PAQE TOUR nnnnnnnV 1 WVA. 'PJnnnHMnvnnv Everybody likes Old YOU c.n cniov Us (tl Ramsay Armitage, dean of Christ Church Cathedral, Vancouver, and Miss F. O. Philpoe of Vancouver, western vice-president of the Dominion Women's Auxiliary, were the speakers of the" evening, the addresses on both occasions being interesting and div'rting. The large audience roundly applaused both speakers. Business sessions of the synod included the receiving of a number of Important reports. Rev. J. E. Birchall of Smithers told of the splendid work of the general board of religious education in the church throughout Canada. Rev; C. A Hinchcliffe of Terrace presented an excellent account of the way in which the church was facing up to the social' problems of the day through the work of the council for social service. Rev. J. M. McCormlck of Fort Fraser gave a stimulating paper covering the work of evangelization within the church- over the past twenty-five years and made special reference to the efforts of the church in Canada to meet the present situation in which apathy and opposition seemed everywhere present. Tne Indian workers also gave moving testimony to the value of the church's ministrations among them. Yesterday afternoon the synod was engaged in a long distance discussion of diocesan matters. This morning the final sessior wm mm nd.tmooth, mellow goodness today. Phone 634 For Free Home Delivery CAPILANO BKfwINii CO., LTD. VANCOUVER, B. C. beer' Ami th( r amous roMAA or thi housc or LrmwicKK ford. This advertisement Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. SESSIONS OF SYNOD Reception on Wednesday Night Was Interesting Event Reports Presented Show Progress Of Church Work One of the features of the proceedings in connection with the sessions of the eighteenth Cale- of the synod was held with the 1 consideration of financial prob lems. Officers Elected The election of officers for the i synod resulted as follows: Chancellor, Judge W. E. Fisher Secretary-Treasurer, C, V. Evitt. Registrar, C. J. Norrington. Auditor, Ernest Unwln. Correspondent, Rev. Roy Durn- Historian, Canon W. F. Rush- brook. donla diocesan synod of the Ang- al synodVcry Rev James B. lean Church here this week waslGibsoni Rey Canon T D poctor the reception Wednesday night on (Dawson Creek) c v Evitttatid In the Catherdal Hall when all the G p Tinker delegates had the opportunity to "Delegates to provincial synod- mingje m a OCjai way. very nev. Rev j E Birchall (Smithers), ReV. J. M. McCormlck (Fort Fraser), Rev. Oliver Thorne "(Kincolithl, Rev. Edward Slater, Judge W. E. Fisher, C. J. Norrington, Mr. Mercer and Mr. Nelson. Bishop Rix presided over all the synod meetings. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lawson of Sunnyslde cannery sailed last night; on the Prince Georee for thr south, the former going to Van couvcr and the latter to PoweL River. Mrs. Jens Larsen and daughter, Joan, of Alice Arm arrived in the city from the north on the. Prince George last evening and are leaving on tonight's train for New York where they will embark May 29 on the liner Pilsuds'kl for a visit in Aalborg, Denmark. Phones 18 and 84 P.O. Box 574 FOR GOOD SERVICE Try MUSSALLEM'S ECONOMY STORE (iToceries Vegetables Fruit Confectionery Tobaccos 317-19 THIRD AVENUE WEST Opposite Canadian Legion BLUE Stops Your Clothes from Turning Yellow When, you come to the last rinse remember to add Reckitt's Blue for whiteness. No extra effort Cost? A cent or two a month. Reckitt's BLUE 4 Out of the blue comes the whitest wash! DUNNE AND FAIRBANKS Diverting Comedy With Music is Feature Offering at Capitol Theatre This Weew-end With a fine cast headed by Irene Dunne and Douglas Fairbanks Jr., "Joy of Living," feature