My n.irtt , "The little raical cstTsay 'BOR-DEN. .he hears us talking! about Borden's St. Charles Milk so often. And it lias certainly done wonders for him." 1 Doctors recommend Borden's Evaporated Milk for babies because it is supremely nourishing, easy to digest, and safe . . . irradiated lor an added supplv ot V itamin 1). And Borden's St. Charles is the ideal milk for all the family ... its double-rich creaminess improves your cooking . . . makes better coffee and tea. There's a difference in evap6raled milks so always aK your grocer lor lioruen s. A British Columbia Product Pump Priming Is Passed By House leprfsfntatlves Approve Admin istration .Measure at Washington r By 229 to 78 Vote TASHINGTON, D. C, May 13 House of Representatives, by tp of 229 to 78. yesterday ap- ived the administration's "Pump Trlmme- measure. Certain amend ments to the relief clauses were (headed o!t Thomas Trotler sailed last night sdu the Prince George for a trip to wancouver 1 " II Sergeant Ernest Gammon, prov iinciai police, sailed last nigni on une ranee ueorne tor vancouvn Ion exort duty. Mrs. G. H. Soles enf. south with a woman prlsonet PIMPLES Add is qus aoaf f mam. or ,wef oil. I Mia- rdi, ind tpply th miatuf oiut aily. A Moipl trti Bi.ot bich, iU . Clear up your tkln! Ifiard&iLi ST.CHARLES Jftjz l Weather forecast General- Synopsis -The pressuic Is rising rapidly on the coast and' fine weather is becoming genera? in all parts of this province. Prince Rupert Moderate to fresh southwest winds, part cloudv and mild with showers. West Coast ot Vancouver Island Moderate north to northwest winds, part cloudy and mild wlih' showers. Announcements All advertisements in this column will be charged for a full Norway's1 Independence Day, May 16, 8:30, Oddfellow's Hall'. I Eastern Star Maytlme Tea at Mrs. J. Jack's, Angus Apartments, May 17. i Canadian Legion Tea May 18. May 20, C Y.S. Dance, Oddfellows. Gyro "Maytlme" Dance. May 24 Rebekah Tea gan's May 25. Presbyterian Tea Mitchell's June 1. The SALVATION ARMY Annual Self Denial Campaign Mrs. Bert Mor- Mrs. J. I' The Salyation Army is making the annual appeal for funds to carry on its world-wide social work. Thousands are helped every year, as a result of this Appeal, regardless of creed, race or color. The nrwl was nproY n-w5ifr, !irid tlitf anneal is ur Rent for n generous rrnrrmis rsnnn'sfV response to' this Vear's financial effort. Elio THEY SERVB WHO GIVE Furniture Every Ring For the Home NEW Printed Linoleum 8 'eet wide. Tftn Square yard to WE DELIVER USED Barryrtiorc Axiri. io $25.00 LOCAL NEWS NOTES I For begging, Henry Harry Cutv nmgharri was sentenced ia sever. days' imprisonment by Magistrate (( Vancouver. McClymont In- city police court this morning. , Miss tfAlih WA. HAS Successful Meetings- concluded Yesterday Afternoon 5,1 fc Davis Again President Coincident with the holding of iesslohs of the synod of the Anglican dlbc&se of Caledonia, successful annual meetings of the diocesan Woman's Auxiliary of the1 Anglican; Church were held ori Wednesday and Thursday. The principal guest and speaker was Miss P. H. Phepoe, of Vancouver . Dominion vice-president of the Woman's Auxiliary for Western Canada. i Yesterday afternoon, Canon T. D. Proctor of Dawson Creek, who had conducted noontide prayers, ,UIS R. L. McKinley sailed last night on the Prince George for a trip Johnstone will be sailing, oh the Princess" Louise .Sunday morning for Ketchikan on a Holiday- visit. FOOTBALL PLAYERS Please attend General Meeting Friday, 8 p.m. in Canadian Legiorr Ciubrooms Van Dnk players requested to be present to sign up with the riev team