193 It. 2U ft. 7.1 It. 2.5 It. . By GAIT. W. W. MURRAY, M.C, m in-itirttl Mrvv 1(1: (CP)' ' tip forfomi noard ot Transport, Commissioners, to which Wilfred Hanbury has been appointed lor a ten-year icn-year term, term, has una juiioL. jurisoicwo. ' " Canadian Tress Staff Writer Twenty years ago tomorrow' Canada with tumultuous acclaim from sea to sea heard the news of the armistice encline the war in which, during its sanguinary four years hundreds of thousands of her sons had been en- gaR n'n hoard a special train in the station of a remote received village in the Champagne nistnev - ; of France the armistice was f nCUKT P Ml at five o'clock in the morning or November U. 1918. .Rethondei. where this momentous document was accepted by the defeated army. . - j .nnt in the world's gazet- eers before the war. Today it s recalled a: the place to wmuu ; Oerman emissaries came on November 8, 1918, to sue for peace. Twenty years later, in 1938, with the fruition of the new German's nrenaratlons and the re- establishment of another great war machine, considerable effort has w..i ninrtd in the Reich to as- ert that the Qcrman crman army army oi of the n oiirrimiiu RESISTANCE New Sino-Japanese War Arc Imminent SHANGHAI. Nov. 10: Tw0 new , hta afe reported to bi mrat war was not deleatea in me ' . . nf stiff re- neld but that treachecy on th?sistance - agalmt contlnued home front brouBhabo"Vfhpeve!D Nipponese invasion. of events Logic lapse of the nation. against tnis: a.W argue, rinVJfWJO dfnee of the German war-time prTljlfUK leaders themselves. LilULiXs 1 IVl V The Emperor told me later vnav. v, failure of the July of- Irnslvc. he knew' the war could no fewer be won." So wrote tne ...v, t nHinrinrff. Ouartermaster- General of the Oerman Armies, in w .mnirs Ludendorff spoke in those reminiscences. He -u,.-,ifPrt the Canadian victory 1. 1 la 1 i - . i,iu -1 nn AllTlUt 81 8J918 as.."": . , '2i.-i.!-H, r the German Army. Six days later, he has disclosed, Kaiser Wllhelm Instructed Secretary ot State von Hlntze "to open up peace negotiations.". Approaches For Peace the Brl-ii.v. Till- was even before f.nivM in the West were i.. .irf von Hlntze. It is a 'Anfirtpntlv honed on c.mv,r fl. "for mediation 4u-Vi hn oneen of Holiana. v, nt nf the Hlndenburg tllV ,wn- .. 1 1 h mnadlan triumph at the rannl du Nord. and the other on- .t. .hih rpduced nosltlon af ter position evoked, on September m 4U fnllrnTtnfr nrimiSSlon frOITl the Oerman leader: "Duty compelled us at last to substitute action for idle time-wasting and empty had to ue asK-ed words. The enemy for peace and an armistice." The German General Headquarters agreed with the political authority to despatch a note to Presl-(Continucd on Pajc Txco) Will Regulate Nursins Homes ON MONDAY OTTAWA. Nov. 10: (CP) Peter Berkovlch. Liberal, was elected by acclamattanhenaithere-were no other nominations than his for the trsrtmnimi Liberal scat in tne forthcoming federal by-election. In London. Ontario. Hon. ur. k J. Manlon of the conservative imposition, has a C.C.F. opponent but Arc Barred From .Membership Party in Italy Some arc Exempted from Decree General Expulsion Order is Expect crt to be Next Nazi Move BERLIN, Nov. 10: (CP) A for mal message of regret has been from Foreign Minister nenrees Bonnet following the death of Ernest von Rath, secretary of the German Embassy at Paris, who was the victim of a Polish-Jew asslssln's bullet. Bonnet announced that a charge of nremedltated murder was being nirt mmtnst voune Herscel Grynsz- Major Engagements In . h t Rath. Meantime the Nazi government is taking even more stringent