MOTION IS ! REJECTED Colony Pooling Proposal of Labor! h Defeated In British House Of Commons LONDON. Dre. 8: CP) The House of Commons last night rejected by a vote of 253 to 127 a Labor motion which would have pooled under one mandate all cot-cries not prepared for self-govern ment The resolution would also have put the House on record as favoring no distribution of colonlra, without consent of natives. This would have been for the "common' tood of the world" It was con-j tended. India. Ceylon. West Indies nd other colonies almost ready tor selfgovernment would nave tert excluded from the poollns plan The vote pnmi alter a discussion occupying much of the day on the colonial situation In the course of which nt Hon. Malcolm Mac-1 Donald, Secretary of Stnte for the DominirvM. anrf rviinnips. told the iiui.h atv ww....- House that every part of the House nd the government shared the View In oroAmint with British Public opinion against return to Oermany of colonics It lost durln.! the Great War. However, Mr. Mac-Donald Raid, the question of return of German colonies did not appear to be an Issue at this time. ir aarmaA V,t IVin wltllM of In habllanta or the colonics which might be Involved should always considered, NK niRASTEKAT TIIETFOIlH THCTFOni) MLNFJS, Quebec A rockslldo two hours afler a dy hmlle blast In the Bell asbestoi m'iie last nliht killed seven inln frf Tljree bodies were recovered rly today. .nsx Mlnto. om. Falnrlew. .04. Noble Five. JiaYi. Pend Oreille 1.70. Pioneer. 2.70. Porter Idaho. .03. Premier. 258. Reeves McDonald. .28. Reno. .23. Relief Arlington, .HV4. Reward, .04. Salmon Oold. .08. Taylor Bridge. .05. Hedley Amalg.. M. Premier Border OO.Vs. Sllbak Premier 1.75. CngrcAS, .00. Home Gold. .01. Grandvlew. .0. Indian. .01. Quatslno, .03. Oils A. P. Con, .16. Calmont. .28. C. ti E.. 2.05. Freehold, 03.. Hargal. M ask. McDougal Segur, .12. Mercury. .06. Okftyta. 1.06. Pacalta. .05. Home Oil, 1.40. Toronto Bcattle. U6. Central Pat.. 253. Oods Lake, .25. Little Long Lac. 2.70. McKcnzie Redlake, 1.23. Pickle Crow. 5.00. San Antonio, 1.22. ,Sherritt Oordon, 1.33. Smelters Gold, .02 Vi. McCleod Cockshutt, 2.00, y Oklend, .18 Mosher. .16. , , Madsen Redlake. .48. Francoue'r, .22. Mncta, 1.31. Bouscadlllac, .10. Thompson Cadillac, 25. Bankfled, Wt. East Malartlc, 2.64. Preston E, Dome, 1.40. Aldermac, .48. Kerr Addison, 1.86. Uchl Gold, 1.40. Int. Nickel, 53.25. , Norandn, 79.00. Cons. Scmlters, Athona, .07. Hardrock, 1.60. Barber arder, t13. . Fernland, .14. U u Dominion Bridge? 35.50, TOOK HIS I Well Known a OWN LIFE Salmon- Troller B!s"Bralni Oat answering the call, went to the I room and found Jacobsen as can be learned, had no worries He had been receiving treatnl?nt for hemorrhoids. An inquiry is being held this afternoon. Jacobsen was a married man and .- I Tomorrow's Tidei Today's Weather n High . 75 am.- 205 ft. Prince Rupert Raining, westerly t p.m. 23.0 ft. wind, 18 miles per hour; barometer, 2927 (falling rapidly); temperature, Low 4 J"- ft. '.1 w. 42; sea rough. m. 1.0 ft, NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER V3 XXVII No. 284. $ PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 8, 1938. ber. the woman collapsed and had to 'be carried to th chair. Flft persons witnessed the execution. EUROPE !S DISCUSSED PrtMent RooereU .In Conference Yesterday Wlih His Key Ambassadors WArSHIKOTON. D. C. Dec 8: President Franklin D. RooseveH 1 was In conference at the White . House yesterday pn the Europear -situation with three of the key ipbiH""- JWll To C. Bullitt the ambassador to France: Wl'-'lam PhlHs ambassador to Italy and Hush Wltsori. ambassador U Germany. Sumner Welles. Unde; Secretary of Stte. nls-. attended conference In the absence or EecxeUiycrdcllLwhw nd Successful Voung th.Pan-Aro-rr?i rnnfrr- Jos eph P. Kenriedr- United States am bassador to England, is Ieavint; Except that he might have been London Saturday for home and driven by pain to commit the rash will be in the United States until