I" T"ir,",TO. Nov. 23: 81xty year' tg -. .ht Sir Sondford FVemhuj y.f i( 'rd o me tamown inti.-t'uVe a paper outlining hU proposal 5 A. ihf world on a d oi ui Tersai time Thki morning a t: ""remony comnwnoraUd f. r " d Jubilee of thU hts-t, rro;.t and with It was honor-1 ed "he memory of the great Soots -r- adit. ho undertook to regu-i'jc the clock and, therefore, the I . . ... if the world. The me-p.. v hcA under live auspice of v.e tail. 1. an JewelleM" Asoocla-u the form of unveiling a l'.ii"- upon Uvc building In x -hr me4ln waa hd. fol-: ed b mehfon at the Kri r i:d 111 attended by prom a r T .;.- and prtrfHutoml uembers oi th Asm- '.aque was Inscribed aa fol- birth place of Standard t :..ng k. INSURGENT AIR RAID BARCELONA The firt Insurgent air raid in weeks today killed at least thirty-one persons and wounded more than seventy. CONTROL COPriR AGAIN LONDON The international copper cartel announcd today thai present unrestricted production would be reduced January I to bring it to 110 per cent of the balc quotas et some years ago. The announcement had a steadying effect on shaky domestic copper with copper futures advancing c per pound to 10.3c. session nioitor.ui:D lslature nroroeued last nltht af- I, irr ih lieutenant Governor hsd .r inert uovernor-uencrai n n Xortncrn Albu. ti, sent out printed copies ot . ! rldrcss to all governments. I - Czar of Russia called an, a'ional time convention f ' mei at Rome. luly. tn the ci,- 1882. This mcc-Ung was ad-. 1 and met In Washington , D' ,rt 1833 At Uie Washington-r me SUndard Time was, f '-d bv most countries of tht 1.. originator of thc Idea o! E.a:'1ard Time was knighted by 1! Majesty. Quern Victoria and -v i uce been known to hu fellow fa: 3d4ans as Sir Sandford Flem- .:.g. J827-I815. E crted bv tht Canadian Jewel ItlG MILL DESTROYED KENORA. Ont-The flour milling nlanl of the Manic Leaf Milling Co. here was comnletely destroyed bv fire sesterdar. The loss Is estimated at SS'MI.OOO. Slxtr to sevenlv mill workers are thrown out of employment CONFER IN FRANCE LONDON I'rlmc Minister Neville Chamberlain and Foreign Secretary lrd Halifax, accompanied by their wives, left today for Paris for a three-day conference with rrrmler Edouard Dal-adirr and other French govern ment leaders. Thc conference Is u i Assoctauon inc. was unyeuou imM,i,i ."d by A. Roden. rres aeni oi " . .. n.- dwellers' AoclaUon. while D.J Jhe I Galloway, AMlstaot Vlce-Presl- ,,tra,J (,'abrr, m. 'r n,at Canadian National Tele- nJf' and " " n t, delivered thc address of , , abu lo sacrifice Spain on the Illstorr History of of Time Time Setting Setting I l " appcasemens o - tur - ,,.. i i-- TORONTO. ' Nov. 23: (Uriitcr-fd out that prlmltlv? man made no bcft Hoovcr former President of material nm..... ..ntll limn ho- .. . U. nrlnni - cmn n faeinr i'n his life. The i . ntitsit man'e hin- speaker briefly traced the cvolu- upt ,n lhe Uoyal York Hotel here un of Uio tlmo sense of early jast n,gllt prominent officials of Ptoplea . through ....uu.. thc ..... solar and - Urn-1 - : ins the. Domlnlon uumiiuuu uu' and province were f Pcrlotls Periods nf of rorlcnnlnor reckonlne until until tnei thei," , Crniinrl ... I. .1 m rnnlT. --.ivi wurn oi nine, aa ivvvn nid today, had been laid. Expcrl-tnmcnt was to be made with many ncv'ccs and thrauah many ccn- 1lred, m 'ucq, Until until the the lntroductl6n Introduction oi of son. ii v tn the United States note or October 0 which W Japan was vl-o la ting American right was un-titf i tirv. He added that he -re- f"rred rnt to comment until there inas t. re :tudy. Sending of a new note to Janan Is bemg considered. NO MERCY FOR JEWS Antl-S'mitlc Campaign To Be(Vin- tinurd In Germany. Declares Goebbelt BERLIN. Nov. 2: CP Prowi-randa Minister Jesf Goebbels told a Hitherto of two thousand nro- imfanda workers but night thai .Germany Intended to atkk with it lantt-8enitte campaign. The campaign. Goebbels said l destined to brtn? about the com ple'r economic annihilation ot glren his assent to eight bins ljeWf in Oermanv. passed during the brief session. 