L ,:brr 10, 193S. fTO Terrace Board ITWANGA ?f Tr.ade AMay Ume ExtendeI-o Party h rom KHkatla SCA, Nov 10: --The visit award Gamble and party ia to the village of Klt-ik p;ace on Saturday last, sle wat. accompanied by nmwn. Henri' un, - - vears years t, Twis. Arthur Lewis J. . . , rs visitors were addressee , Counciuor m. ennui., re L'nto The Lord. Many Visitors runq,uun again I TERRACE, JJov. 10.-The Board Ngukla and elsewhere. Harris, M. Bright, P. Benson and V . I ni.L.1 tf IfnHton BIG STORM i ON ISLANDS meeting next Wednesday in an at-i , , . . fpmnt In rvlv Intprprt. In hnsrrl '-""'5 wuau at and in suffered thesels port a affairs. It is felt by some of old members that Terraoe should "J " "I ""' " Qun Charlotte Islands have a body of responsible Mtlzens th2, ex-,hitv.tnmM.tnf.HnrtiMlivfnrtU.Perlenced of worst storms u B B : ai 2 t.m. Ihe Kltwangat Catholic Bazaar hen Rev B. Shearman iief address of welcome. . - . 3?,m rUTA8rrnrvlHeId At lerrace held in the Church Army started out the morning of the storm and. Just as he got outside cf Lawn Hill buoy, the full force of the storm struck him. He turned back and it took him ten hours to maka the short distance to Sand- ' spit. ' Most of the time he seemed TFRRACE. Nov 10. The Catholic to be almost standing on the walls service the party divided bazaar, held in the Orange Hall. 0f hi$ pilot house a", the wind struck look refreshments at the Terrace, on Saturday proved to be the little craft so hard that it went Joe Williams and Robert a great success, both as a popular 0Ver on its beam ends. Many mar- event, as attested by the large num- veiled that Webster was able to get by moratng called for h ber of people who were there, and : his boat back safely at all through afternoon was spent Vis- by the financial returns. ! the boiling teas. Later he started pud a lengthy visit at . Several prizes were distributed 0ut again and made the trip across tto:i House with M: and to the holders cf lucky tickets. Th?i safely (Shearman and family to first, a cash prize of $15, went to The same afternoon, when the a and renew old friend- the Beaton family Ihp VillniTf1 frave an en- Vinn nar nf nmnorloe . n .t.,nr1 ...WV, tVa chna7tna fcnt and served reiresn-, Following th; main nroceedlngs. signs of the blow. Life boate had tuJ 1 the Community Hall on which was to dispose of the tables been shifted and worked loose. hjt uioH,Mm.iuri.wi- . . . k., -h flm hrl tn turn back. thf Tnrfinn ria'v .firhrvri The Totem Pole Band was mucn ""V . t was occupied and the fn evidence during the stay of the. ,es , n., , ,, 1 tn; several songs in EnS- visitors in the village. JZL then in the native lan- Numerous Speeches rnt' the great appreciation of At the meetings in the hall, , 7"' W. He then eave the child- many speeches, reminiscent or n nooKing on to tne .an .i , .,. b are under the super- clden days, were made. Chief Ed- pf Rm- B. Shearman as ward Gamble gave a rousing 77,, in Prinr-P Rn which he delivered to . Prince Bup-, ; an address. speech in appreciation of the kinU- taduy eveninir the Froc nesses extended to him and his,.- Uw ve an entertainment and party and W. Beynon gave an in- eono saunon aun ? J. Tn Bients In ihP hall Rjv. and terestlng address on first-hand in- - ?nt . t- a. T t lt. T)i.(hnr. rhnTtTR. gonearman and Misses Dor- lormaiion un ur namr 'uar -- f. t,, nt CMH. !d Marjorie Shearman were hood. . . . - -rV" " .UTt ,,. Eucit-s Mtinv Plfts were The visit was a memorame one j v. JlL Silvrr Spring; Lager Beer is inHmulionnlly known for its fine flavour mid uniform qnulity. It hW been one of 11 r i t i wli (luinhiHV iihihI popular beer for uearly a quarter eentury. 1LVER SPRING Lager Beer - i - - r. 1 UlnvApKit Te on the visitors. ' 'n many ways and the villagers of nan u. ailfr m B uP - much to listen iana irom racuu iu i 30 a.m. the visitors, - ac- Kltkatla will have iprf v.,, .u ...11. tr n.v,pn ihPir rhtpf arrives home. Storms in ine couisc o. u hiji i.u... U thrir stay in Kltwangrrt the first train journey ever made ing. ere nritr-.to nrii nivcn in the lives oi luowaro uamuie. r. l'" fa'"1 ... . . -! 