SUO"Uiw 80 Taxi Eight Months Training Dog reasts Efficiency of Police Force CE RIVER, Nov. 5: Further ing Its services lor the pro-. iho iiiihllr in this dls- I w - i .hnnharH HnfT Herman u.m"-" placed in service In the Peace ju.lolnn nf thp RRMP.. command of Inspector w. - 'inn i Mil i 1 1. .liiuiLiiiii li i 1 1 i:j ivt - rMfilntQinpnM of law -j.- i. nrn1i trnlnpn in track j w. in nnn trim 1 11 1 1 1 v . . . . . 1 rt - r 1 it o rrn npr l ..mix. i j. 1 1 wiiu j . 4 n.nrir nriH nrnmnU 4- tv. minor'o nnmmanris ... 1U. m tt'All f111fntpH training of stinh an animal result of considerable effort .nmmAnrflH Hi t.rntnlnrr in a special school for this i.4aIa4 tut tVio t? r in Calaarv The doe was . . . , A i i, i--: ana iv is exut-utcu n L;' nrar the 100-pound naturally, such a large 11 10 n moTiiir'aa urn" iw brnakers and, when ;-Jned, he is doubly sr. t- r..' follow criminals and. t tea'ps them, will attack sclzlm them by the right and Growing them to A :'undlnB ouard until the inn ., 1 1 1 . . . 1 1 to the spot where the missing "wj iu4 auvii ntiUf wv v - -V v 1. 1 fc4iC l4U44( Wifci Pr hnUI . 1 1 nn Winr FWi. 1 TV lk Q kiU U14illiai, A4 fcilC otVUV dog ranges free and, upon ntr thn w. 1 t u M.4. -0 minding 4;fcui j ftim to the trainer or, if the num. ..l.i , "- wiung up H lluwi ftinv." Atie , V. A . 1 . ,1 rr.V...n Liitmer 10 mm, r j - a.'l U'nl 1 n f n nt n n thp im !hn HM t-i u mm animal in the north, full use Hop And Bones Identified Those of Missing Peace River Man She B.itish Fiiers Take Off In Attempt To Break Record Held By Russians ISMAIUA, Egypt, Nov. 5: (OP) Nine British airmen took ofr for Australia last night in an attempt to break the long distance flying record held by Russians who flew last year from Moscow to California. At 7:30 this morning (Pacific Standard Time) one of the Lord Halifax, Foreign Secretary, will visit Paris late this month for conferences designed to dis- i rntt nnlipr nf Anvln.FrAficli when first taken' ' J monf.h,: old , 7 Ml A J--. I n Kf rifiiii hi u 11 id inav w uhtk. r lumnfnrr nnrt nhpdlpnre to 1.. V ui Via ntne tmirtVl ring scarcnin tuiu buuiuuhs Sic raincr- who spread trails fcic anima;- to follow. Many. Ihe le 'uid of their abilities lof foi.owihi; scent several old to rat;ic down the miss- . it a nrrr. . y !"omr atidltion to the local Although known by his tnw ri( do? comes 01 ex- -1. ri 1 miiT-K i.iir 1 la i iti n v i a' poare neaaquariqrs l , . 1 1 now Tint inp npim HL iiiuiis aiiu iu iiiijius iiir iuuu" tries of the world that the two nations are .still allies in spite of Great Britain's friendly moves towards the dictators. The British ministers were invited by the French government and promptly accepted. They will spend two days In Paris as guests of the French government between November 23 and 25. MYSTERY SETTLED the; finding of Day's sold watch and by medical evidence of a scar on the forehead of the skull and the excellent condition of the teeth r'emalnlne ln the skull. Medical evidence also showed clearly that death had not resulted from foul play. FAV0R FOR 1 hlonnhpri sk-llll Thp bnnnS WCre Tomorrow sT ides . nrnWIl) PAY AND NIGHT SERVICE High .. 12:00 pjn. 2U ft. Careful and Courteous Driven Low 5:54 a.m. 7.0 It. (New 1938 Plymo"' i) 18:35 pjn. 3.8 Xt. A' NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA'S NEWSPAPER M -k W 1. XXVII NO. Z58. C PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., SATURDAY, NO VEMBER 5, 1938. PRICE: 5 CENTS NINE TO AID POLICE v. v. d men Un VOLUNTEERS British Public Opinion Opposed to Conscription LONDON, Nov. 5: (CP) A slight margin in favor of voluntary re crulting of Britain's armed forces over conscription was shown in the result of a London Dally Mail poll. There were 102,644 votes 51,511 favoring the voluntary system and 51,133 favoring conscription, giving as they had , "meaning tnat tne pou was start la.... I ea during tne European crisis