i i 4 The Popular "A" Liners "ASCANIA" "ALAUNIA" "AURANIA" "AUSONIA" Weekly from Canada to Plymouth, Haw and lonlon, will carry Cabin and Third Class only. CABIN CLASS, The minimum rate Js towereJ to $112 V), Tvith subitantul reduiiions in the higher thsn minimum room. An even Imver rate is operative io Winter frgrn Halifax to Britain. Greatly enlarged deck space available through the elimination of Tourist Clasf. THIRD CLASS is improvcJy the aJJition of state r vnm ltcommoJstion and other facilities used by former T unit Clau, indujinf, puKKt rooms and deck space, Th thjtfji ihf dhrt Smin Vrtomt kffti HfMr local Imtt Atrml Im iirti Io II 'l.l'JIH.ltlll H 1 I e TV Mi Mill hi" ' .1111 III Sir CnmwilU mtrrt I HI HI F111 HI II ll NMBMBaaMHaaaaMaaanMawMBaMWr WBBMBMaaawaP - REGAL SHOP Closing Out SALE Fixtures Regardless ot rnce i Ueserve Your Christmas Gopds Now While There Is a (iood Seleciion BOUNDARY 0 r. ' We have been able to bring forward many lines that Uck of rtM)m prevented us from showing previously, g "Your Inspection Cordially Invited" Everything Must Be Sold Including f ! SI UiUUIVCU MJv. y Mild Cured Salmon f: 15c pkg. For Lunch on Toasted Sandwiches -or Hortf trocuvrc One Package Serves Four People Keeps for Weeks in Rcfrkerator I Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. Ltd. DISPUTE , THE DAILY NEWS country had been taken from Jt but this still left Oregon, by which all the country generally between Northern California and Alaska was then, known, in doubt since Astoria had been purchased by the British company and not pari cL. nu,r trl 7u.allTf .t tui I rt f lhe u taken. Followed a more or le Country lUcal ed by Speaker j, arrangfment in ,818 unacr yro t,'UI ! which the two countries were giv en Joint sovereignty and the right "Some" Aspects of the Oregon to trade and nettle. John McLaugh- Boundary' Dispute" was the sub lln, the factor of the Hudson B?jrj ect of an Interesting talk, largelj Co. at Astoria, being virtual ruler, along historical lines, which was Am can settlers started to com delivered yesterday at the regulai after the removal from Asto:ia to ended hy oin down the Bella putes which were constantly go Coota RhreriMfan while the Amer- ing on in Ehirope and were the K lean. Lewi and Clark, rnad the subject of almost constant dispute. trio overland U the mouth of the Columbfaiflh 1809 Simon Frascr arrived at th" cot by way of thr Fraser In 1R10 John Jacob Astoi rent hta fur traders. mnv of whom had beo formerly with tn North wet Comuanv. to the mouth of the florana arH ptabll'hM Aorla where David Thomoson arrived n o o : o o o o o o o o 0 g 0' o o o o o o o o o o o a o o o o 0 o o o two month Vte Carp the war of 1313 and wh Great Britain was 'ending a shli around Cane Horn Hth a view to taking Astoria, the Northwest Cnmoany was successful 'n b"viri l fr im A-r ldvln? the United Pas vtnut claims Mr. Harvey u-as thanked for his Jy? ery interesting talk by President D O Borland who was in the W rhalr Clsnt Parh Departed from Le Havre Yesterday for New York LC HAVRE, Dec 8 -Manned by sailer from the Navy replacing M .. . . . ... . t . . , 1 i 4 1 c...i. unaer tr.e ixeary oi uneni. wnicT iriniB nin. mc : iitmn nded the War of 1812. either liner Paris sailed yesterday for New country' was given bark whav York. SM4SJ A PRODUCT OF OltBtT'S CANADIAN DISTIHERY Bo;io or bv .ie Qovernment of Brltlih Columbia r...i ii i ci:i. Pocket Knives Safety Razors Nanaimo-Wcllington Alherta Foothills and Bulklcy Valley Coal Philpott Evitt . & Co. Ltd. m ova i,A n i lirltlsli Columbia leiepnone ooj or m rlnre ,luP"1 ..AWJv.wAWJWWV GIFTS 1 - - , - i i i - n i ii i i . sUJ-iuj, I I Copper Kettles Gasoline Irons p Mechanic's Tools Covered Roasters wWMvw.wwv.-.v.vw;jj Thompson Hardware Co. Ltd. i Cml,J "R,,nprf Rrand" tK"-"" ai,"m""BBE -- --- I j?. 7 y BLENDED WZ? I JLF: BOTTLED IN SCOTLAND f MlNTKAl, .CT (FORM r.) . . $ ; frrtHlrate of lmprirment NOTICE Sulphide No. 1. Sulphide NO. a. au--pWde No. 3? 8ulphicle So. 4. Sulphide No- 6. Sulphide NO. . Sulphide No. 7. Sulphide No 8. Sulphide No. 9. Sut- phid, ;no. 10. bWJ J" V . 1 This advertisement is not published or displayed by thei.iquor toe Skeeoft Mlnlrig DliUlort of Ring 4. Omwt. DlstttoC. S Where, located! 