1 nrtTt)anda minister wam- The bills Included that setting jt. 0rrJt Bstutn asalnst meddling i un in. conservation' board, ,.ujh .naatfav UftiW-jfor.lfa A tftwtSitr-erii risre Inltve Jews ht Germany i . v.. w.. . prnTtnrul ireturr inmurnnni lAttm MliL "ft . I I S7 nrorinre a. d the establish- Bnttchatd It 3 ExrelJcivcy the Marquis o' rfnl of coont fnf luH.breeds I Levy on Fortunes ' The German government rf y ordered a levy of twenty o r . .on Jewish fortunes exceedir." t?r to pay the $(00,000,090 fine 1t.; d for th assasrinatlon cf Erne --t v n Rath. The rtecree. defining 'he J means of collecting the fine i: f Installment. nubllshed in s official garette while the p.' J I ganda m.i hlne went Into full sw s with the warnlnu that no mc ';. will be .ii-rordcd The derree exempts (ore:i Jewish citizens. terrace"- MAN DIES Charles R. Gilbert Passes Away in ' California TERRACE. N)V. 23. Word has hn r?etved here that Charles R. Ollbert pssted away at Saratoga.' California, on Sundaylast. Mr. Mr. Gilbert uuoers was a highly respect r It; huj opening remarks. Mr. Gal-, ' of mmbft ofyrerrace comnjun ty was' """ lt" here with a,d I that Uie gathering for many years. Coming 'only honoring an outstanding! ,tal ,ud httn t f,,r ,,i,,cr of 'mm. Ollbert In 1914. he associated' ma; if vianrA nn4 n nithUc bone- tifrman). ,4".)r to humanity at large, but) paylnj tribute to one who re- -. . u Panted the ultimate In the dr HgJ)er ilOOVer Tf'apment of tlmo consciousness! nd who. by his conception of. Tnrnnfft SnPHKer 1 OlUIllU eoning the world Into time belU.! JJJCaiVCI lUainrt rlnnrn nt PX.lCtnCSSl to which man had struggled un-l n.Vers Address at Young Men's ucr sfully throughout the ngei.M nanquet In Royal York Hotel Ihe Intelligence of man. Mr. Tuesday Night uaiioway found, was measured ny "U annrcclntinn appreciation oi nf lime umc. He hp WOUU He was 74 years of age. AT LEAST 150 DEAD Back lT Berlm NOT LIKED Japanese Note in Retard to Ameri can Rights in China Second in Command of Helen Home After,onferrlng on iiisarmair.ent ' BERLIN. Nov. 23; i CP General WASHINGTON. D. C. No? 23: Herman rjoerW Is ba:k from Lon- cim -secretary oi tsiaie wnueu dcn wnere hif conferred with Brit Resigns KtjkL . siy ' CHIEF JUSTICE N. W- ROWELL tion of Hon. Newton Wesley Row- ell as chairman and member of the Royal Commission on Dom- j Inlon-provincial inter-govern- j mental relations. Dr. Joseph j Sirvois of Uval University, another member of the Commission, will take over the chairmanship and the commission will continue functioning with the four remaining members. The report is expected to be made early next year. Mr. Rowell also resigns as Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of Ontario. ' '? " Ill-health is the cause of Chief instrument.?! In forming' rJot ge Buried Today He and Victims of TransCanada Air Lines j Crash Is, Interred.at; Vancouver 1 VANCOUVER. Nov. 23: (CP Piinrn1 nt Po.Pllnt Jrtplf llprnlri of TransCanada Air Lines, who lost Huge Toll Taken By Landslides In I his life last week with Pilot Don Island of Santa Lucia CASTRIES, Santa Lucia, Nov. 23: irm Thi donlh list un to last .BAR GOLD ; iiv, a. n result nf landslides on LONDON. Nov. 23: fCP) Bar " . . . .,. u.n. ,,!..,, lurici be cold was off 2c yesterday on ine . ,. -- i befnri. uciure nrrnmrv accuracy was wus to w " -v nrobflhnltv tna it ----- ' . . r i.. 4 -i.in, nt eistu " " .. . stained, he said. It remained for (London market clock and watch to give bom per line ounce n accuracy and convenience mmct, tiuoum r 1 mnv Ko be mucn mrh lamer larger Torrential rorrenuai rains continue with further slides. . . , Hm hv wiNNll'Ed wheat ndnl Time, however. M ndvcrtlsement of nc WINNIPEO. Nov. 23: (CP)- curcy to thc,rcadlngan to was only nnnlleable P 1856 an- wn imii.i. ,,7 " aand arand Trunk irunK uuuwiiy In m .... , u -4 -mw uisincu - nlv,n(nff f throueh yettexaay wuu uk 'mmedla.: 11. -Railway Sstratcd the n- r,,s'on (Continual on I age mcj wliici existed prior to the Imrle In the crash and burning of a mall plane near Reglna, took nlace In Vancouver todav. Earlv vesterday morning thg express car containing a sieei casket witn tne vounz flier's remains was des troyed when a westbound Canadian National Railways train struck a rocksllde near Hope and was derailed. Herald's body was. however not further harmed. Ennlne. bag gage and express cars left the track but tliev did not turn over And neither passengers nor train crew were Injured Tomorrow s Tides t Today's Weather 1 2:45 a. t Prince Rupert Cloudy, northwest 14:ai.pi.