PAGE TWO- THE DAILY XEWSi iTTTODAY'5 stocks Thi CLOSING STOCKI I SPORT QUOTATIONS CLARIDGE New Trfc Jburieu Cut 99 STAMFORD Csisdnn Pacific MANY ARE Amrcoai SHOE ENROLLED IS WINNER. Generzl. Gt&erxh Meters Electric - 4J For Style UMt Dsrafcflttjr this fine of lira's Oxherds are tfce tops aiua priced ii 9tr styles t tJotr Irtnc axwJlertry eee-awiaaer pitted at I $5.50 6.00 F ADVTimSl.HG RTA. Claa2 adTertlttng; perTrorxJ, per nuerton local readetr; per line, per tmertio Neirt Departneil IciepMer AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. nuscic hvfw.t - kkiiish Columbia Ps&Ssneer Every AJlernaca, Except Stznday, by Prince' Rupert' Dairy New. Limited; Third Arsone Bl F PULTZJt Mar, a grng-Editor b't'K&CHirTION' KATLM C2y tlelrery, bycarrkx. ytarry yuftjx, paid in adrate paiS'lc adrasee, per vtri Paid la adranee, per zsosth By, ca3 to all part of Entiih CrfcciHa. the- Bntlsb Empire and United SUtec, ytvly period, paid la odT&cce Bycall xa all rthKJ cose. per year Adttrtbinc and UicsUUva Telepbone MetabeTftt Audit ftsrua t nrmJtinj daily romoK GOOD COMES FROM WAR . At leajft a small amount of eood comes from war T ! fViflnrl U,s. ....... .. t t l . . Ow Three- Hundred ChlUen Benefitting Frt Gyr i-r. the gyrsnaHEm building. There . tcr be- no goag. o seconds, or third bat it wUl serve only as an evening of entertainment lor Tike Pruire Kairt OUAV Till After G melius f Cate-' MtUj l C. J. Srriitftw- the children provided by there-: . ,T Big Bill TLtfca Tis rtinruted practiced on the groands renciag, Jmnptng. soitbaH throv, hop step and jump, chinning and posh-ops. This ill be practiced as last year Kith a record kept of each indiri- t "1C,C ireeuora irom Slugs in tne neigh- lAZTn fdoubleheader jain borhoorl afrjpru-awla A'amai fnffl.JtJi.. T. il Monday seal cove vs. Aeropoiis. 0, National' v-4-.i " i , , caiineu -nlor bays. t, neat is t being mixed with bran and used as bait for slugs' Wednesday- westview and is very effective. So it is plain that war affects our nr gw. supply or slugs m Prince Rupert. PULP COMPETITION . The exhibit seen in the car brought here by the Mis-j" 2"SISJ fflMfppi tour party at the week end indicates that tUa danger of competition m pulp to be expected from the Southern United States may not be so great as has been DUTY ON HALIBUT halibut entering the States will be removed altogether. At present, the fish are all caught in the same waters, sold at the same port, shipped over the same railway but the Canadian-fisherman gets a cent a pound less than the American Because of the one cent duty charge on it. This duty is a source of constant irritation and, if it can Be removed; it would be found that Canadians would be much more inclined to co-operate with the United States in other matters. Mfa i THE CONSOLIDATED MINING & SMELTING COMPANY OK CANADA, LIMITED' TRAIL BRITISH COLUMBIA j Manufacturers of Elephant Brand Chemical Fcrtilizeri t Ammonium' Hiosphates; Sulphatfe1 of Ammonia Superphbs- j j phatta, Complete-Fertilisers Producers & Refiners of Tadanac Brand Metals Gold, Silver, Electrolytic Lead, Zinc, Cadmium, Bismuth. vs. Acro- Wednesday Seal Cove vs. NOTED SWIMMER tflES Me- Clj-mont, senior boys. The Softball games are to be played' at the Gyro Ball ParJC The "una win suivive ami mere win also Dei SYDNEY, Aust., July 25: (CP) room for a large mill at Prince Rupert. Exhibits on the Richard Dkk"i caviu, 54. first car showed twelve years growth of the southern pine It swlmmtr 10 covcr m yards in less does not seem to be much greater than the growth of Some "X rm' S ' un of. the British Columbia timler. Much of the pulp manuJ;?0mcaTv?r8,ISh factured'in that state is used for manufacture of building) material such as insulating board and kitchen and bath-j TO0K wiioxa- cub room, finishes. There will not be much for us to-worry about? in-the wiy of southern competition. The use oJSy petkgtov En. paper products is increasing every