Prince Ru- which, it was decided, will be held tU 1 frtnim If n It M loMim OQ A Unrfli hurt hion morifl in mnmvo. menisana maintenance oi me nos- The question ol the new nospltal - 1 L - A i A nir nut no iurLiier unLitJii wax uikpii triiiiiiiv Liir .111111111 iiri ill nit'ri. n(r aVtpn a npu hrw rrt trill hp ilfrt. J m J it 11 al n npw iiniL win nnvp nepn rnm- MPTPn nv mp nrnvinr a nrpniiprt .1 tmicrvnre mai nnn nppn nn n u."i m 'MSM ts finnn.lni. T , ... r. ..111 .'clt that some assistance should be wuicuming irom me city aunougii Mr. Alder had said that there could be no financial help from that quarter unless It was by bylaw. It was reported by O. V. Wilkinson, chairman of the grounds committee, that Robert Wilson, as his donation towards the new hospital, had cleared trees from the building site Just east of the present hospital. This will enable the contractors, when the time comes, to obtain a better Idea of the nature of the ground. The board passed a vote of thanks to Mr. Wilson, Among matters of general business coming up at last night's meeting was that of Indigent patients not actually requiring hos pitalization but being housed in hospitals for whom the provincial ?overnment was withdrawing Its Per diem grant. There were eight such patients In the local hospital,! " was pointed out, and the withdrawal of the government grant ' covering them would mean a loss ' of $140 per month. The city will be asked to make some provision 'or the taking care, of these patients. Amendments to Act ' The amendments to the HosDltal Act, passed at the last session of the Legislature and soon coming In-, to force were the subject of a leng-1 communication from the Brit-' lsh Columbia Hospitals Association. H was estimated that, as a result of these amendments, there would e a net loss of $50,000 to hospitals through decreased revenue and In-' "cased expenditure. Under the amendments, additional statistical hlch necessitate additional office ; hlp. The British Columbia Has- P'tals' Association has approved the new regulations providing the gov-frnment I ! reimburses the hospitals rr loss of revenue and additional I exPendlture Involved. Such compensation had hpp.n discussed with fhe Provincial secretary but no def-1 1 nlte undertaking had been made by the government. The matter was Werrcd by the local board to the' ""ance committee. ' Correspondence from the D.C. Hospital, ai(Iah nun H.nH ltli such matters as the avallabll- or hospital medical records to bodl outside the hosDltal such as (Continued on Tage Four) cution Condition Fourteen Years Annual Statement! ago the Prince Rupert Gen niTi i r"riiTP I TKYING TO FORM GOVT PARIS Georges Itonnet. outgoing Radical Socialist finance minister, tonight formally agreed to attempt to form a new government to succeed that of Premier Camille Chautemps which resigned yesterday. Itonnet informed President Albert Lebrun of his decision after conferring with Radical Socialist members of the Chamber of Deputies and with leaders of other parliamentary groups. He undertook the task despite the refusal of Socialists, under Farmer Premier Leon Blum, to participate In any government of his or to promise ministry formed, without them. WIDENS HOSTEL SYSTEMS LONDON An important social reform in Britain dealing with offenders under 21 years has been announced by the Home Office. In future they won't be sent to the grim depths of an institution but Instead to good lodgings where they will have "a decent bed, wholesome food and a kindly welcome." , ADMIRAL IS DEAD William Oswald Storey, Canada's Naval Dean, Was Known in Prince Rupert MONTREAL, Jan. 15: (CP) Admiral William Oswald Storey R.C.N. retired, one of Canada's best known aval figures and the only full admiral In the Dominion, ded here yesterday at an advanced age. Many posts of responsibility he held during his career included once being In command at Esqui- malt. He retired before the war but returned to active service while It was In progress. Admiral Storey was no stranger In Prince Rupert, having paid a number of visits here. He was last here a . few years ago to make a local Inspection, No-tir hYnnrt" ncVV LAFUU Record For Metals Set OTTAWA, Jan. 15: (CP) - The Department of Mines yes terday announced that a new record was set by Canada in 1937 for export of base metals to foreign countries. Tne vai hp nf metals so exported dur lng the year Is placed at $iw.