measures against Jews and there hovn hpn demonstrations with major engagements appear to be turther plllpglng developing along the Canton-nan- thelr property. .. ii U iu. Ctnn-tn. . . . . row railway nne m ""'"'i' anese war one near Changsha and the other in the vicinity of Hen of Jews and . r.rcat PROV-. today's- Weather Tomorrow sT. ides High , 3:30 a.m. 15:16 p.m. 0:20 am- Lpw , 22:04 pjn. I Mboney To A- Get Pardon LOS ANGELES, Nov. 10: r.Pi Governor-elect Culbert Olson of California started preparation yesterday of a statement announcing that he will pardon Thomas J. Moon- ey, who was convicted In the 1916 San Francisco bombing case and sentenced to me im- prisonment. "This is the great- est moment in my life," said Mooney at Ban Quentin Penl- tentlary when advised of the governor-elect's intention. TRABEPACT COMPLETED Anglo-American Pact to be Signed in Week or Ten Days X -ZXTJSZ SUSS i SSS widefiread demonstrations. cos. Goebbels said that a final answer will be Riven in the form of law or Hfrrp-n Manv Jews interpret this to mean that a general expulsion will be ordered, One Federal Acclamation-Polling in Three Oilier Scats Next Week BRAVERY IS RECOGNIZED .Manitoba and B.C. Rescuers Named For Parchment Certificates Dr Manion's election seem ed as he has at least the tacit sup-' IIAMILT0N, Ont., Nov. 10. (CP) port of Liberals who refrained from parchment certificates have boen nominating m oi"-' " awarflea Dy ic rtujui into parliament nnm" jjumane Association tu icu ed. . ... t toba and British Columbia men In in nrandon. Manitoba, and Wa terloo East. Ontario, by-c ectiony rom drowning. there are Liberal, Conservative anu - cltaUona foliOW: C.C.F. candidates. Manitoba The voting takes place next Mon, Rlchard Eric nllli st. vital, res- day. Cued Bruce Babb from drowning m I the Red River, May 26, 19. ! Duncan Ireland and Arthur Cow- PrPSentS Argument: Fort Garry, rescued Harold I H. a an, r I C5CI0 mg" - drowning in the Red Mk j In Fisheries Case .. .. . nr,i iii Rccard rprnenltlon of their rescues oi i River, August 23, 1938. J British Columbia Robert E. Doe and t0 Donald Anderson, Victoria, rescued Constitutional Points in iwyvic , Cnrlstie Harrison ana n. Prosecuuon jrom drowning ui i Ifi 16, 1938. 1938. HIGHWAY SURVEY ' Road .Resonalfsance ?GO,000. For Peace River Oil' .' VICTORIA. Nov. 10: (CP) Finance Minister John Hart has included in the estimates a grint of S25.000 to conduct a prelim-inarv survey of the proposed Alaska Highway. Alo included in the estimates U an item of $60,000 for oil exploration in the Peace River district. It is learned that no definite plans have been laid for the highway survey whether the province will co-operate with the Canadian-United States commission being set up to study the scheme or undertake an independent survey itself.. Anniversary Of Red Revolution i ( t,o Hp-I .... .-i.tnn tintnr. rescued , ......! i. In F. F Jones, counsel " "'v ooraon ivaioi.uii, , prowess ana turning iut. ... 3, 1937. August l 1 Sanger's attention was called to condition of the girls,. the perilous Scott and Marlon Curtis, who Marie M,u v water ii .vim n 1 ' ...nA oTT.PTrmilllK v nimp un m.A new decree naa; ,.otoiir . . ,n 2n fppf feet deep, deen. one unc HWlUti, iiui. - been passed by the government oi . "j i ...,nrt. COlll ill. "'(P"-. of them suddenly became panicky' Italy barring Jews irom niv... , and . clutched clutched the tne otner otner rouuu rouuu n.c ship In the Fascist pany. ---- fc pulling botn oown. ok , " who were members of the party pier and was fortunate, nrlor to 1924 or those wno i Bnniich to effect