day. .radio announcer's "yes" for a call from his batting partner, a Wey- ' mouth cricketer was run out when he bolted down the pitch after Now that there is in preparation a new trade treaty pM"' tne tal1' HLr poaiw the United States it is to be honed that the diitv on ner stood 8tul t J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bidr: JANT act NMIo of InlMitlon ti apply to Irut1 i In Range 8. OobiA District, Laq4 B, ooocjlm? district tA Prince Burnt,' fetid I '.situate on n rf !off Aranzoeu Point be ' 1 fl (7 . nnlnt. nn 4la iIj ff 7.V.. . TJc- not4c that Frank Wtmui of I ' Prince Rupert, B.C occupation miner, intend to apply for n lecuie of the fol 1owht dcflcrtbed land and foreshore: j AU oft Uic rf tiff Aranzaeu Point ' odnsnenclng at a punt planted on hlh gniHy,puln on tittr toMti 1J :of.thrmf. heno 1800 feet' north eaxt;' , thence 1500 feet north went; ttietic iow lent-souui weat; 0nc 1500 fee, i kuUi east, to point uf ' begUudng; and oontlnilng thirty-five acres, mere or less. I FRANK WATRHlAN- Oat4 Jun Itett, 1838. I today by the United Slates La-mi Tennis- AuoruHon alter French tennis orfUlals p!raded vith the AisrrJcarr azshasadftr. HK had al legedly Tiolated a.Tiateor roles.' TODAY'S SCORES-Cleveland.1 0-3; Boston, 40. SC.VDAV SCORES American League Chicago. 0-8: New York, 2-3: . Detroit; 7-7; Philadelphia, 6-3. St. Louis, 4-1; Washington, 2-lU Cleveland - Boston postponed League Philadelphia, 5-5; ClnclnnaU, 7-1 New York. 4; Chicago, 5. Boston, 4-2; Pittsburg. 5-4. Brooklyn, 4-3; St. Louis, 5-2. SATUURDArS SCORES National-League New York, 4-1: Chicago. 7-3. Boston, 4; Pittsburgh, 2. Brooklyn, 4( St. Louis, 3 Philadelphia, 9; Cincinnati. 10. American League Chicago New York, doutlehead- account of rain. SILtf STOCKING REVOLT I BIRMINGHAM; July 25: Cp - ! The younger girls of this English manufacturing centre refusing Job. In a metal factory because they o'f Jected to having their silk stock Ings and suede shoes splashed, tl-.-flrm sent buses 20 miles to get od ' ae pensioners to do the work. THE SEAL."' QUALITY GOILD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed) by the' only nlmoo canning company with uiall) the year round payroll in Prince Rupert & Stee a SstJdng t Sheep Creek I B. C Nickel Big Mlwrttrt BraJorce t Paris ai of the United a Ei-nber Axtec Has Daring wek also physical SULes Darts Cap team 10 years ago Caribao GoW efficiency tests for boys will be Dentcda GoSoonda Falrriev Koble Fire daals daily prtress and. at the f0!!,00 -n? round. 0rril nui of th -nn Ih fntar. ' 1 "vc" x-acus-e Rooter 5X0 ! .bJond; ite a sUr last Gr2TdTiev the Gyro boat and twenty-six of nw th Mf rinr t bT reaching the semi-finals mdlan Indlan .25 m In the Ontario v"w Women's nuaic.ia irau Golf cham- . Royaate United Vukan A. P. Con. I Calmont . C. ti E. MeotreaT The twal irflcratDj at tfcrfH In a grueta? tint- hftjx een-f Gyrs, parks 16 date ts SCacd; dftr- tt. W L. Stir&Iard k fOed! C i azUUn : iCg the pit week, the loUl attend- Norringtoa TtsUrday 5-7. 4 Canadian Car . anee fiiares at the four f rounds 6-4 .6-2, 6-4 to vmhexnetfs stlLYKsirJia Bridge snrtitfe Htm O-JI -K,t flf lis Prinr Pt.rvrt Irani rmK ' iluQiTfil PO" -J to i27 championship Uirrxsiit. For the coming week an amleor hoar i pUnned tor Friday erenin SPORT CHAT Hedley Mascot' Nieofi Vxnemnetf ground physical efHeieney champ- 1, u Cocbe P . tllA Jt nine ton rtfl be determined. a pj -JWrflhWsftpteali i Cla are still being hrfd at Mc- Reeres McDonald tCtymont Park lor children Tsbo lsh . , . . Reno Scnoo! oat and that to karn s1mmiEg. The classes mr means Rdier Arlington' ieonmenee at 2:W pm. instead at WJte tpu-M Xuj ReTard U r. Ja Fisher of Toronto to Lmsn op caimoi RoSd' : Fridays. Also on the same days at:" -making that already has Hedley Amalgamated US? 2:38 shimming and life saying 111 fcrr of Ontarios pj Border "ibe held at Morse Creek, rain or OTien golft" aJoog) SHbak Premier -ithtne. "P" in onry a nancim oi L On Sanday fUty-three child- congress ren travelled to the Salt Lakes in ."T1" . rut- f1. a xiUiiJ Hone Oo!d tk future th tran-mortatiftn Lr cuaiu-' QnatJttria Conner . fh& She lost the lakes s1B be only for those- who PP try. HaWa GoM are to be enrolled in the Mfe sar- ftnUul H-; oooaernam oi iTronio. ine ixjt-' inreSass: Tv. o, m g1- celebrated her dx-' salt ball and basketball hare been blrlhda?. raonlh- . Dalhousie played off with Acropohs in the "p. gaa five yen zro KooUnay Belle Monday, Jaly 25. 