'S? On the Bcstall BlTer on or hear Red Cjj Oulci Cretk. . . . is, TAKE NOTICE tfcat I. FrederlcY J M Nssh. otlhg at agent for .Northern j Pyrttei UdT Free Miner" Oerttflcate-, No. 40979 E,. Intend, sixty days from m the date hereof, to tT'T " t1 Mlnrjk Recorckr for Certlflcfte cl . Improve- 8 mmt lor 4he purpose of obtaining Crown Orant ot be tove claim. Sr And further take notice that artlon. M under feeotVm 83. must e cwntnced r befon toe lMUrre Certlflcae CjJ ot Irnprovenent. ' M Bi.tl thte 15th day of November Jff 1938. J? FORM N. IS (Seotlon 391 LAM ACT ' n Dfinm 4 "VTAt IaTkI District, land ! Recording DUtnct of Prince Rupert vcrl ituate an the east hank oi the EartJJl River thirty miles from Port Esslngton. Take notice that Northern Pyrites j Ltd. of vancDUver. occ7uua intend to apply for permla&lon to purohaste the following deacrtbed latoda: cmmeoclhg at n pa planted th N, W Corner of ict 2688 being SulphWe No. 11 Mineral Claim: thence S. '87 diees 45 W 2 chains following the eouth boundary of Sulphide No. Mineral Claim to the Ecatell River: tK R.-n.-.hrlT and Easterlr follow irsa i.ii mlol bank ot aald rtrer' 67 1 chain more or le to the vL boundary of S. No. I Fractional Mineral Claim: thence Northerly and Westerly followlnsr the westerly and aoutherly boundartea of 8. No. 1 rraotlonal. Bui. phide No. and Sulphide No. 11 Mln-; eral OaUna 69 chalni more or less to tK notnt of oommenrlnz and con taining forty acres mere or less. Dsted November 6th. 1938. NORTHERN PYRITES LTD. Fred Nash. Kgtnt. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelil Proprietor "A 110M? AWAY FROM HUME" Bates $1.00 up 50 Rooma Hot it Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. , Pbonelli P.O.Box 196 Control Board or hy ine wovernmem oi4Dniisn oiumoia. weeKiy luncneon of the Prince Ru- Vancouver wasnmgion. in isis .te.vTtn,i,T'v''':' 'i-C rert Ylvrn Cliih Vw Jtmu T if... fnltfoml, taken h, Unit! JiSmOOSmi vey. States and the' agitation arose ml f J Mr. Harvey told how In the yrat that country to take over Oregon i 1792 Rutta claimed the territory as well and settle a boundary once; 'above Pltfca and Hnaln that hehiu.' end fnr all GrcdL Britain lald TC. line uoraruota itiver wnne mere ciaim ui ine country iiurui ui inwi was uncertainty between thrrlnlm Fortv-Ninth narallel and the Col- jof Oreat Britain and UnltedStates umbla River while the UnltediS? jfor the Intervening country. In 1792 Sales cry was "Fifty-Four Forty on b Capt. Georse Vancouver had been F'Tht." Eventually ensued the set- M delayed by a storm In landing at "ement on the Forty-Ninth paral- & the month of the Columbia Rlvex el with Vancouver Island going to f nd It o hanM nt Robeil Oreat Britain. ijg' Oray the first to'l'ind there Concluding, Mr. Harvey alluded S? l In 171 Sir Alexander Msckenrlf o the good fortune that between Gifts Six-Piece Bedroom Suite wwayed to cross oveVlund to th Uie United State and Canada ti- Vi Consisting of Vanity, Bench, Cheftonier moath of th-CeUitnbia but finally day there were no boundary dU- 3 W and 'a full .m cUm sized nwl Bed, Pohle Cable Spring Snrinir and and Snrinc Spring Filled Mattress $82.00 Twin Set A lady's ideal gift. Pak- Annpn Kv Nai mrc HtP and Vanitv Case French Liner Sails I 12.50 $18.50 I MLe-chcs,erfie,d$79'50 1 That all the Family Will Enjoy Men's Gladstone Bag 24-inch. Jumbo gladstone bag of top grain; cowhide in 9.9,00 brown Floor Covering Vaa w v Felt Base Rugs Inexpensive floor rug that makes your room bright and 'vv 00 livable. Size 9xl0ij Rcversahle Wool Rug These reversible j wool rugs come in pastel shades suitable for J. om;(Q $4.25 i Tags - Seals - Gift Wrapping Personally Printed Greeting Cards Boxed Assortments All In Gay Variety At Besner Block Phone 231, USED CARS 1930 FOR SALE Prices Very Reason able Roosevelt Coupe 1930 Hodge Sedan (Heater) 1932 v8 Coi,pc 1934 I)o(,Ke Deluxe seuan Heater and Radio m W ; 1 ! ft 1 Y Tkk "nors '9:09 a.m. f THIRD AVENCE Mm I to 5:30 p.m. g 1 ruDKTiwk rADnc i n 8 1929 ccr,ess Sedan Two 1937 Oldsmohile Sedans. Mileage very low and sold with a new car guarantee. Roth cars in first class condition. Liberal Trade-Ins Easy Terms ROYAL MOTORS s DIBB PRINTING CO. I