THE DAILY NEWS. rKLNCJS RUPEKT BRITISH COLUMBIA PublUhed Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue H. F PULLEN - - Managing-Editor ADVERTISING RATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion -.. local readers, per line, per Insertion News Department Telephone ... l g Advertising and Calculation Telephone M DAILY EDITION OPENING LEGATIONS .03 .25 Friday, July 29, 1938. Wlioii Pmitiioi. T n DnllL !i e i i .. . i uituiiu wa iiiiiiisLer 01 i.mikis in f h Wembley in 1923 was a house built and finished with Bri- Way For Football End of August At a special meeting of the Prince Rupert Football Association last evening the matter of inviting the Ocean Falls Football team, to play in Prince Rupert for the Northern British Columbia Cup was considered and It was. agreed to Invite the Ocean Falls team to play a two game series. The datri. suggested are August 25 and 2? The first of these is the Prince Rupert Port Day and it was felt that a football game might bring not only the players from the paper town but also some of their sup porters. Some of these might even take nart in the events planned by the Port Pay committee. As the football eame would hp nl.ivprt In Gilhuly Cup Series The Gilhuly Cup series was the-i I considered and the following is Pittsburg 55 New York 52 evening it would not interfere with chcaga - & the arrangements already planned Cincinnati 48 by the Junior Chamber of Com-; Br?Myn 41 merce. The second game might be Boston 33 played on the Friday evening. ( St. Louis 37 j Further arrangements will de- Philadelphia 26 inend upon the suitability of the! American ' date as far as the Ocean Fall3 j New York 53 (players are concerned. A meeting j Cleveland 51 :wlH be held as soon as an answer Boston 50 lis received from them. Washington 46 Last evening's league game between the Canadian Legion and Baseball Scores THURSDAY'S BASEBALL National Leatve St. Louis, 1; New York, 2. Cincinnati, 4; Boston, a. Pittsburg, 9; Philadelphia, 3. Chicago - Brooklyn, to play at later date. American Leasue New York, 3; St. Louis. 4. Boston, 13-8; Chicago, 8-5. Philadelphia-Cleveland, scoreless after three Innings when rained out Washington, 4; Detroit, 12. Baseball Standings Including: Yesterday's Scores National Learnt BASEBALL STANDINGS National. Detroit 43 Chicago 35 uie Merchants football team was j Philadelphia 29 postponed on account of inclement weather. The Association decided to try to have the eame nlaved this evening but. if it will not be possible to do this, the teams will meet on Tuesday evening next, , the match to be for four points. St Louis 26 TODAY'S STOCKS (Couru 8. p. johiitoa Oo.) This will enable the Mobley Cup competition to be completed, B c- Nlcke' Should the Merchants and the Mssom Royal Canadian Naval Volunteer I Bralorne , Vancouver. Reserve be then equal In points a'Aztec play-off game will be arranged at Cariboo Quartz a mutually suitable date between 1 Dentonla, these two teams. ' ', Oolconda 31 38 33 4Q 47 46 49 59 3Q 3Q 33 45 46 41 50 58 ask ST i"i"'8 " "ew legauons 111 We Ilorter Idaho npar Tiitiirp nnn tt Hvi. senile . a. i mi the " c revlsed '"""J draw "raw, the me flrst ursi "jame- ' t . v.iu v U1 uoatua anu uiic at niusLeruaiH, ineseito be played ports are places with which Canada does business and .week: on Thursday of next ' premier 2.28 Where She might do much more business. CommerrP hns August 4 Navy vs. Merchants to be looked after if we are to become a trading nation I and if we are to find a market for our products. I IN THE ASHCAN "Bennett and his policies are in the political ashcan," an uuawa correspondent when writing about the new leader, Dr. Manion. Before Mr. Bennett left Ottawa after relinquishing the leadership, he did not even receive a coUrfesy call from the man who stepped into his shoes. It is suggested that there may possibly be some sort of loose alliance being framed among Premiers Duplessis, Hepburn and Dr. Manion. This may or may not come toj fruition but if it does it will be a curious m-min It spome' August 9 Legion vs. Navy. Relief Arlington "...:......... .15 August 11 Merchants vs. Legion Reward a.