,a!ay May 10. 1P38-, Iresentatipij "Jo Ues Watt Made .;n Honors One Qf ,lt Pojukf I jken to make up a ( presentation Jamf wall, one 4uie .acuve d popular members .'of the local lanch over many years. Avirr ononiy lur I'h IN THt HYCItStCOVKT OF JUSTICI Who U Scotland to Ike up future residence. ExprrJng suitable sentiments regret at Mr. waus aepanure d acknowledgement of his actl- ies and efforts pn behalf of tl olon rresiaem Jaq iTreert de the (rift of a handsome pipe. U me, pleaie. C.1,. Judit tiuntocd th bottle bnlJ It kn to th Jury.) Ji"t (continuing) : This Is an amax-Lig development. We hve hers ao u: pened bottle of Kruschen. (Turn-ing.to the Prisoner) : .When did yon lay it? HOTEL ARRIVALS .Royal R, Wlilte, Massett; A. Neilsor, Vancouver; G. Green, city. Prince ltupert j Harold Lannlng. j. Ratcllffe, A. "Bacon. A c. T.nmH cllo ' an w4 nriiKacey, Vancouver. Isaac Matthews h? Canadian xegion last IVS'ii and ,E. O. Tyrer, AtUn; H. C Brut- preparjuw" yer, teauie; jack Mora.es, Port Monthly r.enerai hccus w i. .Simpson; Mf- and Mrs. L. II. Ha ld tomorrow iiisiik. -yj worth and daughter, city. central T. H. Whltlhg and Ous Leighton, city. nox O. Johanscn, Vancouver. 41...... . L .. had arrived In the Old Land, he Watt m reply. sjxike apprecla-' hoped to. Join, the British Legion. 1 C -bHIIHHI wr Ill-Health Charge Withdrawn (Btforc Mr.Jiutict Krtuchtn) Jk.i All Uit evidence provri con-LJ...fly that this unhappy woman hai bttn con&iste ntly reflecting her health. In this Court preventable ill new b treated as a crime. Ignorance of the remedy cannot be accepted as an cicum. Knnchen b sold by all drug stores. Krusohen is- - PaifflNia; tiir.dhag) nuw sir' Ji-Dsr (Eidtedly, 'undoing her I have a bottle with dm (Stnutloa In Cort.) A bottle of what ? Pats it up PaisoNia: This morning, my lord. I Intended to take U -with my coffee tomorrow and every day. I thought it might put me right Jcdci: Prisoner, your timely good sense has earned you your acquittal. You .will leave this Court without a stain on your character. (At this juncture there was an outburst of clapping, which was rapidly suppressed.) . You hare yourself dont precisely what I should have ordered you to do; you have adopted a good remedy for your present. affliction, a splendid precaution against a recurrence of it. I am very glad. I have one word of advice to add: do not, on any account, miss the little daily dose of Kruschen and then, Indeed, you will be the happy possessor of good health for less than lc a day. PtisoNPt : Thank you, my lord. I shall never forget what you say. KRUSCHEN SALTS I relieve constipation and rheumatism Kruschen is a combination of itveral mineral salts which your body must jet, in tome y to keep the blood pure, we made clean, and the sys- TASTELKSS IN COfTEKORTKA abundant eiercise and fresh air. You should have those salts every iy;"hence the 1m- ponance oi me muc unity dose". Every drug counter sells tem generally toned up, but which you Kruschen in lie, 45c and 75c bottles. rsn't get in Nature's own way without lis the hi lit daily dose that does it. Selvig's Cash & Carry Specials-AH Week Nabob Coffee-Per lb 35c Wild Uose Pastry Flour 10 ins, ipr 1'ive Hoses Flour 24's Lump Sugar-2-lb. box Santa Clara IVunes Large size. Pkg. Brentwood Peas-No. 5 tin ''nk Salmon Tall tin Paragon Toilet Tissue Large roll K)logg's Com Flakes 3 Pkgs. Rl"e.dale Asparagus (-'ultingsLarge tin 49c $1.25 19c 19c lie 11c 8c 555c Pearl Barley 25C 3 lbs. for . ' Corned Beef 1 if Tin ' Fels aptjia f!oap gQg 10 bars Campbell's Vegetable Soup Tin Hrookfield Orade 'A Kcbs In "Carton. 29 C Dozen Dry Salt Pork-. 