Friday. February 4. 1038. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. J P- Cade sa,lpa Jasi mm on the Prince George for a trip to Vancouver. Mr and Mrs. Louis Pustek sail-ed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver. j K. Gordon arrived in the city from Terrace on last night's train and sailed on the Prince George Seattle and Portland. for a trip to Dominion- Constable A. J. Wati-kinson returned to the city on last night's train from a trip to Terrace on official duties. John Harris is painfully 111 at his home now with rheumatic, which came as a complication following measles. Mrs Don Stewart and two. children Ronald and Dorreen, sailed last night on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to Pentic-ton to which point Constable Stewart having been transferred in the provincial police, will soon be leaving. Mrs. Stewart also had In hef charge Mrs. Wlona Penny who will serve six months at Okalla Prison for contributing to Juvenile delinquency. Two new members Miss Crox-ford and Mrs. W. J. Lineham were Initiated at a meeting of the Women's Auxiliary of the Cana dian Legion last night. There was a rood attendance at the meeting v-i'.h the president, Mrs. R. T. Anderson. In the chair. It was de cided to hold a bridge party 'ti the near future and the annual b-nqUet celebrating the fifth birthday of the Auxiliary, on Mnrch 15 IS MOVED TO SOUTH Sergeant J. II. McClinton Appointed to Take Charge of Vancouver District of Provincial Police Transfers in the provincial po lice service announced today In elude that of Serceant J. H. Mc Clinton In charge of Prince Rupert district to Vancouver in a similar capacity Sergeant McClinton has been located In Prince Rupert for several years, first as divisional clerk and later as sereeant in charge of the district. Departure of himself and Mrs. McClinton will be regretted by many friends. Sergeant McCUnton's successor here wlll be Sergeant E. Gammon, af present In charge of Prince George district. Sergeant Gammon will come to Prince Rupert as no stranger as he was located here previously years ago. Another change affecting the provincial police In the north Is the creation of a separate sub-division with headquarters at Prince George. Sub-Inspector J. H. Johnson, now In Vancouver, will take charge oi the new Prince George subdivision. Up to the present Prince George har been a part of Prince Rupert division. BAPTIST SUPPER F. A. MacCallurn Principal Speaker at Enjoyable .Congregational Function Last Night With T. A. MorCallum. mvKlriant. of the Prince Rupert Chamber of I uuiuicitc, Aia aJi;ua,ci ui uic even ing, an enjoyable congregational EUDDcr was held last nieht In the parlors of First .Baptist Church. The tables which had been prepared were completely occupied. There was an excellent supper after which an acceptable program was pre-J sented. II. M, Daggett occupied the chair. Rev. E. E, Brandt, pastor of the church, nronnunced the blessine. Immediately after the supper, there was community singing under lead ership of P. H. Llnzey. Then the Misses Alleen and Phyllis Hamblln and Edith Johnstone gave an In strumental trio followed by a vocal olo by Mrs. Garfield McKlnley. p. H. Llnzey gave a humorous reci tation and Rev. .E. E. Brandt sang a solo. In his talk.