KtlstiitJ- HQTtmber ii, list. " Young Rangers Name Officers . p.Hir Elected I'reildent lfHrn - . . , Of Burnt i im, Utlon Friday Nlchl BURNS LAKE, Nov. 23:-At the . ..iina nt lh Tliirni Ii Men I their ability at all times. Doth cx-'nrea&cd nleaiure t belm? admlt- ,ta as nonorary members 01 tne iband. The officers were Installed Friday night at a ceremony In the Elks' HaU -ffhlch was followed by a social evening. Ih. .! mnrlr.t sMir a t nli' If rirlv innuii nrck'n 1 v.. ' - n. .' Ttand ftfflrrra fnl iM ho riroiw rf a iarae block Young in"'"" - . - coming year were elected as bear killed when hit by the truck. The Orientals were anxious to pur- I'-"'' ,rw . a n.ji . . . . ... 11 ruf Raneer. vnmaru iwuicj. icnase me Dears ieev u Assistant Chief Ranger, Marie , bladder, used for making Chlnet i immleu. up. Secretary Treasurer. nnu ocv Ifrtrom. tr Guard, unanes course. rJ.t.r Ouard. Edwtn Ostberg. FREDERICTON. N. B., Nov. 23. rvlvn 1!rmreet. I IHPl Yntinir mMi arretted with j'miub . v . - - - i - . " ----- j Reporting Editor. Oordon Rush ( enthusiasm an announcement that n.fnri. the election, there were courses In radio and motor mrch- initiations. O. Clark, school anlcs would be opened In New i-ii and Mrs. Hlncks of Vic-1 Brunswick this fall under the tori's pledging themselves to pro-, Domlnlon-provlnctal youth ?lraln- trct the forest 10 ine uunon oi mg pian Why Not Play Santa Claus to Yourself ? COL'KSKS OFFERED A -Worlhwhlle Gifts for .Men" 1 1 1! Peace on Eartn . . 15 SUIT or TOPCOAT Made to Your Indiriduat .Meaiurrments For Clothe Thai Are SMARTLY STYLED FINELY TAILORED GUARANTEED TO FIT We rrrommend the W. R. JOHNSTON COMPANY range in a wide variety of British fabrics Triced From S25.00 10 S38.00 0000000000000000 The LOMHAimr ;IRKFBRRK" Line Offers clothes imported exclusively and has the fit and appearance that Is obtained only In garments made by hand by expcrlencedjfcrafUmcn. S37.50 and up WATTS & NICKERSON Never since the first Christmas Day will the message of Peace and OoodwlU have a greater significance for the whole world than this year. Let the Gladness of Remembrance carry Its Joy and Cheer to all-your friends far and near. Our election of exclusive chrUtmw Cards exprcsw this happy message in sentiment, design and color. Select yours now aU DIBB PRINTING CO. llfMicr Block, Third Street Condejed Heat Sonic Milks Arc Hither Than Others. ; The Same Applies to Heat in Coal. The Hottest Coal in Town is BULKLEY VALLEY COAL II II II a 1 rVTI.AU lYIf I I L W I i i i ii ui iir. vv" mil 1 i j I 5s I ft IllVf & a? 51 a 5 Phone 112 Taxi; new heated cars. 5 Bridne and Whist Drive. Friday. TITI'lTf Is P-- Canadian Legion Clubrooms. 8A1NT JOHN, N. B., Nov. 23: aUPlcr Women's Auxiliary and icPt.l rhlneae flocked to! in wanaman gion. Aam. jdc. I t 1 I . . uuarico uraiidm. uisDcciur ui mines, will sail on the Princess Nor ah tomorrow morning for a trip to Tuwequan on oillcial duties. 5J 5 Pmvlnelal fVntahle JaV tvklt. Nine babies were examined at the Well Baby Clinic conducted at King Edward School yesterday with Dr. E. B. Pugsley and Miss E. D. Priestly R. N., public health nurse. In attendance. The next clinic will be on Thursday of next week at Borden Street School. 