0()C 'Lb. Royal City br. Aylmer Tomato and Vegetable Soup- Tin Granulated SueaMO lbs, for 59c one 7G5 Above Trices For Cash Only! -4-ijivji,iiiU-.- j H4i C. Charron, who has.been at the Billmor mill at Porpoise Harbor left by last evening's train on his return to Kirkland Lake, Ontario. Tonight's train, dut from the East at 11 o'clock, was reported this morning to be running time. uvc.y oi ine presentation. Memor- nmmin. Rtaiv-or inm4 his ies of pleasant associations with the duties at the Fire Hall yesterday ! cn"isn-after having been off for the past ed, A, Mr. Watt r said, j and, after he seven wppWr snrfprinr frm n Kmk. en arm bone. P. W. Rac'ey, y,ell known mining engineer, Is .a ylsitfir in the city, having arrived on the Princess! Louise yesterday afternoon from the-Tulsequah district. j Rev. Father Leo Basse O.M.I., Ro man Catholic Church missionary at Telegraph Creek, arrived in the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon for a visit to diocesan 1 neadquarters here. Joseph Bennett, Pacific Coast D. Zarelli and berg returned to I i Sitting in his capacity as a city i council last week, City Commissioner W. J. Alder gave final reconsideration and adoption to the bylaw providing for a fifty mill tax rate in Prince Rupert this year, j j Rev. Canon T. D. PrQctor of Dawson Creek, who is" here to attend "sessions of the Caledonia diodesan synod of the Anglican Church here hls week, left on last evening's train for a brief visit to jHazeltbn and will be returning to. the city- this evening. Isaac Taylo, well known tVhite-horse merchant, jtnd his sqn and ! daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. William Taylor, were in the city aboard ternoon going through on a,irip;to Vancouver and " elsewhere in the south. JrVHATS 6000 THIS MORNING, GEORGE? Kellogg's Corn Flakes the favorite of travelers and stay-at-homes alikel Always ' superintendent .of Alberta Wheat California rut? LOCAL NEWS NOTES William Schrla-the city on the Prfnqejss Louise yesterday from brief business trip to Juneau. BESTES THING AH KNOWS, SUH, IS KELLOGG'S CORN FLAKES AND CREAM. a Mrs. Jack .Woods (Annette tonei galled yesterday afternoon on the on Princess Louise fqr a trip to Vancouver and Victoria. Charles Graham, Inspector or , igaac Matthews, Atjin mining op mines, left on last .evening's train for a trip tp Smithers ori official duties. erator. and merchant, , Is a business Visitor n the city, having arrived from the north on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon. CORN FLAKES ven-fresh in th,e patented heat-ealed jnher bag. Kellogrg's are sold by all grocers. Served everywhere in handy individual packages. Made by Kellogg in Indon, Ontario. M4DE JITTER rAQKlD lTT Simpson McKinnon, Juneau laundry operator, and Mrs. McKln-t non were here aboard trje vPrlncess Louise yesterday afternoon going through, for a trip to Long Beach, . Pool eleyators, who Is ,here In con- t nection wlth' the loading of grain mniam Holland, well known nor-'ont of the local elevator this jveek, them commerclai' lllcr, was a pas-! will sail Thursday night by the ,en2Cr aboard the Prlncess Louise Praiceowrge .aviiii.rqiurn it Vf!-,yesterday afternoon going through couver. J from Carcross to Vancouver. He is Word has JusTbeTn received that 1toS ?outh on a vacation. William Solway. executive secretary of the Provincial Boy Scouts Association, will arrive In the city on i Wednesday on a tour of, inspection levening's train !cf Scout .tropps in Nprthern British Columbia. While In Prince Ru pert he will visit the First .Prince J Dunart ti-vin nnrf nlcn trip Rcnnri .V ' . . . I T. I 1 1 Prince rtupen irpop wujch process of organization at Mrs. W. Btigadier commander of the Salyatjpn Army for Northern