- P. A. MacCallurn stressed the value of 'ipeople getting together In all walks of life, not only in the churches but in the community as a whole. Only by cettlnc tocether could results be ob tained. The world today had a great call on the Christian church to combat the evils all round, said Mr. MacCallurn. Speaking of Interna tional affairs, the speaker expressed the belief that preparedness was the greatest preventative for war. Like in a city, an adequate police force, with the power and authority I to enforce law and order, seemed Hotel Arrivals Savoy A Reid and D. A, Johnson. Port Simpson; Mrs. J. R. Brown, Povt Esslngton. Royal Jack Hanson and Don Stewart, city; J. C. Carpenter, C-NJt. Prince Rupert ; Dan O'Rourke. Calgary; S. J. ' Sloan, Vancouver; p. Drummond, Rcmo. ; I Central Bert Ferguson, Port Edward; L. t wnnrfs nnd R. McLean. ON JR.; Miss E Woods and O, uuni, Prince Rupert. LINEN TEX SHEETING Grass blenched linen tex sheeting. No finer quality mode. 72 Inches wide. Handles and wears like an Irish linen. Reg. price $1.00 yd. 'Jtjji Dollar Day, yard English Half Hlcachcd Sheeting Will bleach white after a few washings. 72 inches wide. Nothing better for hard wear. 45C Dollar Day price, yard Twilled Plannclettc Sheeting Buy your flannelette sheets by the yard and get the desired size required. 72 Inches wide, made in England. Beautifully soft and warm, "aJ?n" teed to wear. 59C I ii a i i i P377TT777J ran FOR BAD BREATH. SMOKER S THROAT BUCKLEY'S THROAT AIDS. lOe DADS-SONS IN BANQUET i Annual Affair of Boys Groups First United Church The program was brought Mrs. G good recovery- Dollar Day price, yarri " TOT TttTT.V WTPWW PACJE TIIRFa of BRITISH UNITED PRESS GOES TO VANCOUVER SUN .World-Wide News Serviee Added to Facilities Of Big Daily A noteable addition to the news-gathering facilities of Vancouver's big afternoon dally Is announced ' by Geo. F. Davey, agent in Prince Rupert for The Vancouver Sun. i Beginning Tuesday. February 1. states Mr. Davey, The Vancouver to a , close with a fitting candlelight ceremony led by Wilf Hicks. Peter Lorenzen, who has been spending some weeks in Vancouver .nMAitfinr wioHlnnl frnt.mpnt. rp I ICVCilMlB livuiv-i ! turned to the city from the south on the Princess Adelaide this BLACKHEADS ninrkheiuli aimply dissolve and disappear br thl una simple. fe and mi nwllind. C'rft twa ounc- of iwroilne iwwdei from any dra' -lore. i'lnk ii on a hot. wrt doth, rub the fai-e -ctil; evrry lilwkheiul lll I none Have - Hollywood omule Mon Sun presents the full dally cable and teleeraDh service in . . tne Present news coverage provided tt u a The social parlor of First United fay The Sun whlch wW continue to Church Church was was the the scene scene last last night nlgni oi of nnnnAnn Canadian and and British British news news the annual Father and Son banquet m h lhe Canadian of the boys groups oi mat. cum tn. A Goodly repast wag served by members of the. Ladles Aid. Rev. J. C. Jackson acted as chair man and spoke briefly In an ap preciative manner of the work De- lnir rirmp amAne the bOVS Of the Church. Community singing was led by Wilfrid Hicks with Dr. R. G. Large irge at at the the piano. piano. The subject for debate was: "Resolved, that Boys' Parliament Is to to be needed needed in m the tne world. worm. Mr. wir. Mac- aiao-1 he M .os JtaFof . Hp- Conference Tu Press, and world news through Can adian Press through the vast re-' porting network of the famous Associated Press. In addition to fully staffed news I bureaus in all the world's national capitals, British United Press maintains special correspondents -in 1 snme hundreds of smaller cities. Throuen strategically located reg Ken Harding Introduced tne ae-,ional offices happenings m bate for the evening, by comment-, the fartnest Corners of the world lng on boys' work In the province reiayed by cable, telegraph and and Boys' Parliament In particular. wirdess t0 newspapers in all coun-He announced that Harry Ratcllf fe ' tJ.ieg had recently been appointed as( London Headquarters Doys worK secretary ior uic j . j ! Twenty -Five V k i ears ago .j j February 4, 1913 i Easter Sunday falls this year on March 23, the earliest date In over fifty years. It will be one