POPPY DAY ..r ctrret Canvass 11 in rru- gress louay itM4 T ftntnn nf th RH ,r ... Empire service ague, s uj .... n hnnp.T.n-nou.se canvass ii . - carried on m wie niueuijui j.r-nn is assisted by Mrs. wu- Brass. and taggers mcmae: H L Landry, Mrs. Parent. . m ivncor Mrs J A. Tenc. 3. - r UyBoriana. -miss ahuc whw.uw. Nancy uawes, miss ucuy mic Himn norm. til4V I hp Boulter. Miss Leach, Mrs. J. rrpiL mi a a a. j i v rheloff Mrs A. Caraven, Mrs ..... tM. ftfl.. Tnnn SS ICU ........ w-.. cttiood. Mrs. George Peters and G, E Moore. TJU I far n 5 AIUv n Sons Of Norway oyed Social Business Session Thursday Night Followed by Refreshments, and ; Dancing j But Prince Rupert is not likely to become the city that people forgot. ! People who live here May be a bunclrof hiiks But of this we are assured .They'll register their kicks. U"--,0o"flF Vo to now BurklfT'i nl Mixture has held all records for the speedy reher bl head toldi, enppe etc but now we en GUAKANTEK relief in HALF THE TIME by tombininjc .Buckley' Mixture with Uuckley.'s ,Cinnmted Capsules. This NEW 2-WAY TREATMENT Is rapidly replacing old-fashioned, ilow-icting "one-way" remedies. The.Cinnamated CPnle relieve. the kudache, backache and f eTerishnesa. They contain Oil .of Cinnamon which has long been used with great success jn .leading European clinics for the treatment of grippe and similar ailments. Buckley's Mixture, acting systemi.ally stops , the cough, .soothes and fctls the raw inflamed mucous membranes of throat endobronchial Out and corrects orer-acidity. Try this effective ,0-Buckley's Cinnamated Capsules it must gne Mixture and Buckley's relic TWICE at fast or your money back. GUARANTEED USED CARS I'.O. 577 mi 1038 Ford V-8 I)c Luxe Sedan. 1937 Pontiac Coach with Radio. 1931 Dodge De Luxe Sedan with .Radio and 1931 PonUac Sedan, J930 Roosevelt Coupe. 1929 PiccrlcSs. Sedan. Easy IJerms C.eneral Motors Troducts ROYAL MOTORS Phone 52 LOCAL NEWS TOES, Tpnighfs .train, due from the East at il o'clock. w rpnnrtpd this Following a Business meeting afternoon to be 0n time. " TViiolAit wl.Ut i . i m holding Its Annual Poppy .Tag, 4V , 7 "'8 ; e memDers 01 , p nf -tv,n, wh i the local Sons of Norway Lodge en- Dr. C. H. Hankhwon lPft n last chair In the absence of the presl- cess Adelaide last nleht for Vic dent, Oscar Bather. There was a toria. to attend the annual con- Middleton sailed good attendance. Man in the Moon .vention of the British Columbia Hospitals Association. Mrs. Charles Garrett of Powell Riyer arrived on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon to attend the funeral tnrinv The .Idle elevator is beginning .to 'father.' the late Albert Baxendale. stick In people's throats. t i , The Letter Box ' . . r r ? FAVORS COMMUNISM Editor. Dailv News: I 75th anniversary as an or- ism, it'ls himself that has been mis- ODScrvCU at tiic aiiiiuai k.wnw-' v t uwuv ww i rAAAwikAr A t-umrV Tflflprwas AnSnw In Hprmonv & TWO-WAY TREATMENT V WXTUM led. A system that has to elect a Fascist dictator is unstable. They aje ip.ke.ep people dpwn who would like to change tp a system of one fpr use and ,nqt fpr profit. .Communism is a dictatorship oyer the remnants of .the white guards who would like to go back to .capitalism. .Religion In Spvlet Russia Is in the new constitution It, champions the cause of the worker while Fascism champions the cause of the dying system. "You shall know the truth and the truth shall set you free." It took the Russians from 1824 to 1917 to learn that truth. The teachings of Marx, Erigles, Lenin and Stalin made them free from l exploitation. , LQUIS.qpLDTHORPE, I Burns Lake. i Everybody reads the Daily News There's a reason, 25. REX Bowling Alley For Health and a Slim Waist Line Bowl For Reservations Phone 658 3 n a r POWDER CLEANS AND POLISHES