Men's Comfortable and Durable Published Solid Leather WORKING BOOTS Receive ;the Utmost in Quality, Wear and Value. Greb,. Valentine and other High Grade Makes. Priced From $2.95 Up Family shoe store ltD The Home of Good Shoes THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Every Afternoon. Except Sunday, by Prince .Dally News. Limited, Third Avsnue H. F PULLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION KATES City delivery, , by carrier, yearly period, ........ paia in - ntj i i - mm in auvance. per we;: Rupert Paid In advance, per month By mail to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance '. By mall to all ether countries, per year ' ADVERTISING KATES Classified advertising, per word, per Insertion ! " local readers. Der line, per Insertion News Department TeJesnor.s t6 Advertising and Circulation Telephone M Member of Audit Bureau oi Circulations MUSKETEERS STILL LEAD 1 1 -y-.' Sons of Norway Take Second Place In Prince Rupert Bridge r League Prince Rupert fridge League results last night were as follows: Canadian National Recreation Association. 1370; Musketeers, 13,-880. Orotto, 13470: Sons of Norway 16460., .14910; Brackman A Ker, 13190. Prince Rupert Dairy, 16470; .Canadian Legion, 9740. The league standing: I For Ag's Muleteers 450 37150 S. O. N. .45510 40130 C. N. R. A 44300 40750 B. & K. 40300 37550 Ramblers 39800 37070 P. R. Dairy ' 39400 34980 Grotto . 34700 52740 Can. Legion 33330 43320 Terrace Child Is Laid At Rest Funeral of .William Was Held on Pts. 46260 455in 44300 40300 39800 39400 34700 33330 Gordon Lever Sunday TERRACE. Nov. 5. Last Sunday afternoon the funeral of William Gordon Lever, only child of Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Lever. Terrace, was held from Knox United Church. Many beautiful floral tributpsimnnr , Three members of the Sundav j School, little Jean Kirkaldy, Vera I Bland and June Smith, sang "When M.UU jr Cnmpth tn Malrp TTn UU T0.l, . " W J AAM i, V. V. WO. "j Rev. Adam Crisp conducted the. -".service and Interment was in th 3.00 9.0P .02 .25 vesque. Ford Jackson, Lloyd Cram- et, Gerald Fagan. BURNS LAKE Mrs. Joe MacDonald Is vlsltlns I friends In Pacific. ' I o" " j r . ' Mlss Eileen Hincks, former teach- Saturday, November 5, 1938. :er of Collnnnnt ' "' jncwa patient in Burns Lake Hos-J rnrT?TTlTTrw !plta1, 15 Progressing as well as cani iv innn LUivKUPTION IN t HIGH PLACES? be expected after undergoing two One of the most flagrant cases of what looks like major operations. tunuuuun in nip-n n npc k cqq T?,, i t. l. j r , . 1 - . utviciuii u an muiLrmion icjievuig ior ins lasi two-months Kitselas Social Evening Enjoyed Entire Community .Had Part function Last Frday ijji-i i. i a v 1 1 1 1 . i i 1 1 w fii i 1 1 ii irniinvi r r-i - o r if i ti.. tt .n i At . - Tn :it "tljl aeasion tney made. It indicates' a school for training "VV UL P"Mcai v morality in Hungary. , i -u. It. u,ulollly " Hungary. In our political set-up Liberals, while belonging to and supporting the party, reserve to themselves the right to speak out in connection with matters that' concern their constituents. That is where they Feem to differ from other parties. To oppose a C.C.F. policy is to break with the party as seen m the case of the late lamented leader of r 1 r?S g.eneral rule- Conservatives follow the! u leaders faithfully without any discordant note of indepen- !Ie;i, " Sf the Li.befal constit"tion that members! Jiave the right of expression, no matter whether it is op-' posed to the party policy or not as long as they do not I vote tq try to UDset thp. orivprnmonf ' The member for Skeena has expressed himself very forcibly m regard to the need of completion of the highway between erre and Hazelton. We are glad