ouT OF WORK TODAY? Try The News’ Want Ad. Way. , IL “4 yt at SOME TIME AY RAISE THE GLEN ROSA THIS AFTERNOON - IVER EVANSON SUCCEEDED “THIS MORNING IN PLACING the _ SLINGS AROUND THE HULL AT STERN AND BOW— ; FURTHER SEARCH REVEALED NO TRACE OF BODIES. " Diver Evanson today descendedjon her side, and the slings will p min to the wreeked Glen Rosa have to be placed so that the hull , succeeded after over an will tend to get on an even keel , ; : as it is raised. With pumps handy . hard work in fixing slings on the scow it is expected that the hull at bow and stern,|{he Glen Rosa can be pumped , h will enable the wreck to be/out to as to float herself soon ed by the winch and derrick| 4fter she is hauled to the surface, Captain Babington’s big There was no sign of bodies he diver had to make a|found by the diver today. He trip in order to bridle|kept a lookout for them on the = ws together and make fast|bottom in the vieinity of the hauling wires. It was thought|wreck, but without result. Water- today that wreck might|front opinion generally is now : be brought to the sur-jthat both bodies have been swept it high tide this afternoon| away by the tide, but Chief Vick- ‘ diver’s second trip werejers intends to continue dragging 7 i sful,. operations started yesterday af- The wreck is lying right over] ternoon. a0 = - SONS OF ENGLAND SOCIAL BUILDING LIST s easant Evening Spent in the Ss. O. E. Hall Last Night. TOT A LS HIGH \ merry evening of song, dance 5 D reation was held in the —-- i. Hall last night by the/}Inecluding New Fire Hall and City of the Sons of England Hall, Value of Buildings Now 5 ‘ and friends, There were Going Up Comes to Nearly : pward of forty present and the $30,000 for Fortnight. ' « went off splendidly. ——. nt F, A. Ellis presided, With the inelusion of the new- ‘ capital program of songs}ly granted permits for the city. p Hersperced the dancing, Messrs.{hall and the new fire hall, the “ Clapperton, J. Russell, H.|building permits for the past efcher and R, A, Ellis contrib-|couple of weeks total very near- ‘ ed the program, also J, G.} ly £29,000, es with his famous imita- Following are the details kind- ee f farm yard sounds. Re-|ly supplied by Building Inspector \ ents were liberally served,|and Fire Chief McInnis: th “God Save the King” the Alterations to Premier Hotel, | ng dispersed at midnight, | $100, + Alterations, lots 3 and 4, block ‘ iker & Wells for faney|33, section 1, Third avenue, $300. | ‘ ry butter, 40e pound, tf F. H. Kelly, lot 23, block 31, EVMONTREAL RAILWAY WINS section 6, Eighth avenue, cottage to cost $300. eer ne lot 417, block 24, ivy Council Desldes That Com- mission Has No Control. | adian Press Despatch. treal, Jan, 27.—The ist by the city to the street according to the decision | Privy Couneil, is far-reac h-| effects, and of great| rtance to both sides, ago the Railway ordered that the should reduce the Mount Royal Ward afford people in that transportation at the same is the residents of Notre e de Grace, le street railway company | d the Railway Commission’ s | it to such an order and claimed | i! they could only be controlled ( 1 1 case Vay, n its Onin | street fares serv- dis- \ year on Vay the Provincial Government, he Supreme Court of Canada held the M. 8S. B.’s contention, Privy Couneil to appeal from Supreme Court's judgment, md if is this appeal which has ww been granted, l hen the city obtained leave from i 1 ’rince Rupert's leading hotel— AVOY, Board of Trade. \ meeting of the Board of ide will be held on Monday to ppoint office bearers for the ONTENEGRIN PLAY TONIGHT nteresting Perfarmance in the Empress Theatre This Evening. lonight the loeal Servian ely inembers put on in the Em- Theatre their great na- nal drama, entitled “The Hragedy of the Balkan Empress.” whe show promises to be inter- sting to citizens generally, and the distinction of being the 'y first of its kind in Prince ipert, So- 148 & Wells for. a dozen Stalker s, 606 stamped tf Two rooms over Suitable for offices or Apply H, 8, Wal- Mor rent A\ allace's, “apartments, section Third avenue, $50, City x Prince Rupert, fire hall, i} Fulton street, $6,006, City of Prince Rupert, city hall, 