Paid In advance, per month A! By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and umiea jsiaies, yearly period, paid In advance By mall to all other countries, per year ADVERTISING RATES DAILY EDITION A New Telephone Number 456 Taxi AL. FRENCH With The Same Reliable Service $5.00 .12 .50 9.00 Classified advertising, per word, per insertion ,02 Friday, February 4, 1938. NOBODY'S BUSINESS . It is nobody's business what we do asjong as we keen within the law in doing jt. It is nobody's "business if we eat or drink too much as long: as we do not make'a nuisance of ourselves in public. We may eat the wrong kind ol food if ,we wish and send ourselves to an early grave and it is nobody's business but our own. We can refuse to walk, spending all our spare time in a car and thus become soft and useless. This is nobody's business but our own. We have a right to kill ourselves that way if we wish. For anyone to interfere woul'd be considered an impertinence. We can spend all our spare time listening to the radio reading trashy stories, refusing to do anything which might improve our minds, cause us to think or make of ourselves intelligent human beings worthy of a say in the government of the country. Yet this is nobody's business but our own. No one has a right to interfere or say that we must use our spare time to better advantage. We may even, if we like, stand on the street corners and join the litt e groups that loaf there and spit. As long as we do not make nuisances of ourselves, it is nobody's business. t Occasionally we find people trying to improve their neighbors. Such a thing occurred at Anyox some years ago. The management of the mine decided that men'must wash before entering the dining room. That was a hardship and was resented by many of the workers. This time it was somebody's business whereas the men felt it was nobody's business how thev ate their meals. Total We are not suggesting that these things shall be reg-l? ulated by the state or by anyone else. We We nave have a a right nVlir. if If me expense 01 tnose wno seem to be rich. It is nobody's business if they do this. Evidently they enjoy it for the same people keep on doing it for" years on end. We might go on all day writing of things that seem to be nobody's business. There seems to he nntn? no up can do about it except to start at the bottom and educate' the children to do things in some different way. The old- ' er people will carry on as they have been going unless some day they get shocked out of their complacency bv the doctor, the police or some other agency for saving the; remnant after the damage has been done. It seems to be! nobody's business if our lives are ruined ,or if we die pre-' maturely. 'SPOR PLAY IN (LEAFS BEAT BOWLING; CANADIENS with 1C2. Individual scores: North Star 1 2 McMeekln 126 171 Smith 148' 175. D. Wick - 114 145 B. Wick Ill 164 Young 139 197 Handicap 42 42 Total . 680 894 C. N.R.A. No. 2 12 Bond 151 114 Jurmain 121 144 Cameron 131 122 Wanamaker 117 146 Low Score Ill 145 Handicap 50 50 Total ,. C81 721 C.N.ILA. No. 1 1 2 Rutter 108 155 Laurie 85 148 Long 115 112 Franklyn 157 186 iPaul 148 155 3.00 J Handicap 87 we wish to sit and complain all day about how badly used the pool we are, how hard the world is and what should be done to clty or mane things better, especially for the ne'er-do-wells, at young ;oo 87 813 159 139 147 42 799 3 95 151 146 134 139 50 "15 3 The league standing for the sec ond half Is as follows: Printers 12 Rupert Motors 11 Electrical Workers 11 Gyro Club 7 Biological Station 5 North Star 5 C.NJI.A. No. 2 4 CNJI.A. No. 1 2 I to move Into a tie for third place ' in the International Division stand- Henri 3 ing with New York Americans who 1 'were losing six to one to Detroit! 