1 1 PAGE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Lawn Mowers COMEDIES FEATURED Entertaining Double Bill Program At Capitol Theatre At First Of Week A bright British comedy romance "Storm in a Teacup" comes as the feature offering to the screen of the Capitol Theatre here at the first of this week. Based on a Scot- j tish satire and introducing a new romantic pair in the persons of Vivien Leigh and Rex Harrison, there is fast and furious fun, cul minating in an hilarious climax where a crowd of mischievous dogs of all shapes, sizes and breeds take part in a novel sequence. Miss Leigh plays the part of the pretty daughter of an egotistical provost while M Be sure and see our stock before buyin a lawn mower. SeTeral different models of Canadian ball bearing lawn mowers carried in stock. Frices ranje from $9.00 UP META SLUG KILLER Attracts slugs and snails from all parts of the garden Offn and kills them. Per packet UtC GORDON'S HARDWARE PHONE 311 McBRIDE ST. Harrison is a humanitarian newspaper reporter who jabs his pen into a hornet's nest. The cause of all the trouble Is a small dog whose mistress has not the wherewithal to pay his licence. The whole town and almost the whole nation become Interested In the case. A love masquerade, with Maureen O'Sullivan and Dennis CKeefe, forms a constant source of comedy, trials and tribulations in "Hold That Kiss," a laugh-filled drama of smart society, which Is the other end of the first of the week double bill. Mickey Rooney, George Barp bier, Jessie Ralph, Frank Albertsoh and Edward S. Brophy are other important members of the cast. PRESTON, Eng., July 25: (CP)-r Jimmy Walsh, Chester, British lightweight champion, knocked out Jim Cameron, Glasgow, In 80 seconds In a scheduled 10-round boui here. 'jfj Warwick BOX CAMERAS (Made in England) Takes Pictures size 3 1-4 by 2 1-4. Price $ 2 Ormes ltd. Ztfie Pioneer Druqg fats The iUU Store Fhonet: 11 ft 0 Open Dally From ft t.m. till II p.m. Sundays tad Holiday! From 12 noon till I' e.m, 7 p.m. till I pjn. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE All Felt Mattresses Phone 775 Sizes 4.6 4.C and 3.3 EACH $7.50 327 THIRD AVENUE UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIDAY, DAY, 1:30 p.m. 10:30 p.m. Due Vancouver, Thurs, a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday a.m. If Convenient, Please Purchase Tickets at Office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From A. W. NEWMAN, Prjnce Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Phone 568 U7UIET7I ETC I J TV 1111 1 LiLj 1 u j From The Waterfront ! 31. M. Stephens Back in Port Capt. Friffiths Here With Sueja Many Tourist Boats Inv M. M. Stephens did not suffer any serious physical Injury In the recent Incident when he lost the I work boat Annie McKay in Hecate Straits after the vessel broke down After having spent a few days off Banks Island In the hope that salvage of the Annie McKay might have been effected, Mr. Stephens returned to port last week with his other boat. Vera S. Frye, which picked him up after it had become With 227 passengers, consisting largely of round trip tourists returning south, C. P. R. steamer Princess- Charlotte, Capt. William Palmer, was In port from 3:30 to 5 o'clock Saturday afternoon bound from Skagway to Vancouver. Only one passenger disembarked here. The tourists Included the Buchan an Boys party of Detroit returning south after making the round trip to Skagway. Making his annual cruise to Al aska aboard his well known yacht Sueja III, Capt. James Griffiths of Seattle arrived in port at 6:30 Saturday night, leaving this morning for Stewart. After Stewart, Ketchi kan and Petersburg in Alaska will be visited. Capt. Griffiths' party Includes Mrs. Griffiths; Capt. A. J. Hailey, former commander of the transpacific liner Empress of Canada, and Mrs. Hailey and daughter, Miss Daphne Hailey, and Mr. and Mrs. Stanley of San Diego. The Sueja III tied up during her stay here at the floats of the Armour Salvage Co. With a capacity list of 323 pas sengers on board, C. N. U. steamer Prince Robert.. Capt. H. E. Nedden arrived In port at 10:30 vesterdav nornlng from Skagway, Sitka and 'ther Alaska points and sailed at p.m. for Vancouver. C. N. R. steamer Prince John, Capt. David Birss, is now on her way back to Vancouver after a freishtlng voyage north as far as Shannon Bay cannery in Massett Inlet. Prince Rupert was not the only port on the coast which had heavy haiibut landings last week. At Seattle the landings for the work were Just short of the million San Juan which took 335.00C I pounds, more than twice as much 'as the n6xt heaviest buyer. On Saturday five boats landed a. total of ,97.500 pounds as follows: Port-1 lock.. 36,000 pounds, Whiz, lz and i7V'2c; Rosaria, 15,000, Sebastion '7ec and 74c; Merit, 12,500, Washington, 8c and 7c; Argo, 18,000, Booth. 