0,000, Fulton street, $2 Douglas Sutherland, repairs, $50. A. Schurma, residence, lot 24, block 10, section 5, Sixth and Fulton streets, $2,100, PRESBYTERIAN SERVICE “Religious influence of Robert Burns Yaple Sunday Evening. evening at 7:30 in the Empress Theatre Rev. PAN Kerr will speak on ‘The Religious Influence of Robert Burns as Seen} On Sunday in His Life and Poetry. The morning seryice 1D the Chureh Hall on Fourth Avenue, will be conducted by Rev. GC, R. Sing, who will speak on chureh union, The annual meeting of the con- gregation will be he id on Wednes- day next at 8 o’cloe k, All mem- bers and adherents ought to hold Wednesday free for the annual meeting, “Jack” Hilditch Back. By the Camosun this morning there returned to the city Mr. J. H. Hilditeh, who, after his campaign, south on account of illness. His visit matters be- » boy when strenuous one-week was called his little was a pleasant one, ing improved with the he arrived, sons Cc Baby Daughter. A baby daughter arrived at the home of M. J. Hobin of the Gon- tinental Trust Company yester- day. Mr, Hobin ts a popular old- timer and is receiving every COn- gratulation, Early Closing. The following business houses will close at 7 p, m. every night except Saturday, commence ing Jan, 29th: Ideal Provision House, J. E. Merryfield, Williams & McMeekin, Miller - Phillips, Shrubsall Fish Market, Prince Rupert Fish Market, Frizzell Meat THE DAILY NEW Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist COAL DRILLS LANDED 8.8. Prince John in from Massett —Captain Reports Progress. A sel ery was landed at the trip to the islands. The plant be- longs to a new outfit’ prospect- ing. Foggy weather on the straits and at Massett was reported by Captain Wearmouth. of coal drilling machin- Naden John Harbor by Prince on her last Assistant Fire Chief Killed. Walla Walla, Jan. 27—Fire this afternoon resulted in the death of Assistant Chief Wolfe, and severe injuries to another fireman, The property is estimated at $200,000, loss The for GOVERNMENT CONTRACT Westhoime Company Has Order-| ed Material for Warehouses on New Wharf. Provincial Works has awarded the contract Mi the completion of the nister ware-| MAILWAY TAXATION DISCU L of tc |P PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, JANUARY 27, 1912. arge NEXT MAILS For South “=Horincess Beatrice.,...Sunday, a.m, da © MGUN weer ees Sunday 6 p.m. PRICE Five Cente N LEGISLATURE FIFTY MILLIONS Estimate for Western Railways this Year. (Special to Daily News.) Montreal, » the acifie houses on the government whe rf! Pac ifle at Prince Rupert to the West- holme Lumber Company. Mr, M. | ion Albert, manager of the company, states that the lumber to be used| ‘is in the construction, aggregating 300,000 feet, has been ordered and will arrive soon, ne ee Twe Shrubsall’s Special. a. in., Navel oranges, 25 cents per|max. dozen, 2t 28.0. dollars Jan. 27—According present plans the Canadian Railway, the Grand and the Canadian North- ern Railways will spend fifty mil- in western Canada year, THE WEATHER. nty-four hours ending 5 January 27: Bar., 29.635; temp., 46.0; min. temp., RATIFICATION BILL IS DISCUSSED. Premier McBride Moves Its Secaua Reading and Speaks in Glow- ing Terms of Rupert’ s Development MANSON PRESSES PASSAGE OF MEASURE Williams Criticizes the Bill Under Impression That Railway Company is Granted! Too Low a Rate of Taxation and Insinuates That Com- pany Held Up City With Gun Victoria, Jan. 27—In the Leg-|land left out from the streets and |with city development, for which islature yesterday the second| blocks in. the townsite survey,|it had already assumed obliga- reading of the act to ratify the}and these could be utilized for|tions in the neighborhood of $1,- agreement between the Beavins Lwunietatt buildings and ware-|300,000. At the same time they cial Government, the Cily of|housés. jhad a total assessment of $14,- Prince Rupert, the Grand Trunk In the course ef his speech the }000,000, and stood in splendid Pacific Raitway and the Grand} Premier drew #lowing picture|credit on the money. markets. of} Trunk Pacific Development Co.