British Columbia and Alaska, and little daughter, Joy, ar- I rived In the city on the Princess Louise yesterday afternoon fromj Wrangell and proceeded by the evening train to Winnipeg where, Mrs. carrpthlejrlft, ,.Grac to graduate -as a nurse- irarn Grace Hospital, ongaaier uar- ruthers Is at present at Hazelton qn an inspection yisit and ,ls due to arrive here Saurday ,night by train from the lnterjor. Announcements All advertisements In this col-amn jvlll be charged for a full month at 25c a word. St. Peter's Bazaar. May 10. Cambral Spinsters' Spree, May 13 Snowball Frolic, Moose Hall. Friday 13th, Norway's Independence Day, May 16, 8:30, Oddfellow's" Hall. Eastern Star Maytlme Tea at Mrs. J. Jack's, Angus Apartments, May 17.' Canadian Legion Tea May 8. May 20, C.Y.S. Dance, Oddfellows Gyro Maytlme" Dance, May 24 Rebekah Tea gan's May 25. Presbyterian Tea Mitchell's June 1. Mrs. Bert Mor Mrs. J. P. Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Haworth and daughter will leave on Wednesday Sunderwood for Montreal to .which city they are moving. No successor to Mr. Haworth at the Jocal Alberta Wheat Pool elevator Is in 'time. Seal! being appointed in the mean- rove. W. H. Tobey. C.N.K. aivisionat :j,stperlntehdqpt; ;M. A. Burbank, di- J. Carrutl)ers. wife ,pf ..yiyjonai engineer; - waiioii, Carruther.s, divisional; toadmaster, and H. E. Aion, B. and p. master, will Jeave on Wednesday evening's train for Smithers to attend a dlvisipnal co-pperatlve maintenance of way meeting on Friday of this week. 10 Announces that' their new .equipment enables them to develop and print any size of Roll Films at 40c AH .Work Guaranteed (Next Rupert Hotel) I.KASK Queen Charlotte llaiuN District, Iterorillng lltrlt of rrlnce ltupert. Tafce hottioe that Moresby Ielaiid FifJ5-erees Jedwiy, Limited, of Vancouver Pish Saltern. Intend to a,rBly lor a lease of the following described" fore Commeaiclne at a Dofit planted ftbous mllo west of Jedway and. on the south shoTB of SktoouttU Inlet; thence West 150 feet; thence south ou reet: tnence East 100 feet: thence South 1200 leec: .h"n. Wft. 375 feet: ' thence South 113 feet to the high water marlc or Stelncuttle Met; thence .Eturterly and Northerly followlnc said high -water mark to the point of oonunencemonl nd containing io acrro.uiure or Dated February ltfi.ru ivm. MORESBY ISLAND FISHERIES JEDWAV, LIMITED Fred Nash, Agent .l,B,VjB (fiiffii Cliarlolte lOaiuls Dlstrlet, Itet onlhie DNtrlrt of J'tbue ltupert, .ivtro nnttre Uiat Moresby Island Flfib erl Jedway. Limiiea, iun sailers qi Vancauwr. B C. Intend to ftpply ror a' leofl of the foltowjiig escribe J Camnincln4r at a post about 1 mn .west of Jedway, on itlie south shore of n. . . . . ( . 1 .... T.'. m'.h.tnii ! chalnn "to the high water mark of RltlufiilLtle Inlet: thence Nortllerty and following high water mao-lc to the point of ctrtoeKeoient. containing 23 acrc more. or ,ls. Dnrted February 19th, 1938. MORESBY ISLAND FISHERIES JEDWAY, LIMITED Fred Naah, Agent, Qenspr Bojifires In South Africa Clean-up of Bookshops Finds 1 Piubicat,ions .Food for Farnes lie hunts up al the, old Junk around the place, advertises, and sells It. Whv wait Until you move? Look around npw and jsee w.hat to you Is Junk but to someone else may be a .useful article. An advertise- ment will cost vou only 50. cents. Phone 98 and we do the rest You can call and pay ! when you are, down town. ; DAILY NEAVS Phones 18 and 84 P.O. Box 575 FOR GOOD SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE I Groceries 'Vegetables. FrulU Confectipnery Tobaccos 317-18 THIRD AVENUE WEST .Opposite Canadian Legion The Finest PIANO "TUNING In trie country can b,e jours, as done with the ''nesonoscope by G..C. WALKER Phone Blue 389 213,4th St. EOK Sflb Gil THIRD AVE. WEST (near ROyal Bank), Lot 8, Block 33, Section 1, store with" .dwelling over. This rlp.slrable hroDertv for sale at a' low price and pn pasy .term.