0 0 0 0 0 8 0 TAOr err o if o O o a o o o Gifts o o a a g Sterling Silver and Pyralin Dresser Sets I'roni $ijo for t D a 3-piece set, and up. a o A Wonderful Range of Men's o Military Sets and Brushes A o special 2-brash and comb set a in fitted case $1.50. o o S Genuine Diamond Rings 'from $120 and up. 8 o o Hundreds of beautiful, useful o tifts to choose from. You will 0 o find prices keenly competitive o o o 0 Courteous Attention o o 0 s o 0 o o MAX 0 0. S v 00000000000000000000 000O000000000O0000000O 000000000 0000000000000000 00O000nO00OOO HKKOO000O00000OOOOO0000O0Ot0000000000000O00O00OOO m Wmnarc m w S! rr kwiW g A Present lo be Remembered and Appreciated Tmuugaout tue iear we have the latest in Imported fabiic sl pper-. m colors of wine. ja&e. blue, rose; paisley or blade 1.50 1.95 2.25 Mens brown, or black Romeo illppers. Made of soft leather with -stitchdown or Tiand turn roles.- 2.25 to 3.35 Boys' 1.95 Children's signers in smart fij. new styles arid bright colors. A Small Deposit Will Hold Anv Par Till Xrrus Shop Early a . , While the Stock is Complete I CUT RATE SHOE STORE 0 o CKHKr00000000000000O00000000000000000000O00000OO0O0Oa I Sf- f -' V. ' j If & Fraser & A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter You can get It by using our famous Edton, Bulkley Valley or Nanaimo-Welllngtoti coal. PRINCE RUi'EKT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 mm I Ut For Everyone! Your Shopping Will Be Both rieasurabie and Profitable HEILBRONER Diamond Snecialist 0 AJso sijppers made from heather, velvet or felt In DOrsey. Juliet. Bridge or moccasin styles. 'Large av g sortment of colors. 0 1.G0 to 2.45 ! Q Men'c Opera Style Slipper. Padded sole and nuber hecis or all leather sole In brown wine or b!a:k. Priced from- 1.49 to 1.95 Boys- 1.25 1.45 8 5 I 1 If you would delight her heart, give her exquisite Dunning lingerie this Christ-mas. You'll find scores of exciting new ideas in our lingerie department. Every, thing from brief little panties to elaborately elegant hostess coats. Ypu can pay much or little. Payne's 8- NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD AVENUE EAST Phone RED 392 INTERNATIONAL TKLCK8 IIILLMAN CARS STANDARD OIL PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service A Special1 Guaranteed' $5.M Wrist Watch, also a large rang of the best standard makes, including beautiful diamond set cases. A wonderful assortment to make your selection from. v O 2 a o 5 o sterling Silver llollowware -g and Flatwear, N OUR BASEMENT STORE o Fine China, Dinnerware, p Glassware. Brassware, Copper, 2 Novelties. Biea o g o 9 g KIT - 1 f j'Regina By Evening WLVNIPEO, Dee. 8: -Pilots of Trans-Panada Air Lines eat regu-arly as. to time but vary the place only men with wings can do For example, heavy fog over Winnipeg recently forced the westbound mail flight from Montreal to fly right on to Rina. p3.rtf rr. up the Manitoba canital afte 'arjdir.? t Y3Vmtng. Onurio-noi e from the SaOr.t-hewan cen . . a rv l m rr, trr oi in rian bak- rrfl,l,r; is? i. ' 'heir aircraft th win?pri 'ntarl'T. H'ned in Rr a t oh rm Tar in the nlaht- they -rsfrrt in the eKt.bound ma-' -hlne from Vancruvr tn time tn hav .thVr hakfa-t la Winnlr. The non-stop flight from Wasamlng to Reglna Is long hn. not nuU9Uv..V). Freuentlv the Lockheeds have flown m. ton from Vancouver tn Winnipeg - HUtaniy of nearly 1200 miles. A FEv MlfJuffeS UAItCR t But Father, l tats bad! a souoier Has ib KEap "REGULAR." Yoo vAir! I HHOW WHAT r &OIMG- WINN1FEO. Dec 8. To mall! eatly for Christmas is still advts- able, according to Post Office of- ficlals, but this j-ear air mall and cxpies- service ovir Canada, con- nectlng with United States lines and last sallrnas