- 000,000 t Of SOMETHING NEW HERE : ."Mining; Superintendent Below Ground Talks to Airplane High In Sky ' Unique Event Modern Coininunicatioiis Demon stralcd to Toronto Kotary Club TORONTO, Jan. 14: A mining superintendent a quarter of a mile underground, an airplane a ml!' above the ground and a radio hookup, which extended the length and breadth of Canada, were all linked together in a unique demonstration of modern communl- ' t Inn mathn. nltfAti Kif T V Galloway, Assistant Vice-Presides of the Canadian National Tele graphs, before the Rotary Club here yesterday. A part of the de monstration was the installation of the latest type automatic teletypewriter upon which an operator sent greetings from President "Jack" Deegan to- various Rotar. clubs from Vancouver to Halifax Within 12 minutes and long before the demonstration was finished answers were received and deliver ed to the President. One of the In tercstlng sidelights of this dr monstration was that all types of NORTHERN AND CENTRAL DRIT1SI1 COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 15, 11KJ8. Chinese War facilities were co-ordinated to act Chief counsel for province of as a single unit of communlca- Alberta, submitted that the duty tlon. More than 8,000 miles of Ca- of the court was simply to decide nadlan National Telegraph's wire whether the bills having to do with wevflUUcdTheong-wave,of,controloL banking.) urro.ncxand. radio communication was brought Into use by the Canadian Radic Commission to give a national broadcast of the event. The short wave was pressed Into service to establish a connection with Flight No. 4 of the Central Vermont Air ways, flying regular passenger service between Montreal and Bos ton. Telephone loops were linked up to complete the talking clr-cults. In the opening demonstration, Mr. Galloway called E. W. Todd general superintendent of the Lake Shore Mines, at Klrkland Lake, more than 400 mllQS away, who spoke from the 1,800 foot level of No. 5 shaft of the mine. During the course ofthe two-way conversation between Mr. Todd and. Mr. Galloway, Interesting data -wa-. ulven as to the Importance of the mining Industry to Canada and of the great wealth which It contri buted to the national treasury. "Perhaps the members of the Rotary Club would be Interested to know that In 1936, the last year for which complete figures are available, Canada's mineral production amounted to $362,000,000 of which $260,000,000 came from metals, more than half of which represented gold," Mr. Todd said. "Thus, the mineral Industry of Canada In 1936 was worth $32.9C t0 each citizen of the Dominion Th per capita value of Ontario was $52,72, which was only exceeded by British Columbia with $77.72. However, the Yukon had a per capita output of $444, principally gold." Canada Challenges States Questioned further by Mr. Galloway as to Ontario's position Ik gold production, Mr. Todd explained that Ontario leads all province.! in gold production, with a per capita of $23.80 from 2,346,528 fine ounces, followed by British Columbia with $22.61, from 281,492 fine ounces. The percentage of Ontario's contribution to the total gold production was given as 63.46, with Quebec as 17.80 and British Columb a. 13.06. "Canada." Mr. Todd concluded. "Is challenclnrt' Hca5,ax,Sa,ving : oiriKe v iolence HALIFAX, Jan. 15: CP) Police reinforcements patrolled the narrow waterfront streets here today seeking to, prevent 4 a recurrence of violence which met a fleet of taxis carrying men Into the plant of the ? strike-harassed Maritime Na- tlonal Fish Co. Windows were broken by stones? but none were hurt. t