picture at the Capitol Theatre this week-end, presents a new theme for a comedy with music. The principals in the picture are two contrasting characters one a popular musical comedy star who .is constantly In debt Address Of Dean Armitage Proved Very Interesting owing to the extravagant demands over5taremcnts ln of nearly every Dean read the poem and commented on it most Interestingly. The address was filled with bright and pithy anecdote and was much enjoyed. Visitors at the luncheon included Rotarian V. N. Kelley of Vancouver: Rev. Canon' T. D. Proctor of Dawson Creek, Frank Burleigh ol Hazelton, Dr. R. G. Large. W. II The address at the weekly lunch- Wilson-Murray and W. Joy. eon of the Prince Rupert Rotary j, , : Club yesterday was given by Very; FOOTBALL RAINED OUT Rev. Ramsay Armitage, Dean of Christ Church Cathedral at Van-, Owing to rainy weather, the Jun-couver, who took as his . subject lor Football League fixture sched-"Myosls The meaning of the uled for Wednesday afternoon be-word he explained was a faculty .tween King Edward High School of understatement. On this con tinent people were used to hear- and Booth Memorial School was postponed. Borden Street School and Jltooth Memorial School are L ilV ? , a' thing .but in England they were scheduled to meet tomorrow after- forthright sort of P ayboy k who hasuccustomed t() understatements noon. broken away from his wealthy f am-' trnm cl,Pu .n fnrmpr Pmmier' lly to enjoy life as he sees fit. Cer-istanl Baldwin. He quoted one. tain that her parents and -sister J outstanding example of this in tha. love her in spite of their faults Miss Lase of otls the eXplorer who was Duiyie indignantly quarrels with1 at the gth Poie Fairbanks when he urges that she Wnen he found that ne was an en-leave the relatives shift for them-fcumDrance to the others and selves and have a good time her-might endanger their return, he self before it Is too late. The story remarked; "I am going out and I then proceeds along a unique path may be some little time." Of' marked, by arguments, reconcili- course, he did not return, atlons and a charming romance.! Applying the title of the address There are a number of unique and to the Rotary Club, the father of entertaining episodes. an service clubs, the Dean said he Miss Dunne's talents as a com- hoped they would look upon the edienne and singer are fully used, word "service" In its myotic sense. A number of tuneful songs by Jer- They: would not be able to say how ome Kern are Introduced into the much they were really doing. If picture. service was their motto, life would In the supporting cast are such be an amazing thing full of ad-favorites as Alice Brady, Jean Dix- venture, Members of Toe H. said on, Guy Klbbee, Eric Blore, Lucille Ball and Warren Hymer. AT $1 A YARD LONDON, May 13: (CP) Most Popular dress at a preview of the fashion show for the Empire Ex- hlhltlnn at. niaetrrmr was it rprfprtl y cut black crepe evening gown, Jong, sjender and very decollete, from material at $1 a yard. hat service was the rent they oaid for. their occupancy on earthy The speaker went on to tell cf a wonderful poem written by Owei. Semen, editor of Punch, a copy of which he had written in the handwriting of the author. One verse vas left out and It was explained that, in transcribing, Mr. Semen had omitted it because it might ?ive pain to a former enemy. Thr TONIfiHT and SATURDAY Two Shows at 7:00 and 9:05 Don't miss the new hit show by the glorious girl of "The Awful Truth" . . . with Hollywood's brightest comedy cast surpassing all previous laugh roles. IRENE DUNNE In Joy Of Living With Douglas Fairbanks Jr., Alice Brady, Guy Klbbee Eric Blare (At 7:35 and 9:40) ADDED TREATS Donald Duck's Ostrich" Sportlight "4 Smart Dogs" CHAPTER TWO SAT. MATINEE ONLY "FLASH GORDON'S TRIP TO MARS Mid-Month Specials WALLACE'S Saturday and Monday Taffeta Blouses In stripe or plaid. Values to $1.50 "VO. for Watson Quality Silk Knit Slips In white, or flesh. GM A A Each 31.WU Pure Silk Crepe Gowns Lace trim, white, peach or blue. Reg. AC $3.50. Special Value .... Briefs, Bloomers and Panties Lace trim or tailored. -fl A A 2 pairs tfrJLUU Women's Pajamas In krinkle crepe with contrasting Irim. j 00 Women's Pajamas or Gowns Finest Watson quality. Values ' to $3.50. White or colored. GJ-f AC Very Special tpJL.Jt) Gossard Corsets Values to $7.50. In a good range of sizes. AC Values to $7.50. To clear & Dance Sets Crepe de chene, peach or white. Assorted styles. Cjj- QQ Waffle Knit Underwear Vest and TSS: $1.00 House Frocks In fast color prints assorted patterns. TQo Each id" Ladies' Batiste Gowns fl-fl A A Floral patterns. Each.. u Aprons Fast prints with organdie trim. Also peasant style. j Women's Rubber Rain Coats Blue, $1-00 Phone 9 See Our Windows Pure Silk Hose Values to HlZg $1.50. To clear, pair Children's Cotton Hose In fawn rib all sizes. A A 5 pairs ?1UU Boys' Lastex Top Knee HoseGreys and browns. fii A A 3 pairs ...v.... vX.UU Misses Ankle Sox Asstd C-f A A styles. 6 pairs VA'Vv Ladies' Fabric Gloves Various col-Pai'r 35C Fancy Rayon Thread Table Cloths-Assorted plaids. 45x45. j J QjQ Printed Georgettes and Silk Weaves Values to $1.50. Hd Yard ... ioL Figured and Printed Velvets 35 inches wide. AA 2 yards for Dress Goods Serges, etc. Q4 A A Various weaves. 4 yds. . . Brocaded Rayon In sev- fl-fl A A en shades. 4yds... Pebble Crepes In five shades. Also white. fiQr Per yard OSi, Curtain Muslins Cream with contrasting figure or dot. Q-fl A A Ruffled edge. 4 yards.. n-tUU Fancy Turkish Bath Towels Size 18x3G. With contrasting flj-fl A A check' or stripe. 4 for ... . V-.UU Embroidered Pillow Slips Fine quality in white or color O-j A A trim. Per pair J1.UU Tiger Knitting Yarn In plain and heather mixture Q-i aa 8-0z. Skeins JJLVV Third and Fulton rrlday.M "Kellogg's RICE KRISPlESbeot any alarm clockl' That's tht loidd thai qtti thtm np-kRgry! Children tat Ktllotg't Met Krliplet without coailag-and eomt back for itcend htlplngtl Btcautt Ihtit laitv bbblti of teaittd rlct art 10 crisp thty cracklt ait load milk or crtoml Rlct Krhplti art always rtody to ttrvt. Sold by all groctri, itrvtd by rtitatraatt. Mad by Ktlloga In London. Ontario. .1 IMMtaJ N. 47 C-1tll 4liS 10 lmhti-Nwpotr-Cdi 12541 TtTlSoGlipl Lit I fM ttru I (mi I New Models In White Sec The fOutstandingly Beautiful New Models In Easy Washers Finished in White With a Black Trim What could be more striking, yet appropriate coloring for these significant Master Models of Cleanliness There is a genuine EASY model to fit your purst- Easy Terms ' . . " ," And every EASY is a precision built masterpiece Guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction in every respect Phone f Or Call In For Demonstration WithoufObligation TENNIS SUPPLIES Drop In at dordon's Hardware and Inspect our 1938 Tennis Racquets. Mod to suit every taste and pocket, See the new C.C.M. Tennis Karts-Smart, exceptionally well made racquU at low prices,. For satisfaction and longer We use U""-lop Tennis Halls, the longest wearing, toughest tennis balls made. GORDON'S HARDWARE PHONE 311 McimiOE ST. UNION STEAMSHIPS LTD. Steamers Leave Prince Rupert for Vancouver: T.S.S. CATALA EVERY TOES. T.S.8. CAKDENA FKID i DAY, 1:30 p.m. . 10:30 p.m. M Vane incouvcr, Thurs. a.m. Due Vancouver, Monday J Due If convenient pleas purchase tickets "t otlxroa Further Information Regarding Reservations and Ticke ts A. W. NEWMAN, Prince Rupert Aeent, Third Ave. Phone