to the Old conn- try. is offered as solution to those SYuletlde nrocrastinators wh. hab- Ituilly leave dispat'ihlne, of eards and RlfU untu the last minute. Under the new schedules of Trans-Canada Air lines the Pacific -76 po Pok.yfp J "To TfHS. ot e'E b e &t sernicie:! THE DAILY NETTS Thursday .Dg-y Atlantic. Cards mailed in Montreal rm, hv v,..., v,- . vi. c uaj die in nniiniuiri i "Z" UUltl- hZL .H,a'rU t,nm tx.n. . , J I!!!? !oii J m"1! , .u" : IvirS!? insuiai tuauti unlivery. rrnnll' f 'n f0F Sd ?T rr connections Is December 15. the niane. to make connections with , Good Srouf and -You're As the f-lllng 0r the Queen Mary from Pnttv an a Picture-n addition 7t- f,u wh"-h Deanna sings "Lea Fllles Ai mall k. lt. shipment? the Do- over ri,," ttnd -nomeo and Juliet minion have bn eontlst-ntly iTT,1 necenUy' of course. I, dominated a TranOanada Air Lines machine th fndNn t1r but.lt also carried goo no.md of Christmas nr', mrh nnpular screen per-Z " r' There, the load -n.uw a, jiryn bUR, "ST? ,he caHn of "y,m ? r u Rch- -V .Mm a,. r-rvln the Jacke ,nd N fr.tve f-.-n re-wnt. In remote CarroU areas of the Territories. nLll Ml T ,UI(iCSt VYOTOan ill p m ... southern Alberta "OranitrTvKwatTfm rlersn Die In Ltthjtirtte District At Age Of 101 Years LCTlIBniDaH AlbrrU. Dec. 8 CPl "Orandma" Kwatrum Bcter -en. believed to b? th- oldest wo man In Southern Alberta d'-yesterday at her farm home 100 miles fast pt Lethbridge 8he was 7 j' AIR MAIL oh( father! A tlO ACL. OH ACCOUHT opthat Lmui ALL- BRAM t PFXAt I I 1 AND 'XMAS' O Procrastlnators May Still Get Their o. Greetings to Old Land j iof&- J BRCAKFASf NEXT DAy 6-rUFPf its' good! Jnln "l her--. "Miar f ut . "'KI Ck&n ft ooJ'JS like to, Kel,ogta ,a natural t,he tokl2 . ""iln ni i ' "Mure' y . ; j - Venetian Blinds X H. BULGER Pioneer Brand i . . Vim, lyons i Optometrist Phone Green 885 f Ry1 Bank BIdt. -TJ 1 1 DURBIN IS DELIGHTFUL fine Young Canadian Sinner And Actress in That Certain Age" Opening at Capitol Theatre Tonight Containing, according to advance reports fine music similar to that which was so much enjoyed In previous pictures of the sen sational flKmal young: Canadian-born Canadlan-bon, rin8er and ctre5S- CfrU,n Age." featuring charming Deannn Durbln. comes to the screen ol he Capitol Theatre here tonight, commencing a three day run. That Certain Ace" present " 1 in"nfar 0,d ,r undergoing the first pangs of " romance when she falls In 1... 14 W . man many years h" n,or Pot conUlns mor. comedy than any of Miss Dur- a u nave me same neart in-; ,prft "d "l,rrinP emotional quail Wh have marked al? he- pfrtiirrs w hree sclslly written .m. .. 101 yars of e. Born In Norway rhe ciinif t AlberU In IBM. 8h-: had been ar've n to within a div of her death. My mczad! I rccu its KCL LOGO'S ALLr BRAN Aio one. Aid ybiies rot "AV. in,... r. "esi of ali 10 Fresh Local Uw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY r II ONE 7 A NEW DEANNA . . , Grown into glorious girlhood . . In t ni f lilting music . . . with Dcanna torn between tD , and a chocolate soda! oda! HER flRSI CRUSH! Man art so difficult I Tha ont iha idolixtd called her a baby . , the on she lftad got zsad and took to drinking , . . root btrl Pb t A1 bSh JM (At 7 2 Shows " Also CARTOON And r-m NOVELTY Zl and S :, Nightly. 7:00 and MJ TONIGHT, '', .ti s;r For A Man's Christmas SHIRTS Arrow I 8 By Moo In New Patterns Sjl I'"" Shrunk ' long Wearing .MalerUls 9 if v Tflred From S2.00 ,0 S5.00 A i Nothing makes a more aerentable tilt for a nun lhn M smart, well made shirt. Be sure to see our selection W wiille storks are complete, j$ RK.ME.MBEIt A New Shirt if One Ever Shrinks I WATTS & NICKERSON tktf . ..1.. it ft. II M i,;. iTiiriiiwniic iiiis mr .iirn