act. there was no accounting un February l to this morning for the suicide ol .Harold Jacobsen. well known and successful young salmon fisherman in the Westholme Rooms here lat nlfht. Jacobsen about 5:45 went 'Into Howe & McNulty's hardware store and purchased a slngle-bur-elled I twelve-guage shotgun and box of ammunition. After having .tne weapon oroKen ana Doxea up, the proceeded to the rooming house upstairs and rented a room, wlthm ten minutes a muffled thud was heard emanating from the room and the police were called. Con stables Terry Stewart and Mclndoe. I GARNER AS PRESIDENT Would Consider Nomination Despite Advanced Age Republican possibilities NEW YORK, Dec. 8. Texas Is beginning to organize a campaign In support of Vice-President John Nance Oarner for President. Although he Is seventy years of age. It Is said that Oarner would ac- n lying lying ,.., . nfr.r. nommaiwn u Jdead on the floor with a gunshot cepi wound through the head, the gen mentloned Re. lying agamsi ;ne oeo on nicn ins package ek.; of of shells shells had had been been p nlaced aced Pw" publican P presldentlal prestaenuai canu.aai candidates in elude Senator Henry- Cabot. "dou Lode1 uoage Are Missing And Fears Are Held VANCOUVER, Dec. 8: CP) Fears ti. roM. rf tT am ft rp entertained ior me saieiy in 1144 niuun . v utuv ..v.v. " - born April 4, 1904, In Oksnes. Nor- two young fishermen, John Moore, way. He arrived ln Prince Rupert and Jack Smith, who leit ten aays July 1924 and had made his home ago in their small boat for. Las- here since then. He was natural- queu ismua. n. lzed In 1930. He had been quite may be In shelter somewhere. successful as a salmon troller and owned different boats at various times, the last one being the Active II. which he sold this. fall. ; Seventeenth Victim Of Sydney Colliery Disaster Now Dead Labor Legislation Is Receiving Test Winnipeg Flh Company Charged With Dismissing Employee For Union 'Activity WINNIPEG, Dec. 8l CP) A test case of provincial legislation is SYDNEY. Nova Scotia. Dec. 8:1 being made in connection with (CP) The seventeenth victim ot.the prosecution of a Vlnnlpes fish (CP) The seventeenth victim of company which is charged to have Tuesday died In hospital here last dismissed one of Jts employees for night. ' ' . T V. "; union activities. TRAGEDY DURING FUNERAL OSLO One person was killed ami witen injured when the roof of a hui;Un collapsed during Jh- funeral service of Queen today. The Queen died In Indnn November 20. Her body will It in stale and will' later be luroirr trade licensed OTTAWA The New Z-aland sovernment has placed all import trade on a licence basis, Hon. W. D. Euler, minister of tr-iri. and commerce, was advised today by a cable from the departments' Auckland repre-sc ntatfve. All imports will be prohibited except by licence. UNIFY CANADIAN LABOR MONTREAL Canadian Federation of Labor, in its concluding convention session last night. Instructed Its new executive to take necessary steps to Involve all Canadian labor movements into one body. This would Involve re-affiliation with the All Canada Congress of Labor which split with the Canadian Federation of Labor tw0 years ago. Allan Emikle of Winnipeg was elected President. u.- XTII00N in PHILLIPINESI nn, hell had been usi and aim the mc -- MASlLUXK typhoon swept r-y.. .... . nt Macenrhli.tSPtLS. TTlOmaS c , LTSW- . indications,, were that Jacobsen o "r- of shot hlnwir tnrougn me mouui, , - - -' and Frank FltzgeraUL Ohio virtually blowing his brains out. All to be found In his clothlns' was $36 ln cash. Identity was er- Vniinr hehovmon tahllshed bv rtoualntances viewing 1 "uuiiuvh the body. Jacobsen was In good financial circumstances and, as fr- over several provinces southeast of Manila today, leaving thou, sands homeless, causing floods over a wide area, disrupting communications and causing seventy-nine petsons to be listed as dead. CHICAGO NEWSPAPER STRIKE CHICAGO Eight Chicago Newspaper Guild members were arrested during a melee ioday along a