called' the. Merchants lave an interesting address desJWp- TiZxto&, who Is making a good ro tlve of the Peace River district, Prior to the afternoon session, eril nospltal foiiowlhg ah opera there had been a Joint luncheon of tlon- for appendicitis, the" synod and the Womah's' Auxll- , iary in thei Boston Hall. The presentation was made to MLsS Phepoe by Mrs. R. L. Mcintosh of a handsome bouquet of flbwers. Routine business at the after noon session of the Woman's Auxiliary included the presentation of Former Local Girl Elelution Winner reports. An outstanding one was B. that of the Women's' Auxiliary at the native village of Greenville on DauehfeT nauehfeY of of Mr", Mr", and and Mrs. Mrs. W. W. Corhislr Wfiiner In Contest Held at Victoria the Naas River, this being read by -. Mrs. W. W. Calder. Little Lorraine Cornish, 9 years The meetings closed yesterday of age, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. with Miss R. M. Davles O.B.E., the V. B. Cornish and granddaughtci president of the diocesan Women's of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Sherman Auxiliary, receiving a lovely bou- sr., of this city, who moved ttf( nuet of flowers. victorta" last June', was picked bi Wednesday's Meetings je "eor8e Jay bcnooi to repres-1 ent " at a large elocution fes-l On Wednesday there were a num- ber of speakers including Miss ' ""v . Miss who va. is ne.a eacn year, Davles and Phepoe gave prp entiiRMnts from VancouVet interesting addresses. f. e.A.,, du.m vh... - - nu.uiii Auxiliary J joined'"1"1- 1 ri.wto ine .woman s with the syndd again oh Wedhes-l"Ta T 1 i J ,.AIU OS Tu i 7 .""c.ivi marks and received a rdiploma u, impressive deliver his charge, an Vancouver . child ,message. io me ijnoo. ... , 1ornMnrt -ivsrf a pleasant icamit m 89 points. The adjudicators re- afternoon's sessions was he pres- mafM fsptasln of Lorrafhe; entation of an honorary life mem- Der5mp ill Uic wuiunus rtUAi"uJ I T 1llpf thic rrfnrrr.nn(A VpiV ;by . . , Mrs. Rix ... to Mrs. . W. C. Aspmau muCh H$r posture. vcry good he ... rf tori cArVIP Jl -AA-nltrn vpnrc scryitc -.'.-.. mnnin hi. s ri" m uliiiii. 11 recognition oi ten year facJal expresslonSi excellent, voice ' of the Diocesan Boara treasurer Au ln a a grand Cambral Spinsters' Spree, May 13. yery per Snowball Moose Hall. Frolic, Friday 13th, Thp rfollehtful social feature t ..ikiuftoc 1 wpdnesdav afternoon was ine serv- i tua .v.11 ot,- nnhi in fnr " ' 1 V W Vkt A. WUQftkV u OU lng of tea by Miss Katmeen -nang, There were 35' entries-in this Japanese missionary, and ladies cjass Lorraine has never had any 6t the mission. '.training in this line. Her schoo! Yesterday afternoon there was a ci'ass won In singing. Lorraine als large reception at Bishops Lodge, recited at the teathers' convention with Bishop and Mrs. Rlx as hosts' lo delegates and members. Election of Officers The election of officers of the Wnmsin'd Auxiliary resulted as fol L. Mcintosh. President, Miss R. M. Davles, O. BE. First Vice-President, Mrs. C.. V Evitt. Second Vice-President, Mrs Thomas Andrew. . Secretary, Mrs. G. P. Tinker. Treasurer, Mrs. W. C. Aspinall. Educational Secretary, Mrs. J. S. Wilson. 1 Dorcas Secretary, Mrs. J. H. Nor- ; dan-Juniors Secretary, Mrs. C, J. Nor- rlngton. . Little Helpers' Secretary, Mrs. W II, Tobey. 1 United Thank Offering Secretary. Mrs. F. A. MacCallum. 