J.., March H 1938. 733 -OAILI. KZhI. Devious to ioday-s developments- IViennd mu vainer v.mes Are Brink Ur Martial Law;Germanv Is Mobilizing Men Along Frontiers 1 T 1l..ni..ii:ni .la Onnrt, lln. f T Dl J Fine llano ui 4uusbuihii iun ui f mi oiuustniKK 1 in Calling- for Plebiscite London is Deeply I Concerned Over situation invrnHM March 11: ("CP. With Vipnnn nm. ntW . J V i " AW , - ' ' .v. w V 1 1 a, 1 .1 I ? I . C 1 1 . CL .. .. .J1.1 1 i Whoa nn me unim ui mui iicu iuv tuiei u wuu iuirnx 01 l.rtVi?rtaT Hill. .11111 I HtLTl lllll LI1K UtTIIIlrlll 11H I I K W M II T r 1 1 1 v. 1 1 . - - l ' - - - -1 H tnainvr f T r .an. Ii 1 1 . n aa a a a . a. . a. I- mfinni'Hii ill iiriviii hi ii:m t'l ii 111 v 1.11 iiihvhiii inc . n,l at Anistrinn i isnrnprs into (iPrmnnv. Anstrm chll r . 1 ,1 L 4? tla lal.l Li 1 1! ....mnri inp fci ih ill int. ill ill i iiri i 1 1 1 1 1' i 1 1 :i I 1 1 1 IKI i limn. LUUIvU a,..w , - - . . aain'Vf TVio Trnln.flprmnn Um laSI. UIKllK. v....... .a.........., i . i. a j. i also auu a hum-" appears onnnnrx to ui De nr- mvoivea iiiviiirru in in tis - hpAustriantrouble.lt being freely nnf I I iLrolli ,a .., Aheepvprs nf ntprnn. wai . vr Vimuu ... hA(,ua. iffn.r that. Prtmlpr hprp behind the insistence of Aus-' u.Hi.1lni X-Tirf vr.rt .QpViiirVi.' riuu -. - unrt hLs Fatherland Front in 5b i is resistance of German Nazi in- inpnce which had resulted In his .m-,. rvf in InrlAnprinPfirp nlphl- tliU"& V" ii CnfiHitr British authorities look with deep . mm Via flortT.an mrt,KU lra . UeeLW inn in view of the failure of Oer- I . -1 . A - I- I 4 1 A n ia o vd nnv ii nn iti : it iri w i ii.ii .Minv xl' nnt .nlprfprp In An- In Vienna It was reported early l it.- - 4UH U..JUJ rrl murh nronertv damacp had .la... A VTHI M.MMUt-.AM MJ ...i. i U tu...& lU. mu . wouiUACiiiUKK caiiuiK ail iiiuiu&ij Meantime nreoaratlons for the wn oi age 10 24 or over me wazis iaiiit i i 1 di minfiTA t riH vnunurr ia mpir rnvnp Yesterday rhnnppllnr von Sehu- 1 . . ... A nanaa.1 n.t-1.. .la. U M I a . , viuci lliu UCVI1 Ut IVIUII- i-"t nearest uerman provincial cap-i'W to the Austrian frontier. Ger man troops are being mobilized, in B. C FRESHMEN SHOItOT In Theft Cases Ernest Anderson and James Ben nett Admit Guilt Here and at Terrace Ernest Anderson and James Ben nett, committed for trial on charg es of having stolen goods from Fraser & Payne's store, appeared before Judge W. E. Fisher in Coun ty Court yesterday afternoon and elected to take speedy trial, pleading guilty and receiving sentences of eighteen months' imprisonment from date of arrest on February 15. The two men amended election for Jury trial on charges of break ing and entering James Smith's store at Terrace and also pleaded guilty, receiving twelve montns sentences to run concurrently with the others. They were taken to Okalla bv Constable Terry Stewart aboard the Prince Rupert last night. Killed Near Port Alberni As Auto Strikes Bicvcle PORT ALBERNI, Vancouver Isl- r and. March 11: (CP)-James H. ' ! 1 1 1 1 aaAAaa a.AIA VAC. uraiien was k.ucu hci terday when a bicycle he was riding was struck by an automobile. Ford Employees Are Called Back Seven Hundred Men, Return To Work After Beins Laid Off Three Weeks Ago HON STEAMSHIPS LTD. RtiximAf. t aa ha DfinnQ T..r.ort for Vancouver. T S.S. CATALA EVERY TUES- T.8.S. CARDENA ritlDAY, DAY.i30nm. 9:00 pm. Due Vaicou ver. Thurs. D.m. Due Vancouver, Sun. MIdnignt t tickets at offlce convenient pleaso purchase pwther Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets From W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Agent, Third