their rescue. n.,i Great War w.nr are are the country hv the. exempt from the decree. Weather Forecast Prince Prince Rupert Rupert - - Moderate M'r, to to1 NO PAPER TOMORROW brance Day, I Dally News. The next. regu-1 of the . frp,h fresh northwest northwest . winds winds, simub "Jng J .... Saturday .j. Old Race WASHINGTON. Nov. 10. (CP) Dr. Ales Hrdlica, Smlthsonl- Bulletins DEMAND STRONG GOVERNMENT PARIS Thousands of veterans arrived in Paris today for Armistice Day demonstrations favor-ins "public safety government" to rebuild France. Leaders Henri Pichot and Jean Goy have let it be known that they may order men to march on President Albert Lebrun to present, demand's for a strong government. PILOT UNDER KNIFE PRINCE GEORGE Sheldon L-ick. T.iner Coote Airways pilot, is recovering from an emergency appendix operation performed yesterday by Dr. E. J. Lyon. rmMBFKLAIK ON COLONIES LONDON Premier Neville Chamberlain told Parliament to-dav that Gerr-anrV-demands for returr of colonics "could not be considered in isolation" and "required extended study." ROTH SIDES DISSATISFIED Jf'RVSII.FM Disappointment was expressed by both Arab and Jewish leaders today over the new British declaration of policy a iCiaiU to Palestine. Some Jews called it "fantastically ridiculous." Arabs said it was a "complete misnomer because it is no policy at all." BUDGE TURNS PRO NUW YORK Walter Pale, captain of .the: IJnited States Davis Cup team, 'announces that Don Burt.e has turned professional and will go on a tour for pro-motor Jack Harris. The contract, according to report, calls for an annual salary of $75,000. BORE MAPLE LEAF IN WAR 1 I Salonika No. 1 Lo,tm0nt nresented his argument g Don fr0m drowning m Moscow liinnarv Hosmtal (Lemnes). .7. r. . hv' . .. .-i.- n la-is ' i '. : ..... ... ,i.- on constitutional fw xhetis ijukc, ui , i Egypt and raiesune no. a uaici j. T. Harvey, for the defendant, in Edan MrtojxAJW. CP)Tensot designated No. 7 Canadian Genera, connection witn tne piiv-ui.w" -- victoria, itu . qj tPnrn Hospital) at uairo; ine isi. unusi"6 Following Recommenu-iu.. Z'rMori regulations A frpd Odllon Dunn. Nakusp. res- equipment marcnec tnrouSu th ..Dunsterforce" and ny vancu. d for 0ne Oeorge Aalten irom case was adjQUrn cued Unden r7 of ihe "Norper (CP)-Fol- week when Mr. narvey wm drownmg m Bolshevik Bolshevik revolution. revolution. A ,Jfii of a crim- his argument. lnal court jury In Vancouver last nursing homes In Dri- IpWq I week that controlled; JCW 5 VCUinvi. aUnOl tlsh Columbia should be by the government. AUorney Oen P!.. eral Gordon wismcr um-'-.m, 4 udvu- ui onfinn will be tak- en to regulate such institutions and eliminate irresponsible Transport Board Has Wide Powers Jurisdiction Includes Railways, Stcantshlps and Aircraft ! 1938 (North Persian) Force. . ... . I n l-i n I Is Now Up I JEWS IN ITALY ROME The Italian cabinet today approved sweeping decree laws excluding Jews from government positions of any kind, Tes-tri:tinj them in business and professions, fevbidding their inarriarf lo Aryan Italians and limiting their family rights. Millions of I J ' iislng a . . .1,.,, try i-irroc:Irn MrriPQ nail- ' J . . . The Bronze Meaa. ---- p .doe detachment, artillery. Infantry The bronze medal for tne year machine gun permnel Hundreds e oi airplanes Sang- lng Fascism. i,n awarded to Royston , , Russia)Can- ,r of Klngsvllle, Ont., In recognl- soared overnead. i ,Elope partj consistmg o( tlon of his rescue of two gins irom the 67th and 68th Batteries, Can drowning In Klngsvme - adian Field Artillery. an Institute anthropoglst, re- -k. TT ports the discovery, of a Roman , (Yolrp Klff ilaUl race antedating Is Found I RihpriaThe Canadian Expedi- itltlonary Force (Siberia), made up f thP 16th Canadian Infantry Brl- ui - . . gade (259th and 260tn Bauaiionsi,! the 85th Battery C.F.A., and subsl-j dlarv units. 