hundred 1 years before it comes so early again. Mrs. W. E. Burritt and little daughter, Florrie, have left for an extended visit to southern coast cities. J. M. Clancy, manager of the branch of the Bank of Montreal, British will leave this week on a business United Press, with headquarters in! trip to Winnipeg. H. B, Cambie, London and correspondents in all parts of the world. Wide Coverage This. It Is stated, Is an addition to accountant, van ue atmis iiino6-. during his absence. ITCH MINUTE . . . . . . STOPPED IN A Are you tnrmenifd with tli itchin, torturrt of rcirraa. rh. atfilcu'i loot, t ruptipM, or oUwr kin afflirtiani? For quick and hawy frlijl. uie eiiohnt, ant:iapt ie. liquid D. D. a. Praacrlptlan. In g'ntle mil aunt be tlie Irritated akin Clear. greaelea and ttamleM--driei fast. St. .pa turnout interne itching Inauntly. A iSr trial Ixittle. at drug au.rei provea it or umoey back. u Announcements AU advertisements In this col-amn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Women's Hospital Auxiliary Ball, ; . . . London is European neaaquaners February 4. e T)-t V, T Tn ! t i.rl TJrocc MM f n o I UlUiLaiL W.Ui.M .VOfcJ, large staff under Webb Miller, Gen-( United Missionary Tea, Febru-eral European News Manager, and . ary 8. WiVn me umuau ouicau, muwii nallum nald tribute to the former ' resentative clears general European news to Ridley Home Sale,, February 10. pastor of' the Baptist Church, Rev. GrouPs in the Prov nee oi unusn, Canada and Unlted states under Dr F W Dafoe and predicted a Columbia." The affirmative wai tne direction of Clifford L. Day. In! Valentine Cabaret. Benefit Boys mccessful future for the church taken by Maurice Davey and Jack daUy news gtmtet cabled from.Band, February 11. under the leadership of Mr. Brandt. Davls whlle their ppPnenH, W!re , London the signature that will most Ned Tobey and Fred Soles The de- be b Cambral Valentine Dance. Feb-work Tne mportanceof young people's u een Vanc0UVerj r ws st5d by Mr MacCal- cWcm of the Judges. Arthur But-Bun rcaders will be that of R. rjjruary 14. . ton and Robert Irvine, was unanl-1 McMillan eoverine ,ror,nrr news nf of the h. Bri Rri." 1 mnnslv In favor of the affirmative. ...u tish t.,. Ti r f : . Masonic Masonic Ball. Thursday. Feb- Isles. . . 111. . 1 V. Hr-A -j - i i i.Mr.v '! - ' The general commiufe hi cuu.kc ,..k, Tran Raneers. un- of the supper consisted of Mrs. Nor-' der tne dlrecUon of Wilf Hicks and man Fraser. convenor. Mrs. P. H. with the assistance of George Dav- .. r v. nmnrtt mIkk Kav i ev. nresented a short play. "One wocr,n p TT.-I.hi7.ev and- H. wi.i M.!" olrH' t" Specially Interesting to all who ruary 17. give consideration to the evil of T. propaganda and official and unil-i February 17 and 18 "One Delir t u h. fnnt.'lous Nlcht" United Church. whirh Illustrated well ti.j i. - "-. mai oriusn uiuicu hcm u iwi i- i ,i . v. r-.r v,o hrt.-c' nrnm-nm ...... t)l o whrnnrv l naooff Rprvlteurs" were Mrs. G. i J'"1-1"" " " ; filiated or connected witn any gov-. v" " ' ... Maicoim wiiaingproposeaa vuicuiiernmnta or . Eeml-officIal news Berg, Miss M. Armstrong, Miss e thanlfS Mr. Jackson and the ! ln thp world. . ,BUP" men' C.N Nancy Bremner. Miss Betty Brem-ncr and Mlrs A. Petersen. Church board and to the ladies for , evervwnere are the source of all 4- ltbr!r n5!! British United Prees dispatches. The addition of British United Press to the services already pro- , vlded Elves The Sun, It Is stated, , , news coverage hot excelled by any a. Aiunro. ionui.v ui , .. in rnnnr1fl nnt1 mc,ne this city, recently underwent an operation In Vancouver, where she now resides, and. according tc. word received here, has made a the most complete In the wor.d. Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The nouse Is Warm The Service Friendly The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL R. Brasell FLANNELETTE SHEETS 200 only flannelette sheets. Full size. Extra good wearing quality. Q4 AA Dollar Day, each ?AVV Half Uleached Cotton Sheets 200 only half bleached cotton sheets. Extra heavy heavy quality. Full tize. C4 Aj vv Dollar Day. each ?.. Check Tea or Glass Towels Good size llnen-flnlshed glass or tea towels. Size 20x30. Blue and Red checks. C Hft Dollar Day, 8 towels for Vxv v DRAPERY HOMESPUN Imported drapery homespun. 48 Inches wide, fast colors, assorted designs Dollar Day, 2 yards for $1.00 N. M. Brasell R. A. Annual Dance. March Orange Spring Sale March 25. CUIPD FOR SALE FOR SALE House and furniture including piano, radio, etc. Apply 625 8th Avenue East. (45) 50 Piece Layettes, complete for baby. $25 up prepaid. Also Shop-1 ping Service, charge 20Vo. P. J. Box 381, Victoria, B.C. (2ii FOR SALE Household furniture i Including teawagon, sewlna I machine, dishes. 945 Borden Street Phone 354. 33t FRASER & PAYNE'S DOLLAR DAY HOMESPUN BEDSPREADS Something new! Made ln England, assorted col orings, absolutely fast. A very practical spicou for hard wear. QC) OC Size Size 72x00 auufj on v inn DRAPERY HOMESPUN Imported drapery homespun, 48 Inches wide, fast .colors, extra heavy weight, new BQC designs. Dollar Day, Yard Nottingham Net Curtains Made up and finished ready to hang Cream or ecru shade. Finished 2H yards long. fi- AA A'UU Dollar Day. pair WINDOW SHADES Cream or Green mounted on good quality spring roller. Size 3'x6. Cut to fit charges free. QQt Dollar Day, each Cotton Filled Comforters Full size assorted chintz coverings. Will stand any amount of hard wear. CO 00 V .Dollar Day. each. BEE OUK WINHOWS .FRIDAY DISPLAYING VARIOUS .OTHER ITEMS ON RALE CANDY SPECIALS For The Week-End Friday and Saturday Only Orange and Lemon Slices Royal Seal Orange and Lemon Slices. The , pick of the party. Bulk, per pound i 25c Chocolate Buds Cadbury's Dairy Milk Chocolate Bude. The real Milk Chocolate. Per pound " : Fruit Sweets Juicy Fruit Cello Sweets. Individually cello ; wrapped. Per pound 25c Ofincs Ltd. tte Pioneer Drtu&ists The .leinll Store Phones: 81 & 82 Open Daily From 8 a.m. til! 10 p.m. Sundays aid Holidays From 12 noon till 2 p.m, 7 D.m. till 9 p.m. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE February Furni ture Sale 350 Square Yards Linoleum Made by Barry and Staines. With burlap back, excellent 72C quality. At, square yard Phone T!5 FROM PORT SIMPSON $32.00 $35.35 327 THIRD AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS SPECIAL WINTER EXCURSION RATES TO VANCOUVER FROM PRINCE RUPERT RETURN. All meals and RETURN. Berth Included. Reduced Rates to Vancouver also apply from Intermediate points. Special Tickets on Sale Between November 1st, 1937 and February 28th, 1938, inclusive Good to Return up to March 31, 1938. Children Half Fare. Steamers: Leave Prince Rupert: Ar. Vancouver S.S. CATALA Tuesday, 1:30 p,m. Thursday, a.m. S.S. CARDENA Friday, 9:00 p.m. Sun., Midnight Tickets and Reservations from Prince Rupert Agent A. W. NEWMAN Third Ave., Thone 5C8 If Convenient Please Purchase Tickets at Office SATURDAY TUSCAN, CURTAIN NETS Assorted pat&rns In Nottingham tuscan nets. Curtain nets you don't .have to iron QQ after washing. Dollar Day, 3 yds for vxvu READY MADE CURTAINS Tuscan nets. All finished ready to hang. Standard size. The most durable curtain ffl-fl Off made. TV,!1, TV,,, rtr v TABLE NAPKINS Damask table napkins. Assorted AA patterns, good size. 10 for t?X.UU TURKISH TOWELS Run of the mill and odd patterns. White colored and lacquered .In three, groups 0R04ULL: 3i.oo OR03uforn:: $1.00 OR02ufpornl- $1.00 GROUP IV $1 0.U 5 towel for ,. i l 1 ft.;