v. -j- j jvicrwcnty, van un Ms; ';r Macbeth. OlUrf W zr Port Simpson; Oeorge f7 nr v Stsvennn, Vic- VI' H. Trotter. Prince aeorges vv f od In The Wilds By HOKAIIT PAUItOTT i ;t abroad a : w .t t U r fll'l as OttMhl I 'i t.h: flowering Bold?nrod If ...3 V' iravui. ; r..v. lun-d my evry way ,'umf ki.".rd the beatl lof day Ire w my vliwn trujujht th rtay .; hiid hi form wild. r 'It ar and high." . art wn then beguiled .oudJeaa sky; r tb silr of hU r i ::d to rest the woooiann I ;t wiy footsteps bent x. -c Ood began, J l ,,irs of night Wffr :? ' a ':iU of man-cm- r Cn a mother bear ,r vount with tender '-TV 1 routed content neath crimen nee more: '-re was calmly blest bi)i door. my heart grew large -d beneath, and - looked . - :J Thy quest-Is o'er. by rote issiFitO FOR RENT RtNT Two room furnished I f ane Red U. 2T7J 1'EltSON AL OF 30, 40, 50! WANT VIM fjr rundown body? Try Tablets of raw oyster 'j and general body K u not dellehted with ::f first package, makei ti its low price. Sold by alt druggists. tf, 'AVE HELPfil) IIUNDRF.PJi OBTAIN positions a U Carriers, Postal "Clerka.Cua- in . . 1 "tlir,. 1018. far Uui nurrtuM XI2M4 to cut 7(M000 ffct ' 'Js-'ti on th txt portion of ia Utantt, Queen ChrloUe -a u. c t n:inci ivr Ruptrt, B. O. r- niKMK cm ht or IIIIITI I I III I Mill B. Mill , I 'illrr . f ,hf, -.tilinlifclxalloil '""Irr uf II,. l.lji- nf luiar itnWi MUiur, prufxrly A a gesture of f i v:nd.' iilp. after the signing of the peace sart between Great Britain and Itajy Premier Mussolini ordered a par-ado by 'i P rd i m O adler for the benefit of visiting British War Minuter. Leslie Hore Beuiiftu Here in background, between row' of '.typing u-v, Mr Hun Helena watches interestedly. At bis side isGenei... Pan-iit TflTFMS FOR S3M!STiSf . Those On Relief 1 A U1T1U X Vil. ... . . . authorities moruies at ai Ottawa uiiawa or or Victoria'... vicwna q n. . cia si ics ana me wirms una ouin ( III-" lUvULiVlU native Vilrmnlh-nn remains thereon. A... D-! Board Of fiotrrnars at it .Mretln; On Friday DIwimw Plan for Carrjlm On in me preservation oi ome oi inesei yQf 111 OldlcS Mr Colllson told of .tme Inter estlng petrographs at did Hartley Bay and there was a general discussion on the possibility ot secur ing more relics for the museum. Ail nn K .1 n was decided to write to Alfred LlOSe 1 iiree nlOnUIb Adams of Mawett suggesting that he. as president or the Native Bro- hrhnrw1 ihnuld draw the attenr Oratlfylng Ileport Heceltfd Trom U(Jn of thf natlTe head mfn lne CutoUn-w Life Me mbf r vantages of having their historic Sfnd coninruion ; culture represented at the muwum. ' jl drefded to cJav the mus- The next meeting of the Board of eum during the months of January, Oovernow of the Muteum of Nor- rebruary and March, them British Columbia will be de- I voted chiefly to talking over possl- ble plant for seiurlng the erection QnY(rncfc 1T1CU1UU Mptlinrl of a permanent museum building OUgHCMb in Prince Rupert At IU meeting np O O 1 last week with R.L. Mcintosh ore I 0 dclVC uBimOIl siding, there were so manv other matter railing for ttenUon that the building proposal had very lit- xuU LeBourdal Remind Le?U tie time given It. AH that was done Ulure of Cariboo' Part In in that direction was to decide to Fisheries try to secure two Houe totem to . uvest . way Ruihb-ook. Dr. J; T. M indy N - " ' .. 'JUUVVk. LllU Munalltm. Dr Ncal Carter. Rev. . , W. E. Colli City nommlrslow 4m e?gs W. J. AlUfr. II. t r"r" hum secretary. Robert Bartlett which makes her way to the spawn ing bes 690 to 800 miles uttram " examiner. L,ierKs. noirraphers. etc- and can asked for information In retard to J ,i,i .,. v.i..r P you, Write us for proof matters of museum financing. This themselves and their dogs ice iniormaiion. oi.w,. ,nn aimaav dwi srni nun v. ,i.