W L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. The Daily News The Leading Newspaper and the Largest Circulation in Northern B. C. Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY MUNRO & LAILEY TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING—50 cents per inch. Contract rates | Architects, on application. | Stork Building, Second Avenue. } SUBSCRIPTION RATES--To Canada, United States and Mexico—Datxy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, inadvance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. All Other Countries— Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Building Phone No. 28¢ Prince Rupert P.O. Box 351 HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., ALFRED CARSS, of British Columbia and Manitoba Bars. Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. aa BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. katchewan an berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, ETC. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co, Sixth street. Prince Ruvert. LONDON, ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar Square. WM. S. HALL, L.D.S., D. D.S. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and | loca! anasthetics administered for the painless ex- traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices: | Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert. ii-12 | | Susscrizers will greatly oblige by promptly calling up Phone 98 in case of | non-delivery or inattention on the part of the news carriers. | | Alex.M.Manson B.A., W.E. Williams,B.A., L.L.D | WILLIAMS & MANSON AMERICAN OPINION ON CHURCH UNION. | Barristers, Solicitors, ete. } Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.¢ DAILY EDITION. SiTunviy, Fake 27 | a great gathering of representatives of American mis- Bead societies, held in New York, the most pronounced ad-! po, ne BOX 2h vocacy of organic church union was given the most emphatic endorsation. Dr. Arthur J. Brown, the authority on foreign mission work, was unreserved in his declarations that the prin- ciples and the liberties for which each of the historic denomina- At sionary PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY | TEACHER OF SINGING 1.0ON., ENG PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, ESQ., A.R.A.M., tions stood and contended are now the inheritance of all the ae thers it rod ; $8 own ean., GEORGE LEEK & CO. others, and to reproduce and perpetuate those outgrown con- iki Aen cetae 3 , 1 ; MERCANTILE AGENC troversies in Asia and Africa and South America would be not COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS only a colossal mistake, but an offense against the spirit of! Fire, Life and Accident Insurances 618 3rd Avenue Phone 208 and Green 252 PRINCE RUPERT Christianity. As a statesman in home mission affairs Dr. Herring made it very plain that denominational divisions had so weakened the church in its efforts to keep pace with the progress of A. M. BROWN settlement that a very real and very serious crisis is now HARNESS & SADDLERY MANUFACTURER | threatening in both the older and newer states. He spoke not Repairing a Specialty. . ; : ‘ Complete Stock Carried. as an alarmist, but as a serious and disciplined leader. His Outside Orders Promptly Filled. in Canada. J] comment was: “God bless the union movement would to God we had- such a chance in the States.’ 2nd Ave. between 10th and 11th Sts| The situation in Canada is different from the situation in THE. IRO UOIS the United States only in degree, observes the Toronto Globe. Q ~ The factors making for materialism and mammonism are POOL common to both countries. Over-churching in boom towns and ° ° ; : a . > ish a -rica illiards ' neglect in wide rural districts, feeble congregations feebly English and Amercen od a Tw re T's 23 SECONI VE b} manned, waste of energy, and the consquent lack of power— Seve: Taoles i aeiad ;t such are the elements complained of in the American situation. | — i Almost the same complaints are made in Canada. aon g é » matter whé > de inationalists say, suc x . First Ave. And no matter what the denomin ation ilists say, such ought Hotel Central or eteeies — not needlessly to be perpetuated. At its very best, and under P 48 ‘ + gs 7 ‘ ‘ European and American plan, steam the most favorable conditions, Christian forces in Canada will heated, modern conveniences. Rates ; , . $1.00 to $2.50 per day. $ ; find their resources of men and of means—as well as their . d f lif 1 faitt { aay tl limites Peter Black . : Proprietor eeper resources oO lle an é —taxe > | I ( e ant aitn axe 0 1e im} in ~APAL I~ stemming the tides now sweeping through this young country. | In the and efforts been made to reduce the evils of excessive division by United States earnest determined have ==E., EBY c& Co.