i it. it! t Pr nglo-ltalian Conference Comma Siting To Britain? Tomorrow's Tides mmln High 11:40 ajn. 105 It. Low 5:50 a.m. 8.4 It. 18:20 p.m. 4.8 It. NOItTHEKN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMIUVS NKWSIAIKK THE MODERN C A ESAU MUSSOLINI UtMAINUi) MAY RAISE DIFFICULTIES FOR NEGOTIATING AGREEMENT like Seeking Loan of $125,000,000, Share in Suez Wtnsc, Reduction of British Naval Strength, Ethiopia-Libya Corridor lur ; he Earl of Perth, and i'lcmier wenito auks-,u : ier within a few (lays on terms of a possible -r.it n between the two countries. If weil-found-u to the terms to be asked by Mussolini are cor--, i ,i) i,n fiiffifiiltv in negotiations. II Duce is 1 1 1 - V "J li " ' r ...:;:u s:: .uoo.ooo. defense of Suez IJ. Itlsh naval Miiilterranean. - i rn Kthlla and - - - v. o II I ibor Parly is mar-i for a broad at- Sda Not iTllC Popu-11 w lOln n, Great t,-iii.. .1.. CITIES ON HIND LEGS Kevolvc to Ft.sht Against Addcti Uclicf Durdens Ileing Imposed Upon Them VANCOUVER. Feb. 2G: (CPt executive of the Union of Drl- KaUonal government y, Columbia Municipalities last , j ' From a score night passed a. motion to carry llsj auacK win ne ce- ft against added renei cosw. u. arn. d by the Labor- the provincial and even the Dom-' inmenV surrend- Inion government. This was don-; Bcnlto Mussolini. nrtPr deleirates were heard declar- ClP' Aut.ionv Eden, who re- ths that their administrations wen W f ;.. h n. iinnhin tn t.md further financial aL HpssIhr his constttu- strain. ' Lcamm-ton, Warwickshire, ' 'i Ik would take no ST()CK MAUKnTS -i -r 1; upon the govern- Nt.. tat lts courje had VANCOUVER, Feb. 20: (CP I - tni3r.:cri h nriiin,nt .i. . ,ntt M-t c H tah'tv ves- , - BWVft ...... ; sc.k to put further dlffl- terday with prices down. Steer a 1 vi in t ti in tl!)0 anr! v" v - were aciiiiiB ment Alice. Labor leader, said heifers at $3.50 to $4.40. At Ca fc part-, would make a con- gary good steers were selling wr JtUOnal t ni,. nl lh. S4.25. . - QHt""" V M LDrd Hn1!f.1V 1. Vr.r-0nn . tary Th:,h ih, e Ji-v ,:,.. . CI " 'u c,6".'r frlendlv neEotlatlons with Italy ana -commons was contended u"manyJ Yesterday was a stormy one in rhimhi-r nf Denutles. A near i riot ensued after a Communist had 1 called a Rightist deputy a "spy and 1 traitor." , . Ottaht. rremier uammc wUU "IWA. V, h 0(1. inn, In.l ' jj iu tU.icn tnrtnV and by ,nistw VfiiUnm t... ... , ...in if u vnected. have been 7'u' answer to a question by J i accorded a vote of confidence. Delbos to W : oodttW,tl r, 7 . -Foreign Minister Yvon "c Houe n t n:Zf- ieaacV Ta I the Chamber of Deputies today uw ther,: ,,T"u,muns esier.aay,the French government is wiim b mi . " Uid.Il FnVPHimont linrt ..... .ntirni- Cernment hadj recognl- y lhC BrlUSh of Etn- i0Vetnnieni " 7 , Ion of the Italian conquest l P C rd"eIorentS 1Cad" op a present difficulties can be AnthoS lgnaUon of Cap" He declared also that nrned out." y rEfdenas pM Foreign Sec- 0"t. falthfully fulfil all ob- m been ' my otttelal opln- . :,i:V,on, "to Czecho-Slovakla In case mw" "Preyed bv t ho rn the ""mcnt Manrl, Asked la;r..20: -will 'uiu (CP). Franco-Soviet mutual assistance pact. l":,u .,,, ihnt Paris will folio the forthcoming .de;d ' vfrsntlnhs With SW" ,u o " rf" . . .... .niitpn win' "WnfeL '""""raent will seek seek n a will remain closciy - (Britain i in Great Britain. Vol. XXVII., No. 48, RF.PHRTS 'over Nanchang Air Fight Opposl-' tion Leader Cheered in Japanese Diet Battle Today China Still Resists AdvanceNip pon Not Entering Naval Race, Th Said SHANGHAI, Feb. 20: (CP)-Jap- anese claim that thirty Chinese planes were brought down In yesterday's air battle over Nanchans I In Kiartssl Province. They admit , ted loss of two of their own planes 'The Chinese claimed that eight I Japanese planes had been brousV down. i A battle developed today a" iTimsshin In Shansl Provlnct where one hundred thousand Ch; nese troops struggled to halt th Japanese offensive along the extreme Western flank of the central China front. Jap Critic Cheered TOKYO, Feb. 20: (CPi Th' Leader of the Opposition In tht Japanese Diet was cheered yesterday when he attacked the gov ernment's drastic war measures Foreisn Minister Hlrota toK (Parliament today that Japan will inot engage In