I 0 Hi page TWO ThurstL, Men's Comfortable and Durable Solid Leather WORKING BOOTS WHO IS TO m. AMP Receive the Utmost in Quality, Wear and Value. Greb, Valentine and oth-er High Grade Makes. 0 Priced From $2.95 Up Family shoe store ltD, The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS- FRLN'CE RDPERX - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue H. F POLLEN - - . Managing-Editor VVe are often told how foolish it is-to let nolitiViana Ue.- EXTINCTION IS FEARED Coal tors and business men generally are meeting here with a view to studying means of bringing about a Stimulation of the mat mlnlns industry. Unless there Is an Im provement la coal markets, it Is felt that the end is In sight for many mining communities. Alberta and British Columbia coal mining interests may be Invited to part- cipate In the campaign. I I ll Ml iL ni man in me moon i Have you seen the Lambeth Walk? If not, dont worry. You have not missed anything. Jake says, the Lambeth Walk Is forty years old and was Introduced by the Lambeth costers and their gals when you and I were young Maggie. Talk about your cake walk Why it's a bloomin' fake walk A real old shivery shake walk Yes, that's the Lambeth Walk. The winner of the erand nriz for excuses was the boy who, giving the UNITED STATES ELECTIONS treason for his poor school report, It is evident from the. United States election return -8?1 "s ,fathr could not that the Democratic party headed by President Roosevelt mlsed for a perfect reoort that is losing ground. The question is whether it will be able month. t?tem,the movement sufficiently to enable it to retain office after the next election. You taow wnat H"ler has done Although both the House of Representatives and the ! e ?fclls and what he ls do change is not enough to give the Republicans control. If m to do to your bank account tuc &iine raie oi loss continues, the Democrats will W-oinext month. lost control, even if they do not lose their president two years from now, Much will depend upon the industrial and economic conditions obtaining during the next two years A politician can draw a crowd but It takes an artist to" draw it 4 Young Lady: "I have brought 'back those stockings I had from you yesterday. They are too fast for govern the country and yet, when the work is done bv the ShPkeePer: "Too fast? what do permanent staff it is often not done so well. We see that yT;", made clear in the case of the recent regulations issued 1 wa th they ran-irom Ottawa in regard to the larger boats of the halibut' Teacher noticed that one of her iieei. inese regulations are not made by politicians but""11' w being dreadfully tased py the permanent staff of the department under author- i by the other llttl8 boys durln? Play-lty of Parliament. They are supposed to be exnertc Tf 'tIme mA drewjiear to the group to they had allowed the mPmW fA;?j2eX? J!4he" what was happening. ANOTHER BRITISH FAIR ! VANDERH00F Almost every year England has a British Industries ' -' I Fair This year it will be held in London a OlS anni;e"ary tt b ?S J !? S0m6. ,d?a ?f the extent Of the accommo-. Canadian Legion. utaUu of the aauon needed no there will bo In connection with the Birm- Le8lon-the United church1 ingnam exhibit a thirtv-aerp nnrVino- EnonQ ii for the annual tservke Sundav pv-1 and cars. It takes an hour to clear that many cars This 'f??' Jl0Vl th6rc wiu b''9i KlTcTLE S Imore NettU't it ut, btcauto It't ttrill4 lnid lh co rich bccauM Mndnt4 mrt dltntibl btuiiii hmmiKi. talnment and. in dance. the evening a " The VanderhoDf public library1 was. augmented this week, with the' arrival of a number of new books. The library has reopened In th new Bowman, store, 1 J. A. Keith has arrived here from Waldran, Saskatchewan, with a carload of Settlers' effects and intends roakiiss; his future home' In this district. . , , ....... The