s i a 2 PAoi rouit 2 WAY RELIEF FOR THE MISERY OF COLDS liJcy I Take 2 "ASPIRIN" I tablets and drink a full tM I glass of water. Repeat f t-kTjVv treatment in 2 hours. lBaSsM If throat it sore from --V j4f he cold, crush and stir 1 V, 3 "ASPIRIN" tablets in I rl 1J s'a" wo,er Gargle I V JA twice. This eases throat LC-. """aWP. rawness and soreness M 'Zt ' jhaSaan. almost instantly: J No family need neglect even minor head colds. Here is what to do: Take two "Aspirin" tablets when you feel a cold coming on with a full glass of water. Then rcjK-at, if necessary, according to directions in each package. Itclief comes A ery quickly. The "Aspirin" method of relieving colds is the way many doctors approve. You DEMAND AND GET ASPIRIN TlUHl) AVENUE WEST take "Aspirin" for relief then if you are not improved promptly, you call the family doctor. "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada by the Bayer Company Limited, of Windsor, Ontario. THDE-MilK EC. HALIBUT The source of Sunshine Vitamins A and D Boiled Halibut with egg sauce Is digestible, palatable, satisfying. CANADIAN FISH & COLD STORAGE CO. LTD. Prince Rupert, B.C. ELIO YiiV f Phone GREEN 916 ELIO PRINCE RUPERT THB DA1LT NXWd Saturady. Februar, ra 1333 Waterfront Whiffs Smokehouse to he Installed at Fisheries Experimental Station Here Louise to Keplace Adelaide A Fisherman's Experience in the Agricultural Hinterland To carry on a new type of practical experimental work designed to help the industry, another installation ' is to be made at the Prince Rupert Fisheries Experimental . Station in the form of a 500-pound fish smokehouse, it is j announced by the director, Dr. Ncal Carter. The smokc-j house will be installed in the basement of the First Avenue 'and McBride Street building and " will be built from plans designed at tangle. As luck would have it. the Halifax Fisheries Experimental there happened to be some people 'station.-Peter Sunderland will be nearby so Chris selected two double- ln charge of this particular branch onasim "usuan rains, one bwea-of the station's work. lsh Finn- a Swede without any fins and two herring fed Norweg- C. P. R. steamer Princess Louise lans- With their ald- chris tnc will be coming north next week on ! rack on aaln and was safe home by the Vanrmiver-rVenn Falls-PHnri. i twilight. If he Sticks long enough j Rupert run in place of the Princess with Cnrls thinks he may be-I Adelaide which Is to be withdrawn come as Sd a farmer as he is a for three weeks for annual over- s gw a navigator haul at Victoria. Capt. S. K. Gray amn& the big sticks as he is among and other officers of the Princess the bl" rocks- Adelaide will transfer to the Louise Dominion Constable A. J. Wat-wlth the exception of Purser Ar--. klnson returned to the clty on tne thur Graves who will be off next venture vesterdav aftarnoon from week and for whom Purser Peter Vancouver where he went recently Hole will relieve. When Chris Fossum, a Prince fisherman of renown, landed with the Indian Department power cruiser Naskeena which is having a hew engine Installed. Indian Agent W. E. Collison, who also went at Francois Lake this winter it was 0uth wlth tne Naskeenai will be ure urai ume m n me ne naa ever retunlng next Wednesday. The been so far away from the sal lnstallation of an 80 h.p. Vivian vuui. n i aBu.u.i,uiiu ,ne jn thg Naskeena to replace areas ot the hinterland was con-' a 40.60 h.p. Eastern Standard Is wcmibu. i uuKui, uC miu i vc expected to take about three weeks.' been green-, green n fact weThe ch wW mak(J htf a much hear, that it was hard to keep the speedier boat ' : cows