150 154 Red Wings at New York. J Last night's scores: Canadiens 0, Toronto 3. Chicago 2, Montreal 4. Detroit 6, New York Americans 1 Won Lost Pts. smithers 3 12 4 11 4 11 Fonn A ; Work Is Finished Service. Clubs Will Hand Over to City Or Younger .Men men. 1 1 MHK M NATIONAL LEAGUE International Division W D L V A Pts Toronto 15 7 8 89 167 Canadiens 13 7 H 90 109 Americans .10 5 13 C6 98 Maroons 10 5 16 65 142 135 American Divismn 87 Boston 19 3 8 82 738 Rangers ,17 7 9 97 'Chicago 9 7 16 60 In deferred fixture, Electricians a Detroit 7 8 19 62 defeated Gyro Club three games to nil with scores as follows: 1 2 3 Electricians 735 804 773 Gyro Club 675 747 758 94 83 03 81 58 59 89 94 prdTurable '4$ J TfottlW mndi f imi ran twl Vr m , B)byt ' i (rnt A Su Utd. (rlifi)lfrli M M This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. 1 TRAVEL TO PR. GEORGE Hockey Players And Curlers Leave Today Davidson Wins Hanson Trophy 8 7 SMITHERS, Feb. 4: The rlr;: 7 5 skipped by Bob Davidson won the 10 5 11 4 10 2 Plans To Complete Morse Creek Pool Hanson Cup in the curling tournament at Smithers when it dr-l feated the Downey rink by a score! of 20 to 11. Other members of the winnlnv link were Sid Robinson. Bob El liott and Frank Newbury and they all threw winning rocks throughout the game. At no time was the putcome in doubt. With this particular tournament completed, preparations had been made at once to carry on with th "lucky Lager" bonsplcl and the At ths regular business luncheon first two games In this series were of the Prince Rupert Rotary Club played Wednesday evening. Th yesterday J. J. Little, chairman of Downey rink trounced the Wa'1 :he Morse Creek pool project, re rink to the tune of 21 to 5 whilr-ported that the committee con- Pete Eby ,came from a long way sisting of W. H Tobey of thi behind to nose out Bill Duff 10 Gyro Club and himself had de to 9. cided to put In fc ur more syphon? The weather Is Ideal for good I In the dam at a cost of $40, tn curling ice and the games wil! paint the buildings, put in a hand continue until this series-has been rail, fill the back of the dam and completed and new bonsplels will try to arrange for more stumps be bevn. be pulled. Then It was planned A rink of crulers left here this tVtrit tVia nr-rn-, wittnn UA rile. mnrnlnir ...I U V.n C!mlUAn T T 1. solved and the work of carrying on team ,to visit' Prince George ar.t' be left either with the enter the borispiel there, with an organization oi : . Re wis Rpnn tn fant. ad. Insist on "GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE" The Original For Sale at Vendors or direct from "Mail Order DeDt " Liquor Control Board, 847 Beatty Street, Vancouver. B.C. GRANTS SPORT CHAT Letourneau's Team IleaU Joe Scott's Charity Game Planned For Sunday Yesterday afternoon at Olivei Lake hockey teams captained b', Joe Ssott and Henri Letourneau staged a game, the latter wlnninR .by a score of 7 to 5, Referee was . . . '-F. E. Robertson. It was a keenly I p HnrlfAV StanflirKIQ Icontested affair and quite a few wwj b spectators were on hand in spite of a misunderstanding through which some had thought the game !was to be played at Morse Creek J Preparations are being made foi a cnaruy game 011 ouuuay ui Morse Creek, bringing together a number of old timers of the puck 25 game. A bee ofthose Interested will 25jbe held meantime for the purpose 01 geiiing me ice in gooa snape The Central Hotel ICOOMS and CAFK Phone 31 For Best Hou-sehold Coal MRS. C K. BLACK COULD HARDLY CLOSE HANDS Had Rheumatism and Neurit! "I tuSttti ieterely from RheumitiiiB ind Neiritit," write Mr. W. J. Tracy ! Taronl. "1 could hardly walk uDiUiri mr eUsa tnr hands. After Ukini Fruitatim feur dayi th awellinf left my