= schemes RFAL ESIATE of federation and other expedients. Those efforts haye not t ; : eae ; 3 Kitsumkalum Land For Sale been unavailing. Their suecess is not so much in what they ; , : oe $ KITSUMKALUM ; R have accomplished as in what they forecast. They are fore-| __ runners of proposals for organic union which are as yet pre- : . : fe Pry 8 oes Chimney Sweeping and Furnace Cleaning mature. [The American churches are more than a whole gen-) ———————__-__—_— eration behind the churches of Canada. The union of divided) Prepare for Thus by getting your fnr- mee : ; ° aces ¢ flues p 2 Presbyterianism in 1875 and of divided Methodism in 1884 pre- PONS ane een 8 Oceer by pared the way for the present movement, which seers of last C. H. CUTTING generation like Principal Grant and Principal Caven declared Reet Re 1 ERI to be inevitable. Men of similar faith in the United States look a hopefully to Canada to lead the way still farther for all Pro- testant countries. E. L. FISHER = = aeons a Funeral Director and Embalmer CHARGES REASONABLE THIRD AVENUE PHONE 356. Telephone for NEW EW Ww Heated by OPEN DAY AND NIGHT Guests Steam H. Gordon Munro W. Nicholson Lailey BENNETT, B.A. | of B.C., Ontario, Sas- d Al- Office— Exchange block, corner Third ay *nue o ties generally —| | THE DAILY NEWS. SAMUEL HARRISON (NOTARY PURLIC) SHOULD HUSBANDS ALSO PROMISE THEY WILL OBEY NOW PROPOSED THAT HUSBAND SHOULD GIVE PROMISE ON HIS OWN ACCOUNT TO OBEY WISHES OF HIS BETTER HALF WHEN Sone OTHER VOWS. Real Estate and APPROVED | AG IREEMENTS he ad-} of a well-known bishop,” | | London, Jan. 26——Discussion Prince Rupert } lis raging over the question whe-|ded. eee rison & Co, Stock Brokers FOR SALE | and | Samuel Har | | ther the the word Can’t Change Form omission of from the Philadelphia, Phe | vice would render the ceremony BR piscopal clergymen of Philadel-| invalid. phia, after much discussion, | The Archbishop of Canterbury|have decided that the word * has taken occasion to contradict} must remain in the marriage rit-| the report of his intervention in|yal, They declare that “man 1s} ithe Dugdale on Satur-|the head of the family, man has} |} day, and authori- ‘bead so, and man will remain to| women must obey.” | ser- 26 obey arriage Jan. b-& ‘obey’ | LYNCH ceremony ecclesiastical hesitate to expre 88| be eee ee! i i a ee eV a ee ey BROS. an opinion as to the legality of| The Rey. Dr. G. Woosley Hodge! General Merchandise -s : — t Stock the omission of the word “obey.”}of the chureh of the Ascension, a a tai ae One lawyer said: “You may add} |speaking for the ministers, said: |} zy eis Rae Saw Serena aks Me to the vows of the marriage ser- The word ‘obey’ in the ritual vice, but you cannot take sav tcae not imply any slavish con- Lowest Prices in Northern B G |part away from them, The bestj/dition, It is according to the Ep-| ; : ’ way, therefore, out of the difll-;jseopal ritual and cannot be culty arises that when the bride| changed. Nature and the Bible ere. er iad re ——e wishes to be placed on an equal-| place man at the head. The om- oS eae een AO lS ity with the bridegroom, is to add} jssion of the word would not af-} - ——— —— a vow to “obey” to those taken) feet the legality of the ceremony rs i csteniamees ae by the husband. but no Episcopal minister has a SSE SSS === == “T have that on the authority}right to change the form.” ul MR. MANSON IS BOOSTING RUPERT NOW DOWN BELOW DESCRIBING G. T. P. RY. DEVELOPMENT UP RIVER, PRINCE lil BOOT AND SHOE HOUSE Harry Smith Corlirs Coon Collars 3rd & Tth RUPERT’S HYDRO-ELECTRIC PROJECT AND THE SOUND CONDITION OF THE CITY’S FRANCHISES. _——<— —— On his visit to Victoria in ful-|cifie. The fishing banks are near —— , r he { ant » harbor of the city is filment of his duty as member |at hand, the harbor of 7 97- Pi Di 5 | lcommodious enough to meet any 1ece Inner ets |for the riding, ex-Mayor Manson | S S idemands that are likely to be ewe has been doing some good boost j}made upon it, and within a year s| | P ° $15 00 . work. After. describing to the|time, by the completion of the] rince |Colonist the hydro-electric SyS-| great transcontinental road and ee tem scheme, and the develop-/its terminal there, the fish will Rupert We are clea mA |ment of the railway up river, Mr.