a naval building race and, In fact, hopes to fore stall such a frace among worlc powers TODAY'S STOCKS (Oourtcay 8 U. Joluulou Co.) Vancouver B. C. Nickel, .14. Big Missouri, .41. Bralorne, 8.90. Aztec, .09. Dcntohla, ;12. Cariboo Quartz, 2.10. Oolconda, .042-Mlnto, .03 Vi. Falrvlcw, .04. Noble Five. .03. Pend Ortcllc, 2.00. Pioneer, 3.10. Porter Idaho, .03. Premier, 2.30. Reeves McDonald, .42. Reno, .01. Relief Arlington, .22. Reward, .05. Salmon Gold, .00 li. Taylor Bridge, .05!i. Hedley Amalgamated, .05',i. Premier Border, .OHi. Sllbek Premier, 2.10. Home Gold, .01 Vi-Grand view. .08 Indian. .02 Vj. Quatslno Copper, .03. Haida Gold, .004. Oils A. P. Con.. .25. Calmont, i45, C. & E., 2.85. Freehold, ii052. Ilargal, .20. McDougal Se'gur, .22. Mercury, .15. Okalta, 2.00. Pacalta, .11. Home Oil, 1.22. ' Toronto Beattle, 1.36. Central Patricia, 2.58. Gods Lake, .51. Little Long Lac, 5.05. McKenzle Red Lake, .90. pickle Crow, 4.65. Red Lake Gold,. .27. San Antonio, 1.39. Shcrrit Gordon, 1.50. Smelters Gold, .02. Mcleod Cockshutt, 3.45. Oklend, .3 Hi. Mosher, .23. Madscn Red Lake, .39. Stadacona, .25. Frontier Red Lake, .05. Francoeur, .50. Moneta, 2.17, Bouscadlllac. .12. . Bankfleld, .92, East Malartlc. 1.65. Preston. R. Dome, 1.30. Hutchison Lake, '.11 'i. Da wsorf White, .02. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 26, 1938. i CONFLICT :AggiwStsrrp IT IUI ' OTTAWA. Feb. 20: (CPi Miss Agnes McPhall. United Farmer of Ontario member of Parliament for Grey Southeast, who has not attended any party caucuses tlnce'the clec- tion of 1935. decided .last night to sit In with the Co-operative ' Commonwealth Federation group although she-announced , she would not Join the party. irMve Career For Canadian National Steamship Official Ends VANCOUVER, Feb: 20; An active marine career of more than half a century which began at tre age of 14 years comes, to an enc! Monday next for Thomas Louder superintendent, Canadian Nation-'' Steamships. His fellow officers will mark the occasion wlthii luncheon 1 board the steamer Prince Rupert with W. T. Moodle, general superintendent. Canadian National Railways and Steamships, as chair-: man. in fermline. Scotland, Mr. Louden fol lowed with shipyard experience with Clyde and Barrow In the Fur-ness shipyards and then proceeded to sea. After working up through the various grades he sailed foi twelve years as a chief engineer. He came to Canada for his first shore post in 1910 with A. and R toggle's dredging plant at Loggie-villc. New Brunswick, afterwards taken over by the Northern Dredge Co. of Saint John. He was chief engineer for the company. During the Great War years up to 1917. Mr. Louden supervised the building of marine engines in Tor onto and then was appointed superintendent engineer of the Canada Car and Foundry's ship building plant at Fort William Ont. When the Great Lakes yarc' closed tn 1920 he Joined the Ca nadian Government Merchant Marine In Vancouver as asslstan superintendent engineer In char' of the Pacific Const fleet. When !r-January. 1923. the C. G. M. M took over the management of thr Canadian National coastal service? he was made superintendent en gineer of the combined services. In 1927 he was transferred to Mont real as eeneral superintendent engineer In charge of the engine dn Dartment of the entire eastern fleet and stayed there until June 1932, when he returned to Vancouver as acting general superintendent' in charge of both deel and engine departments. In Sep- placed In full charze of all steam ship operations on this coast. When the Canadian National Steamships was placed under the Jurisdiction of the railway In 1933 he was made superintendent of steamships from which position he now retires. It Is his intention to continue living on the coast where his family now resides. Toduy's Weather Prince Rupert Part cloudy, southeast wind, 16 miles per hour; barometer, 30.04; temperature, 52; fairly choppy sea. :l MIliETINQ I RETIREMENT FOR LOUDEN I UULiLLiUHJ CITY BLOCK SOLI) TODAY It. E. Benson of the Benson Studio has purchased the business property owned by F. W. Allen on Third Avenue and will be moving: in there April 1. He has already rented out the store formerly occupied by M.M. Ste-pliens and lie will live