Monday July 25. 1938. Hotel Arrivals central r us " Peta, Edmonton; E. Ruegcr, . J mt t nhH 1 lire , . umitnv ana m. auwni. r E v uronm, isiauu r t tnd. Cornier City; fl) ti; AN T. Anderso and' Haltonj Yk- ..Irnrt nil 1 mm city. ii:!mes. F Jones Seattle; C. E. Salterl.Car- i le A. jacoDson, csniney; j. till fl v j rut WlnnlnM1 .Q T ffnvpr p u rlKe. vernon; u. m uonsy. B, Harcourt and C. A. Oould' Blt.vui t - - irUm. M; Byers and PI ualway. ... n E Savoy Mrs George Brown, BKiaega.e 11 nn J Trottier and Air. ana 1 r I. Vlprprk, rltv: D. MN ow Prldhoome Lake Mrs. M. Prudhomme; Mbntreal; I!' ;-;.:k Trrracc; Vie Hammenbeck, Reach the most peopje in enj1 the Dally Newr the On The: Family Is it hard going to finance the last of the. month? Try the Singer Plan Sew your way through. Make practical savings "New Fashions For You and Your Home" Your Singer summer booklet tells you how. Call' fon a copy here it's free. fliones 18 & 84 P.O. Box 575 Money-saving Values Every Day At MUSSALliEM'S Economy Store Where Dollars Have More Cents Quality The Besti Service The Best Opposite Canadian Legion 1 NewHospitals For Far North ing Increased this year, be operated by Catholic missionaries, and the one at Fort Norman by the Anglican Church. I Bishop Breynat "the flying bishop of the Arctic," Is now on a tour as far north as Aklavik, on the of missions throughout the North West Territory ft will fnW. him Strain Budget Own a Modern Singer and Save Money We will be pleased to explain the Singer Pin Plan Domestic Economy and how it works $3. month will do the trick Phone G Or Call. No Obligation of 00 a The Singer Shop CanYou EqualThis? Clean, Comfortable Rooms with Hot and' Cold Water Home Cooked Meals Heautlful Harbor View Board ASItoom $40 Mo. and Up "All White Help" KNOX HOTEL THE WORLD'S GOOD NEWS will come to your home every day through THE CHRISTIAN SCIENCE MONITOR Ah InttrmliotHl Daily XtutPPr otne nplolt cftm or Mntk)n: iwlthf " th; but dtiM corrctIvil lththm. ntttrn lor buij mn 'mur, lncludlni tho WttkU MtiU 8ctloo. f Thi ChrHtUn Scltntt PublUdtnf .BocUtt On, Norr stret, Boiton, iimeriuuttt . fn, rot Monitor Bclene. ""t nter mi lub.crlptloa to Tb. ChrlitUn r. 'i oe I month KM i month! 109 1 JS'SuiSm0"! 1,,u" " Widntdt uiut. intludlng Mtln Section! 1 M Addreu . This afternoon's train, due from the East at' 2:30; uras tprvulwi this Roman Catholic Churth AHive In morning' to be two Hours' and5 ten This Fleja in Northwest! EMONTON, July 255 (CPJ - minutes? lat whleH. will bring lt lri at 4:40 p.m. E; 0.! Aves; deputy provincial aa- Prince Rupert' Bishop Gabriel Bfeynat; grey- 00 official' duties. Inspector John Macdonald arrived' In' the ctty on th Princess Alice this morning:frbm:NHson be ing here tb assume duty as officer", commanding "D Division of the provincial: police Here in succession to' the late Inspector W. Ji Service. ... The annual' tea and 'sale of 1 home as far north as Aklavik on the' ,. w.. .u. , shores of the Arctic Ocean. WheniSOclety of! First' Presbyterian he returns- He will start eastwardl Church-at1 the Home of' Mrs. D.1 C. by train and sail frpm Quebec, Aug.lMcRae, Fourth avenue; East on Frl' 13 to attend the convention of the;dav afternoon was quite a success-Oblate a"alr Mariy ,adles called and Oblate Fathers Fathers. , flnanddl prbceed Us, . - .-. . . . j factory. IS MODEL Less Crime Than ih Other IaTts Of Gotham One Authority Der-lares- Keceniiy a legisiaiivc cuuiuhikv went into Chlnatown'to confer'wlth 1938 39Radio-Licenc! Duo and Payable G.GllAVRtNG. For Appointment" Phone-Red 787 or Black 73' S'otW I.AM) AfcT ol Intntlm 1A apply to ' In, Riuw SI Caw DlstrUT, Land Be-rJrtUvr dtefiriot of Prtnc- nupt, and ESS? or Ptixx ibbo- tamTw 85 rt wh Si'if ArUM in ith LojuU rtepart- y r,? 