picket line at the Hearst building where members are striking against the Evening American and the morning Herald and Examiner. The papers have continued publication despite strike picketing since Make Serious Economic Problem, It is Said NEW YORK, December 8: iCP Fifteen million people are employ- in oJay throughout the world In armament production, the national Industrial conference boird oairtj was PRICE: 5 CElTS '- 1 ----- - 1 1 '" J ! Italo-French Situation Is Alarming VOTE DOWN C.C.F. BILL MfMurf; To Improve Working Con-dlltom For Nure Rejected In legislature VICTORIA, Dec. 8. CP A bill iponsorrd by B. E. Winch. C. C. F member for Burnaby. which would bare reduced working hours of hospital nurses, was rejected by a rote of 29 to 12 in the Legislature yesterday Premier T D Pattullo gave -urance that the matter of nurses working hours wouia i reviewcu Hoa Oeorge 8 Pearson. mlnUtci of Utwr agreed that nurses work-tag conditions should beimproved IS NAMED MINISTER N4 Ty Appointed to Cabinet of Bfititu Columbia Hoys' Parliament Ft the firt time In the hh-ttr ( RritUh Colombia Roys' rfUts, Prlnte Rupert It hnt4 with the tholte of iti trpmcnlatlte a cabinet mln-ier, Yesterday Ned Tobey was itUed by Jack en of Van-twirr. Premier of Boys' ParlU-steet, that he had been elected minltter of program. Bojs' Parliament Is formed tincial Irchlature wllh tntty five members representing varl-i parts of the protlnee and a ttblnel of ls or seven members tt which the local boy becomes ne. Ned goes south neit week to attend the session of Roys' Parliament which take place In D r. Telford Calls Prince Rupert "Siwash Village" And Wont Take If Back & VICTORIA, December 8: CCP)-Dr. Lylc Telford called Prince Rupert a "siwash village" in the Legislature this morning during discussionW- the Redistribution Bill. "So far as Prince Rupert is concerned, you know that's a siwash village," said Telford, j'hero's an elevator there and other government undertakings where jobs can be handed around. w E. T. Kenney, member for Skeenarescnted Telford's remarks, calling them disgraceful, but the C.C.K. member did not retract Telford remarked that two seats might be opened by the bill. lhe debate on the bill's second reading was adjourned after U, L Maitland, Opposition Leader, complained tluh the Conservatives had not been consulted in framing the new measure. He declared thar the old electoral map had been satisfactory from PJ33 to PJ37. Premier Pattullo said the map was based on community interest and topography of the country. TODAY'S STOCKS .dranua) H. D. Johrwtoo Oo ) Vancouver Rig Mlsourl J25. Bralornr 10.25. Aztec. M Dcntonla JO pigm4ffiMi WOMAN IS EXECUTED Supreme Penalty Exacted of Mrv. Anna Halm In Electric Chair For "Poison Killing." COLUMBUS, Ohio, December 8 Last minute legal efforts to save her life failed. Mrs, Anna Hahn was put to death In the electric chair last night for the "poisua killing" of elderly Jacob Wagnn of Cincinnati, Sinmbimg as she was beinz led trfUhe death chsm Mussolini's Troops Massing In i Spain Close To Frontier; Still Clamoring For Return OF Land Bulletins ab.e ciJiti.otion and slight damage aiinj the boats at the Tar-ilua.i. Prompt action, how-:,er, preiented any tery serious lo,iu liaJ the wind come out at n.;hl imlcad of by day it might have been different. A houseboat was virtually sunk at the fishermen's floats east of the dry do.k. At the CVR. Yacht Club rat, W'lliam P.eid's boat sank but was soon raised and is now on lhe ways. Many lines were Outlook Becomes More Menacing as Warlike Gestures Become More Intense a 4Vw Germany Approves Demands for Tunis and Corsica- tvtsiLKLA uALE PARIS, December 8: (CP) Concern has spread here a ami wesier,, Sa.e truck she ith - t of reports from the Spanish frontier that local wateifiunt suddenly this ,. , r 1 T, a i- i o 'ti. Tfnlian trnnna pia nnpnrrnrincr in inciiirrrpnr Knmn with. momin, and caused consider- r -- ... . . in eafy aisiance oi r ranee, me reporis, lacKing oiiiciai confirmation, said that Italian troop movements began November 22 and are still incomplete. It was pointed out . .. .. ..'