upstairs lor for the studio. SCOTLAND WINS EDINBURGH StollamI went nto the lead in international '..igby tournament today by defeating Ireland 23 to 11 at Murray Field. It was the Green Shirts' vecond successive defeat, England winnin; 38 to 11 at Dublin iwo weeks ago. ALLEGED SIMES AltKESTED NEW YOKK rTwo men and a woman, arrested as spy suspects Conciuded late yesterday afternoon by federal agents, were taken be f(.xe United States Commissioner on $25,000 bonds each on espion ? charges. Federal Bureau of Investigation heads announce that more arrests are in prospect. NORTH HAS IT VERY MILD WNINITEG Throughout the West unusually mild weather p-e- ' . , ,, Northwest Northwest Term t.i .i v.t Ben serving, his full : aprenUcxsh esterd, rmalneerl.wrrTR,n. . ; r than N Big Rally Of Veterans Hears Colonel Foster tomoer the same yenr he was stubborn VANCOUVER Feb. 26: (CP) -"hlcf Constable W. W. Foster of nnti lir nltnrf nrpxidoilt and the delegates have since left Amona those extending entertain - Charles Cotter today and arc held mcnt and hospitality to the dele gates during their stay were m Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co Royal Fish Co., Dr. J. H. Carson and others. George Anderson, agent of th. at the close of the 1937 season Quota Limits Limits will be as follows: Area 33500 pounds per man per trip, both American and Ca nadlan vessels. Area 2 2500 pounds per mar. per trip when landed at Seattle American; 2800 pounds per mai. per trip when landed In British r ' ZnH Columbia or Alaska by both Am- of , the Dominion T Command or nf il ire r J " . crlcan and Canadian vessels, "anadlan j. Legion, ' was the nrinoi pnnci- - , Lay-up All vessels shall lay up oal speaker , at a rally ,, oi f hip the pro- nm. ... ' . . . , vinclal , 7v command ,, . , in ,h. the Moort 1nr,lt thirteen .,',, days between ., first rf an? k Hall here last night. One thousand , - "; - second and third veterans were In attendance. Montreal Has Stubborn Fire .twecn trips and (tcn days between remaining trips Overages All vessels will be permitted to weigh out and retain without pen alty n leeway of 100 pounds' p-i man per trip above the norma' !? limits. Vessels weighing out ovei MONTREAL, Feb. 20: (CP) An this leeway shall have added lo martment block and two othci their lay-up one day for each 50C: nildlngs were destroyed by a pounds or part thereof of such ex fire last night, it tool, cess not to exceea iuu pounas pc the fire department two hours tC'man. Such excess may be turned ring the conflagration under con trol. There .were no injuries. Weather forecast tlsh Columbia and rain has occur red over the Queen Charlotte Islands, accompanied by mild weather. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh southeast wtndsi mostly cloudy and with showers. over to the halibut overage fund. The remainder mu.u be served for at the prescribed rate, i Shortages and Delays All vessels fishing In Area 3 hav ing trips of less than the limit General Synopsis The pressure will receive credit on the lay-un continues high over Southern Brl PRICK: 5 CIYI Complete Agreement Reached By Entire Halibut Fleet On Curtailment Plans For Year At the three-day conference which concluded yesterday afternoon, representatives of halibut boat owners and fishermen of Seattle, Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Ketchikan, Petersburg and Juneau, principal halibut fishing norts of the Pacific Coast, unanimously arrived at a mis using what is now a beauty par- uaj agreement on voluntary curtailment measures for the 1938 season m tne interests oi fish conservation and price stabilization. Arrangements agreed upon oy the conference Included distribution of departure of vessels for lie banks immediately after the opening of the season In order to v ..Ai.AMf UiinflVilnrr 4 Via 1 O If-rtVOr nor. LISTING OF ORIENTALS f . . , . , . Captain Macgrcgor Macintosh lias tods between trips and ,h the quotas ' . . . . Vmmntm for -Keeping ' -u. ntnini,,no.. Anolhcr Suggestion pui Ulan pel uuab. utibaui wcie made from the regulations of ol last year. The conference, which had com menced on Wednesday afternoon Track of Japanese Activities VANCOUVER. Feb. 26: (CP! As a solution of British Columbia' "urgent Japanese