5 w it 1 I I I ?3 In connection with the final In spectton of the new - federal build Man in the Moon Christmas will soon Hall Santa Claus! Leavhnr out advertising a business Is like trying to run a car without an engine. His roomate had movie- to the left this .note: "If I'm studying when back, wake me up!" tim-rsf tvspFrrrF.n Announcements All advertisements In this column will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. St. Peter's Church Bazaar Nov ember 24. City Tennis Association annual dance, Oddfellow's Hall, November 25. L O. B. A. St. Andrew's Dance, Oddfellows' Hall, November 30. Eagles' Bridge November 30. United Bazaar December 1. S.O.N. Play December 2 and 3. Christmas Fair, United Church, December 2 and 3. Carnival and Dance, Metlakatla, December 5. St. Teter's Seal 'Cove Tarlsh Hall Dance December 9. . II, o v. -w..w - " - afternoon on the Catala for a trio to Vancouver. Mount Oldfleld Ski Club annual meeting, City Hall. Thursday 8 pm. All Interested please attend. (.73) A nice snappy purse made In Canada would be an appropriate gift for your Old Country friend. Large assortment at Fashion Foot- ... ... .. I -. . w.. w n Mt(M rp. detaenmeni nere, arrived m tne Mr. ana city on the Prince George thlsl turned home on the Prince George morning from Vancouver. Mrs. Lockle will be here next week. Reminiscences and descriptions of Cambridge University were glv- ?n by Dr. H. L. A. Tarr of the Prince Rupert Oyro Club at its regular weekly luncheon today. President D, O. Borland wis In the chair and there was a good attendance of members. Visitors were W. n, Adamson and 8. J. Jabour of thU mornlhg. Mrs. McAfee Is now be here. it Inn for a cood many this yeaf will be. what am I going n!n to to get. et. Others Others are are purzlcd puzzica well on the road to recovery iouow lng her recent long ahd serious 111 ness. Head Colds A few drops bring H comforting relief. Clean clogging mucus, reduces swollen membranes helps keep sinuses open. Vie ics 1 VATRONOL Provincial Constable Monkley of the city police returned to the city on the Prince Oeorge this morning, having In his custody Ernest Mavnard. an Alaskan In i iV-Ov iUI Wf m M lng here prior to Its being taken ov-icuant wn0 was arrested at Hope er by the government. J. O. Bennett ' last week on a charge of breaking of the Bennett & White Construe-and entering and theft from the Ms., rvi n P rvttmn federal nt v w Ri9tr at Mt- PtV.. W . , w W u. ... wm.. - architect, Victoria, and Max Down-'iakata and who has been brought .. . Lil-.l l-.J I. . ... mg, Vancouver arcmicck. imtu uinere ior inai. the city on the Prince George thlsl morning from the south. They will . John Joseph Dore, 70. British Col return south on the same vessel tomorrow night. umbla superintendent of the Dom inion TeleeraDh system, who died at his home in Vancouver yester day. was at one time lineman-op erator on the line between Hazelton and Telegraph Creek at Fifth Cab i' in. It was from there he came to Prince Rupert as operator, becom inn district superintendent and be lng transferred to Victoria in iz and to Vancouver In 1935. .1 . .. in At t iu luuu over what they are going to give.. CHARLOTTETOWN, Nov. 23: (CP) Tourist traffic to Prince It's a worry anyway. 5 lav,, savs the thing that both-. 