Ave. OYSTERS ON B. C. COAST (Continued from Page One) Investigating the life histories of the pilchard and herring. Thej rvere attempting to find out to what extent the races of herring nixed and how the supply in bnt rea was affected by the consumption in another. Tagging was be-'ui gradually extended until it would reach this Dart of the coast In connection with the pilchard It was now practically certain that the fish caught off the coast of Vancouver Island were the ctrown-un sardines found off tht California coast. Fish tagged in British Columbia waters had been taken In California and fish tag- zed In California had been taken off Vancouver Island. Once this was definitely established, the nil chard became an international problem. Osyter Culture Dr. Elsev referred then to the culture of the ovster on this coast and mentioned the oyster beds of Stenhens Island owned by An thony Brown of Prince Rupert. He was sorrv he had not had the tlmi to visit that point. He understood the oysters there were attached to shells hanging from floats. This seemed to be a good method of handling them and the product.) seemed to be very good. The oys ters did well although they were of much slower growth than In southern British Columbia owing to the water being colder. He could not say whether Prince Rupert was likely to become a producing centre as he did not Know wneinei thev would reproduce. Their Their experiments showed that It needed water not lower than sixty degrees Fahrenheit In order that the larvae might develop. After sDeaklnn of the different oysters on the coast and the failure of the efforts to reproduce the blue point variety, Dr. Elsey said that difficulty had been experienced in getting the Japanese oysters to spawn. Then it was found that once spawning commenced it snread throughout the beds. At Ladysmith they had a scow load of oysters ready to spawn last ye?.i and they scattered milt over them They very soon all began to snawn and today there were young oysters all over the bay and on! the rocks for an area twenty miie wide. The experiment was a great success. The oyster n o sw m ATLANTA, Georgia. March 11:- young feg The Ford Motor Co. today called; even vnTnn,n. v,; off owhic to a slow- clean roc ur u...n - "wwuvlu, Riarcn ii: tut-) "u . - ... thpn then so so smaii small i as as to w be uc mvisiDie to Averse fm.v, . iTivnr. in nn in disposal of production, M of British Columbia, accord-1 . -lu, rnvlHP cWn shells for th nS to a medical survey, are S - 'oysters to cling to and other col- feet t 7.4 inches high, and weigh 128.27 pounds and are five irf.. d.v,...B have been used " pounds pounds. FrPshPtiPs Freshettes ovpratte average four four Inches Inches ln ln height. neignt. ' r Dnnlroro U7PTP TinV Colli 000OO0i5itOO000OO00OO0HOr0 The New Halo Permanent Our hair styles must change to suit the ""a spring Donnets., Let us create for you a more charming and stylish 4f f ure. nly genuine nil solutions used on all permanents. Modern Beauty Shop 530 Tinni. Ax,,,, Phone 947 0 nir.liun -'vvwBaqootiOOOOtitiOOOOOtiqqoiaOaMwvMi.vvv' - into the industry at Ladysmith and were marketing the product sys tematically. He saw no reason wnj ihp industry should not develop. While ln Vancouver people used shellfish a great deal the people on the prairies used hardly any and just now they planned to educate the prairie people by advertising to consume the shellfish that were produced on this coast. BLACKHEADS Ct two ounwi of iwroiln powder from your druKHlit. Sprinkle on hot, wet cloth