he is after thatprpie.ct. Our idea is that the whole highway ."nOUId be rnmnlptprl unrlov o Ati. n J "5t!!Vrovid"1ifor1thework t0 be completed from! ittrv ; ? , "fiiuii n;or Deiore tne end of the-year '? iarcV, th- l first undred miles go by a route north of the Skeena Rtv;r. It will never be done .unless a big contrpcj- is let The "-0rk should be done in a modern manner with modem machinery. As it is now it is a little relief project, not a highway project. A Hot Time Is What You Want This Winter c You can get it by using .our famous Edson, Bulkley Valley or Nanaimo-Wellington coal. PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. Phones 58 or 558 III NATIONAL MOTOR SERVICE THIRD AVENUE EAST Phone RED 392 INTERNATIONAL TRUCKS HILLMAN CARS STANDARD PRODUCTS Prompt and Efficient Service Royal In KITSELAS Vnv 5: A communi ty gathering was heldln the Kitselas "United Church last Friday evening under the supervision of Mr. and Mrs Robert -Wilson ,when nractlcallv the whole villaee turn ed out -to enjoy supper and a gocx! program or music and speeches. Rev. Adam Crisp of Terrace presided as chairman. The servine and cooking ar rangements for the supper were I) charge of Mrs. Joe Hudson and those serving at the tables were Mrs. Henry Bolton. Flora Bevar; Amelia Bevan and Josephine Seymour. Immediately following .refresh-ments speeches were given bv Chief Walter Wright. Silas Bevan. Ben Seymour. Joe Hudson, Arthur Bolton and David Mason. Chief Wright gave an eloauent and dramatic descriDtlon o? his (boyhood days and ended by urging the boys and girls to give' their i schooling first place in their lives. 'The other SDeeches also strp.wH the opportunities afforded the younger generation to prepare themselves for a useful life. Then followed a oroeram of music, under the direction of Ben Seymour, and the numbers In cluded: Quartette, 'The Judemenr Morning," Flora and Amelia Bev an, Josephine Seymour, Ren Sey- (were sent by relatives and friends! Recitation oi tne bereaved parents. Laura Hudson. Solo, "I have heard of a Land," Ben Seymour. ( Recitation, "Whistle and Hoe." Jeffery Bevan. I Duet, "Whispering Hope," Flora eland Amelia Bevan. . ' Mountain View Cemetery. Recitation. ine paiioearers were. Omar. Le-Bolton. "Kindly Thought," His Garland," Vera Solo, "Gospel Train." Negro spiritual. Ben Seymour. i Duet. "Isn't It Grand," Negro! spiritual. Laura Hudson and Josephine Seymour. Later the children repaired to the new school house and enjoyed a Period of games. . The gathering came to a happy conclusion with community sine.; . " i t j Hotel Arrivals foHnwfnir p ciinni, Ca- - TT 1.". iJU:JC LUUiiy wiierei Miss Stirling R.N.. who has been T. S. S. Umpliby Umpleby and James C. Dob- ir 2-' ! A. Remstad.' Porcher Mqrley, Alice Arm. tnvnriit t c . i. Uosneil and fof ti 1 r " 1,01,011 ?,,u merman jtoreign mm- xiuspuai, ien misjramlly, Port' Simpson; A. Wick and -j, mc ucjiciiL-Jiirie.s oi tnp liino-mfinf- hinH iUi Vancouver via rnnce KU- large dice of Czechoslovakia to Hungary promise to re- P rt' 1 Prince Runert of rural i n v ri..n. : Island; pat . ..(i. i. , ,1 . T . I ' Vancouver: ti. M. ic is- oemg conauctea oy steven?on, KamlooDS- W J Par .r ' "- .uiUlc win uiaciaim oeing iniiuenceai " 6 - t ifc ai culu Da"K' xias. ana8". Dlgby; F. Waterman any promises and will refuse absolutely to receive anv starte?1 off wlth 70 puplls- : tle- tLvLv. n TVard iS Cmine t0' WINNIPEG WHEAT them If PRICE tnem it they gae H, Hungarj' more than was comine-to " hOI' thmt nvr rnn I "(vj aic ujrai iu qtnsure. t Winnipeg, Nov. 5: cp) RIGHT TO SPRAir nwv LONDON GOLD PRICE .Wheat futures were up vec .to fcc Montreal price of bar gold Bom in in Lon-On r30 the VlnniDef? market vpc.r a . . ; uuu as uncnangea yesterday a"; m,.fc with November closing at 57V2c. 