-... August 16 Navy vs. Merchants, j Salmon Gold nnsuai i& igion vs. avy. iayior uriuge .U3 men who if a,f August 23 Merchants vs. Legion Hedley Amalg 042 : The onlv mine in northern Football TONIGHT, 6:45 LEGION vs. MERCHANTS that Mr. Hepburn does not like the leadership of Prime' -it nrITn Minister Mackenzie King who blocked his plan to market lillAKlJlNli rw.,. ... ttlv uiiucu kJiaica. i iic uuillIl'iU S1LUULJUI1 IS Uiai anything or nothing ma happen during the next two years and, in the meantime, the Tories are greatly heartened over flip sitnnti'nn whiVVi mmr nf Un. Vnil n i,t- FORESTS lilrSnn- V f . 1. Tu ' JY.' lU. l i TAWA, July (CP) Tjic UVIICI Jiuving to ue oui 01 me piciure Junior Porest Wardens, youth altogether, u m as they have been during the past two years. ..movement, organized eight years . ago by the Canadian Forestry As- fJIVIXn T PAH soctttion, numbers more than 10,' . . ,1 v ....... v . .1 ... nil: .kWWUll. the Jintish Columbia 1 trovernment he saw the nossihilitips Thus far the maioritw nt the tish Lolumbia timber. Great publicity was given it at that chosen for their qualities of lead. time but it was not followed NEW YORK, July 29. (CP) There are two swimming strokes Noble TlveJ -jlJ. Premier Border Sllbak Premier ... .640 .578 .568 .551 .09 M 9.50 .07 2.45 ' .04 Vi .08 .03 Pend Oreille 2.20 Pioneer ,.. 2.95 .03 Congress . .01 Home Gold Orandvlew Indian C. & E. . Freehold Hargal ... McDougal Segur Okalta Pacalta Home Oil Oils. 'Toronto. ask V- "v--t. .18 .32 2.50 .06 .15 .115 1.40 .08 122 O00-boys pledged to save the forest Beattle 11?' 1 20 Central Pat, Gods Lake of selling ready fabricated houses in the Old Country and volunteer wardens belong to bi- Laone L'ac" - unc ui uie auracuons 01 me uritisn Kirimre exhibit at " r.Mr ".T rwr McKenzie Red Lake i.25 ? iirt are il at l w work 'K mi on irii the nrninoc prairies, in ir Eastern Canada and Newfoundland. g belters Gold 05 t to ?th this U in in a , rrnHP i ecent issue, rl p'roud Mccieod cockshutt. 4.30 nave already wrlUen a rp. However, the foundations were laid and today every- cord of practical service. okiend :.. .21 one' is talking about the possibilities of building Wooden' Hundreds of incipient forest fire: Masher 20 Vinmoa in TTm nrl i -i I n,l 01,i v, n i: 1 ,.i have first been detected bv them Madsen Redlake 43 iiuiiiuj 411 uimim uuu ji.uunmi clUUI tllC UUclUIilII NMJUtM. - . ... ,. " ' ' Tl wood proposed to be used is cedar, which XZJTTZ ZIZ To est life Of all British Columbia WOOds. It is expected that fire rangers. Many groups have Moneta 1.96 considerable business will result from the present drive. Breast Stroke Fills Hollows started reforesting waste areas Bouscadlllac ,0T2 or have beautified vacant lots by Thompson Cadillac 22 trpp-nl.inf Inu Othprs hnvn nffnoVi. man who has developed hollows' ed themselves to local fire rangers around her neck and shoulders. It travelling with them on their daily will help fill In the hollows, devel- patrol by trail and river. One bo op her bust and make her look of 13, living In a settler's cabin, much better In that evening gown heaid a passerby speak of a fire she bought to take on her vaca- outbreak and. saddling his pony, tlcn. The same stroke will help the galloped eight miles to Inform the women should harp on If they want business woman's, housewife sister , nearest ranger, tc get