-iuviniiM in nm kwls Ltd.. Wlhnlneir. Oldelt fr-nH If LOST Wheaton Valve Handle. MCT t 'ease leave at Dally News, II MIlHi i n uti UI iuatn All IK. 1th rtT A tlieck for -V0 In twyment for flf fljh Jhat rpahpfJ tnp nead a lire memwrsnio was rrcemt. - hUh for them from J H. PlHsburv. The member- food 'shirt card Is biing forwarded to him aj . . kl tn ,ess vaiuabie The custodian. N. L. JonM. te-.. . frnm phast W!,ters and rted that, during the summer q IndlanJ prev. tourist season. 2.900 neonle had vlsl- n,,,,,. Cxuerlments had rallied the museum and that all had becaHse Indians did not like the .hiinii- m much mucn intcresv lnicresv in in u. u. nt. W most everv day and had entertain- cd the visitors with Interesting des- . ,,,.. Ue suseested shinolni TTllliJ L Jl LIBEL OUT A letter was red frona A E Par- w nt .low. a former member rf the Bsrd . j. I Major llahn and Inglis Co. anuinhrt f ahd flow now at &v Kamloons. KarflMmns. In in wh-h warn he 'ii . JnnnrrihlT .u told ,u- the house inter.. Seekinc Damages From Col. Drew anil Publishers TORONTO. Nov. 23: (CP Four writs were entered In Supreme Court here yesterday seeking unstated damages. They were filed by Major James Hahn and the j John Inglis Co. whose Bren mach-; lne gun contract with the British and Canadian governments Is be- lng Investigated by a Royal Com-1 mission. The derendants are Col ! ""lflavor 0r 01 the uroduct when It waa H. Pierce had been present al-, Joast where lhe sun George Drew, whose art 1c e In Maclean's Magazine precipitated the Inquiry! II. Napier Moore, edi ... i . mt ".- ... -iinr i tor oi nr Aiapiean's: Maclean's; the me Maclean Mar wnn chums Inland to more suitable ciiaP CTTSS A number or donations .had had been been '.ne, . . ' Floyd received. Including a native rood box from Peter Ryan of Metiakat m'Sm'b, head from D, Suther- Tl v iioi for re- la. a caribou Q Qnrnaf jnbrt lan(J a fungus growth and a native' 1 ilUIllad UpiUal 1 i"." !X' Ltone hammer from E. R. Walter ofl Massett. a de-barklnir hammer rrom pocenc AvirnV Jarvls McLcod, a pine nowi irom,! uoovo ""neorue Brown or Port Erslngton 'I' . ....I frnm th, riflVPV anO a SIKJWy UWI lium "h .-j. The owl W being kept In cold stor-age and will be sent to Victoria to be cured and mounted. also irom a. u, uu v '"""fill ininuir i TJierc nuerc were WCir W vv V V1" ? " " iim coules or the Montreal SUr t03a. i tu piiiitca giving partiei artlculars of the wreck! ot ub ... tfun . . itf . iuc 1 0f (jie Titanic In which C.'M. nays i. . iki an niriiM raving , . . . nB life his Mild rm re herr- lost Canon Rushbrook told of having it,i itMil In l'rlnre KuDfrt - - - - IINU , Many Years and Followed Calling or Carpenter as bqm "" " i UlU Priw Bmrt D.c eni natuo villages on Moresby mKMrnvht, neighboring islands arid, afjerago. for editor or the Financial Post. Imers, The writs are based on alleged libel contained In the Drew article 1 Mail Schedule For the East-Monday, Wednesday, and Friday ........ From the East .5 p.m. Tuesday, Thursday and Ninth mimi, Avenue. Thomas Sproat, Satu:Jav Saturday n,00 11.00 njn pjn East, well known resident of many years rianamif ncfc u iwukujt enKaged In carpentry work, passed nwnv this morning at 3 o'clock in !the Prince Rupert uenerai nospi j oA r'ehaunU at North Island and other. ne d Tuesday 12:30 noon Thursday 10 p.m. Friday 9:30 p.n? November 7, 17 and 28 4 p.m From Vancouver - Sunday 4 p.m. Wednesday 10:30 a.m. Friday 4 p.m. November 3, 13 and 24 a.m. TERRACE The Board of Trade called a meeting for last Wednesday ning for the purpose of attempting to re-awaken Interest In Board of Trade matters and, although the attendance was small, the