-tt. wind, ten miles per hour; barometer, 30.42; temperature, 29; sea L w moderate. NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER & "v XXVII . No. 273 PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., WEDNESDAY, N OVEMBER 23, 1938. PRICE; 4 CENTS Franco-German Accord Is Reached UNIVERSAL TIME SET Diamond Jubilee of Kir Bandford Fleming's Historic Address Plaque Unveiled Unique Ceremony Take PU Toronto Today In Bulletins VICTORIA The Legislature ' sesterday approttd $8,687,911 in I estimates (or the public debt. Three speakers were heard and the House then adjourned until this afternoon when various other estimates U1 tome up for parage. The public utilities bill i eipetlrd to be introduced first. It will pi obobly be the major item of legislation at the present ses-sion. REPLY IS General Goering IMPROVE FARMING Canadian Chamber of Commerce ' Conference See Need for Byproducts in Agriculture TORONTO. Nov. 23: CP A Canadian Chamber of Commerce; r ranTTs.? :rS";; conference h, up . a national national ,,u -"--y.f. "'v J w' chemuraic chemargic con ;cn?ral limitation of armaments. Rowior -RESIGNS IIMIeilth Forces Him to Relinquish Commission Leadership and Chief Justiceship OTTAWA. Nov. ZJ: CPSn- noun-ement was made lat night b- r-lne Minister William Lon Mackcnrie King of the resicna- Two Yukon Miners Freeie to Death After Tractor Plung?s Through Ire Into River DAWSON. Nov. 23: tCPl By .' f rn amateur wireless message. Dawson learned yesterday ot a double tragedy by freez-n to death which befell Andrew tractor which went throughthe r nein all In th river. Th nartv managed to make shor? puilin-? themselves from Ave fee., c f s-at-r to the bank, and kindled! a fire by which to dry themselves j out Anderson and Erickson. how-, ever, decided to set out on foot - a r--fMVs cabin on Twelvel MUe R.'ver. They were within sight I of the cabin when they collapsed i anJ frze to death. Their bodies! were foimd by another miner. The two other members of the n-v who reached a nearby min ing camp safely were Gordon Stewart and William Long. I ATTACKED BY WOLVES Metlakatta Native. 'Hunting Foi Deer, Made Escape From Ferocious Beasts Mr. Justice A. M. Manson's Injunc tion Against Gasoline Price Cut Now In Hands of Judges t Two Nations Agree To Renounce War; Pact To Be Signed December 1 . committee to lmprovej Present Frontier Arrangement to be Perpetuated Will "nrattleal relatlonCUQ between ae Qo tin 1iff ipuWioc h- PnniiiHfilinn Rnfhnr Thnn ' '..-Vl....I mjj Y w I rwt, niuiuiij itttu xicutc. i jjy fJontllCt Devetopaent on a Urge stale of v-roU!:tT of agricultural pro-! , . ... . . due: wa en a- necewiry by PARIS, .November 23: (CP) An official announce-eighty men attending the confer- ment today said that France and Gerr.:any had completed en e. : negotiations f r a written accord renouncing war. It is The mmitt wis initructed ; ta Rtated that thc. agreement wni have two major points t SSt xtfjS!,M. official recognition by both nations of the present frontier PERISHED IN FROST I Anderson and Ivar Erickson. two tnlnei 3. on Sixty Mile River, forty miles southeast ot hsre. Andersoo and Erickson were traveWrig on I Jeremiah Morrison of Metlakatla while hunting deer behind the I nearby village on Monday after-; noon, had the experience of being set upon, by half a dozen ferocious I timber wolves and considers thai, he was lucky to escape. j Jeremiah, apparently, attracted ( the wolves through using a deer. mil Quit suddenly they con !a.ndr ?lTSlctoard . ""ue t0 make h,s home fronted him and made to attack, the Terrace and District Board . o of, , ; ' Firinir as he ran. the the naUvc native iTraoe. uhoie cuuiuii u.i secretary of the Board of Fire Un-' Iderwrlters In Vancouver. He