4 I t i i h 'I i i 4 I -fv PAGE EZ THE DAILY NEWS I ILUW rKlLho o o Q 9 o o o I 0 o o D O g o o o o .0 p 9 in s o .0 o a a a Xmas Greeting Cards The Finest Selections Ever offered in highest quality. Liberal discount and cabinet of initial notepaper if reorder over i 4 18 cardi. i NEWCASTLE, Nov. 10: (CP) England defeated Norway 4 to nil in international soccer yesterday. " The Vancouver commercial boat r,nfr Gilbert Rehm Cariboo, Capt. Art Baker, arrived inivcrsity Faculty in port at 4 o'clock yesterday af-, ternoCT from the Queen Charlotte Islands following a stormy crossing An interesting of Hecate Straits. The Dally xtews rpaper. la aii A. B. Constipated? You SnonidGetattLeCarise! Loti of prngte think they cant be Talar" wiliwut Ireqaent trips to the laedieme tbest. 1 just toe np and prt tt orer." tbej tea rw. But doctor knov ther ooot'setit over" at sa-catHtber ret at me ccxse cl ttte trouble! Cbaoco are H ttrr&e to find the caase U you eat only -rtit txt people do meat, bread. Potatoe. It's Ekely r dewt pel r0ff "ktlt- Ana lai-sa"t ceaa a Ut o lood. Ita a ttxd of lood that bat cccsssed ta toe body, but leaves a soft Tkj mxst ia the intestines and helps a bovel Dorenent. II that fits you, yocr ticket is t fraaeBy breakfast rcresJ-Kd-joer" AB-Bran. It -'n the -- -i-j .as ibe to'Jfi Bitl totac, YigiahiBv PtT of water, and yast watch we oa world grow brighter! 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite A modern suite Comfort spring units built with i Cards That Are New and Different Expressing Holiday Greetings in a New and Friendly Way Visit Our China Basement HEILBRONER Diamond Specialist genuine Kay ft . 130.00 L Tea J agon Solid Walnut with drop handle. Lined cutlery drawer tray with glass Q9 centre VwsD You'll Always Do Rettcr At - tfTMjx 8-Piece Bedroom EnsembIe-$84.50 Odd Pieces End Table Solid Walnut $6.50 3-Piece Chesterfield Suite $79.50 Bed Complete-$25.50 " Red. Cable Spring and Cotton Felt Mattress, size 3-3. -l.n 4.. A Good Place to Buy Rugs ELIO'S Hours From 9 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Phone Green 916 3rd Avenue B aglBd, Cab,e a and f 0 o a a o o FOR BUGS KIDS HERE 2 of CALIFORNIA a . g Koy Vandcrsluys Tells of Ridi- l t culous Kates raid for Food o a Supplies in Los Angeles o The ridiculously low prices at 9 which food is sold in CaUforaW 2 w cue thins that struck Roy g Wajadcrurs as outstanding about Ms recent visit to the Golden 2 State. Among the prices he noticed S wre bacon at 19c a round, coffee m at , 10e a pound, big boxes of three for 10c. beans fire for 17c. tomato sauce 2 "4c o a ea. apr:cots 9c a can. peaches a 3 can fcr 25c. potatoes 15c for 25 2 rounds, r-anes three doien for 2 10C toaatoes five pounds lor 10c ? bananas three pounds for lie, o apples six pounds for 16c. grapes g fw ponnds for 10c. grapefnitt ten g for 15c. cabbage lc a oound While n these were special sale prices they 2 seemed so low that it was diffl- O Cull ta sw how th ffravt-prc cn1 live. Store clerks and other pm- owowwwwwwwk iee?reCpaid w?and ENGLAND BEATS NORWAY Night so were mi Hum, However. CT? t fl miWJ TT 1 TN PimM Mr and Mrs. Vandersluvs were MONTREAL, Nov. 10: (CP) J Allen Bray, a Montreal city alder man, droDoed dead f the exciting Chicago Black Hawks-b, Montreal Canadiens hockey game B , here Sunday night. A heart seizure was held the caase of death Mr Investigation I Fails To Solve ; Hallowe'en Case " ttgation to date by 'provincial ar,d railway police of a Hallowe'en incident at Terrace in which a Hat car was placed on the main line of the Canadian National Railways m front of a approaching nasseneer train has not yet resulted in anv arrests being made, it is an -noun rd at provincial nolw j quarts- here. was. i "ones 18 & 81 P.o, Box 575 FOR SATISFACTION Try MUSSALLEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality Groceries Reliable Service Opposite Canadian Legion i I Whifflets From The Waterfront Rcpaire tc the coxst freighter Salvor, which was damaged tw weeks ago In a stranding on Trim. ciand in Portland Inlet, were om-Jetec' at the toca! dry do-k yese'-dty afternoon and the vessel left this morning for the Skeena R.ver J load canned salmon for Vanrou-?r. The reoalr oi the Salvor was ten-day job. The Anglican aiiaslDE boat ' ran Hope arrived In port Tuesday evening from Matte tt after a ri ir-my paage. Aboard were R-v A Abraham the missionary In charge Dr. and Mrs. Buncan McCoU i Queen Charlotte City. C A. Small and Albert Anderson of Massett and 7. BeKis. engineer. SETTLERS INCREASE uirii VlillN VJ UuAU till 3Way abUt flTe WeekS- atoo ToM Knlwin Cannda Durin- Si- visited Calory and other noinb; Months f ndinr KrnmKr -n before returning to the coast at Greater Than vr -r ancouver -Van" attended the Rotary Club luncheon in Calgary OTTAWA. Nov. 10: CP) There Swiss i Towerfcl Drama of City streets is f01 " ay xixy are a real live was an inerease of fifteen per cent Intcrestinr i eek-End Teaturc at Capitol rr1 ra?rt- iae? vistted with in n-w -ttlers coming to Canada Visitor in City 1 Theatre ' Gunck who are dorinv the rt month rndin? Sen- j jdotog well Uiere. Olen being a temher 36 th:, yemr as compared victor fr Twentv-four ho r w woiary wuo. Re- with the same period last year. The couple of hoars in Prince Rupert Hfe in city streets, paved with rich C. JJ? fveHed total of new titers for the period this week was v Fahcweafaad poarteomedy and traijjL-,, , J, "1 , wr 19 "w- l whom were from Ort Rehm idenUriW with thtedy. romance and heartabe. 7 United kingdom. Ireland and & E SLS? La -rTot to the thriDlng and w-fSJL nL T rZt United States. OnUrto receiv-in Switaerland. who was here nant drama. "Dead End - nrhich , , . .. uwun ... aboard the steamer Princess Nor- the feature this week- on ttolZ, ZZ JT f theM new wt ah after making the round trip to n , f the Capitol' Theatre bereJ ffrt2 The Dd EndJOds- of the orig-'u, vithUuZ Th?J?2 be mH Father Rehm. who specializes in taal New York stage cast are tin ?ete Z nnJt .Jf entomology and has travelled ex- in the ofeturtotton of theT- W JU ? tensive y over the world in search of insect specimens, just recently arrived from the Orient after spendine - .-oipie ef years in t and Japan- tets of "Tommy." 'T3.." "Angel " "Dinoy." "S-rtt" and "Milty " Sylvia S'dnev and Joel M-Cm are starred at the head of the out-staodhr' east in a human atorv On his trio to Alaska rstuir uik smiu. i. h. - , sul wag Tiuaai- Rehm "as "tnlarly interested It lought a Irving battle to ke-n h-r ba" a ',HsU tosect 0,ln,, hTOth Tommv from a While in Prince Rurt, Fath eantter fate and to raise hem cauiru at uie iosai Chuitfc ad pricsU' re ujci:. Derag awo extended eeur- w creams of tearhs down a!! tesies by Bishop G. A. Rix of the the -rasnts in the world and wJio n3Jjcan Church whom he chanced Wmse,f