's.34.99 per fine ounce. THE SCOTCH THAT CIRCLES THE GLOBE irlnnffH BOTTLED ire Scotland WHEN .ORDERING SCOTCH. ,ASt FOB TcCAUtnn'S PERTECTiON" $3.25 40 ox. $4.85 ThU advertisement is hot published or dlSDlaved b- tr-P I tmmr Control Board or by the Government of RrS MacKENZIE's FURNITURE SLUMBER KING .MATTRESS (TC m m n. There no better , !S27.5fl SLUMBER KING SPRINQ- CTm cfmm A8tee , ftl4v25; 30 SIMMON'S FELT MATTRESSES "7 ' All sizes, each .., .v,.l.S4.', 'vfO 0 IVfk 0 Phone 775 , ..' OG DEN'S TOPS EM ALL'' nssiFiED FOK SALE FOR SALE 40-foot halibut boat complete with gear. Apply N. M. McLean. Seal Cove. t.f.l FOR SALE Model A Ford. First class shape. New .tires. $150. Ap-ply Thrift Cash & Carry. (260) FOR RENT i 2 ROOM Furnished suite. Phone! Red 444. (25Pi PERSONAL WE HAVE HELl'fiO HUNDREDS TO OBTAIN positions a U ter Carriers, 'Postal Clerks, Customs Examiners, Clerks, aud Stenographers, etc., and cani help you. Write us for prow, and free information. M.C.C i !Vinnl. T A lift I , 1 In Canada. PRIVATE HOME KINDEROAR. TENS PAY. We start you. The Canadian Kindergarten Institute Winnlppg, tj AGENTS WANTED CHRISTMAS Card Agents either' sex. Beautiful "Walf0rd Series" personal Christmas cards, 15 for' $1.00, Liberal commission, extra' iree order to agents. Truly remarkable values, in boxed .Ghrlst-mac card assortments in which we specialize. Better quality at ,le cost. Seeing is believing. Send for wholesale price list and particulars. No obligation. Aiso striking new designs of Metalfoll Christmas seals, individually boxed gift calendars, etc. Established over quarter century. Newton Walpert Co.. Suite 210, University Tower Buljding, 660 St. Catherine St. W., Montreal, Canada. (tf) FOUND ;IP ANYONE by mistake took black nat with name r.G.O. on band please return to .Dally News. Sealed Tender ndrirmMt Uu un. tlersigrued will Jje received until noon AVedliosdav. Nnvmlvr .10th loaa r the purohaee of lit 1. 31ock S, Registered Plan B75. TeleoriTh nrk Tnom. te. ? C, with toulldngs thereon. Term of sale: one-thrd cash and the jnen yi).lx interest at five percent Lowest or any tender not nooewartlr ecepted, D. M. MacKAY, Indian Oommtesboner for B. O P. O, Dox 70, Vanoouvcf B.C. ' rpartmetvt of Mlncw and ReBouroea. Try;a Daily News classified ad vertlsement for best results. I MORE ...d m You'll climb to new peaks of enjoyment when you roll your own with Ogden's Fine Cut. Ogden'i is sweeter, cooler, mellowei a cigarette tobacco that steps up smoking pleasure to new highs for those who roll their own. Ogden's Fine Cut with "Vogue" or "Chantecler" papers that, sir, is a combination you can tie to for rolling cigarettes that always satisfy I I lUf Mil 111 W 1 nememoranre rjj. iOTember H p a little aott for jour poPPy h year; HEAT FOB Less Money Help Support the Region .that .Helps Support You. Think ThU Over, Then BUY BULKLEY VALLEY - - r UNION TkAMhIPs VillUll II 1 1J11 llllll I I II U1U Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver' T.S.S. CATALA EVERT! TUES- T.S.S. CARDENA FRIOAl, DAY. 1:20 nlm. Ift.innm ' . -" av.w- f Due Vancouver, Thun. ji.m. Due Vancouver. Monday If Convenient. PlVa Pnirhau Tiri,f .i office Further Information Regarding Reservations and Tickets F a. v. NEWS! AN, Prinee Rupert Agent. Third Ave. Pbonesw HALIBUT ? Prlnr n lln.,f Tle Source ,of Snnsfiine : -Vita prim A and U Roiled Halibut With Egg Sauce U J3 i Kcst i hie lal a't aibl e -S-t LsX y ins i Gnrliii FiqIi & f nlrl .Stnrafif Co. Ltd British 4J1 t".- ColurnH - - -... v .UIL .11 CENTRAL HOTpL ROOMS and CAFE Phone 51 For Best Household Coal MRS. C. E. BLACK . t7 I. T Rfllf A"1 pasteurized MM ! VALENTIN DAIRY rnoNE-7 f '.' U ypu .lose .:(ivf8e ,f or '.It