PACE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS D. ELIO FURNITURE EXCHANGE 3rd Arenne BARGAIN EXCURSION $83.00 Leaving 11:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m. FRIDAY, AUG. 5 Final Return Limit TUESDAY, AUG. 9 Phone Green 918 THIS WEEK SPECIALS 4 Piece Bedroom Suite 4-piece bedroom suite including cheffonier, full size bed, vanity and upholstered bench. Regular price $85 Special $69.00 Trade in your used furniture and stove in part payment on new Dominion Inlaid Linoleum 6 feet wide, regular price $1,40 sq. yard Q4 OCT Special square yard vJ.wlF 3 Piece Chesterfield Suite 3-piece chesterfield suite covered in good quality tapestry. Regular price $98.00. Special SMITHERS $C-70 4 Return Fare from Children 5 years and under PRINCE RUPERT 12 years HALF FARE Good In coaches only: No baggage checked. V-48-33 A GOOD INVESTMENT when you buy Paint, Wallpaper, Glass, Muresco from Silversides Bros. EOLE AGENTS FOR CANADIAN INDUSTRIES LTD. PAINTS AN MO WHITE CILUX ENAMEL for the exterior for the Interior OUT OF TOWN ORDERS RECEIVE IMMEDIATE' ATTENTION WHIFFLETS From The Waterfront Three Crowded Tourist linen In Fort Today Cancolim on First Visit of Season Week-end Port Aetirity. j This was morning in another big tourist Prince Rupert w'th three crowded coastal liners bring ing in more than six hundred holiday travellers. First n at 7:30 IX T1IE hl'PBEME COIRT OI" BKITIII COLl'MUI I.N PKOItATE In the Matter of the -Administration 4 Aet- And ii n I LAM) ACT 1 Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land i In Range S, Coaat District. Land R- cording district of Prince Rupert, and situate on a reef off Aranzazu Point being a point on the west side of Zayaa Island. j Take notice that Frank Wirterman oft t Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation miner, Intends to apply for a taale of the fol I '. ng described Unds and foreshore: , I All of the reef off Aranzazu Point ! commencing at a post planted on a , I high grassy point on the south tt-l! ; of the reef, thence 1800 ftet north east: ' , thence 1500 feet north west; thence ilROO feat south west; thence 1500 feet south east, to point of beginning; and corrtalDlnj: thirty -five acres, more or j lens. PRANK WATERMAN Dated June 16th. 1933. LAND ACT Notice of Intention to apply to Lease Land In Range S, CoaM District. Land Re-axtluig district of Prince Rupert, and situate eat of Prince Leboo Island In Hudson Bay Pass, near a conspicuous i white rock 85 feet high marked on chart deposited In the Lands Department at the City of Victoria In the said Province m "Conspicuous Rock.' Take notice that Prank Waterman of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation mloer, Intends to apply for a leate of the following described lands and foreiJioro- Commencing ait a pout planted on a graxny nick lying approximately 150 feet north and 200 feet coot of said cor.- aptououa rock; thence 600 feet south east; thence 800 feet south west; thence 600 foot north west; thence 800 feet north east, to place of beginning; snd containing sixteen acresv more or less, I . PRANK WATERMAN Dated June 16th, 1938. i ' WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And YeaH Jump Oat of Bd U tkt Moraine Ruii'uC nIikti(ttnotf HftS4 kO tM ti km Uty. 11 tt IS It Jwt fec&r t ta Wmi Gw Mts Htwi r U W-ir. ul rm trd wet. mk u tW nril kA mi. ACTWwlIIMHMl1'-'Wt ittteaa&lNtMitaMlUitlUlnrti M Uw Sw as vS. It uka tk (o. is' CuWi Lrtti LH-tt PD rrt t tw sukt tk kO flow tmir. TVrr ta rk WnkMlk(tbKwa)calirBninU tam. AU for Cirttr". Un IMt FO W a. jn was the Prince Robert. Capt. H. E. Nedden, from Vancouver. with over three hundred on board. , , Then came the Prince Rupert, eniseTi P at Capt. James Watt, from Alaska. fn0m?