local Canadian Girls lri Training have presented the United Church with two hymn boards complete- with' numerals. The C.I G. I. T. here ls under the leader-thlp of Mrs. a. B. Punter and Miss Olive Murray. Robert Reid has moved butcher shop .business into premises on Burrard Avenue formerly occupied by the Paterson clothing , house. AT AnsnSTICE'GnRMAXS KNEW WAR WAS LOST (Continued fromTaire One dent XL'ntuiraar Wiltnn arvf th ' French and British gcrvemineut .limine Interests i . i e t in Session . . In Halifax With a View To u . P?n Ma""al raul " Stimulating Industry Supl?e Commander 'say on October 3:" Generai Head' HALIFAX, Nov. 10. (CP Rep- quarters holds to thp demand made resentatlves of twelve thousand by it on Monday. September 29 of miners of Nova Scotia and New this year, for an Immediate pears uronswieit as well as mine opera-" offer to the enemyr The offer found Its way. through the United Stated ambassador In Switzerland, to President Wilson, but the United ;States executive would not act Independently H? communicated thej terms to Clem-enceau of Prance and Lloyd George of England. Meanwhile there was no diminution of the furious attacks before which the German Armv was reeling. Its morale.had greatly de teriorated: Its will to resist had collapsed. "In deep Inwajdarigulsh I could only say: There is no hope. Ger many Is lost." " Thui srrcte Luden- dcrff on the conditions he had to E JSU't. rfP9t TTttVl nn O.tAMr )! tin rrr. 3t 5 &SJI. -3 I ' Of Br . : is; 'jt C f.:ak'!l ( icate them to their Army Head quarters at Spa, Belgium. um. For For this this purpose they were route which the enemy's envoys! A lf J T XJ I must take on enterfn? th Allinrn nav Wnru- -T7-. 1- ---- - I I V V Tnev nan tn oHvon.a tn rw.-u 1 m. . yj L outposts by the Chlmay-Fourmies-La Capelle-Gulse Road. There the German delegation was met bv French officers and conducted to the station at Rethondes, where Foch's special train was drawn up. ao of mllitarv transport during the war. has disclosed that on October 24 he was at the War Office,, "engaged all day' wan, vatc jcijerai tiiaii, iixing up ldea of an armistice for the West-em-'an'd other f rojils'.1, fl Germans Aghast Sir Sam discussed the clauses next day with sir,' Henry Wilson, Chief of the Imperial General Staff I On November 4 he "went through! the terms of the armUtlrp whfrh has been settled, it Versailles for presentation to th'e Jpermans when they .give in " , What took place; at Rethondes now Is history. The Germans asked for an Immediate cessation of hostilities which Foch peremptorily re fused. The generalissimo thpn tpoh them there would have been regulations suited to the S fathS 1?" 5 th'my the terms lmosed by con- in. i m what conditions which exist here. WhenPVPr Wp coo 11 k,? th! UZ V: i3 f," L the Allies, and informed them these of the permanent staff at Ottawa, whether it be in con T,sUek JSiFT- wmld be nection with aids to navigation or oftSSof t' 5 Z wisdom, we increase our admiration for politicians. Han- rASV- up! -sought permission Si: H n "U" "TO0h rules.; "Why wouTneT their! 11 Yr "a,c 6 jrxinte nupert tne llgnt at bon- question?" .she asked gently. 111a. rianson would not have made such restrictions that At flrst Bm would not reply but a boat cannot operate between the city and the Salt I akes ' ,n end lt seemed t: be almost carrying passengers to and from Prince Rupert's favorite, SfJ fd ,he, dut: by politicians instead .of by departmental heads who know say." nothing of local conditions. l " r "i 1 accorded 72 johnny buades hours Hours grace. grace, A a messenger messenger was was des aes-; -patched to Spa; and he returnedifo Mou ihnmninn on the morning of November 11. 145 AluW UlldillUlUII lartne with him the unauallfied acceptance of the Germans. In the railway car at Rethondes ti n&tures wsre affixed to the 35 . . v.. wwtuist: . 