and rub the (c (rentjy. Erery bIcVhtJ will Iw dlwolved. The ooe ufe, lure and Imple way to remove kleekheeda. lle Ilnlliwooil cumuleilon. Prices of Raw Ftirs Up 30 x Ship Your Goods To G0LDBL00M The Old Reliable And Be Sure To Get The 30 per cent for Yourself I LOCAL NEWS NOTES W. F. Stone returned to the city , FLASH I Shipment of ladles' on the Prince Rupert last evening! blouses, satins and crepes. Sizes 14 from a week's business trip to Stew- to 44's at Annette's for $1.00. tr. art. Lutheran Fishermen's Soclai, Metropole Hall, Monday, March 14, 8 p.m. come. Program. Everybody Dr. and Mrs. C.H. Hanklnson have moved residence from the Plllsbury house on Fourth Avenue West to the home of Mrs. J. C. McLennan on Borden Street which they recently purchased. Get at the Cause of Constipation! You know that constipation often elves you that dopey, sunken, bocged down feeling, why not get a( the cause and fix it? If you eat what most people do -things like bread, meat and potatoes-the chances are all that's the matter with you Is you don't get enough "bulk." And "bulk" doesn't mean what you may think. It's a kind of food that Isn't entirely consumed, but leaves a soft, bulky mass At the Intestines that aids elimination. If this is your trouble, what jou need is a dish of crisp, crunchy Kellogg's All-Bran for breakfast every day.-It contains the "bulk you need, plus Nature's Intestinal tonic vitamin B and Iron. Eat All-Bran every day. drink plenty of water, and see If the old world docsnt look a lot brighter! All-Bran Is made by Kellogg' In i jonQon.wiHa.oyiuujcYcijiiiiuvci. Miss Bettv Brockway is sailing tonight on the Prince John foi a trip to Port Clements. The fire department had a cah .-i. Wprinpsdav afternoon to a shed at the rear of the residence of David Ritchie. 332 Seventh Av enue East, which had caught fire from dumping hot ashes. Slighl damage was done to the shed. The. ritv commissioner will be ln sesslon as a city councl1 to morrow morning to pass accounts, ratify the sale of city property to N. W. Appleyard and C. K. Ytre berg and transact such other business as may arise. Hotel Arrivals Royal Hans Sloilen, New Westminster; J. HUlard, Juneau. Trince Rupert W. H. Trotter, R. G. Holmes, Her-ry W. Marchall and H. M. Fowell, Vancouver; R. W. Sinclair. -Inver ness. Announcements All advertisements In this col-imn will be charged for a full month at 25c a word. Recreational Centre Dance, March 11, Oddfellows Hall. St. Patricks tea and social evening, Catholic Hall. March 17. S. Oi N. Fishermen' Farewell Dance, 'March ;lt Members ana escorts. ; C. Y. March 18 Orange Spring Sale March 25. March 25 and 20, CIRCUS, United Church.- Presbyterian Easter Sale, April 6. Salvation Army Sale April 13. Queen Mary Daffodil Tea April 18. United Sale, May 5. St. Peter's Bazaar, May 5. "OOVEKNMENT MQroit ACT" (Seel loll 2X) Notice of" Application for " Consent to Transfer of Nwr Licence vftTtrp ta ViArvhf - clvpi.. t.ViA.t rm t.h HU11UM a J u " -a I ftR.ta .i.. vf Xfarr.h next IVia ltiuler aU .11 M T, a. -- I signed Intends to apply to the IJquor I or bew licence no. issuea in rro nect of premltsefl being jMirt of a build- i Dnniui. ITTMeV ITntiit cltiu a.te on Spruce Creak, eight mUea from . . . . a . 