the most benefit from sum-! et rld of that dowager's hump, Recognizing boyish fondness for mer swimming, says Anle McOov-l been developing slowly but e sort of uniform, the Canadian ern, New York physical director and thr"8h the winter. And it Forestry Association arranged to instructor iU be good for her younger sister suPPly several thousand outf'ts One is the breast stroke. The! h never quite gotten over a "re green oerets other is called the "back floating tendency toward the crawl." It's like the overhead stroke loucn- debutante and scarfs- Frequently hats and .leggings are added. A large medal- . . i . . i ii il i HrniKi t n m cnirr annntinAAt only one swims on one's back In-1 ine nacK noaung crawl neips ' " stead of on one's stomach. He re-' the abdominal muscles. Exercising pX'S Ml marks that the regular crawl Is and strengthening those muscles ". JJ'"; not a woman's stroke. He says it la - very important. Mr. McGovem SiuSlrTSS, Z 2 "rs a contest stroke and far too stren- say many women are as much as tak . precautlns , t uoui- t . u , , I UJor1f,Vefhlnche:?Utlr0 f1 '"'destniction by extinguishing camp wMii,!..... .-.. nres ;ann iim(o: matches and to recommended for the business wo- exercise and proper clothing, ibacco . m-M . Bankfleld .75 East Malartlc 2.18 Preston E. Dome 1.63 Hutchison Lake .03 Dawson White .3 Aldermae r;.m .55 Kerr AddLson 2.18 Uchl Gold , .'.,'. a.!?- International Nickel 51.00 Noranda 7250 Cons. Smelters 59.75 Athona I.....' .08 Hardrock 2.74 Barber Larder 28 Mandy 18 Rand Malartlc 40't J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Blflf, VALUE OF MIXING CLARIFIED (Continued from Pane Qni talk on their meaning which added very greatly to their value. Hf spoke as one who knew well what he was talking about. Those who attended came away imbued with' the importance of the industry and the desirability of seeing that Prince Rupert did her proper part In encouraging mining in the country which the city serves. j Mr. Mitchell said he had re- cently travelled through the Interior and he found the complaint general that the farmers had no market for their products. A similar condition had existed In north- em Ontario and Quebec and then .the mining districts of those two 'provinces were developed and to day the farmers are an prosperous and when farmers are prosperous the whole country is prosperous. So It would be In Central British Columbia. Let the mining get well under way and there would be a eood market for everything. The northern half of British Columbia was no mean one. Like Fairy Story Mr. Mitchell then showed the pictures, covering every important mining camp in British Columbia where there are producing mines. One of the outstanding features of the first reel was the series show all the activity was seen the. hard ril RACE YOU to shori ron ONI OF DAD'S MONOGRAM CIN i PAGE TWO THE DAILY NEWS '' tf T JTackand Jill Health Shoes Keep children's feet growing in nature's form Cushion $oe$ flexible smart styles great wearing qualities and values Fitted by the VISIBLE Fitting System. $1.75 T0 $3.50 Family shoe store ltD. The Home of Good Shoes PAPER TOWN IS INVITED Plans Under Series at Little Daughter of Mr. and .Us. Duncan McLean Par Away M This advertisement is not jmMislierfor displayed Ix? Control Board or bv the fJove.rnment of Hntish i vote of thank ta Mr formal S? south. All that was needed was the moved by Olol Han- Mitchell was Slrgy and persistence properly M. P. and seconded by. J. V. 'applied to make that part of the n .country flourish. Conditions were 'McKinley. 