from eating him up since, asi 1 everyone knows, the" bovines like to Northland Transportation Co.s eat almost anything that looks . motorship Norco, Capt. B. I. Joyce, green. One day one of the young arrived in port at 11 o'clock last Francois Lake farmers was to take a couple of loads of hay to a tie camp about six miles distant. harbor, he should be able to keep clear qf the trees around Francois Lake, Chris volunteered to take one of the teams. They got to the camp all right but, on the way home, Chris got half a point off his I course and, as the horses were trot- ' Hnn nlrtrif Via V I f o vrvZi pa li tH UllVlii Alt HIV a, W lTw U 1 id I V4 that he: landed among the legs of the cqulnes in the deep snow. The rack was large and made out of jrcen lumber and, as it landed be- i hind the team, Chris, after getting ! the snow out of his eyes, saw that he had a real Job to get out of the Buys Used Furniture Outright For Cash No Bother! No Worries Over The Disposal Of Your Furniture See Us First Nothing Too Small. Nothing Too Big. night from Ketchikan and, after discharging five carloads of frozen fish for transshipment East over Thinking that, if he could dodge 'Canadian National Railways, sail-' ' the rocks outside of Prince Rupert 'd in continuation of her voyage to Seattle. (ELECTION OF YOUNG FOLK AIYANSII, Feb. 26! The Aiyansh Young Men's Society, has elected officers as follows: Honorary President, Anthony Adams. Honorary Vice-President, James Adams. President, Walter McMillan. Vice-President, Stephen Eli. Treasurer,- George Adams. Secretary, Leonard Mercer. General Manager, Clarence McMillan. Superintendent, Charles Morven. Football Manager, 'Arthur Mercer. Football Captain, Basil Wright. Baseball Manager, Dennis Morven. Baseball Cantalns. F.verott Pnl- I lard and John Morven. Basketball Manager, James Adams. Basketball Captains, Gus Guno and Freddie Brown. Lacrosse Manager, Abel Derrick. I Lacrosse Captain, Herbert Mor ven. Softball Manager, Humphrey Davis. Softball Captain, Dan Guno. Softball Coach, Roger Mercer. Official Referee. James Adams. PRINCE RUPERT DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD Shipbuilder nod Engi. Im mU Bra Catim. P'lUU and AettTlwM elding. T4aIUu m SawutDI -m4 Mining Macklnacy. AH Tyjxw Cm EnginM paired and OrwhiulM. Phones 18 and 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR (JOOI) SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE Groceries Vegetables Fruits Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THUS!) AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion Varied Tales At Story Hour Today Mrs. Hubert Cameron, Mrs. I- C. Jensen and Jean Cameron Entertain Children A program of varied tales enter tained the children at the Story Hour this morning. Mrs. Robert Cameron related the old favorite "Itympclstiltskln" and Introduced local color In a story about measles "Peter Plays Fairy." Mrs. L. C. Jensen delighted with Norwegian legends "Smorbuck" and "Espcn and His Good Helpers." Jean Cameron proved adept In telling "Seven Goats" and "Little Black Horse Went 'Woof!'" Next week the program for children between the ages of four and eight will be in charge of Mrs. G. P. Tinker. Mrs. B. Lundahl and Margaret Armstrong, ClIiFlfO FOR SALE FOR SALE House and furniture Including piano, radio, etc. Apply i 625 8th Avenue East. (45) J FOR SALE 1,300,000 all told,! Spruce, Hemlock, Larch and Ycl' low Cedar on llz acres at Hartley Bay. Apply H. B. T., 1133 Hornby Street, Vancouver, B.C. (51) FOR SALE Bedroom Suite, almost i via... Un..nnUnU J a 1 .. a 4, Angus Apts. Phone Black 977. (52) FOR RENT FOR