CAMP ACS The super constructed summer shoe that ;has stood every test and can be depended on to give maximum .vear and comfort. Full range of sizes in men's, ladies', boys' and children's. Jack and Jill Shoes SoJe Agqnts Full new shipment just arrived in all .leathers, styles and sizes. You Have Foot Troubles, See Us FI, AMILY SHOE STORE LTD. The Home of Good Shoes .'Mi.Y Knrno THE DAILY NEWS. PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA Published Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News. Limited. Third Avsnue H. F PtJLLEN Managing-Editor SUBSCRIPTION .KATES City delivery, by carrier, yearly period, paid In advatce Paid In advance, per week .." Paid In advance, per month By mall to all parts of British Columbia, the British Empire and United States, yearly period, paid In advance By .mail to all other countries, per year . ADVERTISING HATES Classified advertising, per word, per insertion local readers, per line, per Insertion . News Department Telephor. Advertising and Oiculation Telephone 9a Member ot Audit Bureau ot Circulation! inn nnnintMinftrkM fsx, llrx ..unA P .1 i ! . 1.1 $5.00 .12 .50 3.00 9.00 .02 .25 Tuesday, May 10, 1938. DOMINION HOUSING FAILS CLEVELAND ! IS BEATEN Indians Drop Into Tie With Second Place New York Yankees American League .In BOSTON, May 10: (CP) For the first time this season, the Cleveland Indians are not in exclusive possasslpn of first place in the American League. The Boston Red Sox pounded them for a 15 to 3 defeat yesterday, it being the Red Sox fourth straight victory The Indians, as a result, slipped into a tie with the second place New Yprk Yankee whose game with Chicago White Sox at Yankee Stadium was rained out The slug-ginp; of the Red $ox Included' horre juns by Jimmy Foxx In the sixtfr and Seventh innings and a circuit clout bv .Ir" Crnnin in the fifth. I The 7 to 1 victory of the Wash-i ington Senators oyer the St Louis Brawns was. Uie Senators' sixth straight win and the seventh straight loss of the Browns. The Senators are now but half a game' from tle league leadership with the Red Sox. In turn, only half a game behind them. Boston Bees took a ten-lnnlng ,7 to 5 victory over Pittsburg Pirates in the National League to move -Into sixth place ahead of the Brooklyn Dodgers who were losing 0 to .7 to the St. Louis Cardinals. Yesterday's Big League scores: .MONDAY 1 Americap League ; Chicago at New York, postponed on account of rain. ; St. Louis 1, WAshlngton 7. ! Detroit at Philadelphia, postponed rain. Cleveland 3, Boston 15. i National League 1 Boston 7. Pittsburg '5. Philadelphia 4, Cincinnati 9. j New Y(rk at Chicago', postponed, cold. Brooklyn 7, St. Louis 9. ' Big League standings for the season to date:- . National League W L Pet New York 16 3 .842 Chicago 13 7 .050 Pittsburg' ..t,jsir . 9 vm&Zh Cincinnati ,. ....10 11 St. Louis 8 10 Boston 6 10 Brooklyn 7 13 Philadelphia 5 13 t ii American League bo far as the average man can see the onlv reason Cleveland 13 7 that Prince Rupert and other of the smaller cities cannot New York 13 get loans under the Federal Housing Scheme is because Washington 13 the loan companies are afraid to take a chance on loaning cEo "7 in these places. The Dominion government assumes a Detroit , 7 portion 01 me loss, it there is any, but the mortgage com- Philadelphia 7 panies refuse to do anvthintr. st. louLs.... 5 7 8 8 10 11 11 15 .476 .444 .375 3 V) .278 .650 .650 ! .6U' .600! .412 .389 .389, .250. Ji the loan companies will not loan for house huildinc " with the protection of the federal government behind ' TKNNIS ,,(T,,)-,: ZlTf 11 if.timfeuthe. gov?rnment found some' Own3 to threatening weather, otnei method of meetint? the situation. Th mnnmn ne ih m,ei .orln the members of Parliament, judging from the spokesmen nament of the season, which was m mat uie aciiciuu snouiu ne extended and possiblv the - i5Uf"ay on n2 rate of interest reduced. At any rate the " money should CSian Nat!onaJ Rrecf atlon As" r.oelatlon Was hp oe -made rrnrlp available nvailnhln oil 11 the u t .