639 Just as. favorable as they had been , 63Qli il. 1,11 bid UUMIt 602 Speaking of the mining Industry 505' generally, the speaker said th9t .488wenty thousand people make a '1 living directly from the Industry .467 which was the second largest in Jlu the province. From this It would seem that the industry with which he was dealing and pictures 'of which he was about to sho-v Little Smithers Girl Succumbs TELLS OF NEW CIRE (Continued from Page ai believe. this wa$ n,ot the the substance taken fr ..i .-if club root. However the ci claims for it and they rcMt Die most critical work wn j be done. He had not rn.i?! many people suffered froa : disease. Some of the le'ttr-1 deceived were most pat';: could sav nothlne as L: 'i the result would prove of Kiln ui Hi. in oiu Lur i . i credit for the work was da l 03.4 work, persistence, scientific mlndi parents and grand-parents who jived 15 years in slave 12 ,and Intense earnestness of the held the child in such great devo-' 01 Central British Columbia shown 1.90 .01', '2 the great Sullivan mine which was .10 jthe chief reason for the existence .Ol'Jpf the Trail smelter, the Conner Quatsino Copper .04 : Mountain mine operated bv Oranhv IIalda - .03',jand dozens of smaller operations A. P. Con. J Calmont 2.75 .55 00 Red Ike Ooldshore 10 Pickle Crow , 4.65 Qon Atitrtrttn 1 4C up up and and no no business business was was done done e"hlP. erstP. knowledge knowledge of of woodcraft woodcraft r' " .. ,.U mu -iri.!... , .... anrt uilllnanooa in coruo lultk.i.t Blicmil UOfQOn 1.47 !was the Sllbak-Premier and the SMITHERS. July 29. The community was saddened Thursday morning when it was learned that , Lurvo aa he had been th kt the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs.' spirit In It and never let b Duncan McLean had passed away seemed to tire, in the Smlther's Hospital. The little At the conclusion the ipf. girl was taken to the hospital two waa thanktd by President C j days previous suffering from ap- his informative addre i Tt ina Zeballos as it was less than two pendlcltls and underwent an opr visitor at the lunche. in tit years ago and what it is today. He eratlh. She failed to make a re- tn the speaker was 01 f Ha pictured the development of the covery ana aeain vOK Piace- Ml', producing mines, the building of The child was the grand-daujh- the roads and trails, the bulldln ter of Mr. and Mrs. I. Anger who of the town and the shipping of are very well known throughput the rich ore which is making Van- the north, having been pioneers In couver Island famous. It was like Hazelton, Smithers and Prince Ru- a story from fairyland, only behind pert DIES AT 115 YURS KINGSTON. Jama! x L (CPi Believed to hav? ten old ert resident of Ji;.- a Dorothv France of K-- Rc aympamy is ieii tor the bereaved; died at the age of W s t,on- . J AMHERST, N S. Jw ,a I Aw.V.. n U nr. trzi ' 1 i u i . . ., i . i i. ; ."--r i iniri .1 r 1 1 1 ihi i. vri i i .i n 7u To ;,. V "'t,uu,n nd district with au orUaement : walks between a tree and tap I in. different parts of the province ; including the Cariboo- and Bridge River Mines. He also showed the actual operation, how the ore was ;dus, shipped, smelted and the gold bricks poured. The story was jinost fascinating. The set of plc-, tures was a piece of work well done ( and a great credit to the man .who jtcok them, pieced them together Into a splendid series of sequence J to make a complete whole of a j most inspiring nature and very educative. J' F. A. MacCallum. president of jthe Prince Rupert Chamber of .Commerce, was in the chair and the close spoke most npprerl- HYDE Transfer 315 SECOND AVE. FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wood Phone 580 ixr.irri liit- miisi rwoiTis in rm . rn etraTin a Mom uirp z: i Hi r w-vm - ..O " lClorn.,rl V. .l Jl tn the pallv Nw pole in the :w A December Frozen HERRING BAIT Cold Storage Ice Canadian Fish & C sajt Co. Ltd. PrinceRupert, B.C. old Storage