-c.; Interest on balance as rent, o Also Lots 11 and "i J, Block 17, Seer tion 7, with house 1140"East 6th Avenue for $700, half cash and balance $20 per month. Geo. II. Munro, 4204 West 11th Ave., Van couver, B. u. ii imerestea ini property In or near Vancouver I communicate with the above, j PERSONAL (109) MEN! BEWARE LOW VITALITY If easily exhausted. Try New,QST-REX Tonic of faw.pyster Invlgor- ators apd fither stimulants. Get vim, vigor, vitality, n not.dengni-ed maker refunds prjee, $155, Sold.py all good drug stores, . tf FOR RENT FOR RENT Superior heated flat In Brooksbank Block. Apply, Dybhavn & Hanson. tf The Dally Niw i.ts an audited circulation. Play iafel Mr. and Mrs. A. B. GlraurJ qf 'Smithers arrived in the. city froml-V the Interior on Saturday night's train to attend the graduation .ex erclses of the Prince Rupert General Hospital last night, their 4auglter. 'Miss Kathleen Giraud, being, one of the graduates. FREE r Government Has Lost Six Fights Vin But.Pne p' Seven By-Elections ,Ip Britain S,lnce October CAPETOWN May 10 (CP) Cus-' Inspector John A. Fraser, pro- LONDON, May 10: I CP.) Since tonSthoritles " In Cape Town ynlclal'piiice; "who has 'been serf -1 last pcjqljer trjere .ha.ye bei jeven have 'bien busy making bonfires of P"5 u. cqnUnues to make a very by-electqas In Great Britain and hundreds of bpoks and Imported satlsfactpry teepvery and is now the Nayonal government has lost periodicals among 176 publications; Jble to take short walk, aout ; ' f 0f-,the whVh hve been banned in 10 fea.ve Ior ne s0""1. accum . Africa under new stringent censor-,aDie hi VB,,intinn " ' panled by Mrs. Fras?r. . 'held by government supporters. Acting on the secret report pfj Col. IL F. Trw. whp was appointed last year to Investigate litera ture entering the Union, R. stutta-fqrd, "minister of the interior, has exercised his power , of applying an' ail-embracing censorshlpn pqblt- j qat ipns including books by Balzac I and Rabelais and various detective and other magazines. "It seems that a good deal or light reading which Is sold everywhere else In the world will be .unobtainable in South Africa," a leading Cape Town bookseller said in an Interview. I As well as the f ormidable list al-: . ready compiled, the minister has empowered the. censor' board to stop many other periodicals entering the Union. It Is" stated that In many! lease? It Is not the written matter that is responsible fpr the action' ! taken but the advertisements and J co.yer, illustrations. -. WJIEiX A MAN MOVES Try Salada Orange Pekoe Blend "SALAM TEA A Beautiful Decorated 10 oz. PHONE Tumbler With Every Purchase of Everyescent Saline (Engiish Type) JJoth (or 39c Fruit Ormes Ltd. TTiie Pioneer Druqgists The ileiill Store Phones: 81 UVt Open Daily From t a.m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon till 1 .m, 7 p m. till 9 p.m. GRADE A MILK Give Your Baby Fresh Milk Daily ernment tested cows. Fresh Local , Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PHONE 657 , . u k . i.m wiill ir, nrA flirirto Iniltr -Tl.MVl nil'tt' fAtTl1 V UUl 1111111. 113 JJ1 UVIUV.CII III'VC VlUllJf Utl V- t v"'", ;( aOMINION DAIRY The Central Hotel ROOMS and CAF Phone CI ror Best Household Coal AIRS. C. E. BLACK Smoked "Rupert Brand" Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch on Tpasjtcd! Spijdvichcs or Hors d'ocuvrc .Qne Package Series J!our People Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator f ?s