4W ntv, of VWtorta. in the; Raid Provmwe ' Z".. natnc Uiat Fruni WiUwmart'of .PitW Rupert; '?avtEi2Zl totwva' t( apply, ' f t-CfXd' Uivda and: romdiore cwmnciliw "t post -planted, ort a f,opui and 200 feet eat ol J:!r"l- tv,- tWenoe- 600 St south ZZ- ltawnit80O"fet' south" west; theno norm enrV W place' of beginning;: and containing alxteeji aorea, more or leaa v FRANK WATERMAN I DaUd JunV-ietu. m. ' ,. TffR DATTiY NEWSn 4 LOCAL. NEWS NOTES turned' 'tb the- city on Saturday afternoon's train from a trip to the Interior RADIO Monday, July 25 6:30 to 6:45 p.m. HON XD.Fattuiro Prime Minister of British Coiumbiaf will speak on 'UNEMPLOYMENT' Germany- for the benefit of his health arrived in the city on Sat urday night's train, being on his way baclr to the Queen Charlotte Islands: Funeral Notice- NEW YORK, Jlily 25.w- (CP) from the B. C. Undertaking Par- New York's Chlhatown; 16ng depicted in movies and! mystery thrillers as a dark1, sinister district of skulking shadows and! flashing knives, is in reality me mosi crime-free section of the1 metropolitan area. Court records show- the oriental population of New York" have the lowest percentage of Juvenile; linquency of any racial or sectional group in-the city. lors, Tuesday, July 26 at 2 p.m. Members, and ex-serlcemen please attend. Lest We Forget. VANCOUVER MAN DIES John Maxwell, Who Was Head Plasterer on Federal BuUdinr, Passes Away ismp Maxwell, who came to j Chinese eldersand!learn.tKe:secret. prlnce RUpert two weeks ago to And this is what they heard fromjjjg cnarge 0f the plastering of w m Pvn Chinese lnterureter ln',u na, ini hniiHintr hwv fnr "Build B, O. PayroIU" A :steamer Vancouver 'Six H JirArWHTfi mm by Mrs. F. S. R PACIFIC MILK Irradiated- of) Course The Finest PUNO TUNING In tiie? country can' be yours, as done with the 1 "Resonoscope" by 0. C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 212 4th 8 1. BIRTHRATE HarrV Lincoln of the local Cana-I tihin-i tiii,h,-. New Soviet Laws 1 .the courts, who could only recall the contractor, E. C. McDougall ofj Uhree minor offences by- his coun- Vancouver, and had to be admitted 1 trymen within the previous- six tb the Prince Rupert General) I months: i Hospital the day after his arrival "The Chinese child Is taugnt. rev- f0r an emergency operation, died' erence for his parents. Whenever at 7il5 Saturday evening, He was a boy or girHs guilty of misconduct a native of Glasgow, fifty-two in public it' is a disgrace not only years of age and is survived by a to himself or herself but' to the widow and daughter in Vancouver, family. And the Chinese family is 'He Had "been in the province about nretty big. We are 45,000,000 bro- twenty-five years and was well i thers. Here II some- unmeae. nu mm, mmiftPd the most minute crime me remains- win ue luiwmucu ,na rnmmimitv would knowithls afternoon bn th? of It and' he' wouiaiW' iosl'rgf&e. "Among the young the most severe punishment is to lose face. Chinese children are not punished physically." In the course of .other remarks Mr. Pyn- said' dfvorce was almost .unknown among mc v.t."v v-v.... munlty. The Daily New Im ah -lrculatlon. Play safel audited Prince1 George bWiali to. Increase' Prob lems Four .MbnthV Off' For Mothers Kiior "wspjiai accommoaauon In theifar-,sessor ana collector, returned' tof engaged lrt publlcr health nursing j legal and" divorce became diffuult j Nault. Queen Charlotte; m flung North West Territories Is be-! on Saturday afternoon ; service at Juneau, wasa passenger that .mother and! child" welfare- is ." MOSCOW, Jtflr 25 (CP)-Sotlet women are havtnsr so marry child' Miss- Norali Jones; wHo has been ren since, abortions were mad 11 train' from a' trip td the interior aboard the Prince Robert yesterday a major' social probleTfl. Birth in w H Trotter, Df. A. S, Lamb haired vicar apostolic of the Mac-I ii-! Florence5 M.' Erlcfcson, J. Bal-1 kenzie and head of three-score" Ob J William .Hi Trotter" of Prince C P LecKle. A) J. Tanee. J late missions In the" far north") an- : George, whose marriage to Miss Connor and' VIC Oarnham j nounced the construction of threer Wadeal Mussalllm