fol- p.i IIs.lJ lowed brokerage and Insurance bus- rilOt llcrrtlU Iness here. Deceased leaves his widow ana (wounded one of the wolves. Flnal-' ly. he was able to eludeHhem all. Timber wolves can be heard I quite frequently close to Metla-Ikatla these days. Appeal Hearing Has Concluded VANCOUVER. Nov. 23: (CP) , iiPftrlnc concluded yesterday of the appeal ot the Province ot Bri tish Columbia against Mr. Justice A M. Manson's Injunction against the fuel and petroleum boards order reducing the price of gaso line In British Columbia. Chier Justice Archer Martin said there would be an early decision. The Chief Justice said the court wa? Ircady to rule on the validity of the whole act but the oil companies do not wish this. TODAY'S STOCKS Vanwjver Pacific Nickel. 15. Big Missouri. 25. Bralorne, 9.60. Aztec. .054. Cariboo Quartz, 221. Dentonla. .07. Go!conda. .05. Minto. .024 Fairvlew. .05. Noble Five. .03. Pend Oreille. 1.96; Pioneer. 2.65. Porter Jdaho, ,03..' . Premier. lg-VI i J- Reeves MtDonaJd.OO. . Reno. .23. Relief Arlington. .14 !J. Reward, .064. Salmon Gold. JUS. -Hedley Amal., .(534. Premier Border, .00. SUbak Premier, t.75. ; . Home Gold, .01 4. Grand view. .07. Indian, .01. Quatsino, .03;. Oils A. P. Con.. .15. Calmcnt. .25. C. &E.. 2.08. Freehold. .034-Haral. 22. McDougal Segi', .124. Mercury, .06ii. Okalta, 1.03. Home Oil, 1.16. Toronto Seattle. 1.36. Central Pat.. 235. Gods Lake. 211 Little Long Lac. 2.62. McKenzle Red Lake. 1.26. Pickle Crow. 5.15. San Antonio, 152. Sherrltt Gordon, 1.38. Smelters Gold, .04. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.00. Oklend. .18. Mosher. .17. Madsen Red Lake, .40. Stadacona, .46. Francoeur. 22. Moneta, 1.32. Thompson Cadillac, 21. Bankfleld. 21. East Malartlc 2.20. Preston E. D?ne, 1.38. Hutchison LaSe, .02. Dawson Whlto. .03. Aldermac, Jf-t Kerr Addison. i.S5. Uchl Gold. Hi. Int. Nickel. bV.', Noranda, 804. Con. Smplten, 624. Athona, .07 V. Hardrock, 1.66. Barber Larder. .17. Fernland, .12. Dominion Bridge, 35Vi. Chestervllle. 1.19. 1 . than resort to war. It Is expected TODAY'S WEATHER Terrace Cloudy, calm, tempera ture 26. Alyansh Cloudy, calm, 34. Alice Arm Cloudy, calm, 27, Anyox Clou ly, calm, 25. Stewart Llnt snow, calm, 23. Hazelton C'judv. calm. 23. Smlthcrs Pkrt ctoudy. calm. 20. Burns Lake- Dull, calm, 18. j the agreement will be signed when I German Foreign Minister Rlbben- troo visits Paris, possibly on De cember 1. ANSWER TELFORD CHARGES C. C. F. Member For Vancouver Complains About Cost of Steel In Westminster Bridge ' VICTORIA. Nov. 23: (CP) D". jlyle Telford, C. C. F. member for Vancouver jasi, ciiargcu m mv Legislature that, the government paid $300,000 more than was Justified for steel used In the Pattullo bridg;e. Minister of Public Works F. M. McPherson Immediately renlled that the lowest bid tendered had been accepted. Dr. Telford said that $190 to $200 per ton had been paid when the international price was $140. Mr. McPherson invited the C. C. F. member to his office where tenders and contracts were avail- . able. The matter was drotined after " Dr. Telford said he still believed the price was too high. ZINC PRICE NEW YORK, Nov. 23: (CP) Tho basic price of zinc has gone back: to 434c per pound on the New. .York metal market Mass Flight To Canada Planned Royal Air Force to Fly Across Atlantic Ocean Next Year LONDON. Nov. 23: (CP) The greatest mass flight yet attempted oy tne ttoyai Atr r orce is being planned to take place across the Atlantic Ocean from England to Cajjy London to Ottawa and thence to Victoria. The Dally Mall tells of the flight plan which Is not yet of uciauy announced. Weather Forecast General Synopsis Pressure Is ab normally high In British Colum bia but Is falling to the west of tht Queen Charlotte Islands. Fine cokl weather has been general In all oarts of this province with the ex-;eptlon of the north coast where showers have occurred. Prince Rupert and Queen Charlotte Islands Fresh to strong outh east winds, cloudy and mild with showers. West Coast of Vancouver Island-Fresh southeast winds, Increasing cloudiness, probably showers at night.