meeting WASHINGTON. D. C. Nov. 23: was sufficiently encouraging to 'CP In order that the year's ao-, warrant the calllne of another in stand to suffer least. Horticultural Society Needs More Funds or other problems may be brought iand where useful exchanges of .'opinion may be effected. meeting, the principal business being to talk over the idea of a community Christmas Tree. Ther was a very good attendance and It I nronoPd hat the various t- The executive of the Prlnee Ru- ganlrations in Terrace will get to-pert Horticultural Society held a gether at a gathering Tuesday. meeting on Monaay nignt. prest-i when the financial -ondition of the; Mr. and Mrs. Gauche and their six society was discussed. The secre- children, have arrived at Terrace I tary-Treamrer .howed a deficit of - frrn th Daunhin district of ManI- be used In the new buiwing. ine n, N (ppif-uls over twenty dollars so the mem- toba. bringing a carload of effects muicum h no money for r purehare f-nanrdai. ..... t,s.r,i Liberal mhor member for fnr bcrs decided to sell sufficient mem-' and a car of livestock. They are of noles but It l hoped ui nave qi reminded the British bcrshlp tickets to make up this fi' the present Hi on the Kirk lhee donated The mu-Mim would i ui-iturp. of the oart amount. Jast as -xm as th- r-laldy ranch, west of town. sle like one or two nf the a. for rr "-" hj j,, pJay, , Uie pro. niHred sum U raised cheeks will be n ue h as mortu.rv IH "Tc X sT; mailed in settlement of outstanding Mr . 3nd Mrs ' T. Sundal le" 011 interior dcromUon of the new " " ? j " .wnmu Tuesday rr lhP roast. .... .. . . niMJUrtU til nine-. iur nwsi. nt the meeting . bullrtlne. Present ,, n, pnd n of m-,Lnlni, conserving, ivivrf it l . .-uiiniinii. i ..... . . . rr ninni- t;( spend the winter ir Van"ouver NATIONAL MOTOR THIRD AVKMIi: EAST Phone RED 393 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS IIILLMAN CARS STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can get It by using our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanalnio-Welllngton coaL PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or S38 NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot Ss Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 1W UNIVERSAL TIME SET (Continued from Paw One) wide conference In Washington In' urecnwicn lime set a? uic -"U oZMT zone. "There is m need for elaboration unon the Importance of S'r Pnndford Fleming's achievement," the speaker stated, ''Nor indeed 'of the importance to all of us of accurate time schedules. While the average man in the street may bo (Content when his watch Is within a minute or two of correct tim-observatory clocks must be within a hundredth of a second correct (Railway clocks do not call for such precise accuracy but they are onl permitted a few seconds variation.' Railway Operation Mr. Galloway gave an Intimate glimpse of railway operation and Hhe Importance of the accurate regulation of the 7000 clocks oh' y the Canadian National system "The time signals start at 10:5V a. jn, Eastern Standard Time. h' I J said "and all railway telegraph propriatlons may not be exceeded two weeks time when reorganlia-instruments from coast to coast the Works Progress Administration tlon wll be the job In hand. There! must then prepare to receive thf is preparing to drop thousands of are a number of younger men get-'Hmei Canadian National signal? persons from the relief work rolls, ting Into business and there Is a Endeavour will be made to see that decided wish to form some assoU those cut off will be those who elation to which business, fanning are the actual beats of the oenda- lum of the McGlll University ob servatory clock transmitted elec trically to telegraph wires. Frbrr. 