over( Czechoslovakia, Viscount Rother- mere's newspaper explained the re- j suits as follows: "On the first day, while tension was at its height. vot- ing in favor of compulsory service i was almost six to one. As the war clouds grew lighter, so public opin ion veered. And at the end votes Premier Chamberlain and Foreign ln favor of compuisory service and Secretary Halifax to Spend Two voluntary service became almost nays in ram .equal." I Evacuation of Cities LONDON, Nov. 5: (CP) Prime ' Meanwhile a government-endor- Minlstcr Neville Chamberlain and sed report on the evacuation of civilians ln time of emergency suggested such evacuation from largt cities should not be obligatory. The , report, which hinted at creation of , a national register of the country's war potential, was accompanied by . a memorandum signed by Home j Secretary Sir Samuel Hoare ln which the government endorsed the ' report's recommendations. OCCUPATION COMMENCES Hungarian Troops Start Moving Into Czechoslovakia Cross Dan- ule On .Pontoon.BridResi BUDAPEST. Nov. 5: (CP) Hun- As garian troops, crossing the Danube River on pontoon bridges, today began occupying Czechoslovak territory which was ceded them thh PEACE RIVER. Nov. 5: After a week. The occupation is to be com- period of two and one-half yearc. pleted by next Thursday the files of the local R.C.MP. de- tachment were closed on the disappearance of Carl Dan Day, Jud-ah farmer, with the finding of a skull and several human bones. Identification was proven by thp NEILL TO RUNAGAIN Independent Member for Comox-Albernl Accedes to Two-Party Request 1 COURTENAY, Vancouver Island, November 5: (CP) A. W. Weill, In-1 Jr's 4, rfi nf thP dependent Member of Parliament Comox-Alberni since 1921 w 11, or human bones was received at the ectlon. He had announc-) R.C.MP.eek re-e local detachment of the time hat he intended ed some ago when a telephone message was received stating that Fred Worth- to retire from public life bu jester-: consented to run again after ing of the Judah district had day being urged to de so by Liberal and found a human skull. Officers ln- vcstlgated and further search re- conservative PP"a. insulted in location of the bones, ing separately and then Jointly, about fifty feet from the skull with indications mat animais nao .1 i f) separated the bones from the sun KiillHing D001T1 ,3 found about a mile west of R. ! Alicfralia Troop's farm near the Smoky j III nUSliaim River. Thp mnrnlntr of Mav 14. 1936.' n,iu limp Reached Highest Will Shnnlri Vo mnrln l tho nppct rn, ttrhn hnrt hppn wnrklnc nn the'. niorb In Tpii Years ls- Immediately a person is -farm of R. Troop, left his bed and.i . the sub-dlvlslon .headquarters after completing early morning MELBOURNE, Australia, Nov. 4: H.C.M.P. at Peace River, chores, disappeared and had notl..FigUres show the value of bulld-uld be communicated with In1! been seen since that time. Investi- lng permits in Melbourne for the Pf iUnL . I . . . 1 .. . I I 1 ... 1 1 .ll.mnl., ff Ifin tUn U 1 rrV, - - Mt win nnrr mav nn iiui uj FJiuon aisciu&t-u wc iuu un.tnwk- nasr. vpsir as ao.iuu.i ib"- "imicuiateiy when tne sceniicd suiciae oy taiting ccn.-suu uui,,,cst f0r ten years, -"'. biiu.f nsxurincr n mucii nn Tnniiwiiiu ui& Litui. it, v ao 11.11111 eather Forecast The figure was ?3i,baj,&0B last vear but. in 1931, in the middle A search over a wide area was0f the depression, it was down as made with over 200 settlers oiiow as $5,439,842. the district Joining in the hunt. It In onc month this year In Mel is nnw nnDarent the poison was.hnnrnp nermits were Issued for effective and the 30-ycar old man 441 dwellings, 22 shops, 11 factor n.onrfnrprt west from the TrooD uviDnsis iTP.ssuie laiinrni wiiuii. utuvu u , -i uvj ....... , uuiiy iiien xniif nnrpt nr van- "iuuu ann shnwnrs nave oc "coiner nrpvnlla nupr thp ln- U T.l. .