1 1. t. - was now imnerative. "Tn th r.pr. . wherein Us have all belligerents no- Toronto mart note of Octobe 27 we capitu-! tir5ed ttiat tne Great War had end- tivities. Valenciennes had fallen I d&7 Everywhere the ffeirf.orsr enMiorc! 'Ire" unded were being hurled back. On Nov- ember C It was announced a Ger- rr m i man commission had been aoooint-i i 1IT1A rni I nn.Hofc . -u n .o ucisc uciw means Liicitiii oi til agreement agreement 'concerning an,expected armistice.' Tc kvfanrlorl Vew Marshal Foch communicated the xsy tiAlCIlUCU 1 UI At the request of Olof Hanson M.P., the time for receiving tenders for the construction of an air base at Aliford Bay has been extended' from Irom November November 14 14 to to November November 25 25 In Great Britain thp tm, r ,: armistice had been&o'mpleted sev-'ln order to allow local contractors eral days before, Sir" Sam Fave ' an PP?rtunlty to h-ve their tend- president of the London and South ; " Dyv inf MoXea tlme' Western Raiiwav .ho,h,H i, work 0 be done there ls the erec- in in the direction ."on of two buildings and the con- struction of a concrete slip for C. N. U. TRAINS For. the East . Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - 6 p.m. From the Cast-Tuesdays. Thursdays and Saturdays n Djn. TO WOMEN concerned with money matters LI A i,iUlL c?de the woman of lL ho""" ' the eifioutjVe head as well as the heart of the home. To oonTve family funds; to pcod wisely; to Bafeguard the r'ewnt ai.dfulu.T, welfare of the family . . , theke, m well fMirely domestic rcsfon8ilililies, are hers today. So she uae. her bank . not merely as a safe r.lace to keen Hri branche. of The RW Bank welcome women', ccounts. The frBooal attention of the manager is available to ' women chents at any time. Ak him for the, useful bookleU - Family Budget Boot. Financial Training for your Son. and Daughter., THE ROYAL- BAN OF CANADA K I I If Young Men Hurt In Plane Crash i Getting Better CHILLIWACK. Nov. 10: CP j Enr Evrf:cld and Louis Mar it ' 'who were injured last Thursday Thn a snuil rasnoplan" crash... In the malr. street here while they Iwere attamiting a forced imrfing 1 are making a good recoren The owner. Robert Kekey. said th I j plane was being flown without his l permission. Kehey's home Is at Prince Rupsrt. He Is the son of Mr ?'nd Mrs. G. A. Kelsey TORONTO. Nov. 10: CPi Guades of St. Boniface is the new bantamweight boxing champ .Causes of the armistice document ion of Canada. H won lrMu torv- wlth six hours allowed riund decision from Baby Yack of t eleven o'clock on the eleventh' Bowline StaU$nf?S cf the eleventh month "cease ' ... " t Ladies Leaue ' Blue Birds 13 5. , Merchantettos .11 7 R H 7 iBig Sisters 3" 9 j Rangers .8 o 'Annette's 8 10' , Maple Leafs 9 9 , Knox Hotel 2 ltj ft? 13 11 11, Horace Duhamel Sells Property io 0!e Webstad H. A. Duhamel has sold a resl- ,Han(l4l hivinaHt' mi 6...ntt A Wfc.at.ua au,ybj uaa UCICJtbll AVITU'' 8 He. near Taylor Strset t Ole Web-g, ;tacL The deal was negotiated 2 prlvaiely. mtt hi 1 1 1 m 1 fi iii 1 .Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim -ontrol Board or by the Government of British Columbia. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE KAPOK FLOSS For cushions, lb. CUSHION FOKMS Kapok filled. From FLANNEL BLANKETS and SHEETSFlnest quality. From, each . .. . ' . Blankets White and Grey Phone 775 .WAWaW.VAW.VW 40c 35c $2.50 327 TIIIKD AVENUE Nanaimo-WellinRton Alberta Foothills and Bulkley Valley Coal Philoott Ev.tr & (To. Ltd. ancMiuiir 031 or vo 1 UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVEltl TUES- T.S.5. CARDENA KKIOAY, 1AY, 1.30 p.m. 10;30 p m. Due Vancouvrr, Thurs. aan. I)ge- Vancouver Monday H Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information . Regarding Reservations and Ticket From A f ami.,.. - a. . iMutt man, Prince Rupert Afent. Third Ave. Phone 508