|/pe as near, if not nearer, to th eae ee. sho ' Manson goes on to speak of the] gre; iarkets of the world than| te prospects of the fi ning indu ith ae a i be by i ing brought} Selle Every Fridey at 6 a.m. for f ihe 1 : 1 1 7 TOS pt 5 € S 5 a 1e oul we emg oug orters an jlank jtry in terms of untinctured Op-| further south. VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, SEATILE BIG FURNITURE STORE | anniem, He is assured that the} ‘And before departing from] 8.8. PRINCE JOHN . ‘incipal fisherie the North] on : vs © Every Wednesday at 1 p. m. for Stewart. | F. W. HART DE reer eta sar : lthe civie enterprises that have | Also maintains weekly service to Queen| Phone 62 2nd Ave. & Ohh Pacifie will eventually gravitate; . | ene ‘seo! points. For particulars an iras to Prinee Rupert, and build up| been carried through to a success one es se ne ithere one of the greatest export] ful isue,”’ he added, “let me call Mixed trains leave Prince Rupert trades of the province of Brit-j;attention to the fact that all the wa ST ecunts aot of tabende p.m. a : ish Columbia. In support of this| public utilities are now owned by} | the Grand Trunk Railway System for | | safety, speed and comfort. statement he pointed to the caceythe City, = eee fare oy SVE OX- | For full information, reservations and ee that the Canadian Fish and Cold|clude the telephone, which as} tickets to all points apply to Storage Company had erected alyou may be aware, was first in-| A. E. McMASTER JOHN CURRIE large plant within the city limits} stalled by a private company. We} GENERAL AGENT GRAND TRUNK BECOND AVENUE rent and were gathering about then {havé taken it over, and now the} PACIFIC RY. co, the elements of a great concern.|city owns everything in the} Agency all Atlantic Steamship Lines “Prince Rupert is in his opinion|shape of public utilities. What) e Servian Labor Benefit Society |bound to be the centre of the} will be done with the tramway| No. 195. $ | fishing industry of the North Pa-|service remains to be seen. | = = Meetings held every te —— — | an ea tec | ee lee G. VUKOVICH, PACIFIC Secretary => = | RAILWAY | ne aa in nat 0 aeerieka oe on vPeb i foie rae ain ao Aetanse cun oe a ae | B.C. Coast -_: : Famous Princess N the championship of West Virginia son vears ago at Wh eling, W. Va., and j sine NORTHER B Rae nat a heal ght at any price an) id this after twa nt years ntinuous | owe service i have been a life-long friend and admirer of thn Greener gun and e e shall continue to be } P B LI UOR Cc This is not an isolated case, there are man instances on record where rincess eatrice 0. GREENER GUNS have been in use twenty, thirty or more years without costing their owners a cent for repairs Sunday, January 28th, at 9 a.m. It eae oa su to ane ma wie Ger: gun, our now list describes thirty For Victoria, Vancouver and Seattle le f eight grades, et us send you a free copy salers 0) ee J. G. McNab - General Agent The Leading Wholese i W. W. GREENER MONTREAL, P. Q. Northern British Columbia DEPT. A.P., 63-66 BEAVER HAT HILL —— — — es } | Notice Is hereby given that an applica- tion will be made to the Legislative As- sembly of the Province of British Columbia at itg next session for an act amending | Section 3 of the British a Cons & Alaska aOR GT oss enn we So marr 5 ah es ‘i ae - Exclusive Agen! BUDWEISER “BEER £££ Beautifully Furnished Rooms Now Ready ai orate wie } sll’ the words arier the ‘word etna i ine 10 of Said Section and substitutin The rooms in the Alberts Block are now ready for occu- HAYNER BROS. e | theretor the following $ WE BLY FY 7 > ; > SR CERS ip EMBA RS Oo ro! ‘or 3ec » o pancy, Everything up to date, including bath and telephone. OM ~~ sun eee | eas torly direction = oe ley a Parsnip Hiver by way of Fort McLeod, | oon <1 Steam Heated 8rd Ave. near 6th St. Phone No. 86 inence. along the Parsnip ‘River to a june: tion with the Peace River, thence along We Pa Highest Prices Furnishings all new and up to the minute. Sifton. Pass, thence down’ the ‘Sstikene for B y C Ra eerapet ast 2a) e River to a junction with the main line at or Brass, Copp ALBERT’S BLOCK. UPSTAIRS oy Telegraph Creek; also powers to build Rubt Boots Second Avenue N Siar Theat meat ne Toanisa BA PHONE 301 P.O, BOX 804 branch lines either through the Pine River ubber Oe, Second Avenue ear New 1eatre ead of Centre St. or Peace River passes to the eastern boun- sa ¢ 3 PONY EXPRESS £1 | dary” of Britisn Columbia, or by way. of Dross and B s ; i the most feast route, t lterna- ee SYSTEMATIC MERCHANTS’ DELIVERY SERVICE The following is a sample of a kind o etter uve by the most ‘feasible route between a . * ytton and Teslin Lake, also to bul H acl renee eens - = - Baggage, Storage and ferwerding Agents. For The Daily News frequently recelves, This a point on said line of railway to the ity Prince Rupert Casi Store sige or Motor Car day or night } * . 