:!t! The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, oy Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third ATsnue H. P PULLEN Managing-Editor SCESCRiPTlON KATLa 'City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In adraLee Paid In advance, per week - Paid In advance, per month The opening of a new church in a community is al-. ways important but especially so in a small community! like Port Simpson where a church was opened this week: largely as a result of community effort. To these people It means a great thing. Not only do they worship together j in the new building but it becomes a centre of many social activities. To many people it is the greatest thing in their lives next to their homes and families. The native peoples are keenly religious. Also they arp very musical and this music and religion seem to fit well , together. Music is a means of religious expression. It is a means of the highest enjoyment the world provides. Doubtless, music will be one of the features of religious worship at Port Simpson in connection with the exercises in the new church building. We congratulate the people of the neighboring village on their stability of purpose in carrying out this work. ; NOTHING IS GOOD To a few people in Canada nothing is good. The, moment anyone sounds a cheery note there is a discord-! ant denial or an unpleasant sneer. iiiuiiniiK naa ueen is or will he good. There is no hope. We feel very very sorry for people of that type. We wonder how they manage to exist. Life must be a burden to them. COAL TO PLEASE EVERTBOD'f BtUUctloa Ouaruttem ramoui Ednon Altxrta Cuat Bolkley Vallry Coal Vntoatfr Island Coal frince Rupert Feed Company PBONZ: 68 and 858 NEW ROYAL HOTEL 3. ZarelK 'Proprietor "A HOME AWAX FROM DOME" Rate 11.00 op 30 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Kupirt, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 116 the feat three, if It a owsoty tot hf date. 50 the limit, at Kimberiey Th irinners will meet Vancouver ta- nqfiflB for the Brttfcb Columbia title. Musketeers In Bridge Lead Grotto m Secnnd Place Although Beaten By Sns i Norway Who Take Third Position Musketeers took over leadership of the Prince Rupert Bridge Leagae last night as a mult of a victory over Bracfcman ic Ker. Grotto, al though beaten by Sons of Norway. ! is in second place. In the third game played hut night, Canadian 1 Legion defeated Canadian Natlon- al Recreation Association. The fLx-t tare of Ram biers vs. Prtare Rupert Dairy was postponed- The even 77470 74426 63.743 612S5 66.193 58.257 SacurJdy TrtifintSrJ 23, i933.jPrintiaspst Dairy 's 54.794 PALESTINE AND GERMAN Y We should have said that Palestine was taken by the .-Allies' d erring- the war with Germany. Years ago the Kaiser made a sort of trramphal entry into Palestine where a palace "had been built for him and where it is understood heTiad a throne on which he sat whtm he received!the Arab visitors. German influence at that time prior to the war -was strong in the Holy Land. REGULATE OWN INDUSTRY The halibut men are making a big effort to regulate theirJown industry. They are not finding it an eaiy job, Ydrhere is diversity of views and diversity of interests. Prince Rupert, as the pivotal point in connection with the! industry is naturally very much interested in peeing thej halibut fiftheries perpetuated and at the same time seeing the fishermen prosper. OPENING OF NEW CHURCH r Butch Keeling Off For While 25 for 25)5 and Pocket tins of fifty Will Be Unable to Play for Ran-ttr far Few Weeks Owin; T Urokea Wrist I Valentine High ISchool Dance One Handred andHfty-Frre at Delightful Tarty Last Xisht TV mwimI Rich Safes! Vafefi- SEW YORK. Feb. 2Sr OP A-1 w f.trtarte the Odd- a r?rit of a broken writt sos I ' jeUows wvs a pntKMseed shc-taiaed kt Thursday night's aat Ahoae 145 staeeate were pres- witfa Chicago Black Hawka, Batetl jj, the seeoad daace of the KeeHa is expected to toe oas '"l agewattoiw. tsiatte the New York Ranters' tae-p . , and far e mai r "s- i Rmlti ,-ci.,red balhJOBS. were tery He may fee has aam t Tr.ftki emblems of however, by play-off tiav. r r,ini-r mhmM the rails. ' au.