8c and !Vc; Al Jr., 16,000, McCallum, 73ic and 7V4C Tic Lane landed 20.000 pounds of sablefish arid 1,000 pounds of lini; cod to Washington, all at 33Ac per pound. ! Unusually late owing to heavy , freight handlings for waypolnts. KOK SALE FOR SALE Pleasure boat June Apply Q. Wlllett, Bank of Montreal. (172) TIM libit 8 U.K :t.Hl Sealed tender wilt toe received by the District Forestrr. Prince Rupert, not lat er tiian noon on the 10th day of Auinuit. 1038. lor the purefhflfe of Licence X23541 ' On Sue Channel, C It. 4. to cut 1,084.000 1 , feat of BprUte, Cottar, Hemlock and Bii-' am. 1 I Two (3) ytarj w!H be allowed for re-1 ', movrt' of Mmber. Further iparUciulars of tho Chief F.r-fester, Victoria, B. C, the District For-Jester, Prliice Rupert. B C, Ranger W, A. A. JshrcHtcrn. Prlnoe Ruipcrt. B. C, j I TIMIIKIt HM.K X235I1 I Sealed .tenders, will 'be received by the DM riot Forester, Prince Rupert, not Lit-n rtrum noon on 'the lftt'h day of Aucuit 1933, for the purcbaw ef Mcmoe X23542 rn Veiwy Bawiagc. C. R. 4, to cut 8fl5.. 000 feat of Spruce, Cedar. Hemlock mul Baluim. I Two (2) years will bo allowed for re-nvwal of tlrmber, ,Firther (partloulaini of the Chief For ester. Victoria. B C the District For- ieatfr, Prince Rurpottt, B C, Ranger W, Aj A. Johiwtaii, Prince Rupert, B. C, . Union steamer Catala, Capt. James Flndlay, did not arrTe until 1:10 this morning from the south, sall- linp at 4 am fnr Stewart. AnVOX sne wM return here tomorrow southbound. With a capacity list of passengers, consisting largely of round trip tourists, C. .P R. steamer Princess Alice, Capt William Thomson, arrived in port at 9 o'clock this morning from Vancouver and sailed two and a half hours later for Skagway and other northern points whence she will return here Sat- a'te00n- e Charlotte City for delivery to south50unfd- Frank Gale who had purchased lt.Allce hf " p?cnB?rs f at this port Southbound from Skagway to Vancouver with a full list of tourist passengers, C. N. R. steamer Prince George, Capt. Edward .. Mabbs, arrived in port at 9 o'clock , . necessary to abandon the Annie ... . . . , this sailed at 3 o'clock McKay. seven disembarked two going north from here. morning and this afternoon. The Prince Geog', had 212 passengers on board of whom 55 disembarked here. Among thpsp was n Tlerrv Tnnr nnrtv nfl mery weather attracted everybody to the water and It was few pleasure craft that were not out. In fact, almost everything that would float and could be propelled was nressed Into service. No less than three parties headed to to Lucy Island. Many visited the Salt Lake during the day for the swimming. Capt. George Newcombe has purchased the old office building of the Big Bay Lumber Co. at Seal Cove. It Is understood he conter.i-Dlates establishing a lunchroom there. Officials of the Alberta Whea Pool, including Joseph Bennett, Pa- caflc Coast superintendent, Van couver, are expected here around the end of this month In1 connec tlon with the withdrawal of the Pool from Its lease of the local el evator. J Nnrthlanri Tmnsnnrliillnri - - "..jflvj. .u.iun w a notorshlp liner Northland, Capt Tn Williams, was in port earl; yesterday morning with two carloads of Ketchikan fish for trans-..shipment East Over Canadian Na-fonai Railways, the vessel leaving n continuation of her voyage U Seatte after discharging. The Alafka freichter Toncass ?apt. Olof Hansen, arrived in portl it midnight last night from Ket-J chikan and, after discharging two! carloads.ol fresh, halibut fortran$r J auipmeni ,asi over uanaaian Na- pound mark aggregating 986.800 -for tlonal p, salled Scattl; Union Oil Coa tanker Unacana Capt. Freeman, was in port late Saturday from Vancouver with fuel supply for the company's local tanks. Capt. Perth A. Mclntyre, we!I known chief officer of Canadian National Steamships, recently aboard the steamer Prince Robert KEN RAYNER For Your RADIO SERVICE MODERN EQUIPMENT REASONABLE RATES PHONE DLACK 712 CENTRAL HOTEL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PnONE 657 has severed his connection with the company to assume command of the well known private yacht Taconlte belonging to W. E. Boeing of Seattle and Vancouver. The Taconlte will probably be here in the course of this summer on her annual northern cruise. Pilot Bob Ellis of Ketchikan was here last evening with his Lockheed seaplane bringing, in two passengers. The Seattle power cruiser Che-cako arrived in port yesterday afternoon from down coast In the course of a cruise to Alaska, On board are the owner T. Mctzle and party. 