0 ancouver or from t it f one is from a man in Alberta couver to.& point on said line, by the most Seventh Ave. and Fulton Phone 301 | feasible route. 735 THIRD AVE. And further, for an act extending the 2 oe —_—s Sree iepmapenteamrl Dear Mr. Editor: time within which the company nae to | A commence construction and expend ten per Oe Me and some friends of mine would like to buy a few city cent Of Its capitalisation, You W ant Yo¥ 3 | Grand Hotel. lots in Prince Rupert, but we don’t know anyone at present Deemnber, 401f, te Pm er —o—o—-@-@-9 —-9-* +4 = a . in Prince Rupert, so we have written to ask if you would be Solisiinte tee ie ak HEISTERMAN, ee SEE re] Workingman’s Home kind enough to send me on your daily paper, as I am told it ’ Columbia & Alaska Railway. Rae FRED. STORK! a W a t Cc h Free Labor Bureau in Connection advertises the most city lots and property for sale in Prince 4 Then get into communication Phone 178 Ist Ave. and 7th St. | Rupert, for which I send you on some stamps. Hoping you ™ General Mardwer eG oo ae = with us. We can serve you as GEO. BRODERIUS, Proprietor, | will oblige us, and apologizing for the trouble. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE I ! baie aad Renda. CAAE ee se Te Yours respectfully, e Builders’ Hard ‘ satisfactorily 500 miles away as } nae Ox 5 ’ CARTAGE 1 Valves & Pipes though you stood before the LINDSAY’ . ° Prince Rupert Land District—District of a r ‘ { f : se STORAGE THE DAILY NEWS has the biggest circula- Take notice that “m Lemuel Freer, of am ‘ counters of our watch depart- | ; : . . : * Vane uver, B C,, oceu or,’ 9 anco aes pation broker, in- ment We carry every reliable G. T, P, Transfer Agents tion of any paper tn the district. It is all thet HY wins 7, for permission to purchase NUE ¢ os f ’ ery t } P e ollo & described lands: SECOND # AV! LAN toh k : ' | bona fide circulation too. It enters the comme neing at a post planted on the oil \ . watch known to the trade. Se | Ord tly filled. P easonable, s . shore Ih @ northerly direction from Port ’ . yp p SN f See ans or Sip cri Sieg homes of real estate investors in every Nelson Cannery, marked 1. F.’ 's 8.£. corner, | @-@-@—-@—® — @—@—* ’ = r our strate ‘atalogwue . " —H. B. Re 8 } rs g . ence 20 chains north, thence 20 chains —— —— or our illustrated catalogue o1 | OFFICE H. B. Rochester. Centre St. Phone 6 leading city in Canada as well as England west, thence 30 chains saute & shone Tine Henry Birks & face write ao information regard- > oe tye teat and the United States. commencement, containing 40 acres, more| w » ’ | el = ing watches. | LEMUEL FREER, Li bs aio | SMITH & MALLETT || pated Dee, 7, 494400 es . Jewellers and Silversmiths } TH‘RD AVE } D Y C h Hi 2 Pub. Jan. 5, 1944, tea F paper . Wes RRS ake Sec! sone . ‘ h i 3 riodicals :: ' saa ie Seas So SS ROK ES Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting and || oO ou atc t e int! Skeena Land District District of Coast Magesines :: Pe TS janaging Director Sheet Metal Work i ei 31G 3 COS RUM ! Take notice that 1, CAROLINE JOHNSON, | CIGARS TOBACCOS Vancouver iad B.C. Office: 3rd Ave. Workshop of Vancouver, B, é., occupation marrie Phone 174 nd Ave. bet. Ith and ath Bo woman, Intend to apply for permission to G.T.P, WHARI aE SEESCESEESSESSERREREERIERIENS see ss Pucommmencing st & post, planted es: th a CSSERSEESEESSESSE SESSESEESES ES ESE | =|} southwest corner of Lot 3065, thence south - ' 80 cnains, Senos east BO caains. aenie north 60 chains to ne SoUutheas co er ¢ oa ene . ao s | Lot 3062, thence west 40, chains. aiong Ad tise in |} South line of Lot $062, thence north 20 savoy 110 el ea e Daily ews er reise in| Advert wes 0 chains along south ine ¢ ot 4065 to point of commencement, contain: e | 104 560 acres, more or less & } scr e or the Daily News or Pant cn Wn And Get All the N Paes The Daily News | RUPERT'S PALACE OF COMFORT) n et e€ iNews Pubs gan, 48, i018 FSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SSS SESS TS SES OES eee ee ee