|}of what had already been accom-|the world. came up. | plished in the city of Prince Ru-| Mr. Williams criticised the bill Premier MeBride moved the|pert, and in view of the coming}/as giving the railway company second reading, stating that it|development, he considered thatjalltogether too low a_ taxation, had been finally agreed the rail-| it fully justified the bargain|sinee, if the Government property way company should pay to the}made by the Government with|there, one-fourth of the townsite, city $15,000 a year taxation on|the railway a few years ago. The|was worth $13,000,000, then the its lands, and in return for this|}Government already owned there}railway company’s property would concession the company must im)}townsite property valued at $13,- ibe worth &39,000,000. It was re- mediately start, the construction| 000,000 which years ago was not/markable that the people of of its terminal, shops,warehouses; worth 13 cents. Prince Rupert had passed it, but and so forth. Furthermore, the} Mr. Manson, of Skeena, said/if any one put a gun in your face company agreed to grant to the) there was a strong desire on the}and told you to hold up your city a waterfront lot which could} part of the people of Prince Ru-|hands you were likely to yield. be used for the disposal of gar-|pert that the bill should pass, in The bill passed the second bage. The city would also get that the city might go on|reading without division. oe GOLD STAMPEDE SIMILAR TO THE KLONDIKE May Prove a Huge Safindle-::Thousauds Gone in Now Without Food or Shelter---Eight Thousand Claims Staked Special to Daily News, |from the hundreds rushing in|night was addressed by several Winnipeg, Jan, 27. Reports| unprepared for cold weather and| Yukon and California mining en- last night from Minitonas, Mani-|!ocal conditions, The trains last}gineers, who declare that after a toba, where gold was discovered| Hight resembled the days of the;careful investigation they find a few weeks ago, are that the|Klondyke rush Old miners are|that the alleged gold discovery, conditions are terrible there; no going in by the score, with tents|fpom all eppearances, is a huge food and no accommodations.) @nd blankets. swindle, There is practically no Minitonas is a little village 250 ree indication of gold after investi- miles northeast of Winnipeg. Minitonas, Jan, 27. A meeting|eation, yet there are 8,000 claims Much suffering has resulted | of prospectors held here last|staked, SHAWATLANS LAKE, FROM ace 1stf Market, Stalker & Wells. BL WHICH CITY WILL PART ( ITS WATER SUPPLY. Trunk | |}though the | their of witnesses, ' HOSPITAL ANNUAL MEETING MOST INTERESTING OCCASION ASSOCIATION ELECTED OLD MEMBERS Or BOARD AND PAID THEM MANY COMPLIMENTS ON THE SPLENDID CONDITION OF THE INSTITUTION, FINANCIALLY AND OTHERWISE. The meeting of the General Hospital Asstciation, held in the annual secretary and matron the staff as a whole. One of the interesting features of the meeting was the election of the members of the director- jate, the president explaining that |by the new rules the board should and Police Court last night, al- attendance was small in numbers, made up for this! shortcoming by a display of zeal| and interest in the geod cause. I'verybody preseut was pleased at jeonsiat of by thé acetone ty tg the satisfactory condition of the wwiointed bythe ety As 4 te institution shown by the official OPI 8 rk ce oat ony oe, Kacbtts. aod VA moestng “devel pointed by the Provincial Govern- ~ oped itself into a mutual ad- ners poe eee ee miration society of the directors | ‘ ? : ae ae a a oa and officials, the formal proceed-| ¥ ied, create iaock oh % ings being interspersed with well| Ww. ‘Ke ope vi Wake = s ‘arned compliments to its ener- | Thompson, Dr ; Naatte. I. G. the several com- individuals com- the hard worked! PIONEER CLUB ENTERTAINED Thoroughly Enjoyable Function Last Night in the Cosy Rooms of the Real Old-Timer Club of °°! !!ed down to a steady stride, Prince Rupert. keen. Four good teams compose - the latest league formed to fight In their pleasant club rooms on| for the Manson cup, and on Mon- Fourth last night the|day, February 5th, the first game president and members of the |Of teh new series will be played Olab. of Rupert al the Auditorium