1.1.. T.1Jn tors by J Ryan, M.. Bright James Lewis and Henry Colllson. tor lor tne vuee" wumw E. S. Richardson, fisheries Insnec- British Golunibia& 4. INDUSTRIES , ('(' iiW;i unit paper imlunlry of Uritish Ciiii ri (i in ifn-1 1 lie Irailinf ent Wwvwa if (iili iiml (ilir in irrinm. Keprexr iti it K an iniwalmrnf oine $4t,HH).IW(), it pay more lifi $4,WHt,IHHI annually in trafteK to Home 3,(HM) eni' i,,tifK. II. C. iiiiii ami naiter iiroiiirla lu "the value of tltijmU.tmtt are hippeil eurh year to many tlijjervnt countries throughout the trorlil. feftVER V'CTO CUD 1.71 s7 "A.I.C JEER c.i vSWdrsolaved by the Liquor Control Boara or oy u. - wvS'rnmint Of British Columbia Tf7K DAILY NEWS' PKQVL FIVE . Skidegate Social Club Busy Again Already Held "' ,u. uHoaoa slon but DUi u it is is felt mv that wav an an effort u,u r. - - , , f . ... "T f .... ,,r ii 1 w,. Rephe. retury to the Chief. J "S,f caught some unawares. Secretary-Treasurer. Mrs. George y welcome was accorded The York, Cant. Ernie Webster's as ihev vney allthted smiitcu from um tro ler from Prince Runert. had SKIDEGATE, Nov. 10. The Stt- IrWnt. puvial Club has been reor- W pr V I t'-w- evening filled with useful and pretty thines. Later the Cariboo was stormbound ltlUGHT IN SMALL LOTS ill's Church was crowded a social evening was spent in thCf0r several days at Queen Char- Afternoon service Sunday rjht rch Hcwe. which is adjacent to! loite. ' BATH, England, Nov. 10: CP jv. B. Shearman preached, the church Itself, Rev. Father de ' There was also some anxiety con- nr. j. a. Fraser Roberts, principal I im uuui w.v 4 m m m I,,, i Ircm frmce nupert. it naa stancu tcesearcn imsi. aa.j unwmo e aoie conouciorsnip 01 - Bryant with Mrs. R. Sam- and Mrs. Sampare. The hospitality storm comlng and turned Dack Irom the smallest families organist Matthias Bright extended leit notning to De de lesson and J Ryan Inter- sired. ac address. i nose who organized the enter- Church Army Hall on talnments and refreshments were ilehf the attendance was Mrs. Ryan, Mrs. Sampare, Mrs pry address and alsn sans a Williams. Mrs. Harris, Mrs. C sole St at Paul's rauis choir cnoir Smith, obuui, Mrs. ivils. -u.ii.auu Johnson and u..u Mrs. Wil out the same morning but had seen brightest children usually come to safety, biing delayed or several made a five-year study here days, however, in returning to t.... ,l. etnrme spvprnl . "1 "UJ " "- """ these services there were mon Bryant. J. Williams. G. Sam-- ""rt t on board. TroUers which waited Cedarvale, Kitwan pare. D. Williams. R. Fowler. R "LSffS th2 storm out and came across the Bum, Capt . . crong Hecate Straits !d ! Jensen, ClASsiFlEO FOR SALE FOR SALE 40-foot halibut boat complete with gear. Apply N. M. McLean, Seal Cove. t.f.l PERSONAL u.c Wl.U.C v.li:, - "v - . j. ,tn1, . . ,.,-, im. cordpri n hpnrw QPnrt.nff The C. N. R. train ride Iron: r-nnce rcuijert un UC4,'"""C"'""'MEN or au, u, oui wmu v.w Kitze,ukla. - ' Prince Rupert to Kltwanga wa'j business. He also got a. real dust- Vigor, for rundown body? Try CSTREX Tablets of raw oyster stimulants and general body builders. If not delighted with results of first package, makei refunds its low price. Sold by all pood druggists. tf. IN THE .SUPREME I'OI UT OF IHtlTlSil In the Matter of tlte "AamliiMratloii Act" And Ir. tlie Matter of the Estate of Manuel Oonzaleti, Deceased TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Hoilor Judge Fisher. Local Judge of the Rum em Court of British Columbia made the 14th day of October 1938. 1 was appointed Administrator of all the Eatait within Brltisn uoiumDia oi rat above-named deceased, late of Mayu, Yukon and Stewart. British Columbia All persona Indebted to the told estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith, and. all persons having claims .against the said estate are required to lue u samo urooerly verified, with me within one i month from the first publication of Uiis notice, otherwise distribution of the Bald' estate will be made without record thereto Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C. this 15th day of October, 1038. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B, O l THE KfMlEME COl'KT OI' ItlllTlSII 1 ('OI.l'MUIA I IN PKOIlATE 'in the Matter of the "Art in I list rat Ion Act" , , And In tlie Matter of the Estate of ien llerle, lterraseil, Intestntr TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ihls Honor, W. E. Fisher, the 28Uh day o! October, A. D. 1038, I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Jens Berle, deceitfied, and all parties having olainiB against the aald estate are here by required to furnish same, properly verkfiqd, to me on or before the 1st clay at December, A. D. 1938, and all parties Indebted to itlie estate are required ,to pay itho amount of their la cwuwineee to me irortnwii.n. NOHMAN A. WATTv . Official Admilnlstratar, Prmce Rupert, B.C. Dated ' the Slat day of October, KD 1938. " LEAVE MINE He ACT ALONE posed to Chanes SMITHERS, Nofc 10,-At a anized for the Winter seasuu anu,areuu:u juceuuj ui hik uuiuKu. h!,R nirpadv commenced activities. , Eranch of the ErltL-A Columbia were no benefits accruing to the prospector from any of the propos- that, it would deter these men from having any ambition to enter the hi'ls. nen's rrlze with th; consolation was felt to be placing the lndo-j "ward oir tn M.- Verner Doup-1 lent and lazy man cn a par with 'as. Dainty refreshment were ser- the man wbi is Industrious and ved and playing of (ramcs followed. jVles to eet things done. The old Thnre -were about thirty-five pres- and well tried method was to do ent , I cne hundred dollars worth of work j Another function staeed bv tlv per year for each claim h;ld. The( club was a dince in the Queen new proposal Is to do twenty days . . 1 .11.. TT 11 Til n-n TITO C Qnl V. 1 I f .V, rt-t- Other local eas and gale were at the worst. ,woiw w "- l,'"1 "ttU" """" ' I r A-.riit :t i u un-.uiivv - iuhu l... . wt ...... j ceopie wvn lessci iuiiis ai.u u-,lns cruiser anouo, uwun a , , .. ,s tnont hv nil . e o ,ti bgle Crest, the premier winner in Saikatshevan gained a Vancouver hardware company, ' rvuor Mpnrpri wax thfl atifac-i rrrtnrR wnuld tin mort work in orva I day than others would do in five) days. Also by compelling what might be called a technical man. as the prospector undoubtedly is. to do thirty days work to produce the equivalent of $100. asit had been in is putting a very small fit rhnlr Bine a snecial v.ti... , n.i. n-i m in..n.K ciiurm ,u.t.. nnrrlon Mfnt.nl I the u e past, Paa4,t rv, T?n,v, i. iii iirri'." . . ... .j.i.j . m i nuo inv valuation on nis worK. It was the opinion of the meeting that, in view of the fact that the Mineral Act had operated in its present form for thirty years with out desclosing any v?ry obnoxious : Prince Kupen. rntr thp ctrms tn features, it was good enough to Another hectic voyage was that w" U1JJ "u.v iM n mia. was ,n,M. -'-; Rm,them Island Dolnts and was! ieave aione aRa a motion pass nH( L" r 'rn nrr rm rvr inri. i good. Henry Brown Cadwalader. Mrs. Semldecks, Mrs. entsno had parted to go home hela UP for some time awaiting an from the Skidegate trolling grounds aDf ... . . . Amui rt He eot ng the anthem "O Give iUu and Mrs. Weget, Charles ' XI. VV lllUXiU, WlllUIN iA-aiiwIi, UViU .111 t 4 U Tnlnnrlc 1 cf ' A o. H Olt a rsA . Inin MCCPt.t. Mn.tt getting getting in irOHl UC 1 Smith, George Moore, T. Weget, "uf "u, "l;. hr-ft before the big storm was the R.W to his Inlet with little damage crait., L.- ,.m r.v,,i, rv,v Cnin .' .It. iu wt.trc nnH .m Amnlrl Pnllnnt ii,!, REX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl Fur Reservations Phone C58 RAW FUR SEASON Commencing: Must Unload Large Stock 25 Off for Cash Come in and see our goods. Easy Terms Arranged Goldbloom's NEW ROYAL HOTEL " J Zarelli Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Kates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert. B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 19C THE SEAL QUALITY ill GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only toon canning company with an all the year round payroll in Prince Eupert ed that the Minister of Mines be s6 advised. 