-mrU, postponed, un- over country outside of the big ui next Sunday. cities. Until this is done the scheme may be looked upon - .as a failure It fails at the crucial point. In fact it dis- TOM Vr ft criminates between the people who wish to own their JaP kxP0tf.S Ul homes m the large cities and those who would do the same! , , m the smaller cities. Canned Crab To NOUTHKRN ROAD SYSTKM The Financial News editoriallv World Increase will nave nan enough of war to last a lontr timp nnrl tii?if 1 tokyd m.tu in.i there is no immediate danger from her. If slie cannot de-' Prt5: of can.nsd crab during 1937 ieat unarmed China, how could she expect to defeat Un ited States? the This opinion was given in advocating t,he building of Alaska Highway and the editorjaj writer also urges that some day Northern British Columbia must, have road system. The future trreatness of RriricVi loiaung 303,030 cases, rqilectcd a gain of 37,944 (jases, or 11.6 per cent compared with the 1936, put were about 30,000 cases bejow exports compared with 1935, The expansion In Japan's cannsd, crab, exports during 1937 was due to larger ship u ii. C u luuu,e,IU .ine Paper se,es IS year, an advance of 50,833 cases, or wneintji uie province can get me money at a rate pf in-p per cent and accounted for 56.5 terest AVhiqh it can afford to pay. ' ;per cent qt the total trade compar- . ed with 47.3 per cent during 1936. Great Britain was Japan's second INCREASE SALE OF EGGS most Important market f0r canned ,. . crab. , Poultry raisers are trying to start a campaign for the purpose ol increasing the consumption of , eggs. They are usiuug .uie .minister 01 agriculture to procure an advertls VANCOUVER WHEAT VANCOUVER, May 10: (CP) i..fe luu uiauuu iui uue liuipusc ui auvei-using ine use wheat was trading at $1.08 on Ot eggs throughout the country. The Slogan is to be the Vancouver market yesterday, "Uevciop the .Home Market. The industry is said to be droppnB to $107 today, worth a hundred million dollars a year and is capable of) tension VVe h0Pe tne poultrymen succeed in th Q Xl'ainS May we suggest that one way of induqing poultry' -iaising in Prince Rupei;t wquld be to. give a better rate on For -lhe Ea,t- feed grain from the -prairies. The local rate for grain Mf 3' n?sy? and u is much higher than the export rate. If the poultrymen ' From the East- P'm COUld get the .export rate they could compete with the! Tuesdays, Thursaays and Satur- prairie egg-producers. I days w n p.m. TBZ DAILY NEWS Roosevelt Sent Off For British Ambassador. 8t . ... j - President Roosevelt's secretary and son, James, is show, above, in a last minut conference with Joseph P, Kennedy right, on the liner Manhattan, just before .Kennedy sailed from New York t(. London t takp oyer the duties of ainna.s.sartor to the court of St. James TODAY '5 STOCKS (Courtly S. O. Johnston Co.) Vanc(uver B. C. Niqkei, .15.' Big Missouri, Ar-Bralprne, "3,75. Aztec, .08. Cariboo Quartz, 2.10. DentpntaVi. Golcpnda.,4.04. MintV-32. , Noble Five, .02.i. Pend.p'reille, 1.65. Pioneer 2.98. Porter Iraho. .02 2. Premier, 1.93. Reeves McDonald, 3.1. Reno, .52.' Relief Arlington, ,15. Reward, .04. Salmon Gold, .06 Vi. Taylor Bridge, .04, Hedley Amalgamated, .03 PremiefBorder, 3l. Silbak Premier, 1.75. Congress, .00. Home Gold, .01. Grandvlew, .06'2. 1 Indian; JBl , ,. Quatslno Copper, .023A. Halda Gold, .07','4. Oils A. P'. Con., .21'. Calmont, .40. C. & E., 2.62. . ... Freehold, .06.-Hargal, .19. McDougal Segur, .19. Mercury, .10. Okalta, 1.65. Pacalta, '.0V2 Home Oil, 1.30. Toronto " Beattle, 1.10. Central Patricia, 2.59. Gcds Lake .45. Little Long Lac, 4.25. Red Lake Gold Shore, 1CV4. McKenzte Red Lake, ,19. Pickle Crow, 4.00. Sin Antcnio, .1.23. Sherrlt Gordsn, 1.15. SmeUen po!d. .01. McLsod Coekihutt, 3.60. Oklend. .2,1. Mother, .40, Madsen Red Lake, .40, Stadacona, ,67. Frontier Red Lake, .07. ' Francoein', .34. Monela. 2.20. BcULcadillac,' .07.. Thompii.n. Cadillac, 28. ' Bankfield, .82. East Malartlc, 1.68. Preston East.Dome, 5. Hutchison Lake, J05. Dawson White,' .04 Aldermac. .46. ,Kerr Addlsqn. 