1nn-1. ..IV.. M MM 1 All! a iOwliBiW", wpuii aiiurt urmuiAL-q a 7 Erll-lfiU Cottumbla, Prince Hupert Umd a. i.i I .. T" 1 . A fliat In Ih. t3avln at Brltlbh Oolumlila, from MILtard Dot- Don OobwpU to spruce uremic iioiei limited, of tjpruoe CreeJc, British Col umbliv, tlve Trannren: Dated tttvta 18th day of February, 1938. BPRUCE CREEK HOTEL LIMTTFIJ Applicant and Transferee. Bruce Lqve, sop of Mr. and Mrs A. B. Love, will leave Sunday morningi on the Princess Norah for Dawson where he will engage In mining. At Whitehorse he wlh join his brother, Evan, who left for the north a few weeks ago and they will fly from there to Daw son. Forestry Talks Here Next Month Eminent Authority From United States, Prof. Itecknagel, to Give University Extension Lectures . Prof. Recknagel of Cornell Uni versity, who Is spending a year at the University of British Columbia in an advisory capacity In connection with reorganization of the (department of forestry of the un- iversity. will be in Prince Rupert on April 6 and 7 t give extension lec- turpe under the ausDlces of the Prince Rupert Junior Chamber of Commerce. One of the lectures will be on the subject of "Green Treas ure" (forestry) and the other on "The Development of the Pulp and Paper Industry in the Pacific Northwest." Dr. Recknagel, advisor to the N.R.A. in the United States, will also speak before the Gyro and Rotary Clubs while here. Prof. Recknagel will give lectures at Ocean Falls on April 8 and 9. REFORMS AT 69 REGINA. March 11: (CP) Jacob Senft, 69, promised in Royal Canadian Mounted Police court here he would "aulet down." He plead? ed euilty to horse stealing. He had his two months sentence dated back to the time of his arrest so he could be out to seed his farm. C.N.R. Trains For the East Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays - 6 P-m From the East- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays "11 P-m BRONCHITE ASTHME Avm l ft1 mfdc qui m vend le plut tu Cinidi contrc li ui cc It rhume. BUCKLEY'Cu MIXTURE ij Phones 18 and 81 P.O. Box 575 FOR COOP SERVICE MUSSALLEM is " S. Dan. OMfenow, ECONOMY STORE Anglican Tea, Mrs. S. C. Thorn son, March 24. i flToceries Vegetables Fruits Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion THE SEAL QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed by the only iilmon canning company with an all the year round payroll In Prince Rupert Warm the tea-pot first WaKm a crockery tea-pot k" Put in one teaspoonful"-, of tea foKeach person and one "for the pot" g..Add fresh,bOIUNG water-Steep 5 minutes and serve. Only Fine Quality gives Fine Flavour "SA1AM TEA THIS WEEK 707 SPECIALS Prophylactic Tooth Brush and Powder IQp 75c value. Both for Italian Balm and Fitch Shampoo Special Italian Balm 60c, Fitch Shampoo 25c Both for 59c " Children's Popeye Tooth Brushes Special, -f-Rp J-t' each Ponds Cream Offer One bottle Danya Lotion Free with Ponds ftflp vv Cold Cream. Special Noxema Cream Specials Noxema Cream Med-Noxema Cream Small jum am i cae Nox- size. Reg. -i ff p ema Soap. KILp 30c. Special . . Both for .... Ormes ltd. "JiiA Pioneer Druqpists The lejiU Store Phones: 81 & 81 Open Daily From t a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 2 .m, 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. A New Telephone Number 456 Taxi AL. FRENCn With The Same Reliable Service ' - - - .. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE 16 Only STOOLS Richly upholstered in tapestry. All different patterns, and combination of colors. A special price while they last. 3.50 Each - Phone 775 327 THIRD AVENUE Two wives gossiped the other QdSof faoWS day IlIZa And I heard one to the other yfse toyoixf say, "My old hub Is a dear old soul, He always buys me EvStt's coal." mm r i wm l f f'fl - For The Best Coal in Town PHILPOH EYITT & CO. LTD. 651 PHONES 652 If you lose anythlnir, advertise for it.