1 The meetins also. deploreJ, th"a fact that, thsre had not yet been a'ssayer installed at the sampl ing nlant at Prince Rtmert to fa- .jMrernen F.ouKlas.Elecled Cresi- . . . cili'iate and speed up the returns ; Some Hectic Trips Were Made Dur- dent Bridee Party and Dance Smi,h-r rimmi-r Mines On-' on samnles and on shloments of in- Duster Hough Weather For Some Time ores althought this institution had teen promised at different times. It is hoped that thif. situation Well.. .J.J .Ann At the opening meeting of the sea- Chamber of Mines held in Sraithers J son there was a large attendance) the proposed amendments to thelg QUIlLV LoiHl " r, "', fl,7Lt fpw Un years, according to word receiv-' and six new members joined, ui-.Mineral aci were amectea ana ui- . cuss weal anairs. Tne past lew follows: cussed and it was the general op- v .1 Runert "uPerl It was a' Iie" fleers were elected as 1, Tift' have been years of depres-?a ln; "UM!e. tv,.i.;. inlon mi f .n Hwp nrwnt fhnt there lOrM V nnth w f " 1JW&AAW A1W rh-.cti.nov ea cnanges. 1 'mere are oniy iwo cases on uir Entertainment Committee Mrs. : The propesed new four-line stak-llist for November in County Court Fred Atkins, Miss Mary Mathers ing of mineral claims was. rounoiy and Verner' Douglas. condemned and it was fclt ihat it Refreshment Committee Mbs' was Just one more obstruction in Jean Mclntvre. Miss Eileen uaie , tne patn of tne prospector ana and Miss Helen Turner. There were seven tables at the first bride; evenina of the season held bv thf club. Mrs, Turner won the ladies' prize and Al Beebe, the) sesment sment which was in regular monthly ses sion this week before Judge W. E. Fisher. One of these was struck eff the list. t The case3 were as follows: j Frances Audrey Agnew, execut- lt.lv nf tYa octfltA nf V V AirnPTH. vv vwv. ... - . i i it w. tne proposca cnange m uio us- . . ys j L Prlest $20 work was aisa rgreuea asm . rr nininfirr TAKE THE 11 LEAD OUT f: OF YOUR LEGS Ct Otyf ! TW BImJ and WB Ctt S Np that Scndl Ym Bwrndinf Up tht SUk Peepl ho nnotlier to ittOt JU Imcsom , oxTsen ku bca eompleulf tat oil fn thnn. Jurt M innlr "lowly imotb-rins' If roar blood lck tti orputcl. Rd corpmclrt r your ozycen-cvrUr. Tbty carry th oxymi you brrath la to wy part of your ayiUm. Without enough oxy- -FO-carryiB( orpuulea, your kldixya, livar, ( llomach and bowela alow down. Your akut acta pal, flabby, often pimply.- Your ncrra i way bcom jittery you tiro julkly I dcpriind i What you ned la Vr. irnilama Wn PJlta, j Thtrt woi;ld.famoui pill hlp maka.moro and bttter red eorpuicUa and thua ineraaaa the oiTgB-cpry)i power of your-blood. k Get IJr. WUllami Mnk Pllla today rtjroM i druggUt Set for youraelf how wilckly tkii ; time-proven blood-builder will help te you back, your pep. bM. , O.I. r c.u. i struck off. Robert Scharffe -vs. William A. Eyde de Hurst, (doing business., as Forest Seed Separating Statloril, $159, Patmore & Fulton for plaintiff, December 2; " ' . . There were four naturalization :.ppllcatlons. I r m iMlii ' : ( - 1 ... ... ... One of . V .j Scdtlunds VS : . FINEST , A A; i WHISKIE5 v . i faRRNTS : M iBXeaxeaxeaxeBKJ . SCOTCH WHISKY I S T t LL ED ANO 9OTTLC0 IN SCOTt,ANf ( mr tkltLIAM 0KIT INV lOMt LtMITf ' ' .This advertisement is not published or -displayed by the Liquor;-Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia: Condensed Heat Some Milks Are Richer: Than. Others. The Same Applies to Heat in Goal. : f The Hottest Goal in Town is mum P.O. 577 VAfcLEY GUARANTEED USED i i in i PT GARS 1938 Ford V-8 De Luxe Sedan. 1937 Pontiac Coach with Radio. 1934 Dodge De Luxe Sedan with Radio and ' Heater. 1931 Pontiac Sedan. 1930 Roosevelt Coupe. 1929 Peerless Sedan. Easy Terms x" - General Motors Products ROYAL MOTORS Phone i2 5 v.