1938. .lead for soft ball and Westriev thl. at Ottawa. ahead in the basketball portion year ' The fonowing leagse games are to ,'be pJayed off this week: SeftbalL instances have recently come to notice. One is that tearl Monday- west view vs. Msciy gas in valuable as a weed killer, it haviner been noticed1 in njont' SCTUor war mac wnere tear gas was used weeds disappeared1 The ' iuesaay- '1C0i)TC0i:i TS- we51" Jr;' i& C m, n 'h-A . West ing greens or putting greens. The second is that canned view, senior boys. heat attracts and kills slugs. It is said that, when soldiers ' Thursday westview v& Mcciy- had bivouacked and used canned heat for cookintr it was!roont' intermediate boys. BasketbalLI Baseball Scores one Freebold Ilargal McDougaH' Segiuv Mercury Okalta Hbme Oil ... Dome Eldorado Tbrontait -I Hudton Bay.. .'. Parmonr j. j .International' Petroleum' I Seattle viuiiai akiAv.i4 ' Gods Lake iLlttle Long Lae !McKenzle Red' Lake tr; St. Louls-Washlngton, Detroit , vi A -Philadelphia, doubleheadtr. and . !f jrro San ntonW ruvi.,r r, n J u.ii.juiiu Oil MMillU UI1, ! Sherrlt Gordon HYDE 12 ui inn . JW J4 irr saV 55 157 47.40 s .19' 34 2X0 .15 -17 MM 3225 28 30 .GO 425i tHTlimhlti 7 m impeTial'On' W 26U0 120' 2.70 55. 3.60 122" .12 4.00 126 1.47 Transfer 315 SECOND' AVE; FURNITURE MOVING Cartage; Light Delivery' Coal Wood Phone 580 Today's Weather . . T. & Terrace Clear, calm, temperature. 72. Aiyansh Clear, calm. 69. Alice Arm Clear, calm, t&i Anyox Clear, calm, CO. Stewart Clear, calm. 58. lIazeton Clear, calm. C7. Smlthers Clear, calm. 63. Burns Lake Clear, calm, 59 Try. a Daily new. cr&ssitied ad vertlsement for best resul'i. Monday J a Tb. dally oe of WritJer' Cf drlIi up Uo brfprd iour hrHh. bXtool tt4ul ftarors. Keep PcVe to ttuTVet or pore Jut for that tired cbOdrra love it. 2S7 . Smelters Gftld SH UtLwd' Cockshott J03i Oklend - JOB Moslier JB3 Madien Red Lake 230 stadacona 2.S(i Francoeur JOS UDHeta Porcupine 232 Thompson Cadillac 41 Bankfield .4 EatfMabrUc .15 ' Preston E, Dome J034 Jlbtdiivm Lake -IS . Dawson White jM Aldmnacr 01a Kerr Addison ... L95 gochi-OOld .... JH'l ihternatlonal Nickel 01 .Voranda - 08i con.' Smelters- J0UiAthona .t.... Hardrock- Barber Larder Mandr Rand Makirtle D5v. Mr and Mrs J J UV, und Jr. 3.W 21 19 35 .63 .42 1.90 2.10 57. 1.SS 2,12 52J0 i art; return ea to tne t. on Pftncess Alice- tnis mcr.ixz free trrp to Vancouver Mr. and Mrs. J Bock&n : Rtetrart; who have bee;, an i ir onth. were passengers abr.ird: north from Vancotrter ALM! OF IB.OWH lUmatlona Council :f Wen- f)n1, jclored Mrs. C E Nlrta diicuc peace oeiurc uie omas i fll.50 j""13 .08' 2.7 '2S .40-- rlcan branch. SHE SUGIIT AND WOtXJ leader. . - i I r I J J Vfll MM I WMIJ f. . . . , . . luora Mayor kt. irum - aju chain at a aU Her reran five shillings pocket tr-.Bll bank book with 5 5 credit. OIRIi GIUDES HIGH IT ADELBODEX. July - GiH Ouldes' delesatr fs countries meeting ?i-J world conference he. J ... .... mountain chalet presr .J ' " organlzataion six yea: f Mrs. James Storrow a.: Ast PREVENT Better Safe Than Sorry FOREST Ever Your Benefactor FIRES It's Up To You B. C. FOREST SERVICE When. You Need PAINT . For Your Rat or H6ue Buy ; ANTIMO WHITE If- Goes FurtherLasts Longer Stays Whilr . Mde only by the Canadian Industrie UdAccept no Sublw Sold' Only By Silve rsides Bros. Paints, Stains, Wallpaper. Glass, Muresco-All at Lo Possible iTIces,