Bathtub. Washbasins, Windows, and Mirror. Cannot scratch. Announcements All advertisements In this col-amn will be charged for & full month at 25c a word. Spnja's Bazaar November 4. Baptist Bazaar November 5., Presbyterian Bazaar Nov. 10. S. O N. Basket Social Novcmbet 11. Lutheran Sewing .Circle Bazaar November 16. Eagles' Bridge, November 16. Cathedral Christmas Bazaar No vember 17. St. Peter's Church Bazaar Nov-j ember 24. ir.miii Annotation annual dance, Oddfellow's ,Hali, November United Bazaar December 1. S.O.N. Play December 2 and 3. ; rhrlstmas Fair, United Church.l December 2 ana j Carnival and Dance, Metlakatla, neeimber s. i CANADIAN LEGION, CHURCH PARADE, First Presbyterian Church;:. iSunday November 6th. Members, members of the Women's Auxllfary and Ex-service men fall in at Legion Clubrooms 10:30 a.m. Berets, decorations and medals to be worn. LEST WE FORGET: (259) DACK to the heart of the J- family circle for Christmas this year! They will thrill to your visit, this k all years. Holiday sailings commence November 18 from Canadian ports. Come in and pick a convenient sailing date now. There are many steamship lines aDc? vessels to choose from. v v Like to go via the Panama Canal? Via New York? Let.Can-idian National tell you about alternate routings that are pleasant and economical. AGENTS FOR ALL TRANS-ATLANTIC .r. STEAMSIUPUNES : -Jor Information, Call or Write; i 't)FFlCE 528 3rd Ave. Prince Rupert B.C. irnjjHaBrrHHriHaB THE SEAL of QUALITY iaaaa GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Spckeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Pace3 by " the only iilmoa canning company with an all the year round payroll la Prince Rupert 'Boy Scout Toy Repair Shop .Phone 12 Taxi; new heated cars. Cash- or Old Gold. Bulger's, tl 'Is Functioning Wear a Poppy on Remembrance .Day! . The tenth annual Scout Shop was formally opened Toy . this Helge Byman sailed last night on "week at the old Dollar Store. It the Princess Adelaide for Vancou-'wlll be open each afternoon from '! ID reiHcntf- 1 f nOeH 4 fin tiAim n.unn tt,. ...... ' t. . ...... . . ,,. . . .. thilr Hve3 for their countryi' ' "1C evemngs irain ior a bnei trip to ver wnjere ne win spena ine winter. Monaay to Tiaay every wees ior r delklous refreshments being Smlthers on business.! of used toys for dls- . ,ih of needy returned men i professional , - .the repairing hrir dependents with Mrs. X. " lor wu,c rau5-. e win return Home next Tuesda; Anderson, rresiaeiii .m mc wg-... 4,,viii!irv. in general charge the Imperial vraer, uaugn-0i thf Empire, co-operating, ... frtrnra pH evctoirtfl. sen with his accordion. Oscar Hav- eroy, the vice-president, was In the , H. W. Birch sailed on the Prln train for a brief trip to Smlthers. mas. Scouts are on hand each day He .will return 'On Tuesday night t0 carry out the work under capable 'instructors. This Is the Scouts' Provincial Constable Walter, major annual community good by the Prince turn. Discarded toys, books, games, John last night on his return tc dolls may be left at the ,Q. & S. f.lassett after a brief visit here on : Grocery, Llnzey and Davis, the Toy escort .duty. J shop or by phoning any member of Nell Cameron, manager of the Family Shoe Store, has been elect-, ed a member of the executive of ths prince Rupert Retail Merchants Association. f Father Anthony Meulenberg of ' Stewart, whg has been spending a few days In the city, will sail by the I Catala tomorrow nieht on his re- turn to Stewart, Mrs. .C. F. Jacklln and son and (daughter arrived' In the city TnVn l rt Via Iflnt in fctn iYya A u - . ' J, - . ' u. t-i a j.i.ij. '"' ",v would pe a good lesson if he would f- ftueiaiue yeswraapr qo:k ousy oui u you eicvawri read. "J Visit the SovleU" by Mar-Why are you ldle?y ; Tet Gouid( torpnto Star xeporter! cn what she iays on religion lri sov-" ?AWwe- y e .ueiijqu ,n iet Russia. When Rev. Roy .Dura- i AhMin rti tfoqp i r npiinnn n nnnr it i -. ternoon from Nanalmo to join Sergeant Jacklln, 'new chief of city ? police here. $ W. R. McAfee sailed last night on the Cardena for .Vancouver; If Mrs. f McAfee, who has been seriously 111 for some time, Is sufficiently re- cpyered to travel, she may return "V1- "vt ui. t awuv bnV weeks' time. the committee. - Ben Lipsln sailed last night on the Princess Adelaide for a trip to Vancouver. ! rt 1? ijr.