- "I - iQiaiinQ Tn v. m..m.. nil. . riuiMl lecomlntr st Wlth showers- West yde t00' of Vancouver Island ostiv tresh northwest winds, ' 1 air and rri nf ninhf -T WW k V lltfjllkl SET OWN TP YE WINDSOR, N.S., Nov. 5: (CP) Believed to be the first school paper In Nova Scotia to be printed on the students' own press, -The Academy Announcer, organ of the students of Windsor Academy, has appeared. les. nine other business premises, two nublic buildings, a school, and a theatre. LARGE REGISTRATION Tnnnn. N.S.. Nov: 5: (CP) Total enrolment at the Nova Scotia Ag ricultural College here is expected tn reach 75. one of the largest reg- mlmePogr ph pVv usly ' "but this istrations . in the history 0, 1 the col-mimcograp jj of tne totai 51 are first year year uit puiJ44o uwkumv vv press and set their own type. students. Bulletins MRS. PETERSON DIES Mrs. Rose Peterson, 24, passed away this morning at the Prince Rupert General Hospital where ) she had been a patient for a few NEW CHINESE STAND an; Kai-Shek states that his Chinese armies will make another new stand in southern Ilpnan Province. It is the intention to revert to guerrilla warfare as far as possible. SNOW AT BURNS LAKE BURNS LAKE Four inches- of snow fell here yesterday and further east there were even heavier falls. Chesterfield 3, Plymouth 1. Fulham 2, Notts 2. Manchester 2, Tottenham 0. Millwall 0, Southampton 1. Sheffield 0, Newcastle 2. Swansea 1, Sheffield 2. Tranmere 2, Luton 3. Westham 2, Norwich 0, Scottish League, First Division Aberdeen 5, Hamilton 0. Albion 2, Rangers 7, Arbroach 0, Third Lanark 5. Celtic 3, Ayr 3. Hibernians 3, Falkirk. p. Kilmarnock 4, Ralth Rovers 2. Partlck 4 .Motherwell 2. Queen of South 0, Hearts 1. Queens Park 4, Clyde 2. St. .Mlrren 4, St. Johnstone 0. , Second Division Alloa 2, Kings Park 3. Dundee 1, Alrdrleonians 2. Dunfermline 3, Lclth 2. East Sterling 3, Dundee 3. Edinburgh 2, East Fife 5. Montrose 2, Dumbarton 2. Morton 3, Brechin 2. St. Bernards 1, Cowdenbeath 2. Stenhousemulr 2, Forfar. 1. TOURIST i BUREAU! Transportation Companies to be Reminded of Attractions Here Thursday evening the Tourist days. Funeral arrangements are Bureau decided to write the trans-in the hands of B.C. Undertakers, 'portation companies explaining to YMIR MINE II ELD UP VICTORIA The .Yankee Girl held up yesterday i and $1000 ithe improvement of the public and quarters. One man, was shot in the attack, the report said. WAGE CUT CANCELLED CHICAGO Railway managements yesterday announced that they had cancelled a proposed intervened. UNCLE SAM REARMS WASHINGTON, vi C Armament manufacturing-plants in the United States which have long been idle are being reopened. The New Orleans Navy Yard, closed down since 1921, is being put back into commission. SNOW ON PRAIRIES HARRIS, Sask. Falling snow was the cause of two CAJt. trains colliding near her,' yesterday. There was. also a derailment north of Saskatoon. In Edmonton yesterday snow sweepers were called into action for the first time this ' year to clear the streets. There was also a light fall in Calgary but it soon melted. them the changes that have taken place in Prince Rupert during the past few year. It will draw atten- mine at Ymir near Nelson was itlon to the new public buildings, three ships had covered about 16001 a majority of 378 to the voluntary! stolen, according torn report re It mi 1 . i . ,. I mafVtrtrl ! -1 ! !, t I! 1 J miles, ine position 01 ine Oinei I 'uc,uuu' I ceiveu ui provincial jiuiiix "cau two was unknown broken formation. PAY VISIT TO FRANCE 'private gardens and, particularly, to the fact that, according to Indian Agent .V. E. Colli-ison, Prince Rupert- now has I the , most valuable collection of large totem poles ln theCworld. It I will be suggested that some of these I It was also decided to remind Hon. W. J. Asselstine, minister of industries, that he had promised CAPTURE IN Spanish government freighter hadl been captured in the North Sea by j the insurgent cruiser Ciudad de