hands and knees. I could climb stairs and ladder. I adi'ue any rtrion sufferinf as I did to take Fruil-a-tires. They (ir quick relief." Try this real fruit juke, herb and tonic prescription of a famous Canadian doctor. If you suffer, they mijht clear up your case too. 2Sc and 50c No substitute. At dmji'uU. FRUIT-ATIVES LIVE TABLETS REX BOWLING ALLEY Hasemrnt of Exchange Block PHONE C58 Hyde Transfer WOOD COAL TRANSFER Phone 580 315 SECOND AVE. Ketchikan Has Fine Skating Billy Townsend of Vancouver failed to last one round against Splendid 'black-haired Tony Canzonerl at I New York five years ago last night. The world's lightweight boxing 'champion tore into the Canadian and flattened him in 65 seconds. " I'. rat two THl DAILT NEWS Fi ,.v F I ni. "MnTF' SHOES Canada's Best Shoemakers j- You get extra wear and maximum comfort in every pair. Priced From $-f.00 7 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avnue H. F PULLEN - - - Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In Paid in advance, per week North Star and Electrical Workers Are Winners in Commercial League North Star defeated Canadian National Recreation Association tun o-nmoe tn nno in t h fAmmr Toronto Blanks Kunners-Up Mar oons and Americans Tied For Third Place Lou Ambers now holds the title. Elzear Rioux, French-Canadian I - v. ..-.i .! o t t Knvor urne f 1 n prf $1,000 and suspended indefintely by the Illinois State Athletic Commission for his "unsatisfactmy showin8 aSalnst m0 TORONTO, Feb. 4: CP'-Playlng Jrarn"a at the Maple Leaf Gardens here! eight years ago today. The Ca- last night. Toronto Maple Leafs'"1""1" -f. clal Bowling League last night, blanked Montreal Canadiens. their cau,as 11 Canadian National Recreation As- principal opponents for the leader- Delation No. i rolled its games but ship of the International Division play by Biological Station was de- of the National Hockey League, by. ferred. High average scorer was a score of three to nil. George Franklin of Canadian Na- At Montreal, the Maroons won' ' tional Recreation Association No. 1 4 to 2 over Chicago Black Hawks PUCK GAME IS STAGED Sheet of Ice at Ward's Cove Flood Lights Keinj Installed KETCHIKAN. Feb. 4: With Ideal conditions prevailing, fine skating Is being enjoyed on smooth ice at Ward' Cove here. Flood lights are being Installed to re place lanterns now being used. mm in ins Daily Nw QTrertLsenii Shirt Sale Here is an Opportunity to Save Real Money on Dress Shirts Made by Hathaway Correctly .styled Fast colored Prints and Broadcloths In both separate and attached (fused) collars Sizes U'z to 17. $ Each 2 for 1.45 2.75 Regular $2.00 and $2.50 Values Watts & Nickerson Phone 345 Men's and BojV Clothiers 50C T11IKD AVENlt USED CARS imth UHUSED?''w, SPECIAL 1936 ForddeLuxe Touring Sedan Looks and runs like new; only 3300 miles use; has new chains and larg.e defroster. This is priced for quick sale. 1933 Chevrolet Sedan. 1932 Chevrolet Coupe, rumblescat. 1930 Ford Tudor Sedan. 1930 Ford Light 1 WW VtnrA Trnrk. wtM covered bodv or dump body. THESE CARS ARE PRICED TO SELL S. E. Parker Ltd. Ford Dealers CAST TIUIU) THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS ... l your koinf tytxj dtj throiigb THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR An iMtrttathnal Vtitt linniUHr It rteort for pu,Un rM s titan, eonitruttlvc aolnc. Tb Moniwr not axploU rliua.or Mmation: .r.ullxr aun it lnra "1,m J.UiS!"f,0,irellv'." wtth . ftaturia tor taiwn ut all tl. Jamllr, In.Udln, iht Wnd, Maiasuia fctloB. Tha ChrUUan aVianca PubltihUic 8oclt Ont, Korm, trft, Boaton, MaiaachuittU a ptftoj"1?' " ,,",,r,)t,,, u Tb Chrlatlan (cknta Monitor for 1 lur.M U a .ik. Wtduaidar Uuuli( ilaiaslne fcctl I month tic ; 1 tt at 12 .10. a isii AVE.MM L