problem," Captain Macgregor Macintosh, Conservative M. L. A. for the Islands last night recommendedithat ever alien in Canada be compelled to carry on his or her person at all times registration papers listing name, residence and occupation Cantain Macintosh said that the province's new Department bf ueep oca nautiuici o u.uuu . T Tnf,,.strv wnn,rt i1Istifv Prince presided over th-. Rupert, (ltsel Jf u made a lete survpy conference and H. M, Daggett .,,,., u0 -Pn vails and everywhere It feels like secretary of the Canadian Halibut cmc Coast spring. .At Fort Smith In the Vessel Owners' Association, acted ' Territories It was 48 as secretary. lour ueRTees ,.;ine -principa4-,volunuirycur. ew uneans. tallment regulations ior tne sea BIG FISH TAKEN .MOUNT LEHMAN A 767-pound sturgeon, the largest to be landed in ten years, was taken Trom the Fraser River near here yesterday. It had become entangled in a salmon net. The biggest sturgeon ever taken from the river was one weighing more than 1000 pounds over a decade ago. son, summarized, are as follows. Spreading Departures 'GenerahPefshinif Is Sinking Fast i Departure of Area 2 vessels wil j be on the alphabetical system, , Uke Elld is Near For Am ine fleet will be split up into four. trican SoIdier Suffering From groups over a period of ten day.-' Cardiac Rheaumatism The first group will leave so as to be on the banks by April 1. open- TUCSON, Arizon, Feb. 26: (CP'. lng date. Intervals of about two and General John J. Pershing, war-a half days will elapse between time commander-in-chief of the groups. United States Army In France, was Area 3 boats will be spread over rapidly sinking last night. He war. a fifteen day period according to paced in an oxygen , tent and the order in which they tied up0ther emergency measures were resorted to. Earlier In the day he had come out of a coma and had rallied somewhat, However, he soon began to lose ground again General Pershing Is suffering from a heart condition complicated by rheumatism. Old Country Soccer Scottish Learuc First Division Arbroath, 2; Morton, 2. Celtic. 5: St. Mlrren, 1.. Dundee, 6: St. Johnstoncl. Falkirk. 2; Partick Thistle, 1. Hearts, 2: Hamilton Academicals 1 ' Kilmarnock, 2: Clyde,4 1. Motherwell, 1. Hibernians. 0. Queen of South, 1; Queens Park, Rangers, 2; Aberdeen, 2. Third Lanark, 2; Ayr United, 2 English League First Division Birmingham, 2; Sunderland'yj Charlton Athletic, 1, Brentford, 0. ) Chelsea, 1: Blackpool, 3. Grimsby Town, 4; Huddcrsflc'.d Town, 2. Leeds United, 4; Everton, 4. I Wcrpool. 0; Wolverhampton Wanderers, 1. Middlesbrough, 4; Derby County, immediately following consisting of one day for each 200 pound I Portsmouth. 0: Arsenal; .'0. Preston North End, 2; Bolton ucr man per trip of shortage, i Vessels In Area 2 will receive one Wanderers. 2. day credit for each 150 pounds1 Stoke City, 3; Manchester City, per man per trip of shortage. 2 These credits will be clvcn onlv ' West Bromwlch Albion, 1; Lcic- mlld for the trips that the shortage , ester City. 3, occurred requiring at least 16 days West Coast of Vancouver Isl for Area 3 and 10 days In Area 2 , higher price will be paid for liver Mrs. Sarah Woods, 72, widow of land Moderate, to fresh southeast if the trips required less than i than was received In 1937. the late Robert J. Woods, pioneer winds, part cloudy and continuing this time the credits will be re-i Delegates Leave canneryman of the north, passed I mild. duced by the number of trips away yesterday afternoon at 3:45 at the residence of her son, Richard S. Woods, 860 Summit, Avenue. She had been in 111 health for some time. She was a Princess of the Nlshga Nation. - 'fewer than sixteen days in Area 3 Seattle and Vancouver delegates sailed by the Princess Adelaide Miss Jane Potts R.N. of the Prince and fewer than 10 days In Area 2 1 last night on their return south, Rupert Gciieral Hospital nursing that are required. I Alaska delegates left Immediately staff sailed last night on the Prln- Regarding liver prices, It Is bv after the conference aboard tl'.o cess Adelaide for a trip to Vancou- lng recommended to organizations halibut schooners Mlddlctwi ami ver and Vancouver Island. that It is not expected that a -Atlas oh their return horthl- v.