of'thls'clty Is to ::couver. norenctr weiier, ua new" hospitals with total capacity lae place on Friday of this week, t, "O ' J " wi 1 - VJ vaia - MIW E. PongO, Massell; A, o Construction Of two of the hospl- on Saturday afternoon's1 train, v,.tcnn KhnSAJI CitV. R. Or tnl nt r- 1..41 n.ii ut iuiuiii - i. --. uiuul riiiL nr.Mii 11 i.iiti I urin h iitt . i Waterman and William : Norman Is alrpadv imrirvov amil J: A. Falrbalm. wtia ha; retired rnaterlal has been shipped for' f"m the- service of I the Whlte Pass start of construction on the thirds & Yukon Route- after' Having) been at. Fort Hae. for' some years, agent at: Mayov was ' The Fort Resolution hospital will! a passenger aboard! the Prlncessi haw twenty beds, the Fort Rae Charlotte Saturday afternoon go forty and the Fort Norman twenty.lnB throagH to'Vaneotrro": Fort Resolution and Fort Rae will! - going tHrougH td Vancouver enroute Moscow mortf thahtdoubled In' 1937 to New" York". oteri 1936. The registrations' were 135348, compared: with 71 ",073; The social problem of the So viet chi'd is realized' more fully jwhen one is reminded' Soviet' wo men work; That is part of their I equal rights wltH men. In Mos cow one sees women subway dig- igers in overall at mncntime' in Sthe centre of the city. Street sweeping, mall deliveries and1 garbage collection are1 woman's work: Millions' of women work-beside1 tHi men in factories and' on farms. Since Soviet Women are prevented by law from avoiding childbirth; factories; mines, mills and' collective1 farms' must provide for trie' ma"- ternity period. Care pf the expect-, ant mothers- figures largely? lit the Soviet industrial' plans. THe ,mater-i nity vacation begins two months before birth and ends two months, after'. Tn the Stalin automobile, plant, 2384 women became mothers In 1937: j Hospitals, nurseries and' kinder-1 .gartens are provided 'by the5 moth- 1 ers employers, which is" the government. There are 20300 'nurseries' and- 4,175 mother and child' welfare centres. Nursing mothers wbrK only six hours a day, taking time mmmmm' - out every three hours tb nurse Edward Pongs of Massett, who their babies. i has been spending the past year in The4 emphasis on rearm chlldi ! en to provide the government: viih toilers and soldiers has" caus- i ;d some anxiety in the rising- gen-! eration of Soviet womanhood' as revealed in letters some time ago to Communist youth newspapers. I Young women wrote they were divided on the Question of trying The funeral of our late Comrade to fit children into their work. Andrew Ferguson will take place others Inclined to the rearing of that biological laws settled the question for many. James Killas sails this afternoon on the Prince George for Vancouver enroute to the Ahahim Lake country in. from Williams Lake where he will pay a visit to his Mountain Boss mining property. Mr, Killas will be- accompanied from Vancouver by a geologist who will make an examination. Already extensive development work has been carried out on .this promising gold property Including the driving of a 250-foot tunnel. Announcements ! All advertisements to ttili col-t omn will be charged' for a' full 1 month at 25c a' wordi Anglican Te Mrs. F. M: Good; July 28. First annual Port Day Ball, Thursday, August 25, Moose Hall. . Tendws, WibcJ to the un- dereined aiil iendoreed .'"T0. for Wharf Bepalrs, Fwt dement. B. C. iti iu i.u imfMl 12 o'clock noon (cU)llght saving). MonUay. August W 93H, far wharf repairs; at Port Clement. Sfceena District, B; C. : Plans; form of oontraot and p location can be eem and torma or tender obtained at the office- ol theChlef En-gtoeer; Department of fJte Wwrta.; Ot-r .ho nf firm of the District En- iw nrrir Bulldius. Mew .WeaUnlnster. B. C.; also at the- Poitj "I consider Pacific Milk is the f'v BB .VSi : makihg'Of'a good CUp Of coffee I fcu, B. O.. and MaasettV B. C. ) and' wrved With hot cereals- Tsnders wlU not be "n',V! ana servea wimi uicau . pr forma supplied by the elves a "delicious flavor. I Use rw-rtm.nt and In accordanc. with. if as whipped" cream 'because "panled of its rich creaminess." Fromihv & ratified chju on' a chartered: a letter written to Pacific Milk, ban in; anaaa. lo Wbrka. equal to ,10 percent of tie junouiut of the tender, or Bearer' Bond of the Dominion ot Canada or of the Canadian National Railway Company and Ha oonstltwin companlea. uncondl. , Wterent by the Dominion of Canada, or h. fnrmnjtloned bends and a certi fied cheque if" required to make up an odd amount. ... t NOTE: Tlie' DepaItmefvt will auppiy vir,rtn Anrf'sTMiflcatiioar of the work on deposit of wa of' 110.00.' in' t!e form of 'acertlfled'oank cheque', payabU to the order of the Minister of Public Work- The deposit' wlU ; ben released p the return of the uueprinnmioiVT 'flcatloji-within a moatfii ffota the- aate of reception ot .tenoera. u mx, iwinvm within that period the- deposit will be 1 forfeited. By order; I. J. U. SOMTOVILLE, secretary. DepanUnent of PiiWlo iWorU, Ottawa. July-la? 183- JRecerifeBride: jls Given4 Party Pretentatioir Ftoweri Stand id1 Strachair i Mrs. R; Rj StracHan, on behalf; of CASn or c.o:d. 1 1 RAILWAY' l LINES .r s . bride-with, a beautiful floor lamp and flowetJ stand. 1a-''Refreshments. were therTTserved and a nleasant. pvMilner hrnucht td laclose .' J ' Thase present, other than the guest of honor, were Mrs: Ole of) Floor Lamp1 Ahd' Strand, Miss'' M.' M6Nab;j Mrs. Ji tb Sirs; William Mnnro; Mrs. Mltchetf, Mrs: M6nt- gomery, Mrs. A. Murray, Mrs. W11-? 'liam .Finlayson, Mrs. A. Guyani . Mrs? William Goodsell, Mrs. Wtlllant ! Mrs. R. R. Strachan was hostesVGedde's, Mrs. O .Geddes, Mrs. F.' last Thursday evening at a pleas - Barber, Mrs, William Cook, Mrs; tint surprise1'-party' staged tt conf i Mi M; Lamb; Mrs. J. Ciirrle Jr. andi piemorate the. recent- wedding5 of! Mrs; J. Macintosh'. ; Mr. and Mrs. William Strachan. 4 . A'happy evening was spent playing bridge, the winners being Mis, 1 Brigadier Walter C a r r u t h e r A. Guyan, Mrsj- J. R. Macintosh anii Salvation Army, after attending? the galloping prize-winner. Mrs William Goodsell. the annual district native congress at Cassiar cannery list' week, sailed by thk Princess Alice this morn-' the ladles present, presented the ing on his return to Wrangelli i OVERWAITEA LTD. MILK Phone 813 ; GRANULATED SUGAR ' 100-pound QE rjc 10 tZQ f f sack pounds-.... 301 i Preservinjr Apricots Butter First grade. QOp per J'Q; ,. 3, pounds-,,, .,, , , VV, crat LVnn Valley Peaches 4'tZgp Certo 9Ro' Ier tin .... Per. bottle MJs Royal City White Corn QpV Qneen Charlotte Crab "g QV! 2 tins " ' " ' Per Un j B. & K. Pastry Flour M S pj Kraft Cheese QQp 1 10-pound sack OK Per pound ,.,. . tftfV : - . Luxor. Matches Jello Assorted flavors. 4 5wC Alt 3 nkts. 3 pkts: : Many Howers Toilet ffr ' Nv Potatoes ffiC 11C 12 Punds - Soap-3bars 4 -i Lettuce-Large, firm. ffp Large Ivory Soap- n tfV A1Ci ' d . PT bars. 2 bars Orange Marmalade 7p Bunch Carrots 1 i n ' " 3- bunches . 2t glass Jars - SunWist Lemons 9dp Okaijatan Field! 4 -Tpl Per dozen iUK Tomatoes Pound ' Free Delivery on Orders $3.00 and Over We Have Grade ''A" Raw and Pasteurized Milk Daily From Our Own Herd Delicious Sour Cream 50c per Quart Phone Red 608 For Better Dairy Products Dominion Dairy Canadian Pacific i Transcontinental : Trans-Atlhntic ' Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via :6ceariyFjiilsaid' Vtay Ports SS. "Princess '",""n "'"' 'ueTaTde'' " ' Every Friday 10-p.rm TO VANCOUVER DIRECT SS; "Princess Louise" SS. Princess Alice" SS: Princess Charlotte July 6, 16, 27, Aug. 6, July; 9, 20r 30, Aug, ltt. July 23, Aug, 3, 13 Connections at Vancouver- with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets-and Reservations-From Y. L. COATES, General Agrnt. Princrr Rupert; B.C: December Frozen HERRING BAIT Cold' Storage Ice; Canadian Fish 1 & Cold Storag CO;- Ltdi. Prince Rupert, B.C.