HTed beauWoJ Wendy Bar-to encounter. : "e wno Dad found a way out o Father Rehm belongs to the Franciscan Order, one of the precepts of which is frugality. If you wih to swap a Classified. srams into penthouse luxury. Hum- ihrey Bogart is the killer who v Mr. and Mrs Jacv Joy went With then as far as Los AheW Md back to Vancouver. wh'le in ibe south they met a number of former Prince Rurrt oeonie. Bill Joy and BUI and Fwi Marfan are all following heir trade as r4aterers and so h Fred Shaw. Richmond, who ftH- Mocse. a BLACKHEADS of "5 McCrea i farmer tn the restaurant businea- Tlin f pfpcf Tn Je poor architect whem abe loved, i berev ia now mnnW te 3IiIJaHaUSt,n LINOLEUMS - AXMINSTERS - CONGOLEUMS Linoleum Rugs Size C-i Q 7ff 9x12 ?A.D 9xl0i 12.00 Axminster Rugs ST... 329.50 Congoleum Rugs 9x101 ... $9.00 verv fine raff no mi. "hire BouWsrd. MnHrannH ih- bulht'ng being urooe'n that w erfvrHi on the outaklo muy, 'hells Th- father is a rastrv cook drawn away from his haunt in the!AU th" members of the family ar . " via A t r .uiua mj ecc Bis mower and boy-u,i,rTira hood sweetheart. Clair Trevor is I Mr- Vaner-hj-s mrticulrlv the sweetheart who his'taken thejfaterei1 ln the manner in which easiest way. Allen Jenkins is the:1111 are condwited and picked killer s henchman. !P some useful information while away. Alderman Dies i At Hockey Game J. Allen Bray Succumbs To Heart tji AtUck in Montreal Sundav Bi LADIES' PURSES We have Just received shipment of purses. Ihe colors are mostly -brown and navy and range from a new Many have strap handle? this year as well as novelty clasps and zipper fastentnga. Mack, prices $2.50 to $495 My, for real leather. JOHNULGEP- iB.Ttl STORE VOTM THE CUOCA 'WWAWAVJli g,Bray was a former member of th VWWWWAVArww. ml Is Your Crowning Glory in Style? Coiffure fashions are quite as important to the beautifully groomed woman as styles in clothes. Why not let our hair stylist study your features and natural hair lines and recommend the most becom-ing coiffure that you could possible wear? Call today for an appointment. MI-LADY Beauty Parlor Lillian Daries WAVA'A'A'A'A' 5i 1 THE REClD-RUN iSUcna n iiimnii iriiiiiiu nm... LAST TLMES TONIGHT DANIELLE DARKIEUX "New Screen Sensation t In "THE RAGE OF TAIUS" (At 7: and 9rlJ) Two Shows, 7:00 and 9:f-0 - j VolIeyM Each 'Blue Goose" . . -" I'lUIIUll r RfiB tiCHIl Gil 33c SUffta e I n N til 3 f r 3 1" 5V Vou ' !S?7..'5f. And THE nr q, nDl ADD F.I) ATTRACTtJ nId DuckhitlootJ 0 C iRL5 AMlil Travel tab Start rem,. Slazenger's RULES BADM FREE! II Get a Copy of the New Slazenger Booklet til ompicie icuies, Klc. Ask for One PUr Ittth a Slaeneer IUdminton Rrket for C Unl M jsrery racKet made by 8iaaeagers is ncrir ' rA -tea materials and strone w jeI is the Highea standard for Successful b See the Slszcnger Catalog and Fricc List for f Jslazenger Values Just Arrived A new low price Badminton Pai i The Monarch Camnbeirs Fine Shuttlecocks kcJo id u J1 I I L' I It 111 Wlb I UM1 0)VbM 'mmmm"r'm BMBMBBawaMamMMni WWAWA-AVWVAWAW'AvWwH Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmoi 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'oeuvrc Prince Rupert One Package Serves Four Pr Keeps for Weeks in Refricr WW.VWWAV.VAVATW.'.W.W 31' 1 1 Canadian Fish & Cold Stora Co. Ltd. Br.Ush Ci so- 3rd Are. 5 lis interesting tn know whfn readme Tre vA-w;that the people of the whole district are doinf H