between the “Prince Rupert Pirates’? and the entertained of “Creseents.”” On February 8th In way. the| Ted Morrison’s. team,. already proved a very distinct | nicknamed the “Teddy Bears,” success, and the hospitality of |but perhaps to be otherwise titled, the Pioneer Club proved more|will face the “Quill Drivers.” In- than ordinarily acceptable, Presi-| terest is concentrating first on dent D. H, Hays, with Mrs. Hays,|the players and prospects of the Major Gibson, Captain Forster, | teams. secretary, and the directors of the club did the honors, and un- limited care was taken to provide amply for the of the] Regret was expressed by gelic president, mittees and the Continued on Page 6, posing INDOOR BASEBALL AGAIN Teams in the Field Forming the Latest League. inte st Thee. seasonable Four of i now indoor matters festivities in civic Revival baseball and are avenue Pioneer Prince met and a party friends. every evening Baptist Services “A True Vision of Life or Vis- ion Makes the Man,” will be the subject of Rev. Warren H. Me- Leod’s sermon in the MelIntyre Hall tomorrow ‘evening at 7.30 o'clock, Other Baptist services though of the cosiest and) wil meet at the usual bour, Me- furnished and/Intyre Hall, 3rd Avenue, near 6th as yet only of aver-| Street. the days pleasure guests. the only could president and directorate that a certain number of guests be invited, as the club rooms, invitingly are age residential size, residence yuill in by °J.-B; Bacon beings, that oecupied by the club. With dancing, liards a delightful “at home” spent, the supper, served the club dining room at midnight upheld the club’s’ reputation amply Music during the evening most arranged, FEELING IN “BELFAST Lord Londonderry Says Council Cannot Be Held Responsible. pioneer bil- was in cards and Special to Daily News.) London, Jan, 27—Lord Lon- donderry, replying to Mr. Win- Churchill re the proposed and ston was much enjoyed, the club hay-|meeting at Belfast, informed him ing retained the excellent services|that the Ulster Unionist Council of Mr, A. M, Gottstein ,at thejeannot be held responsible with piano during the dancing, which|reference to’ the visit of Mr. was kept up merrily till after|Churchill to Belfast, February 8, {12 a. m. With “God Save the/owing to the’ intense — feeling King,’ sung with real pioneer |created by that contemplated vigor, the “At Home” came to an|move, end, compliment of the very| os os highest, being expressed wet Stalker & Wells for stamped round to the Pioneer Club for aleggs, 60e a dozen tf perfectly carried out entertain- —— ment, WAS KNOWN IN RUPERT and cigars Engineer of Ill-Fated Ramona Is Believed Dead. Choicest Savoy. liquors ELIND PIG CASE the death second as- Mystery siinannite of Allen W. Jackson, Nick Rocavich Up for Alleged! sistant engineer of the steamship Liquor Selling—Other Cases. (/Sania Ana, of the Alaska Steam- — |ship Company, who disappeared "|}from the steamship Northwestern in bottle greeted Magistrate Garss|ltast Saturday night while the yes- this morning over the charge of|se} was bound from Prince Wil- running a blind pig against Nick|liams Sound ports for Seattle, Rocavi proprietor of the Three| He was a passenger aboard the Star Hotel. The case is adjourned | Northwestern from Seward and is until Monday, Fred Blueberry} believed to have leaped into the and Hans Hanse each paid $5 and|sea while the vessel was sleam- iagnificent array of “*Seotch Vn eh, costs into the treasury for hav-|ing for Seattle. ing too freely imbibed. Jackson had been followed by ill fate throughout his seafaring PROVINCIAL POLICE career, Heowas first assistant en- Joe Samens Wounding Case Re- manded Until Monday. of the steamship Ramona, of the Pacific Coast Steamship Company, which was well known in Rupert and which was lost on ja reef off Spanish Island on Sep- ltember 10 of last year and was aboard the steamer Perdita when she burned to the water's edge off Port Ludlow last October while bound from Port Townsend to Seattle, geineer wounding Samens, charged with seyeral workmates at Kitsumkalum recently, appeared before Judge Young today, but his case is further remanded un- til Monday, pending the arrival