Alicante. While the insurgents extend their sphere of naval activity, another turn of the tide ln favor of the rebels in the war at hnme is reported. The Insurgents are stated yesterday to have driven the government forces back across the Ebro River after ten weeks of bitter fighting in that area. Old Country Soccer CHAIRMAN English League, First Division Arsenal 2, Leeds 3. Aston Villa 0, Manchester 2. Blackpool 0, Charlton Athletic 0 Brentford 2, Bolton 2. Derby 2, Preston Northend 0, Everton 4, Middlesbrough 0. OF CAUCUS Thomas King, M. L. A. For Columbia, Succeeds Dr. J. J. Gillis Of Yale unniDsy a oneisea, i, VICTORIA, Nov. 5: (CP) Dr. J. Huddersfield 2, Leicester 0. j amiSi member for Yale and Portsmouth 1, LlverpooU. chairman of the Liberal caucus, Sunderland 3, Stoke 0. for tne past flve years, explained Wolverhampton 2, Birmingham !. last nlght that he had tendered Second Division nls resignation as chairman of the. Liberal caucus prior to the present Blackburn 0, Coventry 2. session due to a typhoid epidemic Bradford 2, Burnley 2. :in his riding which he did not Bury 3, West Bromwich Albion 3. Want to leave until it was brought under control. 1 Thomas King, member for Colombia, succeeds Dr. Gillis as chairman of the caucus. Visited Old Home After Half Century Joe Slaggard Finds Things Changed Around St. Jacques, New BrunswickWas Interesting Though Joe Slaeeard returned to the city on the Princess Adelaide yesterday afternoon from a seven-weeks trip East in the course of which he visited his native home at St. Jacques; New Brunswick, which he had' not seen In fifty-five years. "One would hardly know (he place after all those years," said Joe. "All the old folks are gone. Just the same, it was Interesting to go back and see the old place. Mr. Slaggard also visited Detroit, ' Chicago, Toledo and other cities ln Canada and the United States. Northern Flyer Reaches Seattle Glen Day, Who Was Missing in Alaska, United With Family In Seattle SEATTLE, Nov. 5: (CP) Glen Day, Spokane flier, recently missing for nine days ln central Alaska af ter his plane crashed into a moun tain orrivpri vtprrfav f, Ke" MacPhee, 26-year-old Austral- Anchorage to be reunited with his Ian'. arf lvf,d ln Melbourne "n"y-wife and daughter who came here' ' Australif n war nurses th th? Brnment troops are the bravest from Spokane to meet him. I Iwomen ln Spain," he said. "I saw ' tUM I- -1 . 1 I I- L K A I Til Mill dys through an incessant bom OUT FIRES things be mentioned in the travel companies advertising bulletins Valuable Timber Is Destroyed In fifteen per cent wage cut which I during the coming year with a view. -Middle States and Fears Felt had threatened t 'precipitate a i to featuring Prince Ruper. as a For Communities general strike in.' the United tourlst niTe more than in the 1 States until President Roosevelt Past- . CHICAGO, Nov. 5: Forest fires, after raging through dry timber in the states of Indiana, Illinois, Kentucky, Virginia and West that a publicity expert would visit 1 Virginia, were checked by rainfall the city this fall and ask when he yesterday. y-v irk npf w p ip a , which engaged efforts of 5.000 NOR I H SEAiitSooo"11 dld dama8e estlraateti Insurgent Cruis'er Takes Government Merchantman in North Sea Rebels Wirt at Ebro 1 t LONDON. Nov. 5: (CP1 Author!-, TODAY'S STOCKS uouneuy 8. D. Jotinto Oo.) - - Vancouver Big Missouri, 27 Bralorne, 955. Aztec. .05. Cariboo Quartz, 2.37. Dentonia, .02V2 (ask). Golconda, .062- " Mlnto. .03. Falrvlew. .05. : Noble Five, .038. Pend Orlelle, 1.97. Pioneer, 2.49. Porter Idaho, .03 Vi-Premier, 2.25. Reeves McDonald, .35. Reno, .24. Relief Arlington, ,13. Reward, .05. Salmon Gold, .08. Taylor Bridge, .02i. Hedley Amalg.. .03. Premier Border, .003i. Silbak Premier, 1.80. Home Gold. .01. Grandvlew, .08. Indian, .01V'2. Quatsino, .0334. Oils A. P. Con.. .15. Calmont, .27. , C. & E.. 2.18. Freehold, .03 Hargal, .30 (ask). McDougal Segur, .12. Mercury, .06. Okalta, 1.18. Toronto Beattie. 