1,600 automobiles In 1923 to 21.000 5 ers him Is not the Christmas actl-j In 1938. Mr. Justice Ai B. Arse- vttlea but the bazaar activities Ju-nault 01 tne isianas supreme V. ... m it. - a V Inow. It cost him more ior mc wurnoia t.u.nc. basiars than It d7?s ror nis smokes. Poor Jake I 1 NO PROBLEM ,i ,t t 1 v r .. . ( rT Vv f from ... u I lems as far as enforcement of the Lord's Day Act was concerned. Oeneral Secretary Rev. G. C. . . to tne . . . .. Alliance f m college freshman . here J0U ReV HONORED HALIFAX. Nov. 23: (CP)-Ca- ii7"hmir. rmcllan National Railways 1 ,i Un late hours), "How how -..,, n k can I ever leave you? tAd t f.uth stAUon Tired Father (poking his ncaa- - .r "5 ."7h.- ' " Part of the Remembrance Day iram ..u. - w - rmnnlM r.mnrT.T.TfiV N R. Nov. 23:' OPPOSE LOTTERIES rMi pn.tnwrs renort DIG BY. N5., Nov. 23: (CP) li.ri ru hat only part of the hull of a A motion opposing sweep-taxes French war vessel sunk In the whether for hospital, charitable or i , wivr in nfin can be Rcneral purposes was passed at firmed. The Dominion has deed-'the quarterly meeting of the An- JR d the wreck and accompanying napons rresoyiery 0i me umw:u 9 ..... . n..k. to.flnn nt Rl ChUIXh. Picum. ni -,,Vi a OiinhAf tn ' ' - 1 HMm 111. I1AKIIU11.. Mwv-. v W ..cut. in rtsabllshment of a mus r w - PETITION KING i ANNAPOLIS ROYAL, N. S Nov. 23: (CP) Annual meeting of the Historical Association of Annan- olis Royal decided to Ask Klnj Oeorge and Queen Elizabeth to lay the cornerstone of the restored Champlaln Habitation. Try a Dally News want-ad. To Whom It May Concern TAKE NOTICE that the business known as the Travellers Cafe now carried on by Jim Shlen, on 6th Street, Prince Rupert, has been sold to the undersigned who will take over said business on December first next and carry on under the same name. Creditors of the said Travellers Cafe are requested to tile their claims with Messrs. Patmore & Fulton, Solicitors, Prince Itupert, B. C forthwltn. Dated November 18th. 1933. LEW HEAM Lew YUEN GETS TILE CONTRACT John Bremner has been awarded the sub-contract for the hollow tile work in the new Prince Rupert , General Hospital building, it is an- .t . . . nntinrd hv the contractors. Ben- tt e rwn t 9Hmi vmteraav. nett & White Construction Co. Davs are eettlng crisper. The whole family needs more pep and enerev to tackle the day's school worki business or homemaking tasks. One way to get that energy Is by a big platter 01 flshbtalls. ThevTe easy to make If you cook extra potatoes and have the ilsn freshening at the same time. Mare the cakes before the potatoes have a chance to get cold. Put them in the refrleerator or In a cool nlace. covered over with a sheet of wax paper and they'll te all ready to fry crisp ana noi. o Here's an easy way to make g them: One cup fish, flaked and fresh ened If salt fish Is used, 1 egs beaten, teaspoon onion Juice (optional), lHt cups mashed potatoes, 1 tablespoon butter, melted, pepper to taste. simmer fish until It flakes easily. Mix with mashed potatoes, add beaten eee. melted butter, onloa Juice (extracted by grating onion). and pepper. Beat until Ugnt ana fluffy. Form into cakes, aip in beaten egg, (mixed with milk or water) roll In finely sifted, dry bread crumbs. When ready to use, saute In bacon fat, drain on un- glazed paper and serve. SPARKLE! LIFE! LUSTER! o o 8 o o a a o a a n s a a o a a We'd lite to (how you how the acw iodorlesi tnethod of dry-cleaniog ih DRI-SHEEN PROCESS on niVe your most soiled garment! fresh tod new tain! Bring us that dress or suit which you thought couldn't be successfully cleaned ... and make us prove that DRI-SHEEN will restore its life, luster and