-- i Cameron. Baa Eastman iicd Gecrge Browa provided exeei lent masse. , r. v-.ii ir,. r..or.afn Miss Irene Mitehen. Miss sented to the brlde-etect as she sat Barbara Danfeb. Miss Irene Hodg- j ... ji . mi TVr Wnoh Miwrtsnn. ROCHrt 3 .-JiT&'fii PLAIN OR CORK I 6339 , J. L. Blain, Mrs. Theo Fortune. Mrs. A new sidewalk is betog put In at 63,947 D. Santerbane. Mrs. George Howe, the native vuTage of Hartley Bay 50.573 Mrs. N. Thomas. Mrs. A. B. Love, down the coast. The Department 76.121 Mrs. George Fritz, Mrs. R. Webber, of Indian Affairs is supplying the 75506 MrjL J. (gavering and Mrs. A. Mac- lumber and thetnativex are doinK 62466 donaiti S ,. v the wort- 4 - Norkap Basket 1 Social Enjoyed One nondred and Twenty- nve Persons in Attendance at Affair in Metropoie Hall Benny WlndiCs daoee to the Bas-: ton HaH Inst night for the LOJTXE. milk fund was a successful and enjoyable affair There was a fair- it?--! rrnwc in aiiCTZcancE oims m- i -' 'ceOent music was furnished fey uie Serenaders Orchestra. wwer Those a PreilJ present were ag Mrs. u. James .w 'YertHirgft, WSBfeifB WHnant Simaki Vot and ana D u. sailed f". last '"8 night on the t. Prince to . j Hampton, Mrs. R. MeLeod, Mrs. E, MeU. j IE. Saunders, Mrs: W. W. WrathalLJ I Mrs. J. 3. GOlis. Mrs. N. Macdonaki, 7U66 ;Mrs.T.L Spencer, Mrs. G.W.Rud- NEW HARTLEY BAY SIDEWALK 73S3 ! derhara, Mrs. A Mackerme, Mrs. Miss Ingrid and Miss Vera 'Morse Adelaide ! a vacation trip Van couver. REX BOWLING ALLEY Basement of Exchange Block PHO.VE 5a &zjL? - ft A- ' i r"r. , ii Prow pointed to the dim horizon's greyish haze, one of Britain's fighting ships slips quietly off to do her bit in the never ending job of guarding Empire trade routes a picture to bring assurance to British hearts in these days. There's another picture that stands for another kind of assurance to British men and women everywhere ... that's the famous, familiar sailor on every package of Player's "Mild" for the name Player s on a package of cigarettes guarantees the purity and quality of the contents. Try Player's "Mild" . . . cork tips for those who prefer them plain for those who like their cigarettes plain but good. '4hd "Mild" NAVY CUT CIGARETTES ill Satarady F- TB3 DAH.T STWS ft- PAD! TWO Onyx Arch Grip Shoes mm Jg THE NEW && MODELS SPRING I N - -rv OnyxShoes ONYX! The very name suggests the brilliance and elegance of Onyx Shoe styles for Spring! The dainty tie (sketched above) b typical of the luxurious footwear we are snowing to harmonize with your new suit or afternoon ensemble. But, a word to the wise, come in early while size ranges are complete! I If You Are Having Trouble With Your Feet Can Help You T FWe AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. Kootenay Puck Final To Start At Trail Monday TRAIL. March 36 CP Kmz- Uvrlev Dynamiters anc r - Smflfcf gaters will meet here lion day night in the first of a be-i. three oat of five fsane ea fat the championship of the Knntenaj Hockey League. The first twc games wtii fee played i frail and: ings scores were as lotto xs: MuaketeetSv 1238: Braekman it Ker. Grotto, 14,233; Sons of Norway, !'1416 ; Canadian KattenaJ Reereatkm AsscckiMim, 912; CfeBadfetn Legion, 1 The stanrttnta to date: JS-flJiMBEfcetears i 2 '.Grotto 1 -SflrSons of Norway 7 Sj raaS to all parts of British Cclumtta, the British -Emptre and Braekman & Ker 7 United States, yearly period, paid In advance 3-CQlRambters 6 Member at Audit Botni t drratatiam JCIilA. 