1.34. Central Pat. 2.45. Gods Lake, .35. Little Long Lac, 2.80. McKenzie Red Lake, 1.35. Pickle Crow. 5.05. San Antonio, 1.28. Sherritt Gordon, 1.48. Smelters Gold, .054. McLeod Cockshutt, 3.20. Oklend. .18. Moshcr. .18. Madsert Red Lake, ,;45. : . Stadacona, .54. t Francoeur, .22 V2. Moneta. 1.25. 1 . Bouscadlllac. .12: Thompson Cadillac, .35. East Malartlc, 2.20. Preston E. Dome, 1.49, Hutchison Lake, .04. Dawson White, .02V4-Aldermac, 5. Kerr Addison, 1.70. Uchl Gold. 1.50. Int. Nickel. 56.50. Noranda, 80.25. Cons Smelters, 6350. Athona. .081?. Hardrock. 1.80. Barber Larder, .18. FIGHT IN CIVIL WAR Australian Soldiers and Nurses On Loyalist Side MELBOURNE, Aus., Nov. 5v After a year of fighting with the International Brigade In Spain, during which he was wounded three times. bardment and never utter one word of complaint." After recovering in a Madrid hospital from the effects of a bullet through the chest, MacPhee worked his way from Scotland to Towns-ville in the dredge Kerimoana which had a nightmare voyage of five months. MasPhee said, of the 50 Australians who had fought with the brigade. 25 had been killed and 15 were still in the ranks. Messages of sympathy from other might be expected. Valuable timber ln large quan- Spanish front said MacPhee The receipt of a number of val- titles had already been destroyed shell that fell in Madrid was filled uaDie maps ir0m me provincial ano iears were neia mai com- with, cigarettes; others contained government was acknowledged. Various problems ln connection with the work of the bureau wereigress of the flames. discussed. Although no homes had yet been r burned, families were being re moved. ' Illinois and Kentucky have so 'fa' had the most serious fires! ' nations came in many forms on the ITELF0RD IS One munities might be engulfed unless ' notes of greeting from German and ram soon came to stop tne pro- Italian munition wdrkers. CANDIDATE Will Seek Vancouver Mayoralty, C.C.F. Member Tells Legislature VICTORIA, Nov. 5: (CP) ln the Legislature yesterday, Dr. . Lyle Telford announced that he I wouldbean, Jndep.endent,candidate ' I TT I . 1 . jui uiaui ui Vancouver ana mat he would not resign his seat in ths Legislature which he holds as a C.C.F. representative. Telford in the course of his speech, assailed policies of the Pattullo government. Tom Uphill, veteran Labor member for Fernie, opened in his well known humorous way and closed with an attack on the Munich reement for the dismemberment of Czechoslovakia. MINING MEET IN VANCOUVER Institute of Mining and Metallurgy To Convene Next Week VANCOUVER, Nov. 5: (CP) Four hundred mining men from all parts of the country will attend the annual meeting of the western division of the Canadian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy here next week. On the first day Wednes- j day the delegates will hear about I the new Zeballos area on Vancouver Island while Thursday will be given over to Alberta oil field and Manitoba mines. Pass Winnipeg WINNIPEG, No. 5. On their way to Vancouver to attend the annual convention of the Canadian Insti tute of Mining and Metallurgy No vember 9, E. A. Collins, president, and E. J. Carlisle, secretary, passed through Winnipeg this morning ov er Canadian National lines. Their itinerary calls for a two-day stopover at Edmonton. TO TRAIN JOBLESS FREDERICTON, Nov. 5: (CD-Occupational courses for unemployed young men have been opened by the provincial department of education ln a number of New Brunswick" urban centres starting Octo ber 25. The courses will run apprax- lmately six months. DUCKS IN COURT ' YARMOUTH, NjS., Nov. 5: (CP) Ducks quacked ln police court when Henry Robichaud and M. Kenney were convicted on charges of violating migratory bird laws. Illegal tollers were brought Into court as exhibits and quacked noisily during I the hearing.