1 Girls' Secretary, Mrs. Robert Bartlett. . .... i.ivlnflr Messace Secretary. Mrs. J. G. Johns. I Prajjer Partner Secretary, Mrs.; W. J. Greer. Delegates to the Dominion Women's Auxiliary: Mrs. Champion (SmltUersJ, Miss Kathleen Lang, Mrs. A. L. Holtby; alternates, Mrs. Charles Ellison and Mrs. C, V Evitt. Engagemeat lows: 1 Mr, and Mrs. H. T. Cross Honorary President, Mrs. u. a. Rix. Honorary Vice-president, Mrs. R an nounce the engagement of their daughter Lilian, to Arthur .Wlck- sori,. son of Mr, and Mrs. Walter Wlckson of Vancouver. The wed ding will take place In Vancouver on-Saturday next, May-28 H6te Arrival Savoy I P. A. Merer,'Claxtoh; Peter Hal-, dane, MettoKatltf; JacR Ynle, Port Edward. tfojfal" O. White, AnyoX; Mr. and Mrs1.) A. M. Stave. Concord. N.C.; Alfred ' Miller, Prince .George; M. Ohashi, Port EssmtjtohV I j Prince Rirpert J Bettey Webber, Port Esslngtoh; : Annie 3. Dacy and Thertsa M. ffe: llgan, Bost6n, Mass.; .D. t. Scott, J. C. Bigham, H. Singleton and C. J,; Deeth, Vancouver; Mrs1: J. Larson and child', Alice Aim; Miss- Mary j Hipp and Miss- Sheila McKenney Terrace. Cenfraf f Bill' Hunter, Haysport; William . 1 Duncan, city; R. H. Flatekval, A. J." i Flatekval and Albert Evans; Ed -' moritbn, Mrs, ti. Clostef. Mfs: W. L. ' Baiim arid Miss Elaine' Baiim, B11I-mor, Mis. Barbara Stewart a'rid Child, Decker Lake; Mrs. S. Addbok I and girU, Salvus; H. Jerome' arid A. It". Jones, C.N.R.; William Flewlri Jf..!! Mrs. H. L. Frank leaves by this ' Siirl Point. i evening's train oh her return to .. Terraee" after having been here . A. Stangef, C.N.R.; J. Olsen, Ter- her daughter, Miss Mildred i face. cbvery in the Prince" Rupert Gen- Try1 a Daily Jews ciassifie'd ad- vertlsement for best resul'V. ' "' J Sterling Suggestions, Phone 62 Phone 3 BUTTER First Grade ftEEF Pot Roast Per lb'. Gvfeji Roast Per lb Ptim Ril- Per lb. ...... 95c 15c 15c 18c EGGS Grade. 'A' Large Cffp 2 dozen ao Pork Butts QtZp Per lb Butt Chops A 97f C Per lb Shoulder Veal Op Per lb Rolfed Roast OQn Veal-Per lb, lbs. 25c Fresh Mushrooms Fresh Whipping Cream . Fresh Cottage Cheese Ayrshire Bacon Always In- St6ck Remember You Can Get it at The Sterling Insist An 'nilAS RRST PROClIRARLE' TheV Oritihal' For Sale at Vendors or direct ttdm'nil-MtvitZiii, Liquor Control Board, 847 Beatty Street, Vancouver. B.C. mm PRQCURflBLEBB A jijriHj 7K?4 f MONUMENT SCOTCH Ls &tt MY-t This adverUserhent Is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board of. by the Government of British Columbia. Fresh Local Raw And Pasteurized Milk VALENTIN DAIRY PDONE 7 The Central Hotel ROOMS and CATl . rhone H for Best Household Coil MR8. C. B. BLACK Th water must be boilinq warm a crocrery Tea-par P(jHt in one teasboonfuli of ied .feeaeh person arid one "foKthe doF SR.. Add fresh,fcOlLfNG Wdte ; Sfep 5 mirlufes and serVe ' Only Fine Quality gives Fine Flavour SALADA- FREE TEA 39c 70s A Beautiful Decorateid 10 oz. Tumbler WitK Every Purchase of Evervescent Fruit Sali ine (EnRlish Typo) Both for OrmesLtd. Pioneer rtu2ff tats The kleiU Store Phones: tl tt t Open Daily From .m. till 10 p.m. Sundays and Holidays From 12 noon tin 2 .nw 7 p.m. till 9 p-m. MacKENZlE'S FURNITURE BABY CARRIAGE AND CART COMBINED Tills year's model is suspended like a cradle on flexible springs, will do for baby from four months to four years Ci Q 7'C and the price is only Phone 775 We Deliver 327 THIRD AVEN1JE Tcer'Rupert!Brand Mild Cured Salmon 15c per Package For Lunch ort Toasted Sandwiches or Pfors d'ocuvre Otic Package Scrv6s Fmir PcOpld Keeps For Weeks in Refrigerator Cheaper Feed Havlrft a surplus" of" rialkley Vatley wheat It in necessary to reduce our price?. Calf up iS' or tii ind Save Mohe"y. Prince Rupert Feed Company m iTBj"BBrTiBFMinTnjiri'MMTrlflHiS NEW ROYAL HOTEL J, Zarelll, Propritof "A HOME AWAY FROM HOME Rte iiii iy SO'Rooms Hot St Cold Water Prince Kupttt, B.C. rhone tSl F.O. Bex IN be