RENT 9 room apartment above Prince Rupert Feed Stoic. Apply Within. (40) FOR RENT 3-room furnished suite I newly decorated, downtown. Phone Red 241. (48) FOUR Room flat. Newly, decorated. Angus Apartments.1, (52 PERSONAL MEN! To get vigor, vitality, try raw oyster Invigorators and other stimulants In New OSTREX Tonic Tablets, Tone up worn, exhausted, weakened system. If not delighted with results, maker refunds price, $1.25. You risk nothing. Sold by all good drug stores. (tf, VOMEN YOU CAN UK FINANCIALLY Independent. We hae helped hundreds of Canadian women earn a living by operating kindergartens in the'r own homes. Illustrated booklet free. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute. Winnipeg. t' WK HAVE HELVED HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions as Letter Carriers, Postal Clerks, Customs Examincrd, Clerks, ami Stenographers, etc., and can help you. Write us for proof and free information. M.C.C. Schools Ltd., Winnipeg. 0Idc3t in Canada. tf. WORK WANTED RELIABLE Woman wishes hour or day work. Phone 552. (52) XOTICK TO CiaiMTOUS In llii- (Mule of Hurry ItriMk Hntlitcter, All persona having claims against the Estate of Harry Brook Rochester, r. ceased, late of the City of Prince Rupert, British Columbia, who died at Victoria, BrltUh Cohimba on the 28th day of July 1937, are required to send the Bame with particulars of security held. If any, and verified by Satutoty Declaration, to the under-signed on or before the 31st day of March, 1938, a? ter which date Uie aietg of the Estate may be distributed among the part'es entitled thereto having regard only vo me ciauna 01 wnicn tne under-signed shall then have notice. DATED at Prince Rupert, British Col- umDia, inis ist aay of February. 1938 ACJNES A. ROCHESTER, ' Admtnistratrli. Solid claims to Meows. Brown is Harvey, Prince Rupert, British Colum-bla, solicitors for the Administratrix. iOVi:U.VMi:NT I.KlOll M"t" (Section 2) Notice of Application for Consent to Transfer of I leer l.linue NOTICE Is hereby given that on tj 25th day of March, next, the under-slewed Intends to apply to the Liquor Coirtrul Board for coiwcnt to transfer of beer licence No. 4374, Issued In respect of premises beJng part of a building known ku Spruce Creek Hotel, eltu-ate on Spruce Crcok, eight miles from Atlln Townslto, irpcni lands described us Placer Claim "Sally" at Spruce Creek, British Columbia, Prince Ruport Land Registration District, In tlie Provhiaj of BrltbJi Columbia, freni Mllford act-Don Caswell ito Spruce Greek Hotel Limited, of Spruce Creek, 'British -Columbia, ihc Transferee, Dated tills 18 th day of February " 1938. SPRUCE CREEK HOTEL LIMITED Applicant and Truuslcrev. I . i -j m a l a Begins Monday For Three Days! rr v 'l'lS ARTHUR TREACHER RAYMOND WALBURN JOAN DAVIS SI6 RUHANN ALAN HALE LEAH RAY-MELVILLE COUPER MAURICE CASS GEORGE GIVOT Ductwl by Sidnty Linlitld Oorryl F, Zonuck Also NEWS COMEDY CAKTOON LAST TIMES TONIGHT KONAU) COLMA.V in "The l'risoner of Zcnda" (At 7:31 and 9:1G) Uist Show Tonight at 9:15 .cVOU KNEW THw SONJA TYRONE HENIE POWER 1 Silvtr . winged rhythm oh ice... tilth twirling, whirling if ballets and longi of lilting lotelint II1 that multiply by a million the delights of One In A AI7W7J COMINO! "The (iood Earth" ll I ' . ii ELECTRIC mM tUK All The Way of February 'yousAou Easy Terms and Trade-In. Allowance At eMaMvs.JM Don't let tlie cold, nm-'&er0'fdesse?rfen tcre, tcre, month month ,annoy you. , 'Co Sum IJuy a ton of the coal - we re selling and sen winter on his way. mm) NANA1MO HUIiKLEY VA LLE Y FOOT! I ILLS PHILPOTT EVITT & CO. LTD. (J51 PHONES 652