10:53 the beats go for 50 seconds and, after a pause of "10 second I the sienals close with a distinct t On Friday Lhe Canadian Legion slenal at 11: - j t III - L.U . ' 1 ana me omens Auxiliary nem a. The checklnc of railwav flocks. Mr. Galloway pointed out, was bu!j ne pnase oi ine woric requirea 1 to assure accuracy In railway op-!l en tlon. There was tW rhatter of ' 5 regulating the watches of morejf than 13iK)0 employees who coms;jJ under the time service regulation I within a variation of not more I than 35 seconds a week. They must also be cleaned and overhauled a? Mated Intervals Ax these watches train service between Montreal are inspected twice a month, it uid Toronto, which. In part, read: near,y a' thlrd of a "The trains will be run on Mont- .nlllion watch inspections are made real time whleh is 32 minute nd recorded each year on the faster than Bfcievllle time and National system in the interest of minutes- faster than Toronto time. operation nlday Mr. CalloWiy w-aumnt "The same story of the lmport-.d, With, the world operating a3 ance of time," the speaker added, an economic unit, with our wide- "might be repeated, with modlfl-spread business ramifications, oui i cations, of other business interests vast . systems - of communication financial, industrial, and commer-and transport and modem device lial. One and all. they operate up-to speed up commerce. We would pn a definite time schedule." iind it impossible to operate with in conclusion. Mr. Galloway mii Stmdsrd Time as did our fore-(voiced pn appreciation of the lathers. It is due to the genius ot: achievements or Sir Sandford Sir Sandford Fleming and his un-mcming and his varied sclntlfl-J derstanding of time as a measure interests i during during his long of duration that business operates and useful career and closed with as a weU regulated machine-, the words of the late' Earl Grey, throughout ths world." . one-time governor-General of Ca- Although Sir Sandford Flem- nada, who said, "Sir Sandford tori's first public pronouncement Fleming was one of the most upon the subject of universal time public spirited Britons the Empire was made at Toronto In November .has ever produced." rf 1878. it was net until a world-1 , I8S4 that his plan was adopted and' The Dally Rcwk is n A. B. C. r f y K For Your Every J Beauty Need Whatever beauty service you 5 require from manicure, to facial . . . you will find our work.of the finest, up-to-date quality. Our operators are all highly skilled and lone experienced, and you can trust them to brinf out.. alL the beauty that Is rightfully yours. J Telephone today G55 for an J appointment. s MI-LADY I Beauty Parlor Lillian Davies 303 3rd Ave. Varies In SSj TimTly. -.hes must be kept -vv dent Ba me The Gauche consisting of S S C l.J "II a. D J :j omoKeu iuperi Dranu : I Mild Cured Salmon I IScpkg. t For LiiRch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvre One Package Serves Four people , Keeps for Weekl In Refriaerator Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. 5 Prince Rupert British Columbia 5 Nanaimo-Wellington Alberta Foothills and Bulkley Valley Coal Philoott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone 631 or 63: CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE fbooe 51 Tor Best Hoisebold CaaJ MRS. C. K. BLACK R.E.Eyolfson Chiropractor 210 EIQUTII AVENUE W. Phone BLACK 318 November 23, 1MB. THP -DAILY NEWS ! 1 Hotel Arrivals BY- Savoy - im, Usk; B. ZulawlnskI, ; ills Peters. Prlnre nu- ; :d B, O, Albertson, city: ' V. '"la: C. P. U.i..4n-jvcr I ,-e II ur W II. Manuel, II, P jl M. AIexau.er HRITISII WAR MINISTER EXAMINES NEW ITALIA N GOOSE-STEP ' mi -; n -j. ' 1 aft 4..: i m 1, 'it' 8lL