freshness. Ce are licensed to use the DRI-SHEEN PROCESS-and its excellence is giving us a finer reputation than ever for doing fine work. Tlx Dri-Shcra T I ttn cm onlv t uwj in dn-T equlrpxi orttlnt ptma filter equipment DRKHHH paoc$s a a o a 0 o a a a a a o a o o o o a a IDEAL CLEANERS,! Authorhed Users of the Dri-Shcen Process Eta i ir fib - n ' : BafB ;: in REX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl For Reservations Thone 658 THE SEAL o QUALITY I ifr VTw c v. 1 I to4ciel I III! GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only salmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prlncs Rupert Don't Don't cough cough in in I Drops Drops with with you. you. Menthol, 10.) 0OOOHKHiMH0H0O BEHAVE! ft MARK public places! Carry Smith Brothers Cough I They soothe and check irritation. (Black or I 5HITU RRflS. COUGH DROPS I I I Villi WW -- - j FISH CAKES I Remember the saic 01 5 RUBBERS and SHOES a o a 0 0 0 0 a 11 Etc. Only Lasts a Few Days Longer Please Note the Exceptional Values Offered In RUBBERS They are the Lowest Prices in Town for FIRST QUALITY RUBBERS Velvet Fur Trimmed Overshoe First grade In black, 9 75 kn anrt rrv All heels. Women's sizes 3 to 9. Special v Misses' sizes 11 to 3. (Black or Brown) 1,95 SPclal z "'T;; The Dome Rubber Overshoe BUCK or Brown, au Jl.OD heels. Special - - 100 Pairs Women's First Grade Rubbers Low, cuban (JgC and hlffh heels. Sizes 3 to 8. Special - 75 Pairs Men's Rubbers First quality. All Sizes-Plain 85c storm 100 Pairs Men's 6-inch Gum Boots All new stock. Sizes 6 to 12. Special 95c S2.25 The CUT RATE SHOE STORE OOO Phone GREEN 615 THIRD AVE Prince Rupert 5 li:Hj000HKrtH0000000000 PHONES 18 and 81 "Where Dollars Have More Lents P. O. BOX 575 Mussallem's Economy Store CLOVER HONEY- 97p TOMATOES Libby's. OP 2-lb.tln 2VS. 2 tins WHEATLKIS' arid CRACKED BAKING ' POWDER Malkln's WHEAT -f 7C Best. 12-oz. 2-lb." cello tln EMPRESS MINCE- 4 Op E2PRESS PURE Qp MEAT 1-Ib. carton HONEY-32-oz. jar HANSLICK The ideal hand DEEP-BROWN BEANS O 5 P m cleaner. J -Libby's. 2 tins I"11 LUSHUS JELLY POWDERS MAZOLA OIL QOp Assorted flovors. ICn t. gal, tins 2 EMPRESS MALT OCp KARO SYRUP- - 7p VINEGAR Qt. bot. 2-lb. tin See Our Display of Glaced Fruits and .Mixed reels for Your Christmas Cakes. All Fresh Mock Established 1910 Independently Owned and Operated QUALITY SERVICE PRICE FREE DELIVERY ON $1.00 ORDERS Two Telephones For Tout Cpnvenience Boat and Mall Orders Receive frompt and Careful Attention ntiisnni srcrrT-iciTiirBrr i turn in tuxm MacKenzies Furniture CHRISTMAS GIFTS PULL-UP CHAIRS Solid walnut, spring cushions. v j2 50 assorted tapestry. Each PULL-UP CHAIRS Walnut finish, web seat, V $950 tapestry. Each SOLID WALNUT END TABLES 850 Each - WALNUT FINISH END TABLES CI QJ Each Phone 775 tu m immvu mim tMtmtu ei ei im ami in iinini tmtm m UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver; T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 pjn. Due Vancouver, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 5G8 !t;i ; it PAGE THREH THI DAILT KT7TB '. t . 1 ' 1 y r--J ;l The Daily News is a member oi the Canadian Daily Newspaper Association, of the Canadian Press and of tho Audit Bureau of Circulations. It is the only paper north of Vancouver and west of Edmonton holding membership ' in these organizations. I! a if I 1 t i : .). i i'1 1 . ' i , t -i 'V. i r . I 'St. rt H X ,1 , r.