'II TERRACE Hot, dry weather has prevailed for the past week. A very fair crop of hay Is being harvested In Terrace district, the rains of the previous week having done a lot towards bringing root crops and garden stuff up to a fair average wme 40 persons from Kansas cttjru""'"w" u returning east by train from here , . , . after making the trip north from ne board of trade held a special Vancouver to Skagway and back meeting Friday night to select dele-to this port. gates to the convention at Smlthers I next week. E. T. Kenney, J. K. Yesterday's grand warm, sum- Gordon, R. W. Riley, and the presi- dent of the board, Harry King, were given credentials for the occasion. A resolution to the associated boards urging the completion of the highway to the interior was carried and this will be presented for consideration at Smlthers. BALK AT WOMEN POLICE AYLESBURY.. Eng., July 25: (CP) Bucklughamshlre County Council has declined to appoint women police In spite of the arguments of Lady Astor's committee of women presented at a former meeting. PAYLNG BRIDAL PIPER OAKLAND, Calif., July 25: (CP) In a suit brought for an unpaid bill for 80 wedding dinners, the courts decided the families of the bride and bridegroom should sharrj the, expense. WAKE UP YOUR LIVER BILE- And Youll Jump Out of Bed la ti Morning Rarin' to Go Th !1tt should pour oat two poflnji ef liquid Ml Into roar bowrlt dUr. If thU bU U not flowing f rttlr, your food donn't dlgnt. It luit dcM In the boweli. Gti bloiti up your itomteh. You get constipated. Htraful poisoni ro Into th body, and you fcl tour, unk ana th world look punk. A mere bowel moTtmen t doesn't always ttt at tbaraua. You need something that work on th llrer aa well. It take those good, old Carter Little Liver Pills to get these two pound of bile flowing freely and Biak you feel "up and up". Harmless and gentle, they tntke the bile flow freely. They do th work of calomel but hay no calomel or mereury la them. Ask for Carter Little Uer Fill by nam I Stub bo raj rXui aaytkl&g al. tie. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelli. Proprietor "A DOME AWAY FROM DOME Rate fl. 19 SO Rooms Hot tt Cold Wafer Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Hot 111 PERMANENT WAVES Mrs. Crlttall formerly of the Hudson Bay Beauty Parlor of Vancouver will be glad to have you call at the Rose Marie Beauty Salon and give, you advice for your ne'xt Permanent Wave. Specializing In all textures of hair. For Appointment Phone 915 Upstairs over the Cut Rate Shoe Store IN HIE SirUKMH COURT OF UR1TI31I COLUMBIA IN riCOKATE In the Matter of the ".Idmlnlitratlon Alt" And In the Matter of the Estate of JgniM I-arsen, Deceased TAKE NOTICE that by order of HU Honor, W. E. Fisher made' on the lTth day of June, A. D. 1938, I was appoint-, nri Arfmi n ii em rl t rjf uitof. e in ma. Ixeen, doceaned, and all parties havln? claOms Against the (Jd eHtnte axe here by required to furnish name, properly verlflod. to rrm on rr hofor onth I day of August, A. D. 1938, and all parties llUlCfotYl tl the MrfA-ti. ar. nvnilnrt to pn-y the amount of Uieir lnde.btednes$ ito me forUvvrtth. I DATED the J3th day of July, A. D, ANNA MARIE BENSON Admlntatratalx of F-hUI of J ainca Iiarcn, Dnuued, ' Ocaa FalU, B.Ok . ANOTHft HlUIIOUf ACWtYlMBfT PROM , ALEXANDER KORDA d THI OINftJS WHO OAVI YOU "QHOST OOU WIST' and "HINHY THI Vlir . . . AT T.ftft Ik and BL BABY PEDAL KAR BABY ROCKING HORSES Bags SUIT CASES Up GLADSTONE BAG Up from DRESS TRUNKS-Up Irom WARDROBE Up from''", D. ELIO Phone Green 916 in a TEACUP with VIVIEN LEIGH Tht "YANK AT mtti SCRUFFY" Mm fvnrWol tlrtc "ASTA" hi Hit THIN MAN t OXFORD" Charmtr NO WONDER EVERY CRITIC EVERYWHERE II URGING YOU ENJOY ITS MANY LAUOHS I PLUS At 8:31, ONCE ONLY tiOibrdV. . ... Maxdy !r;a ol V Cm.c'1-- WOULD NEWS .at 8:18 ONLY TONIGHT AND TUESDAY ma FLOOR COVERING DOMINION PRINTED LINOLEUM Square Yard DOMINION INLAID LINOLEUM Square Yard . w DOMINION nATTLESHir LINOLEUM " Square Yard DOMINION COfiK LINOLEUM- 1 Square .Yard MATS ? REXOLEUM MATS-ize 18 x 36. V Each y FELTOL MATS-Slze xTi'.' TTTSji'- Each CONG OLEUM SIATS-Size 18 x 36 TT" f; ' ' Each CONGOLEUM MATS 'sizelx wT"" "jt" Jll LIl 1 CONGOLEUM MATSSize 36x54 TABLE CLOTH- 45 Inches "wide! Yard . BADY HIGH CHAlRS-Wlth lunem tray ! 85c $1.40 52.10 $2.10 25c 75c 45c $1.00 $1.25 50c $6.75 BARV WALKER nAvrA.MS-Uprm - j BABY FOLDING CARRIERS-Up From ' ! Cn AA $3.75 $1.50ndS3 i age $1.75 $13.00 $10.00 $22.00 FURNITURE EXCHANGE THIRD AVENUE