1.90. Uchl Geld, 1.75. Int. Nickel, 48"Q0. J - Noranda, .620. Con. Smelters, 57.50. Athona, .10. Ilitrdrock, 2.30. Barber Larder, .41. Mandy, .14. Rand Malartlc, .39. On account of the nurses graduating exercises of the Prfncp Rupert General Hospital, the regular fortnightly meeting of the British Israel Society, schsduled for last evening, was postponed unUl liext Monday n.ight. KA1EN TRANSFER Red Gillis, Proprietor DRY W0QD , qpL Furniture Moving and General Hauling Phone CO Canadian Woman To Nurse Lepers .Miss .Mary J.flwe 11. N., .Leaves Fort Wijjum I or ;seria FORT WILLIAM, Ont.. May 10: UCP. Mary E. Lowe, R. .Jt left fhere pn a 7,000 miles Journey that .will carry her to inner Ni;eria In Africa, where she will nurse In a new non-denprnjnaUonaf mission i'eper hospital. Her luggage Included enouch ..hardware and utensils to furnish 1. JU ROOSEVELT i FRIENDLY United States President Urges Need of Better International Relationships I WASHINGTON, May 10: CP.t ; Renamed efforts to Improve Injer-I national understanding and relationships were urged yesterday by President Franklin D. RQoseveU on his return from a holiday cruise to Ouh waters. The United States, declared the chief executive, was pledged to international economic co-operation. By this he was believed to be alluding to reciprocal tariff arrangements yith .various nations. No nation can enjoy prosperity when a great part of the worjd Is suffering privation," declared' Mr. ' Roosevelt. 'some facts '. on papers British People Are Confirmed' Readers Few, if Any, Are Without Their Papers 1 LONDQN, May ;10.-.Every fam,Jly in uruam nuys on an average rnore than ten newspapers In each week.', j This Is one of a large number of," facts brought out In a comprehen-l. sive report on the British press thatj has been Issued. by Pqlltical and Economic Planning, an organization! in London working through expert' committees whlc.h lvestlate social questions of all kinds. ; The BrlUsh public, one learns. give? first place to the picture page. a smajl home. Important baggage Accidents come second, while third jjterns were six volumes of Matthew place l? taken by the leader page I .HenryS cpmrnentary on tl;e Bible including as It ofen ,does special .ana a large camera which will en- article:, or comic Items. able her to shqw slides on her return to Canada. Newspaper Office Damaged By Fire In 1935, It appears, the press stood twelfth among British Industries, In size It circulated 19,000,0,00 copies' dally. It gayp ernplpjment tp.30,000' workers. A newspaper that Is sold for a 1 penny costs on the average three 1 halfpence to produce and dlstrl-- Ccnsidrable Loss From Flames .in vie P)s g.eU baqk pnly cthlrd? of a penny pm the, .Want at Geraldtown. Ontario. 1 purchaser and has to make up the GERALDTOWN", Ont.. May 10. balance of the cost frpm the ad-Fire on Saturday caused severe : vertlse.m?r)ts. fhe chief costs are damage to tlje tirrjes newspaper tllc paper and tjie ink which be-bullding here. There was a iieavy tween t.hem absorb from 35 to 40 less through the effects pf water, ipei cent pf the. tPtal outlay. J "A BETTER PO.UCH -' tell, the woridl' -nigiit now I'll make a prediction. When you get "going with this fie tr, improved Old Chum Tobacco Touch you'll vote it to he just the smartest hit of packaging "that ever Lwkonnd a man to better l sinoknig." - V . j, moisture- " , , proolVan lionest-to-gbodness " fouch that opens wide enough to permit loading the pipe without ' 1V spil ing, and then folds up snug apd smooth lp slip into your picket. Made of special paper, laminated foil and rubber, this neiioie, uuraDie, likeable pouch will keep your Old Chum fresh and flavorful down to the last satisfying picfiil. We don't need tp tell you anoui ine toiacco. Old thum is Old Chum anu mis new, improved, seal-tight jioucti is right worthy of .1 lie tobacco of Quality". LARGE SEAL-TIGHT KXJCH sr- r mr OLD and proud o HI WHITE HORSE SCOTCH WHISKY PRICES rimUD AMD IOTTUD IN KOtU ltl dTeftf mc ar 'UUpUyrd by -Boarfl or by British Holiday C amp Mrs. bunn Announces That ll;r SIANGAN IUVEU HOLIDAY CAMP iear. Jlassett, (J.C.I, Ls open .for visitors and adihtj trj book In j. Nobody Knocks The KNOX The Food Is Good The Rooms Are Clean The House Is Warm The. Service Ft if ndlj The Rates Are Reasonable KNOX HOTEL K. Brase.ll THE SEAL f QUALITY GOLD SEAL Fancy Red Sockeye PINK SEAL Finest Pink Salmon Packed bv the only tilm canning .company with n 3 the year round payroll a Prince Rupert ! HYDE ! Transfer 315 SECQND AVE. f FURNITURE MOVING Cartage Light Delivery Coal Wpod Phone 580 ciatfH'fd ,d , Try a Dally New ! vertlBerheht for best re1Ul