-,- - that the troons might be for a new MILLIONS MAKE ARMS insurgent drive In northern Spain but the French ars concerned because they are reported to be so close to the Ijorder. ' Reports are also spreading that Germany and Italy are uniting to ... . . enforce Italy's territorial claims on World to o Sanity Would tJ . Return of France's Brt TimUla. Tunisia, q.-,.. Corsica and and Dji nil. bouti. Thousands of students, demonstrating against Italy, battled police in Paris streets. Germany Approves ROME. Dec. 8. Italian claims to Tunisia and Corsica have the full , . told here yesterday return to J German embassy sanity, throwing these workers In- same time as In normal Industrlesi would brine ... - . . .. " p' .nouncratnt In Btrlla TEST FOR DALADIER May Face Showdown Over German Pact In French Chamber of Deputies See Those Tears WonfliAr V nrprast it0 see them- of them wlu bS VI erilElrF I Ul Ctaat )weU tooked aftcr by neighbors and neneral Svnonsls A disturbance, friends but there are always somi tA nr, th roast near Prince ahn for various reasons have na tcuttcu u - - - . , Rupert, Is causing westerly gales on good neighbors 0r friends to se wnrthpm British Columbia 'that they have a Christmas ham- Demonstrations of workers and students are becoming even more widespread in Italian cities in de- ( mana ior me reiurn oi me Airi-can and Mediterranean territories from France. Twenty-five hundred Germans j aruved in Italy yesterday on a i 'eoodwlll mission and many of them took part with Black Shirts , .... . In a demonstration' in Naples. PARIS. Dec. 8: (CP- Premier Kaly putting Its army and Edouard Daladler may face a show- navy ln readmess for action. There down today over the friendship b als0 f eVerish activity at ths pact with Oennany. This would ltaUan naval base of Sardinia, be ln the cnamDer oi uepuues where the leftist element Is defln-', Clashes in Tunis TUNIS, December 8: (CP)- -Po- Itely opposed to the treaty. The llce clashed wlm hundreds of Ital- Senate. with Its Conservative pro-,lan ciiizens today and arrested ponderance. Is almost unanimously scores wnen the Itauans attempted in favor of the treaty. Political to demonstrate ln support of Fa"H observers estimate the Chamber Plst riaIms on Tunica. UbaldoRev. mar give Daladler a majority of head qf the ltanan war vet. eighty. erans. ran u-sis was amonff among those those arrested. arrested. The Italian consul-general today launched a vigorous, protest against anti-Italian demonstrations. . I The French government has J strengthened Its border patrol, j .Murder Found In Case Of Rancher Jury Returns its Verdict in Con-nection with Saskatchewan Farmer's Death SINTALUTA, Dec. 8: (CPl That J. A. Kayser, prominent rancher of this district, came to his death the hands of a person or persons The little girl with tears ln her unknown was the finding of a I eyes here Is Just how some of the COroner's jury at the Inquest here, little girls of Prince Rupert will A young farm hand Is being held 'look If Santa uiaus aoes not corns ln connection with tne muraer. Another Flight Record Is Made coast The weather continues mild per, 1 In the interior. I Happily Prince Rupert people Frank Fuer Fues From Vancouver, Prlnc Rupert and Queen Charv-1 always do tne ngni xning us una Washington, to San Francisco , lotte Islands Southwest wind 'time of year. They have always n Two Hours, Eight Minutes' shifting to northwest gales with supported the salvation Army iuna ,-2. ' rain setting colder tonlgni, proD- anu wm uuuuucm uu "-" .-..v. ithUyear. ! Fuller broke another of his own ahlv some sleet Island- Previously acknowledged. .. $15 00 flight records yesterday by making west Coast of Vancouver ' SmnSuSwMt to wet 1nds' Dr. H. M. Morrison 10.00 the flight from Vancouver. Wash- JSXX? Mrs. D. C. McRae 1.00 Ington. to San Francisco In two V, Miss Rothwell 25 hours and eight minutes. ery' ' . . -vr