Tuesday- May 3. 1938. so, in Tim HYGIENE COURT OF JUSTICE i: Business Man Accused of Rheumatism (Before Mr. Justice Kruschen) J truer- Have you anything to lay, prisoner, before sentence U pasted? r:sonE: Well, my lord, I, can't see t!.al rheumatism Is a crime. Jstdce: In these enlightened days aQ preventable Illness is a crime just as much as suicide is. You've no ritkl to have rheumatism lowering your effi- :..cy. spreading gloom, making ydur-: 't a liability to your family and your ?untry. instead of an asset Do you k-ow that rheumatism cosU the country millions of wetks of wort a year? I'mioNm But I couldn't help getting thtumatism, my lord. ivxt Don't be so sure! The common iu?es of rheumatism are constipation nd excess uric acid. As man to man, ran you stand there and tell me that ycu isn't prevent these? fttisoNi : Cive me another chance, my lord? Judcz: In this Court of Hygiene we 'don't punish-rwe reform. You are released on probation for three montiis, on condition that you start and religiously keep on taking the 'little daily dose'. Prisons: But but that's exactly what my doctor ordered me years ago I Jupce: And you took no notice. Pmsoxii: Well, my lord, the expense. . . limit: Expense?. Nonsense! The Kruschen habit costs much less than le a day, but it will reform you 'body and soul'. Cet rid of the poisonous waste nutter from your system, and you will be a new man keen, cheerful, efficient, without a care in your heart or an ache in your body. Go away now and don't let me see you here again, or it may be a more serious matter. Next case! KRUSCHEN SALTS relieve constipation and rheumatism Krmchen is a combination of ;. ;r:ui mineral salts which u: Body must get. in some t t kffn the blood Dure. TASTELESS IN rxirtanri- of lh -litiU A-lv . i . . i rnnTcniTTpi '- : ' ' :nr r nn inn in ... i-ncralh toned up, but which you ti Nature' own way without abundant exercise and fresh air. You should have those salts every day ; hence the im- dose". Every drui counter sells Kruschen in 2Sr. JJr and 7c bottles. It's ike little rfoi.v dose that don it. UNRESERVED Auction Sale Of Ladies' Dresses and Coats, Etc. Entire Stqck qf .Fixtures to He Sold on yednesday and Thursday, Alay ,1 and 5, Commencing at 2:15 Each Day at "DEMERS vr 3rd Ave. Kverything Must Co Uidcr the Hammer, Consisting. ' of : . Ladies' Coats, Wool Dresses, Shoes, Evening Jesses, .Lingerie, Sweaters, Suits, Raincoats, Capes, Bathing Suits, Gloves, Hats, etc. Also the Fixtures which include Large Wall .Case, Oval Front Case, Typewriter, Easel ;Mirror, Electric Portable Sewing Machine, Light -Fixtures, .Counter, Spic Span , Cleaner, 2 Hesters, Floor . Coverings, Ltc. . o Geo j Dawes "r WENZIE'S GRADE A FURNITURE Our store is to , be enlarged and rcndcled and to allow the contractors to go ahead, juir stock .must be reduced. Prices will.bcalso very , favorable. Phone 775 Cive Your Baby Fresh Milk Daily Our milk is produced twice daily from our own Gov- ernment tested cows. 1 S DOMINION DAIRY 10 327 'THIRD AVENUE MILK If advertise for it. you lose anything, r ri! 1 LOCAL NEWS NOTES J Remember! Hospital Auxiliary Telephone Bridge, Friday, May 6. 8 p.m. (1041 William Hayner sailed this after noon on the" Catala for a trip td Vancouver and points east. Ernest Meadows of the post office) staff sailed this afternoon on .the , . . r i 1 r it. 1 iuiuiu lur u vucuuuii li ip u ,vuu- Icouver. J. O. Johns, manager of Kelly-. Douglas Co., left on last .evening's train for a business trip to Hazel-ton and other Interior points. Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Welch of Bella Bella will sail from there tonight on the Catala for Vancouver to attend the forthcoming :Brl-tish Columbia Conference of the United Church of Canada. James Adam, marine superintendent for the Union Oil Co., wiled bv the Catala thli after-1 noon on his return to Vancouver after having been here for the, past few days on company business. Harry Gordon-Cooper, who has been instructor of the local physical education and recreational' centre for the past year, sailed this afternoon on the Catala for Vancouver. Chief Justice Aulay -.Morrison, paying his first Visit to Prince Ru- Edward .Davidson sailed this af ternoon on the Catala for Bute-dale where he will Join tie ser-vIpp nf the Canadian Fishing Co. dlan Fish fa Cold .Storage Co. hero-,. Mr. Davidson now makes his home-in Victoria .but has been in town for the past month. j Miss Kathleen Lang and .Rev. G. G. yamanacka of the local Japan ese mission are on a trip to North Pacific and other Skeena River points and will return to the city KA1EN TRANSFER Red Gillis, l,""PPrie,or DRY WOOD COAL Furniture Moving and General Hauling Phone CO Sunderwood Studio Announces that their new equipment enables them to develop and print any size of Roll FUms at 4Qc All Work Guaranteed (Next Rupert Hotel) HolidayCama RIrs. Dunn Announces That Her SANGAN RIVER HOLIDAY CAMP Near Masselt, Q.C.I., is open for visitors, and advises early booking;. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 The Central Hotel KOOMS jmd OAKJi Phone CI for Best Household Coal MRS. C. BLACK REX BOWLING ALLEY Uasement of. Exchanjn Block PHONE 658 Judge W. E. Fisher left on last evening's train for Smithers to conduct a session of, County .Court. Novelty Dance! , Oddfellow's Hall, Friday, May 6. Saunders Serenad es. (100) Women's .Canadian Club, annuil meeting, Wednesday evening; 7:45, City .Hall, ejection of officers. (10?)' Tonight's train, dut from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to ,be running on time. E. O. Aves, deputy provincial as sessor and collector, returned to the city on the Catala today from a (trip to Alice Arm on official duties. Rev. T. C." '.Coidwell, United Church pastor at'Port Simpson was here aboard the Catala today going through to Vancouver to attend the annual British Columbia Con ference. this evening at the regular month ly dinner meeting of the Junior Section of the Prince Rupert Chamber of Commerce. BLACKHEADS nert in many years, Will COndUCtl BIackhds limply diitolT and disappear , , u c. I by thin on ilmpl. ttfe and ur nmhod. the Spring session Of the Supreme I Gt two eun of rrofne powder from ri i.ru.o v,o,o novt -ataoV TTi. anr drug nfore. aprinVIe it on a hot. wet it iiOkUiiVif av v " win address a Joint luncheon qf the Women's Canadian Club and Gyro Club on Wednesday. W. H. Tobey, CN.R. divisional superintendent, will be the speaker cloth, rub th fact gently - -evtry blackhead HI m eoim. Hmvc a Holly wood eompltxion. Annual Meeting ,P. R. Football Ass'n postponed from last Saturday to Ayednesday;8 p.m. .Canadian Legion jClubrooms. Election of of-, fleers. All interested in football Formerly foreman for the Cana-'Please attend. (103) I yatiqri A,rmy (or Northern British Columbia and Alaska, left on last evening's ;traln to isit tie corps at Kltselas and Hazelton In the course of a periodical'tour .through this district. Brigadier Carruthers visited Port .Simpson last Friday i.nlgh.t and .conducted well attended 'services In ,the .local Citadel both I morning and .e.yening Sunday as well ar- taking part in Sunday School in .the afternoon. I HOTEL ARRIVALS prince Runert ( ,V. Slater. ,ci. .HOSPITALS FOR CLYDE GLASGdw; May 3: (CP) With 500,000 ($2.5p5,000) from the Scot-tlsh.,c6mmlssloner for special areas Jn hand, pla.ns are ,underway for tiree iLnarkshlve hospitals at a; cost or ouuqo ip,ooL0), d.untemehts All -advertisements In this col-omn will be, charged for a full month Jit -25c vwprd. Presbyi'erlan Tea, Mrs. Lakie's, May ,6. United Sale, May a. A. Y. tP. A. Variety ntertaln- men,t. May p. ,St. JPeterfs iBazaar, ,May 10. Cambral Spinsters' Spree, May 131. Eastern Star May time Tea at Mrs. J. Jack's, Angus Apartments, May .17. Canadian Legion tTea May 18. May 20, C.Y.S. rahce.jOddfejlows. Gyro "Maytime" Dance, May 24. Hebfejkah Tea ,Mrs. jBert Morgan's' flay ,25. The Finest PIANO TUNING In the country can be yours, as done with the "Resonoscope" by G. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. Missionary Tea And Sale Monday Baptist Ladies Hold Affair at Home of Mrs. Jhumas Chrisloff i A successful tea was held yester-l day afternoon at the home of Mrs. Thomas Christbff, Fourth Avenue( East, by the Women's Missionary Society of First Baptist Church.! The guests were received- by Mrs. JVC. Qilker and the hostess was assisted by Mrs. Garfield Mckinley; who served, and Mrs. Mike Lemon In the kitchen. LIKE FIHE-WATEK ILFORD", England, May 3: (CP) ! Sun's rays on a water bottle on Judge David Davies' desk set 'fire to some papers on his desk and en livened the court until extinguished. WITH HIS OWN F.ETARD LEICESTER, England,. May 3:' (CP) "Well, as a bomb it was a success," stoutly remarked 17-year- pld Geoffrey Satchell of Leicester College, severely wounded by a self-developed explosive. CUsllEO FOR SALE FOR SALE Complete furnishings of six-room house, Including: chesterfield suite, sewing machine, electric range, etc. Excellent condition. L. H. Haworth, phone Green 325. (103) FOR BALE 20 h.p. 1 cylinder 4- cycle seml-dlesel Haines engine. Ideal for sawmill or boat Apply H. Erlckson, co Ed. Llpsett Ltd. (105) Hearing of charge ana counter-1 FOr SALE 10 h.p. gas engine. charge under tye :Mptor Vehicle pirst ciaSs condition. Snap for Act lnyolying John .Clausen anc casn Apply Hi Lund( Digby Is wiiiiam isacon is .proceeding Deiore land. (106) cn this evening's train. Mr. Yam-(divlslonal commander 0f the Sal anacka will leave Thursday night on the Prince Rupert for Vancou ver. Iaglstrate MQClymbtit in .city pol ice court this afternpqn. ;W.tO. Fulton is acting as counsel for Clausen and T. W. ;Br,own ,for iJacon. Brigadier Walter J. Carruthers. :EOR SALE OR KENT FOR SALE OR .RENT Comfortable .house at Seal .Cqye, four rooms, .kltqhenette, bathroom, shed and garage. .Good. deal. for steady ten ant. Phone Don Passmore, Green 510. (96) rrosf LOST Small pearl tie pin, two weeks ago, valued as an heirloom, finder return to Dally News, $5 reward. . (103) FOR KENT CLEAN, well-furnished modern apartments. Phone Red 44.4. (104) 'WANTED WANTED Room and board, single man. Box 20 Daily News. (103) PERSONAL MEN I BEWARE LOW VITALITY if easily exhausted. Try New OST-REX Tonic of raw oyster invigor-ators and other stimulants. Get vim, vigor, vitality. If not delighted maker refunds price, $1.25, Sold.by all good drug stores, .-tf HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE Light Delivery Wood Phone 580 For a Limited Time Only Walt Disney's SNOW WHITE Free! With Every Fifty Gents GAME TEK Tooth Brush (Adult Size) Walt Disney's "Snow White" is the grandest show In years. Everybody Is singing the songs everybody is talking about It everybody Is going to see it. EVERYBODY IS PLAYING THE GAME GET YOURS NOW Ormes Ltd. "31m Pioneer Drttqgists The tlernll Store Phones: SI & 82 Open Daily From S a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon 111) Z o.m, 7 p.m., till 9 pan- Time Marches On! Clean-Up Week Is Here Again Why Not Improve and Protect Your Property By Using Bapeo PAINT and SHINGOLEEN Ask Us For Color .Card and Take Arvantaffe of the Fine Days THOMPSON HARDWARE CO. Ltd. THIRD AVENUE II Phone" 101 Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches or Hors d'ocuvrq i iQn(Ulcliap;e Sercsvour People . , Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. ZarelU Proprltor -A IIOSIE AWAY FROM HOME" Rate 11.00 at SO Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince KurJrt, B,C. .rhone 281 P,0. Box J9 UNION Cheaper Feed Having: a surplus of Bulkley Valley wheat U is necessary to reduce our prices. Call up 58 or 558 and Save Money. Prince Rupert Feed Company STEAMSHIPS LTD Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancquver: T.SJS. CATALA SVERY TUES. T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, ,D AY, 1:38 pin. . 10:30 p.m. J)ue Vancouver, Thurrs. a.m. Due vVancouver, Monday A.M. If convenient please purchase tickets at offjee Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Atent, Third Ave. Phone 568 t. I 4 te. V,. i i 4 i