- of toe Armour and the Princess Louise. Capt S. f1 f ta toe f a K. Gray, from Vancouver, each t hnn ne7 points. The vessel arrived in afternoon from the The Prince Robert saileaat 1 pm. P?rt for Skagway, Sitka and other AI- aska points and will be back next . , , , Sunday southbound. The Prince . T , 1 ll" Rupert sailed at 3 pm. for Van- "rl V tl.w , , ,1 . ol. . , . . the week-end with coal cargo from couver while the Princess Louise . , , . Vancouver Island, got away of at 11 o vi.v- clock tnis ,. mom- tag for Skagway. Parties on the Prince Robert included a group of 26 headed by Miss Adeline Hardisty oi Columbus. Ohio, who Is a regu Northland Transportation Co.'s steamer North Sea, Capt. A. W. Nlefcerson, arrived in port at 7 lar visitor here every Xear and 12 J" fP l M' , , . . as&a and, after discharging one als an annual visitor. The Prince Rupert brought in 192 passengers of whom three disembarked here carload of mild cured salmon in tierces, three carloads of canned salmon arid one carload of frozen A. B. Wing of the B. C. Equipr ment Co.. Vancouver, arrived on HEPBURN OF ONTARIO IS MAGNETIC FIGCRE (Continued trosa rase One) crops this year In southern Ontario where gramas. livestock, dairying, fruit growing, in fact almost every kind of agricultural pursuit, are followed. On the whole, Ontario was still doing very nifely thank you! Mr. Hepburn talked briefly about highlights of his long aerial holiday Jaunt In a large twin-motored amphibian plane. He told how for eighty miles north of Edmonton they had had to climb to an altitude of six thousand feet away from forest fire smoke. Coppermine and Aklavik had been the extreme northern nnints of the fliehL Thursday. The fact of the matter was they had left White horse on Wednesday for Juneau and had got down the Taku Valley and, within five miles of the Alaska capital, when fog and mist shut in completely before them and Pilot Jim my Towne considered it wise to back track and so they returned to Carcross where they spent the nignt. Tne telegraph office was closed for the evening so they were "missing" until morning. Premier Hepburn was impressed with the vast granduer of the north. One thing that nuzzled him. iv.i;k., c- t however, was how -their harf prtr The Princess Louise had 164 pas- managed to North wa5 a ,ull carve the Alaska Pan- ZtTuZlZX 51" of tourist passengers who were handle out of Canada the way they ta eTidcnce about town -"0- lmUCh Prince Prince RnnerL Rupert, L moming J With a total of 206 Dassencersi The Ketchikan packers Fair- Sees The Town A civic delegation headed by City Commissioner W. J. Alder and and NePtune wer in Port F. A. MicCallum, president of the on board C P R steamer Prin-'banks r-if tr-ini, t,c,. I1"1 n,sht cach brinS in a carload Prince Rupert Chamber of Com-r?vS Tin 4rt S?S2SS5; 0f frCSh haHbUt and 5311110,1 on hand to extend local JSSoJfS ZZ Canadianicourtesies to Premier Hepburn. Af-c t 5 , -T-u iNational RaUways. ,ter appreciatively receivlnet their pin. for Vancouver. The ve-j i i i t i i port while one went aboard her, iTnJZS SSt.fS.S. the Harla and had excellent trout the Paying her first vist of the to this port, Canadian Cm 1 greeUngs, he asked to be excused pilot of their airplane at Van iuu.Ug ui me urn iaxe. wim Air. i couver. It was intended to make Bryant were Charlie Balagno. B'Jl, arrangements for the plane to come Maddill and Wlzner Bryant today and take them off the steamer. Incidentally Mr. Hepburn expres- red surprise ui(ii that ittub there wicic was was no no air- air- i ,u . t. i . . . , ' rSnnV;'5 -P-ting from Prince I ' ' AUMvuak RUDert 'and will be here until Friday when " , hP win nc C,:L Thereupon. Dave Borland, took Mr "epburn and nU Tne went in from Jtinwiii in'mi." companion. sequah by airplane. He report? e" f"11- p!atVt New York mining production going on stead- ,stock ,brter. who has brought many 'jv ai me iaKU-fnaris rrnrwrto r . ' 'with 160 men emrjloved. Coneen- 00111111013 at various times. trates are xhinrvrf fmm Vi min charge. Tacoma smelter. FINE BABY V filtiS MJ HALIFAX. Aug. 1: (CP) Members of the Dartmouth detarh Tht onnortunltv In Premier Hepburn a short drive I around the town includine thr Fourth avenue West residential section and its fine view as well as Totem Pole Park on Frascr street of the Royal Canadian Mounted Hepburn evinced considerable Police Just turned back the covers 10 wrest in the totem poles and in the Mitter of the Estate of Martin 01 a child s cot to "look at thc SKea a "umber of questions a- Connaj, Drcra.ed , TAKE NOTICE that tetter of Ad-j ministration erf the Estate of Mar'.n I C:intajr. Deceased, late of Stasway, .n ithe Territory of Alaska, United States of America, who A'jeA at Skagway, Alaska, on Ue 9th. day of January 1939. vere Issued to me out of the Supreme Court of Brut Mi Columbia on the 25tb day of July 1938. All persona bavin; claims ajrainat the Mid Brtate are -e qutied to present them to me properly ver.fied on or before the 31st. day of August. 