-v i For the Best Permanent $ 3 You Ever Had O The superior quality of our 3 permanent waves . . . the ex- j ,s pert quality of all our hair ser- jl S vice . . . will make an instant f appeal to the particular lady. J. She will appreciate our soft, J lustrous waves and the' nat- j! J ural looking ringlets. .Experts ? J will advise which type of wave 5 Beauty Parlor id- K is best suited to your individ ual needs. MI-LADY Lillian Davies 305 3rd Ave. JJe the Life of the Party Play Piano Popular Music The Professional Style HAROLD DAVEY Teacher of Piano and Piano-Accordion Open for Engagements Parties, Dances, Receptions, etc. " Music With Rythm Reply at the News Clip This Ad for Ref. Music Ruth Nelson A.T.C.M. Theory and Harmony. PHONE GREEN 390 Walker's Music Store Large Stock Music Heintfman, Nordheimer and Lesage Fianos Piano Tuning with "Resonoscope" Phone Blue 389 212 4th St. J. H. BULGER Optometrist Royal Bank Bldg. NEW ROYAL HOTEL J. Zarelll Proprietor "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME" Rates $1.00 up 50 Rooms Hot & Cold Water Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 281 P.O. Box 196 NEVER SLEEP ON AN UPSET STOMACH X) ten neutralizing excess stomach acids can make the whole world smile in the morning To relieve the effects of over-indul-genceesape "acid indieestbn" that can ruin the whole next day simply do this: Take 2 tablespoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia in a glass of water ' AT BEDTIME. While you sleep, this wonderful alkalizer will be sweetening your stomach . . . easing the upset-feeling and nausea . . . helping to bring back a "normal" feeling. By morning you feel like a million. Then when you wake take two more tablespoonfuls of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia with the juice of a whole orange. That is the quickest, simplest, easiest way to overcome the load effects of too much eating, smoking or drinking. Thousands use it. But when "you buy, make. sure the Real Article. Never.ask rget "milk of magnesia" alone always ask for "Phillips' Milk of Magnesia" the kind many doctors endorse. PHILLIPS' Milk of Magnesia Vy 4 K , - -r Phone Yo Your See The New Voigtlaender Brilliant '..V.V.W kL ORDER TODAY The best coal is the cheapest. We handle the best. We have Nanaimo-Wellington Alberta Foothills and Bulkley Valley Philpott Evitt & Co. Ltd. Telephone 651 or 652 CAMERAS The Very Latest in Camera Manufacture Now .On Display Prices From M5.00 to ,140.00 f Ormes Ltd. '777m Pioneer DruQptsts The Xtjn Store Phones: 81 ft U Open Dally From 8 a.m. till 10 pan. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till Z a.m. 7 p.m. till 9 p.m. I RAILWAY I LINES SHl TKAA.L k s i ! t Y WV.WWWAWAV.V.V.WAVWWWWVWV IC ' - - - -. i i 'A Canadian Pacific Transcontinental Trans-Atlantic Trans-Pacific To Vancouver via Ocean Falls and Way Ports Ss. "Princess Adelaide" Every Friday 10 p.m. TO VANCOUVER DIRECT November 7th. 17th, 28th, December 8th, 19th SS. PRINCESS NORAH" onl Winter Excursion Fare Vancouver and Return Tlck-"?OD ets on Sale Nov. 1st, 1938 to Feb. 28th, 1939. Final Return Limit March 31st, 1939 Connections at Vancouver with Canadian Pacific Services Tickets and Reservations from W. L. COATES, General Agent Prince Rupert, B.C. i