1 I - ' i Indiana Bandib the Eskimo, t 53 Aleut and Indian in migration t from Asia to America. The dis- , Held Up Bank Messenger ma wi " wn. Mvery is announced after Away With ?b(..uoo rayrou Tomorrow. -w ;" compietlon completion 0f of ten ten years years day 101 me .... - oi . . . . .... . S X. -t. nirtrn t JrM n Aincira nnn 1 11c i- tvorp will be no issue lah""""" Aleutians by Dr. Hrdlica. To Britain BERLIN, Nov. 10: (CP) Berlin newspapers declare that Chancellor Adolf Hitler has said his last word in regard to the return of German colonies lost after the Great War and that the next move must come from Great Britain or, possibly. France. The Berlin Tagebii.t said yesterday: "It now re- mains to be seen whether the other side is willing and ready to be fair." ' TATURK IS DEAD President of Turkey, Seriously 111 For Some Weeks, Passes Away Today ISTANBUL, Turkey, Nov. 10: Mustapha Kemal Ataturk, Presi dent of Turkey, who had been en-; tlcally ill for weeks, died today oi cirrhosis of liver. It was reported last night that his successor had already been chosen. Parliament was' In readiness to assemble Immedl-. 1 .Ul.. Via ritori 1 Prince Rupert Clear, north wind; barometer, -30.11 (rising); temperature, 29; sea smooth. vnrrifi?M atcti ANTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER ' - 11U1V111L11V11 w - gf J- a jr ""' PR1CE: fc".;; PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1938. AT ARvCE GERMANS Murder Charge kncar .. was lostIs Be5nsiaid Franfcc Moves Quickly To it..., V5r.li.rv !il Amions Was Black DaV for EncniV Assassin ot Secretary La' Army and Leaders Urged Immediate Peace Germabassy Funisli Ot I j Jews Pillaged ii il fc.TTV : G.O.P. IS L L I V lit. GAINING Come-Back as Result of Tuesday's Election Even Greater Than at First Apparent Views On Results What Party Leaders Think La-folletle Rule in Wisconsin Ends Some Western Returns The New United States congress standing as a result of Tuesday's elections is as follows: SENATE Democrats - - 6' Republicans - 23 Farmer-Labor 2 Prosrressive - 1 Independent 1 Doubtful - Republicans gain eight; Dem ocrats lose eight. HOUSE Democrats - 259 Republicans - I66 Progressives , 28 . Republican gain 77; Democrats lose 70, Progressives lose five; Farmer-Labor, lose two. GOVERNORS Democrats 30 Republicans - 18 Republicans gain 77; Demo-ocrats lose nine; Progressives lose one; Farmer-Labor lose one. ,ium NEW YORK, Nov. 10: (CP) Fur- Manv believe that General Lsmet ther complete returns from the un- Inonu will be successor to the hard- ited States elections of Tuesday ln-flsted dictator who made Turkey aicate an even greater comerback one of the most Important small Ior the Republican party than had nations in the world. Inonu was at first been anticipated although Premier during the most of the tne Democrats still retain control ; time that Ataturk ruled. of both House of Representatives The creator ot modern Turkey anfl senate by substantial margin was fifty-eight years of age. ( and won more than halt of the . imw inn n 'United States Coastguard Search ing For Boats Volante and Alpha In Vicinity of Sitka KETCHIKAN, Nov. 10. The States Coastguard Is conduct- in" a search for the trailers voi- ante and Alpha which have not Canadian Sta- for this winter. The migration oi .1 .. v. ..i wn Mmmpnppfl CawDOO 5UU14 lai3 .! a month earlier