7 -kCmamOma heiim 7 Shower For Miss Mary Macdonald Mrs. George Cieense and Sirs. James Krikevsky were Jofeat host-esaes lost nighc at a dengfetfol shower at the home at the fornter hi honor of Miss Mary MsednnaM. a poplar bride-eiecl. Dainty ref reshrcents. were served from a tea table whkh was covered with a lace cloth wtth ser bas ket at daffodils and ye Bow tapers hi silver sconces. Mrs. T. M. Spen cer and Mrs. James Hampton poar ed. t Ttar-Tm the sanoer hoar. Mario Bu sanJeh, Peter Brass and AQan Burfeank. wtth Miss Frances Moore f rh oianoi. entertained the sta- Irfenr. This aaausette was reoVfwed Mrs. Cearte Cieeone and Mrs.! fey a tap dance fey Miss EOwn Mair iimK KrikrrskT Ho--testes at ajsd Henrv Moctesano. Both these Affair Last Xieht items wefeesKhasakttlcaDjr feeerrec Th rwir-ttv of the etegiiu' was a display of the popular dance number -Bi Apple A froap of high seaeol glrte ferafevy'vohmteered to give this exhibftfcm. Members or last year's ma trie u-latksn etess were gwetU of the ev- The early part of the evening was entng. Maartee Davy, on their be- spent in playing bridge, the prise- half, thanked the Stadents' Council j winners betng Mrs. Theo Fortune ' fgr the kind mvttattAtL I Mrs. M. Thoraaa and Mrs. G. W.i The leaders of the danee com- Rudderham. ' sittees were Alan Kergfn. president j of Stadents' Coraefl. Helen Lakie, vice president, and Fred Barber, treasurer. Patrons of the dance were Mr. and Mrs. Arthar Sattdn. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hayward The Narkac Soaiety held a very esioyafeie bridge -patty and basket soetal last night to the Metropoie HB About 126-persans were pres-1 ent. Ikw wr? tan tabids tit brtrtfe and pfiae-wmners were: lativ ffiat. Mrs. Nela Jensen, second. Mr Pete Ttdeisen: men" first. Harold HBand; second. Jack Strand. Dancteg comae need at ft o'clock with raaaic by Fnssom Brothers. At mldHteht the aaesion of baskets took place wtth Alfred Ltadseth as aacttaaeer. FoBovhsg wftesftraents the dance emrttoaed antB t 30 am 'The eoanaMtee chuge consisted of Mia. H. "ErtclBsen. Mrs. Maarestes Haakslad. Mis. R. Jensen. Mrs P. WHw!. H OdftiaBsan and Isgvald ennes. Mr. "Fenness pre sided at the rWvK Fund Dance ! Enjoyable Event Af rair Put On Last Ni-ht by "Benny Wlndle Last i;ht W as Saeeessfnl nlNUT AFTER Eating-Drinking ALKALIZ AFTER A HEAVY MEAL. . r p sj V EVENI1 tarrr Tmtr ilka -; -t "Hi feat titousands dc t't :i tsrePaiaips com-; a for pocket or pene. T-ajiaj ahrays reaoy. Use it thw way T2ftl tariets equal m z :n? e: to2 teaspwmfaci dPIi from the totue. A. c.a yai ( ias. nau.iea. - " to. fmm hron-aaStj n to ti " id breai od headac:-s. - over-aeid stomach arr arrtdt-i j tie source. This is ttt cukIe i to ae your own dL;trKs-a-.i enense to others. HOt in jaaanv Canada BSTr s Back In Busine "Re-enterinr the transfer! iness equipped with a duty truck, stake body, draulic dump. Prompt and I ficient service. Any Patronare Appreciate Also equipped to do any f of excavation work buildlnr wrecking Can supply any amount?! -real first class rarden eartW no musker WOOD and COAL Casey Transfe Phone GREEN 527 r $ u 1 1 i r i POWDEI CUAMS mU I vweevs. uoa i IWW 4 -VMM I tAI Nobody Knocks The KNOX! The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The Service Frirndlj The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEt R. Brasell N. M. Bj THE SEAL QUALIT mm GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salnn Packed by the 'Jffl ranninff comnany wrr the 'vear round Prince Rupert