1938. and all persona Indebted 1 to the said Etate arc hereby requested to stmt in the amount of their indebv ediKMto me forthwith. I DATED at Prince Rupert. B. C. this 2eth day of July, 1938. H T OLASSET. ' orncial Administrator. AUtn. R C baby" and found three DlnLs at b0" them. Accomnanyine the Pre contraband rum. mer on the drive with Mr. Borland 'Was Cltv nnmmlwl KEN RAYNER For Your RADIO SERVICE - MODERN EQUIPMENT REASONABLE RATES PHONE BUCK 712 HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage j Light Delivery Coal Wood ! , Phone 580 - der. '""v. . tt, m In the course of conversation, it developed that Premier Hepburn was a distant relative of Mrs. D MD. Hunter of this city. The Premier was taken to call on Mrs. Hunter. They spent a few minutes NEW ROiAL HOTEL J. Zarelli Propriatoi "A HOME AWAY FROM OOMI Rte II.H iy ftO Rooms Hot tt Cold WfcUr Prince Rupert, BX3. fhnne 281 P.O. Boi 111 THE SEAL ot QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only lalraoo canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert delving Into their family tree to ascertain the common progenitor in Irish stock which several generations ago settled In Elgin County near U village of Wallacetown where Premier Hepburn, who has a large farm, still makes his home. Of course, as Premier of Ontario he now lives In Toronto, the capital and metropolis. Premier Hepburn inquired about Otof Hanson, MP., for Skeena, and expressed regret that he was not here to say "Hello". The Premier referred to the high esteem in which Mr. Hanson Is held at Ottawa and the Influence he has at the federal capital J- Johns saiUri Saturday night A good deal of unnecessary con- - cern had been apparenUy felt on ihe Princt Ocorge for a trip to about their being "missing" last Vancouver and Into Naramata where he will meet Mrs. Johns and! son who are spending the summer there. They will be returning home via the American Okanagan and SeatUe. II E Honr ay, Auput l, 2t f"TH lJ l ; ,n TONIGHT and TUESDAY Two Shows Nightly 7 and 9:li Metro-Goldwyn-Mareri Bt Comedy Smash Hit Sinc Topper." "MERRILY WE LIVE" With Brian Aherne. Constince Dennett, Patsy Kelly. Billie Burke. Alan Mowbray, Ana Dvorak, Tom Brown. At 7:36 and 9:47 ADDED TREATS "ROMANCE OF CELLULI0D- Pete Smith Novelty "THREE ON A ROPE" WORLD NEWS Thrift Cash & Carry PRESENTS A 5-DAY FOOD SALE Fresh Strawberries quality. 3 boxes BUNCH CARROTS per bunch Bananas Ripe, firm. 3 lbs. Snnkist Oranges Medium size. Doz. 1 O.MAI OtsKoyal City No. 2 tin While Corn Royal City No. 2 tin. 2 lor Australian Pineapple Sliced No. 2 tins Economy Jars Pints, dozen Quarts, dozen ROYAL CITY FRUIT 11 -oz. tin. asst. .each Graham Wafers Red Arrow. 16-oz. pkt. CANADIAN CHEESE Mild, per lb. PHONE 179 Fancy 28c 3c 28c 22c 15c 19 c 20c $1.33 10c 17c 21c No. 1 Tomatoes 5-lb. basket REMO PEAS Garden fresh. 3 lbs. Fancy Table Pears 15 in a basket Juicy Lemons- size. Dozen -Large 28c 19c 35c 24c KELLOG'S CORN FLAKES- 3 packets and 9 In shoiv'n? bag Strawberry Jam 1938 pack. 4-lb. tln SPAGHETTI Llbbys 18-oz Certo Regular bottle Borril s 2-oz. bottle tin A;, mer 53c 10c 25c 30c ALL BRAN Kellogg's OAp larte okt Princess Soap Flakes 01 n With sample packet Al WE IIELIVFR Ease the Strain On The Family Budget Is it hard going to finance the last of the month? Try the Singer Plan Sew your way through. Make practical savings "New Fashions For You and Your Home" Your Singer summer booklet tells you how. Call for a copy here it's free. Own a Modern Singer and Save Money We will be pleased to explain the Singer Plan of Domestic Economy and how it works $3.00 a month will dp the trick. Phone 6 Or Call. No Obligation The Singer Shop CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS anrl ntr - " VIII J rhone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Kaw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNi 57