ALBERTA DEFENSE Provir . Presents Its Argument In ' Connection with Three Contentious Bills OTTAWA, Jan. 15MCP) Defense by the province of Alberta of the three measures of the Legislature of that province assent to which was reserved by the Lieutenant Governor pending signification of the pleasure of the Governor Gen- eral commenced before the Su- preme Court of Canada yesterday. newspapers were within the compc- tance of the provincial legislature. AH other questions were but side issues. I COLLAPSES AND DIES Louis Lazarotto Expires In I-ocU Up After Removal from Hospital i Louis lazsarotto. bartender a the Commercial Hotel and resident of the city for several years, collapsed and expired at 10 o'clock this morning in the city lock-up where he had been taken last' night after becoming unmanage able In the Prince Rupert General hcavy and evldently outdld hl, strength. An Inquest will be helc' Monday. Lazzarotto was an Italian, about fifty-five years, unmarried and lived on Fulton Street. Wales Defeats England Today In Rugby Game CARDIFF, Wales, Jan. 15: (CP) Pivin,r in n l,. Wow rtnfnitnri i be for test fllghtS to ready England by a score of 14 to 8 in the!Pccted Initial International rugby match by March- of the season The victors scored i one goal and two penalty goals andi a try against the Englishmen's goal and try. Ashcroft To Fort St. John Flight Pilot Ginger Cootc to Take Off Tomorrow on Inauguration of New Air Service to North ASHCROFT, Jan. 15: (CP) In (Ginger) Coote plans to take off from here tomorrow for Fort St. John. During the winter the em terminus of the service will bo noiiitiuii., cakiiuiiij, vuiiiuufvi In the summer. the United States' position for auguratlng a new commercial air secorid place among the gold pro- service Into Northern British Col-duclng nations of the world, thelumbla and the Yukon, Pilot R. L. first position being held by South, Africa, another member of the British Commonwealth of Na- tlons." , ,At the time Mr. Todd was speak- (Continued on Tagc Two) 5 v I' ;chi lann Kai His Aides Is Derelict In Duty Causing Collapse In Shantung NEED OF DEFENSE Japs Know More About This Coast Than Do Canadians, Declares Mrs. George Black WINNIPEG, Jan. 15: (CP) The Japanese know the "Inland Passage" between Vancouver Island and the British Columbia mainland better than the Ca nadians or Americans do, Mrs. George Black, M. P. for Yukon, said here Friday nieht. "I have been going up and down the coast for forty years.'' Mrs. Black saM. "Where there was one one Japanese fish boat, there arc hundreds now. Now we're scared, at least we are do-. In? something about Pacific Ocean defence." WILL AID" FARMERS Agricultural Problem to be One of Principal Matters Before Coming Session of Parliament OTTAWA, Jan. 15: (CP) The farming Industry of Canada will be given a good deal of attention at the forthcoming session of Parliament opening on January 27. Legislation may be based on the report of a special committee which, among other things, has rccom-: mended a reduction of tariff on farm Implements and the subsidizing of co-operative distribution ol such implements. NEW PLANE FOR ROUTE Pan American Airways Plans to Replace Samoan Clipper With Huge Flying Boat i SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 15: (CP) A new forty-ton flying boat, with capacity for 'seventy-two passengers, which is now being built, may replace the Ill-fated Samoan Clipper 1n the new air service between Ilonolulu'and New Zealand, It Is Indicated by officials of Pan-Amcrl- can.Alrways. The new ship is ex- Weather horecast (I-'uriilhltut Utrouyh Uk cmirt(y V U,o Dominion Mcleulualcl Bureau .it i 'Iclorla hih Prince Rupert nut "no-Mt la compiled from otvorsatlon 'a-sn at 5 ajn. today aim covm th id 'tour period ending 3 pm. tomorrow i General Synopsis A storm centre Is approaching the British Columbia coast. Heavy rains have oc curred in the Prince Rupert district and mild weather is reported over the Interior accompanied by rain and sleet. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Strong east to southeast winds or gales, unsettle! with not much change hi tcmpert ture. West Coast of Vancouver Island Strong winds, probably reachlnc gait. force tonight. Cloudy and mild with rain. Shek Finds Rich Agricultural Regions Menaced as Japanese Advance After Capturing Tsining and Vital Rail Junctions "Conflict Must Continue," Decides Tokyo TOKYO, January 15: (CP) The Japanese cabinet and high navy and army officials decided today that the conflict with China must coirtinue to "its ultimate objective." Draft of the government policy in China hq,s been prepared after lengthy conferences by the cabinet and Imperial headquarters of military leaders directing hostilities. SHANGHAI, January 15: (CP) The Chinese reported today that General Han Fu Chu once dominent war lord and governor of Shantung Province, had been courtmartialled and executed on orders of Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek for "dereliction of duty." General Han was held responsible by the Chinese for collapse of re iODAY'b STOCKS iiuiiusy b. LI. Juiuwlun ou.j Vancouver N B. C. Nickel, Mz. big Missouri, .49 Btalorne, 9.00. Aztec, .07. Cariboo Quartz, 1.B0. DcnUnuv12j4 , ."t!rftt.'iV Golconda, .08. Minto, .03 Vi. i Falrvicw, .00. Noble Five, .01. Perid Oreille, 2.50. Pioneer, 3.10. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier, 1.95. I Reeves McDonald, .52. Reno, .50. Relief Arlington, .18. Reward. .06. Salmon Gold, .07Vj. v Taylor Bridge, .04. Hcdlcy Amalgamated, .04 '2. Premier Border, .02, Sllbak Premier, 2.00. Congress, .02 M. Home Gold, .01. .Grandview, .10. Indian, .02 '2. Halda Gold. .05 '2. Oils A. P. Con., .33. Ualmoiu, .59. C. & L., 3.00. I Freehold, .03. McDougal Scgur, .27. Mercury, .18. Okalta, 2.23. ' Pacalta, .13. Home Oil, 1.35. Toronto Bcattic, 1.33. Central Patricia, 2.25. Gods Lake,, .ad. Little Lang Lac, 5.40. McKenzle Red Lake, .90. Pickic Crow, 4.8U. Red Lake Gold Shore, .24. San Antonio, 1.40. Sh'errlt Gordon, 1.67. Smelters Gold, .01 3,' McLcod Cockshutt, 1.36. Oklend, .22. Masher, .14. Madsen Red Lake, .32. Stadacona, .31'2 . Frontier Red Lake, .05 Vi. Francoeur, .43. Moncta, 2.27. Bouscadlllac, .09. Thompson Cadillac, .27. Bankfleld, .68. East Malartlc, 1.36. Preston East Dome, 1.18. Hutchison Lake, .10. Dawson White, .02. Aldermac, .59. Kerr Addison, 1.87. Uchi Gold, 1.25. Martin Bird, .44. Int. Nickel, 51. .... Noranda, 60.00. Corf. Smelters, 63.50. . Tomorrow's Tides High 1:24 a.m. 21.0 ft. 13:16 p.m. 23.3 ft. Low 7:19 ajn. 6.1 ft. 19:55 p.m. 0.5 ft. i . rillCE: 5 CEMS Lord One Of sistance to Japan In Shantung. Vital rail junctions controlling Shantung's rich agricultural regions have been menaced as the Japanese drive retreating Chinese troops southward after capturing strategic Tslnglng In the southern section. FOUR ARE DROWNED Quadruple Tragedy When Party Gocm Through Hotting Ice On Ontario Lake SUTTON, Ont., Jan. 15: (CPt - Thrce men and a woman were drowned In Lake Simcoc last night when an auto bearing a fishing party crashed through rottlns Ice." The dead are Jack Bird, Mu John Wilkinson, William Jones and Emmanuel Nelson. Three men and a boy escaped. The party planned to flfh through Ice holes. NO TRACE IS FOUND IMoonlight Search Flight of Sir George Hubert Wilkins For Russian Fliers Unavailing FAIRBANKS, Alaska, Jan. 15: (CP) After cruising by Arctic moonlight to within four hundred miles of the North Pole, Sir George Hubert Wilkins returned to Akla-vlk, Northwest Territories, today without reporting any trace of Russia's missing transPolar filer, Sigismund Levaneffsky, and five companions who vanished last August. Vancouvtr Wheat VANCOUVER, Jan. 15: (CP) -Wheat was quoted at $1.4314 on the Vancouver market yesterday, dropping to $1.41'4 today. New Canadian Loan Floated OTTAWA. Jan. 15: (CP Hon. Charles A. Dunning, minister of finance, announced yesterday that a new 10,000,-000 loan had been underwritten In London by a banking group headed by R. Mlvlson & Co. I- t t