than usual. Iceberg Seen Near Honolulu iaii-American Airways Clipper Plane Reports Sighting One In Tropical Waters Boundary Survey Between Provinces Has Been Finished REGINA, Nov. 10 (CP) A survey between northern Saskatchewan and Alberta has been - . . . Ta 1ft r,TYinlptpd. The survey was neces gubernatorial contests. me republicans arflalready assured of ifis sMts in the House which is a MtVnPlXir i Even Postmaster James M. Far- lYillJljll VJ Demorratlc chairman, admits ' that the Republican gains far ex- ' ceed Democratic expectations. Former President Herbert Hoover looks upon the result as a public I disapproval of the New Deal. ! Republican National Chairman f'J! hopn rpnorted Since OClODer la Amprtenn Vpriprntlon nf I.nhor. sees Trnni 911ft X'avnl Meil n.Vior. thpv VJPTP last Seen In the In . tv,a the results tua the mi,f rout nf of thn the Com- Pnm. Served in Several Zones During vicinity of Sitka. I The War 1 OTTAWA. Nov. 10: (CP) Arm i istlce, 1918, found Canadians serv- !ln? on various fronts and In many) - , j i capacities with naval forces of the Nnrth LXPeCteQ 'Allies. Canada's share in the gen-w r r ftA 10 io lrl - erai operanon irm . anlumrA f Cariboo idicated in the following summary: u8rw , Month Earlier j Commences France. Behium and Germany-l ' A corps of four Infantry divisions; j Than Usual la cavalry brigade; a corps of rall-l - 'tay troTps; I forestry corps and THE PAS embe; : W: CP - other army, transportation mm u. . orp nredlcted Demonstration of Military Qf communcatlon units. Severe Winter In Hamilton describes the Republican victories as a "protest at the present maladministration." William Green, president of the on Industrial Organization. Imlttee Final returns from the State of New York show Democratic Governor Herbert Lehman victorious over racket-busting District Attorney Thomas Dewey but by a margin of but 66,000 as compared with 800,000 In the last election. Governor Phillip Lafollette, whose family has controlled Wisconsin politics for many years and who ran on a revised New Deal program In this election, was defeated by his Republican opponent. In California California's weekly $30 a week pension referendum, one of the most contentious questions the vo ters have ever been asked to pass upon, Is definitely defeated. Forty- five years of Republican rule In California ts broken with the elec tion of Culbert Olsen, Democrat, as governor 'over Governor Frank F. Merrlam. William Glbbs McAdoo, who was eliminated In the promar-les by Sheridan Downey, the successful Democratic Senatorial nom inee, yesterday submitted his reslg- HONOLULU, Nov. 10: Pan-1 nation without completing his term aprfpfin Alrwavs report a iarp;e floating Iceberg having been sight ed by one of their cupper pianej In tropical waters close to nawa. which would have expired early next year, making It necessary for Governor Marrlman to nominate an Interim successor. Senator Homer T. Bone and five Democratic representatives are el v ected in Washington with a slxtn representative doubtful. Warren G. Magnuson of Seattle, one of the members of the Alaska International highway commission, was reelected. Fnr the first time In eighteen years Montana sends a Republican senator to Washington. In Minnesota, the Farmer-Labor governor. Elmer Benson, Is defeated by his Republican opponent. Maryland replaces Its KepuDiican . . . hiiniAi rnr ipfini niirnuca vii i ... . heldupaoanKmessaiuiei .7 t Harry W. Nice, witn Her -Bandits areas' governor, mhxn areiu, u lorrfnv.'rbblntth mor$60.- count of the new gold mining npmrvrat. -w licit J"" ." - r.l,. IthaKacxa ' 1 k